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01x04 - A Race to the Finish

Posted: 03/08/23 14:27
by bunniefuu
Steppin' softly in a danger zone

No w*apon in my hand

[R-D beeping]

It's just this brain designed by man

It's got me in trouble again

Trouble again

I put my life in jeopardy

In the service of my friends

I wouldn't care
But it's a dangerous affair

'Cause I'm in trouble again

[R-D whistles]

Trouble again

In trouble, in trouble, in trouble

Next stop, the Boonta Speeder Race.

So, Jord. You and the Witch ready
to win your first big one?

We're gonna clean up, Thall ol' buddy.
All set, Kea?

Just as soon as R and PO
secure the Witch for lightspeed.

[Kea on comm] PO,
how's it going out there?

Quite well, Mistress Kea,
if I do say so myself.

We'll soon have the couplings fixed.

Oh! What was that?

Master Thall, we're being att*cked.

[Thall on comm] We see it.
Get in here fast!

-The hatch!
-[R-D beeps]

[grunts] It's stuck, R.

[grunts] It won't open.

[screams, grunts]

[Kea] Hey!



Oh, no!

They hit one of the engines.

Who are those guys?

We're not sticking around to find out.
Hit the hyperdrive.

I've tried. Nothing happens.

-Oh, dear!
-[R-D beeps]

-[R-D beeps]

[C-PO] An external hyperdrive control?

Of course I knew it was there.
I was about to suggest trying it myself.

[R-D beeps]

Because of them I lost
my super w*apon, the Trigon,

the key to my take-over
of every other g*ng in the galaxy.

And now all I have
is this floating scrap heap.

Hey! They're slowing down.

Huh? Hmm.

Floating scrap heap, eh? Watch this.


-Now see what you've gone and done, R.
-[R-D whimpers]


-Oh, no.


All right.

Huh? Where in the galaxy could they--

You let them get away again, Tiggy.

Well, what did you expect
from a scrap heap like this?

[grumbles] After them!

We'll be lucky if we're not stranded here.

Don't worry.

The hyperdrive is fine.

[Tig] Prepare for lightspeed… now!


Jord, are you okay?

[groans] I'm all right.

What about the droids?


-[Kea] R, PO, are you okay?
-[R-D beeps]

It was a close call, but, as always,
I kept my head on straight.


Oh, R, what now?

[R-D beeps, whistles]

Oh, no! Prepare to land!

[C-PO exclaims]

-Landing gear's out. Brace yourselves.
-[Thall, Jord grunt]

[C-PO screaming]

-[C-PO grunts]

Help! R, get me down.


Welcome to the Boonta scrapyard.

You here to pick up or drop off?

We're here by accident.

[droid] Hmm. You're telling me.

Would you kindly help me down?

[C-PO] Oh!

[R-D beeps]

Me? I'm Proto One.
One of a kind is how I like to put it.

[C-PO] Your creator must've been
one of a kind as well.

I created me.

They junked me after a century
of loyal mechanical service,

so I repaired myself.

[R-D beeps]

-Pleased to meet you, R-D.
-[R-D beeps]

Is there a medical unit nearby?

Ooh, you're lucky.
There's one just over the hill.

Right by the track.

Hmm. Nice speeder you got there.
Bit banged up, but she'll go.

Can't say the same to your ship.

I could fix that.

I'm sure Mistress Kea
would like a second opinion.

Look, chrome dome, I may be old,

but I can run circles around your circuits
any day of the millennium.

Can you fix it?

Just said I could.


We'll be back after the race.

Good enough.

-Nice meeting you, R-D.
-[R-D beeps]

I advise you to choose
your friends more carefully, R.

[R-D beeps]

We droids are often judged
by the company we keep.

[R-D honks]

I used to be the number one gangster
in the galaxy.

Now look at me.

All because of those young
speeder racers and their friends.

I want you to make them pay.

[man] I will do as you ask, Sise Fromm.

Who's he talking to?

I should mention I'm not getting along
with some of the other g*ng leaders.

[man] Jabba the Hutt has
a reward out for you.

[stammers] You--
You can't tell him I'm here.

Have no fear, Sise Fromm,
I owe you a favor.

I shall do as you ask.


Use any means you want.

Just bring those meddlers to me.

No one escapes me.
I have someone on the job.

[man] Just remember…

Boba Fett.

After this, we are settled, Sise Fromm.

After this, I owe you nothing.

Why are we getting mixed up
with that bounty hunter?

Ah, they don't come much worse than him.

I almost feel sorry
for those two speeder racers.


A racer needs two good arms.

Looks like you're in the driver seat,
little buddy.

There'll be other races, Jord.

Not like this one.

Every speeder big shot
in the system's here.

Hey, you're both out of the race

if we don't find a place
to patch up the Witch.

[R-D beeps]

Don't be ridiculous, R.

He suggests we employ the help
of that walking scrap heap, Proto One.

Hey, not a bad idea.

But sir, I have already found someone
who can help us.

Well, actually, he found me.

You'll find a full complement of tools,
Master Thall.

Everything you should need.

This is too good to be true.

How long can we use it, BL-?

For as long as you need it.

My master is elsewhere
taking care of some business.

Talk about luck.

Too bad Jord has to spend a night
in the medical unit.

Yeah, he would've had fun
in here with all these tools.

Good work, PO.

You're fortunate to have
such a devoted droid in your service.


I just try to do my best.

Don't you see, Vlix?

We have to beat Boba Fett to the punch.

We have to prove to my father
that we can take care of those two.

What do you mean "we", reptile?

You have to help me, Vlix.

What's in it for me?


[Vlix grumbles]


A new wardrobe.

You can even call me Tiggy.

You're on, Tiggy.


[Kea] Don't be too angry with him, R.

PO is just happy to find someone
that shares his other interests.


[C-PO] Mistress Kea,

it turns out that BL- and I graduated
from the same production facility.


What do you mean where have I been?

Since when have you become my master?

If you really must know,

BL- and I have been comparing notes

-on our travels.
-[R-D beeps]

It is a pleasure to associate
with a droid of comparable intellect.

-For a change.
-[R-D beeps]

Perhaps the R unit would care to join
in our conversations.

R is a good worker, but alas,
he's not one for stimulating conversation.

I'll go over to the parts depot and see
if Master Thall needs some assistance.

Hurry back.

I'd like to help.

Oh, splendid.

I'm glad I'm not the only droid capable
of assisting our master.

[R-D beeps, honks]

[BL-] I'll be along in a moment.

[coughs, groans]


Gas… [coughing]

[R-D beeps]


[beeping, whistles]


While they're gone, we can plant
this detonator in their speeder.

Aha! Huh?

[both exclaim]

[both shouting]

[R-D beeping]

[Thall] Kea!

[panting] Kea, what happened?

[coughs] Gas…

Leak in the welding t*nk.

I'm all right thanks to R.

-[Kea coughs]
-Good work, pal.

[grunts] Come on, Kea.

We'll get some oxygen tablets
in the medical unit.

R, keep an eye on the Witch
while we're gone, okay?


R-D, what have you done to the shop?


Leaking gas?

[R-D beeps]

What do you mean
a lifter destroyed the door?


No excuses.

You were the one using the welding tanks.
You were careless.

[BL-] Well, you can't leave the Witch
unprotected like this.

I have a place where we can store it.

I suggest we take it there immediately.


I don't know
what I'd do without you BL-.

As for you, R-D,

so far your presence has been completely
detrimental to our master's plans.

I suggest that you leave
before you destroy anything else.



How are we going to keep up
with a speeder in this thing?

Just watch me.

Hang on. But don't wrinkle the suit.

[Tig screams]

[R-D beeping]

R, what is it?


He must be picking up a signal from PO.

Let's go.

[metal clanging]

[machine whirring]

[BL-] The White Witch will be safe
at this processing plant.

Excellent, BL-.

Well, what have we here?

If it isn't BL-,

the lowest form of synthetic life
to ever crawl across a planet.

Why, there's no need to be insulting.

[BL-] I thought you were deactivated
ages ago, old-timer.

But I see you've saved
that privilege for me.

Really now, BL-, I don't care
for this rustic anymore than you,

but I really don't think--

Put a clamp on it chrome dome.

I've been waiting for this moment.

But-- But I don't understand.

[Proto One] Run for it!

[Proto One exclaims, grunts]


What have I done?

[BL-] By now,
your R friend's received my signal.

He will lead your master
into my master's trap.

Too bad you won't be around to see it.

Oh, what a fool I've been.

To trust a stranger over R,
my real friend.

Goodbye, R.

-I'm sorry.
-[R-D screeches]

-[C-PO] R!

Oh, no you don't. [exclaims]

Try to harm my friend, would you?


Oh, my.

R, can you forgive me?


Master Thall!

The Witch must be around here somewhere.

[both] Whoa!

[Kea] It's a trap!

We've got to find the Witch
and get out of here.

[Tig] This ought to do it.

This thermal detonator will help them
finish the race with a real bang.

Ten laps and then… poof!

-[both laugh]
-[Vlix] Who needs Boba Fett?

Master Thall! The Witch! Down here!

[Thall] R, start her up.

I'll use it to draw them off.

-Sit tight. You'll be okay.

PO, take cover.

[speeder engine starting]

[Thall] Yeehaw!

[Proto One] You've got to stop him.

They planted a thermal detonator
on his speeder.

Thermal detonator?

It's gonna go off in ten laps.

Ten laps!

We've got to stop Thall
before he finishes the race.

[announcer on PA]
Welcome to the Boonta Speeder Race.

[crowd chattering]

[Sise growls] Look.

Admiral Screed.

Everyone's here
except the Emperor himself. [laughs]

This is real nice of you
to let us share your private viewing box.

Where is Thall Joben?

I wanna see his speeder
blown into a million pieces.

-Come on, Thall. Where are ya?
-[siren blaring]

[engines whirring]

[announcer] They're off!

-[Thall] Yahoo!
-What the--

Go get 'em, Thall!

Wait, who's that?

[announcer] A late entry.

Boba Fett in his Silver Speeder.

Nine laps to go.

[R-D beeps]

[Thall] Hey!

This will slow you down.


[Thall] R, we're being pulled back.


[Jord] Go, buddy! Hang in there.

[Sise laughs]

Five down.

[Tig] Only five more laps!

You haven't won yet.

-[R-D beeping]
-[Thall] Just a few more laps, R.

Stay with her, Thall!

Jord, a thermal detonator
is set to blow the Witch.

In three laps.

[Jord] Three laps?

Excuse me, sir. Two laps.


A thermal detonator!

Lap ten!

[siren blaring]

[crowd cheering]

[announcer] And the winner is Thall Joben!

Nice driving, little buddy.

You were great! We knew you'd win.



Oh. Um…

Bravo! Bravo!

Oh, R, you were great too.


Was that Boba Fett?

I've heard of him.

Why would a bounty hunter bother with us?

A bounty hunter?

[man] Congratulations.

That was a fine race you won,
and that is a fine speeder.

My name is Zebulon Dak.

The Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation?

[Zebulon] So, you've heard of me?

I want you two to work for me.

Designing and building.

Um, when can you start?

-Uh… [chuckles] …tomorrow?
-[Zebulon] Tomorrow then.

-[all cheer]
-[R-D beeps]

[C-PO] Why, it sounds like
a dream come true, Master Thall.

The Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation.

Well, we couldn't have done it
without your help, you and R.


As R puts it so well,
it is our honor and privilege to serve.

[laughs] All the same, thanks.

A master never has to thank his droid,
but we do appreciate your… appreciation.

[R-D beeps, whimpers]

[Sise] Going somewhere?

[Thall] I should've guessed
the Fromm family was behind this.

You guys never know when to quit.

[Proto One] Drop 'em!

I'm warning you.

Hands behind your head.

-[Kea] Proto!
-[C-PO] Proto!

[Sise grumbles] Let's get out of here.

[Boba] Blunder!

Your meddling has cost me my droid,

my speeder and almost my neck, Tig Fromm.

It was all his idea, to try and--

[Boba] Let's go.

[both grunt]

I'm turning you over
to Jabba the Hutt for the reward.


[Tig] But-- But-- you-- you can't.

We can talk this over, can't we?

[Vlix] You talk too much, Tiggy.

Well, they certainly deserve each other.

-Let's get out of here.
-Yeah, we've got a meeting with Zebulon.

[R-D beeping]

R, Proto, we must be on our way.

No, not me. Boonta's my home.

-Take care of yourself.
-[R-D beeps]

-Goodbye, old friend.
-[R-D beeps]

Drop around anytime.
Old Proto will always be here.

[R-D beeping]

R, what are you doing?

Leave the intercom alone.

[R-D beeps]

[Kea on comm] So what are we going to do?

You're sure Zebulon
won't let R and PO go along?

[Thall] Impossible. It's company policy.

They'd have to be reprogrammed.

[on comm]
I'm afraid they'd no longer be R and PO.

-Then forget Zebulon Dak.
-Okay, it's settled.

We don't take the job.

[Kea] You couldn't find two better friends
in the galaxy.

Prepare for lightspeed.

R, where are you going?

[R-D beeping]

Of course. You're absolutely right.

[Kea] Going to lightspeed…


[C-PO] I don't like leaving like this,
but it seems to be the only way.


Yes. If we had stayed, they wouldn't
have taken the job with Zebulon Dak.

Now they're free.


Yes, it was a sacrifice, R,
but that's what friends are for.


[C-PO] We may be surrounded
by nothingness,

but we do have something…
