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01x08 - The Gutter Rat

Posted: 03/08/23 19:44
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

If this is some kind of ploy
by Skeletor,

I don't even care.

This isn't
Skeletor's magic, Dad.

Teela brought me back.


- My King, I...
- You brought my boy back.

Thank you, Teela.

I'm sorry I left,
King Randor. I... I was...

You were hurt and angry.

You had every right
to turn your back on Eternos.

So many truths were
kept hidden from you.

- And me.
- Dad?

I should've told you
about He-Man.

And I should have
told you every day

how proud I am of
the man you've become.

Everybody should learn
from their mistakes, Adam.

Even kings.

Especially kings.

And how are you,
friend 'fraidy cat?

Who... me?
I... I...

It was Cringer who
saved us all from Skeletor.

[laughing] What?

[Adam] Skeletor almost
k*lled me, again.

But Cringer here saved my life.

Thank you,
most noble Battlecat.

Uh, you're welcome...
My King.

And who do we have here?

Hi, Your Majesty,
I'm Andra, sir... sire.

I'm a friend of Teela's and...

And a huge help.

Without Andra,

Adam wouldn't be here
right now.

Is that so?

I owe you a greater debt
than I can ever pay.

However, I am King,

so I can pay a lot.

Ask of me of any reward, Andra.

And it is yours.

Well, Your Highness,

after my grandfather died,
I grew up in the streets alone.

I barely slept but when I did,

I'd dream about being
part of a family again.

A-and for the first time
in my life,

I feel like I've
found that family.

So if you're asking me
what I want,

I just want to stay
with all of you.

[clears throat]

Look around, young lady,
this is a military encampment.

We're preparing for w*r here.

A civilian can't stay.

Yes, sir. I understand.

I'm afraid you don't.

You can't stay without me
making you a lieutenant

in my royal guard.

What?! Are you serious?!

Oh, my god. Yes!

You won't be sorry,
my liege.

Thank you, Your Highness.

No, thank you, Lieutenant,

for bringing my family
here to Point Dread.

That wasn't me.

That was Teela.

[Cringer] Teela
teleported us here with magic.


- Uh, um...
- [whirring]




How is this possible?!

It's a long story, Mom,
but for right now,

I'm just happy to have
my family back together again.

"Long story" my butt!

You're gonna come
with me this instant

and tell your mother
what happened.

[Orlax groans]

Hang in there.
We'll get you help.

[Orlax moaning]

[door opens and closes]

You've gone soft,

Brittle without battle,

as it were.

The most dangerous man
in Eternia...

for an opponent we once
considered so formidable,

you know seem rather...

What does it feel like
to lose all your power?

You tell me.

How would I know?
My powers have only gotten stronger.

I have the power
to inflict pain.


Or I can take the pain away.


You play with power
like a cat with a mouse.

But I've seen how
true power is handled.

"Oh, sweet Sorceress..."

I'd long suspected there was something
more in your relationship

than a mutual interest
in He-Man, was I right?

I knew it!

Tell me about the girl
who got away, Man-At-Arms.

You can tell me or,
as the new sorceress,

I can simply rip open your mind
and read your thoughts.

She was the best person
I ever knew.

And the best sorceress.

I will be ten times
the sorceress she ever was.

Well, you're off to
an impressive start,

bullying the Orlax.

Right after your
boyfriend bullies you.

What? You think
the whole castle can't hear it?

Even the things
down in the dungeons

that hate your guts
still feel sorry for you

when they hear him
tear you down

and toss you around.

Nobody here fears you,

We all pity you.

Well, you can keep your pity.

I have power.

And what have you done
with that power?

Or rather, what has Skeletor
let you do with it?

The real sorceress held
so much power,

she gave it away.

It was her gift to bestow
and withdraw at will.

I am drenched in more power

than your silly sorceress
has ever held

in her limp, little hands.

And yet, you've been so
beaten down by your boss,

that you can't see how
you're his better now.

Any might manifested
by the Champion

is only granted to him
by the Sorceress.

So if you are indeed
the new Sorceress,

that makes Skeletor
nothing more

than your servant.

[horses whinny]

We were looking for
survivors and refugees

when I heard the alarm
and I feared

Skeletor had come for Randor.

Now... now I just wish
I could've seen the look

on your father's face
when he saw it was you.

Speaking of Dad,

do I sense a little tension
between you two?

When you lose a child,

it's like losing the light.

The world becomes
too dark to see anymore.

But I'm alive, Mom.

Now, thank Zoar.

But all that time
you were gone,

Randor blamed me because
I never told him

I knew your secret.

At first, I resented his blame

until I resented him.

We were two broken souls,
haunting the palace

like ghosts of
our former selves.

We couldn't agree
on anything

until I just couldn't go on
like that anymore.

I was gonna leave
your father, Adam.

Maybe even go back to Earth.

Until Raenius put us
in the Talon-Fighter

and sent us here.

Then all hell broke loose.

Then this is all my fault.

My death k*lled your marriage.

Oh, this isn't your fault, son.

[Marlena] Sometimes
people just fall apart.

[Skeletor] If things
fall apart any further,

the center will not hold!

Even though I have the sword,

that boy called down
the power without it!

The solution to this riddle
must lie somewhere out there

in the vast
reaches of, uh...

Am I boring you, Lyn?

Come here.

Let me show you something.

Drink it in, Lyn!

The universe is so vast,

yet somehow we still think
we matter to the cosmos.

But we don't!

We're simply spider-mites

adrift in a sea of stars.

I give you...
the Celestial Apex!

Soon, for the first time
since creation,

the planets will align
as they did in the beginning.

And Eternia will
once again find herself

at the center
of the universe!

And since I hold the sword,

this Celestial Apex
will imbue me

with not just power
over the universe,

but power over
existence itself!


And existence could
use a makeover.

I mean, just look at it.

It's all just so... empty.

There's no design,
so there's no meaning.

It's all just... pain.

Life is nothing but
an endless agonizing

free-fall into death,
devoid of any hope.

There's no reason,
there's no plan...

We are, all of us,
utterly alone.


One must be wary
of gazing too deeply

into the horrors
of the void.

It could get awfully addicting.

The closer we get to
the Celestial Apex,

the stronger I become.

So soon it won't matter
how Adam managed

to call down the power
without the sword.

Because I'll have all
the power in existence.

Then what?

What do you mean,
"then what?"

I k*ll this version
of He-Man, too.

First he will kneel,
then he will die!

All at the hands of Skeletor!

That's it!

That's where all this leads.

You stand on
the threshold of

commanding all
the power in existence,

and you're going to use it...

to k*ll He-Man?



How dare you gaggle
at me, Witch!

- [whimpers]
- Who do you think you are?

Not He-Man.

Oh, but would that I were,

I might finally warrant a
modicum of your attention.

You're distracting me from
the Celestial Apex.

You don't need the Celestial
Apex to best He-Man,

you blithering boob.

With a thought, you could
butcher King Randor from here.

And Prince Adam
would come crawling to you,

begging you to spare his
mother's life.

Well, aren't you an imaginative

- little gutter rat?
- [gasps]



[Beast Man]
He thinks you're his.

But what do you think?

Did I ever tell you
how I met Skeletor?

Of course, I didn't.

Till recently I didn't
see much to talk to you

as I was convinced
you were an idiot.

But now I realize you're
the closest thing

I have to a friend
in my wretched life.

I was born
in the Zalesian slums.

And on my fifth birthday,
my starving parents

had no choice but to eat
their only daughter.

And since I didn't
want to be eaten,

I hid in the gutters.

- Like a rat.
- [squeaks]

My salvation was in the sewer,
so that's where I stayed...

for twenty years.

- Then I went from victim...
- [grunts]

Watch where you're going!

[Evil-Lyn] victimizer.






And just as I began to
believe my life

was worth less than sewage...


[grunts, groans]

That's when he found me.

I hate Skeletor.

But I owe him my life.

He lifted me out of
the Zalesian gutter.

He taught me to fight.

He enhanced my magic,
he gave me a place to belong.

He thinks you belong to him.

But my people have a saying,

[speaks in native language]

It means "I am my own."

Be your own, my lady.

Leave, or he will
k*ll you one day.

This, I know.

And you know it, too.

You have to free
yourself of Skeletor.


I have to free us all.

[engines whirring, shuts off]

Get me to Grayskull, cabbie,
and make it snappy!

What are you running from?

Oh, I don't know.

I think I just found out
that my parents are human?

Both? Lucky you.

The secret of He-Man,
my secret...

split up my parents.

And I feel like it's definitely
put a wedge between you and me.

Do you see that?

Our entire lives;

it's been one w*r
after another.

It's not because
we wanna fight,

it's because we protect
our people.

That's what we do.

You thought
sharing your secret

put the people
you loved in danger.

And I can tell that you
only hid your secret

with the best intentions.

Thank you, Teela.

But I can't tell you your
secrets didn't hurt anyone.

There's something else
I never told you.

Teela, I should've
said it a long time ago,

I tried, back in Preternia,

- but then I...
- I know.

The Sorceress is my mom.

Maybe I've always known.

Or being here in
the Mystic Mountains

made me realize it?

I mean,
it's right in the name.

They are mystic.

Maybe that's why
we wound up here

after I used
the Sorceress' spell

to magic us away
from Eternos.

My mother's spell.

I'm sorry for
hiding it from you.

All these years,
you could've known her and...

now it's too late.

She could've told me herself.

Anytime we saw her
at Grayskull.

I guess she never wanted to.

Who can fathom
the human heart?

Let alone the heart
of a sorceress?

Back to bicker with me
some more?

Quite the opposite, my love.

Fighting with you is always
fun, don't get me wrong,

but you've been back so long

and we've yet to engage in our
other favorite pastime.

And what's that?

You know I've always been
attracted to power.

But now you're imbued with it
and I want to feel it all.



Not like this.

If a mere mortal
sleeps with a god,

she could wake up
in the afterlife.

No, you must... power down.

Lest you k*ll me.

Let the power return!



- [gasps]
- I'm happy you took my point.


That's not the point
I came to take.


You simple,
predictable little man.

You stand on the banks
of the River of Chaos,

yet you still don't have
imagination enough

to look beyond your
foolhardy feuds

and your dark desires.

- You are pathetic!
- [whimpers]

You will never k*ll He-Man!

You wouldn't know what to do
with yourself if you did.

He's the only thing
that brings meaning

to your empty little universe.

Be reasonable, Lyn!

Oh, it's far
too late for that.

You showed me
the shape of the universe

and there was no reason.

It was just power unrestricted.

Chaos in a void.

All my sacrifices to bring
the magic back.

The magic you lost
when you shattered the orb.

And it had all the meaning of
a baby bounding on a butterfly.

All because I was missing this.

This silly sword that you value
more than anything.

Certainly more than me.

But as I hold in my hands

that which you've
sought for so long,

I have to wonder,

why bind myself to Grayskull

when I can be my own Champion?

Oh, no.

By the Power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

[thunder booms]

[Teela] Déjà vu.

Good evening,
all of Eternia!

Pathetic, puny, futile fools

crawling in dirt,
consumed by the certainty

of your own importance.

You suffer so endlessly,

sure it will be met
with cosmic balance.

Look up!

To give your lives meaning,

you strive for
an eternal reward

in the great beyond
beside your heroes.

But I've come to free you

of the shackles
of spirituality.



Rise and take your glory.

There is nothing to live for,
merely chaos.

And to chaos,

will we all return.

If Evil-Lyn controls the power,

then she must've
k*lled Skeletor.

She just k*lled
everyone in heaven!

And if we want to live,

we're going to
have to fight.

How? Evil-Lyn is beyond
our weapons now.

Then the only way we can
stop this sorceress...

is with another sorceress.

Teela, with every
passing moment,

Evil-Lyn masters her
new abilities

and grows even more

Then I have to do the same.

If I can tap into the power,
I can stop her.

I just need more time.

Then we're going to need
all the help we can get.

I'll fly to the Avions

and the Adrenids
and ask them to join us.

There's no time, Your Majesty.

Let me try.

I can send a psychic message
to all of Eternia

and ask everyone
to join our fight.

At this point,

I think we welcome
any help we can get.

From anyone.

[knocking on door]

Well, don't just stand there,
you royal boob!

Invite me in.

[theme music playing]