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01x03 - The Trigon Unleashed

Posted: 03/08/23 14:25
by bunniefuu
Steppin' softly
in a danger zone

No w*apon in my hand

[R-D beeping]

It's just this brain
designed by man

It's got me in trouble again

Trouble again

I put my life in jeopardy

In the service of my friends

I wouldn't care But
it's a dangerous affair

'Cause I'm in trouble again

[R-D whistles]

Trouble again

In trouble, in
trouble, in trouble

[exclaims] We're doomed.

R? R.

I... I think those gangsters
want their weapons satellite back.

R! [Grunts]

[R-D beeps]

They sent a mercenary droid
after us, and it's going to...


[R-D chirps]

It was you!

Very clever. I
knew it all along.

[R-D beeps]

Thall, can't PO
and I come along?

Uh, no, Kea. Those gangsters, the Fromms,
won't rest until they get the Trigon back.

[C-PO] As I understand
it, Mistress Kea,

the fewer people who know where
Master Thall and R hide the satellite,

the safer it will be.

Not to mention the safer you'll
be if the Fromms catch up with us.

[R-D beeps]

[engines powering up]

PO, take care of Kea.

Oh, I shall, sir. Um, perhaps
you could look after R.

He just can't manage without me.

- [Thall] We'll be back soon.
- [R-D beeps]



[C-PO grunts]



Mistress Kea, it's me, C-PO.

I shared your concern, so I
was trying to hook up this antenna

to that old subspace receiver,
to take our minds off things.

[monitor buzzes]

[droids beeping]

Oh, look! R's favorite program.

Perhaps I can improve
the reception if I...

[grunts, screams]


Oh, R is so much
better at these things.

[monitor buzzes]

It's not my fault, Father.

I'll get our weapons satellite
back from those Rebels.

That's Tig Fromm. You've
tuned into his private frequency.

Sise Fromm.

You get it back or
I'll get another son.

I should never have
financed that hunk of tin.

You and your superweapons.

But, Father, the Trigon One will make
us the most powerful g*ng in the quadrant.


Until we have it back, we're the
most desperate g*ng in the quadrant.

Where's Vlix?

He's about to capture the ones
who took my... uh, your satellite.

Oh, no! Master Thall and R.

He's got them surrounded
at the old speeder shop.

PO, wait.

We can't let them walk into
an ambush at the speeder shop.

- Speeder shop? [Screams]
- [Kea] Down!

You're the droid Tig
was talking about.

They're after us.

- [gasps]
- [blasters firing]

We need a plan.

If only R were here.

He always has a plan
or some ridiculous idea.

We're on our own.
What do you suggest?


Well, we could surrender.

I mean it's one strategy.

[blasters firing]

[Vlix] All right.

You've got three seconds
to give yourself up.

One, two, three!

- [laughs]
- [blasters firing]

[Thall] Yeehaw!

- [speeder whirring]
- What?

- [screams]
- [grunts]

Let's go!


Get 'em.

- [R-D beeps]
- Hurry, PO! Hurry.

- [grunts]
- I'm trying. I'm trying.

Oh, my goodness!


[C-PO] Whoa!

All right, you clones. You
know the plan. After them!

[all shouting]

They'll never find us.

I know these streets
like the back of my hand.

- Thall, look, the door!
- I see it.

- [screams]
- [screams]

Well done, Master Thall.

Thall, look!

[C-PO] Whoa!

[Kea] I can't believe they're
missing us at this range.

Their aim is just fine with me.

[R-D beeps]

Sir, R believes that they're
missing us intentionally.

[Thall] What's that
supposed to mean?

[R-D beeps]

He believes we're
being channeled into a...



[Kea] Trap?

- Not if I can help it!
- [R-D whistles]

[speeder whirring]

[R-D beeps, whistles]

[shushes] R, be quiet.

Thanks to our master's expertise,
we've managed to escape your alleged...


- Trap?
- [R-D beeps]


I believe you have something
that belongs to Mr. Fromm.

You'll never get it back.

Maybe you'd like to
tell that to him yourself.


So, you see, it doesn't help anyone
to have all these gangs around.

I mean, half the time you don't
know who's victimizing whom.

Oh, we're perfectly clear who
is victimizing us, aren't we R?

He is.

With my weapons satellite, we'll
just eliminate the other gangs,

and things will
be a lot simpler.

[Vlix] Tiggy…

Where is my Trigon One?

Don't worry, Tig.
It's in a safe place.


[droids beeping on monitor]





[Tig] You will hand
over what is mine,

or else I will show you
something you'll never forget.

- Mother!
- Jord!

Where's my weapons satellite?

Tell him to push start a
turbo engine, from behind.

Don't tell them anything, Kea.

The choice is yours.

- Oh, dear.
- [groans]

[monitor buzzes]

Either tell me what
I want to know, or…


You reptile! [Grunts]

[Thall] Kea, no!

- [grunts]
- [groans]

Oh, dear.

- You…
- [screams]

Oh, my…

- [Thall coughs]
- [Kea coughs]

One last time,
where is my Trigon?

- I'll talk to Sise.
- My father?

The real power in the family.


So I thought you would like the pleasure
of interrogating them yourself, Father.

[Sise] So, you couldn't
even get them to talk.

Actually, they were
begging to confess to me,

but I thought, "Why not let
Dad have a little fun, hmm?"

[Sise] So, once
again it's up to me.

No. I mean…

Of all the sons in the galaxy,
how did I manage to get you?

Why is it that he
never believes me?

- [R-D beeps]
- [C-PO whimpers]

The least they could've done was
to put us in a gravity compartment.

[R-D beeps, whistles]

I may never regain my
equilibrium. [whimpers]

It's all right for you.

You can just hang
there like a magnetic bat.

[R-D beeping]


I can't take much
more of this, R.

I'm about ready to
listen to your plan.

- [R-D beeps]
- What plan?

You always have some twisted
scheme in that dustbin dome of yours.

- [R-D beeps]
- Oh, fine.

The first time we actually
need one, you're empty.

[R-D beeps]

We get through the shaft, take
over the ship, get the Trigon.

And do what with it?

Blow Sise Fromm's stronghold and look
for Jord and your mother in the pieces?

Thall, we've nothing to
fight them with but the Trigon.

So let them use it
against themselves.

- I think you're space-sick, Thall Joben.
- Just trust me.

You can put your arms
down, PO. I think they got us.

It's my circuit, sir. They
think I'm still upside down.

Just keep your
eyes and ears open.

[R-D beeps, whistles]

We're not prisoners
R. We're spies.

We have to find out
everything we can.

[R-D beeps]

[R-D beeps]

Um, excuse me, sir,
but what is in that room?

That's where the
droids that spy on us go.


- Oh.
- [R-D whistles]

We're not spies
R. We're prisoners.

[R-D beeps]

[C-PO] Prisoners, R.
Perfect, model prisoners.

[slurps] Eat.


I understand you'd
like to propose a trade.

Let Kea's mother and
Jord go free, then we'll talk.

You take me for
a fool, Mr. Joben?

You're not dealing with my son.



It's only my circuit balance
shifting back. [Groans]

[Sise growls]

- The Trigon One is on Ingo…
- Thall!

…In the Jarl forest, near the
bantha-shaped rock formation.

I know the spot.

Where do you think you're going?

Please, Father. It's mine... [stammers]
I mean, it's yours. But I built it.

All right, all right.

Vlix, go with him and make
sure he brings it back this time.


What about my mother?

She stays right where she is.

You're not surprised.
I didn't think you'd be.

Lock them up until I figure out
what our young friend's game is.

[C-PO] Well, I hope this place of
confinement will at least have gravity.

Oh, dear.

And then they threw me in here and
took Demma to an interrogation cell.

You shouldn't have come.

[R-D beeps]

No, R, it's too late. You should've
had a plan when we first needed it.

- Well, what's his idea?
- Oh, a ridiculous plan.

We'll try anything.

If you insist, sir.

This had better work.

I certainly hope you hid
our master's jewels, R.

They're worth more than we are.

Jewels? What jewels? Where?

Oh, please, sir, don't do that. My
circuits are out of balance as it is.



All right. The jewels
are in the R unit's panel.

Well, let's have 'em.

[C-PO] Now, R. Now.


[C-PO grunts]

Oh, good work, R.

I'll go help PO.

Whoa! [Groans]

[R-D beeps]


[control panel whirs]

- [grunts]
- Whoa!

PO, how long will it take Tig to get
the Trigon back here at light speed?

About seconds, sir.

Correction. Arrival time should
be in minutes, give or take.

We have to get your mother outta
here before Tig returns with the Trigon.

If we don't, no one will
ever leave this place.

Whatever does the master mean?

[R-D beeps]

The moment the Trigon arrives,
this place will become a crater!

That's just half power.

With full power transferred
to the laser cannons,

this baby could take
out a whole planet.

At long last, you have proven
yourself worthy of the Fromm name.

I am proud of you, Tig, son.

Just slow down, Tiggy.
I can't keep up with you.


- [Sise] Don't call him Tiggy.
- [Tig laughs]

Hey! Watch it!


- Sorry, Vlixy.
- [Sise laughs]

That's my boy.

[R-D beeps]

Okay, Thall, interrogation
cell's one level up.

We can get there
through this service tube.

[R-D beeps]

Sir, we don't have much time.

Commandeer the
fastest ship you can find.

- If I'm not back in time...
- Leave without us.

- But, Kea...
- She's my mother. I'm going with him.

Uh, you heard her. Let's go.

You heard him. Let's go.

[fluid gushing]

That Strato Driver's
the fastest crate here.

[R-D beeps]

Where's he going?

I expect he's come up with some
sort of plan. Now we're in real trouble.

Hey! Put that back.

- [thuds]
- [groans]


Quick! In there.

- [thuds]
- [groans]

- Hi.
- [screams]


Thall, she's not here.

The next level.

Okay, altering guidance systems.
Ready to lock in landing coordinates.

[buttons beep]

- [button buzzes]
- Huh?

[button clicks]

- [Sise] Tig, what's wrong?
- I don't know.

The guidance systems, the
docking sequence, it's not responding.

What does that mean?

Father, I'm on a collision
course with the stronghold.


You mean R and Thall sabotaged
the Trigon when they hid it?

According to R, it's set on a
collision course with this stronghold.

[Jord] It'll be here any minute.

Well, don't just stand there.

Go and help Thall.

I hoped you'd say
that, sir, but how?

[R-D beeps]

Cargo sled? R, wait for me.



- [rhythmic beeping]
- Stop it. Tiggy, you blundering idiot.

Turn it around. Do
something, anything!

I'm trying. I'm trying.

- Slow down, R. Be careful.
- [R-D beeps]

[electricity crackles]


[R-D beeps]

[C-PO] Oh, my
goodness. [Groans]

[R-D beeps]

Don't you call me a back seat driver.
Whoever programmed you to drive?

[C-PO screams]

[R-D shrieks, beeps]


[R-D shrieks]

[console beeps]

What? Come on, come on.

[cargo sled whirring]

- Abandon ship...
- [screams]

- [C-PO screams]
- [crashes]

[cargo sled whirring]

- [R-D beeps]
- Oh, dear. [Screams]


Whoa! Oh!

[Kea] Look out!

- [sled crashes]
- [both grunt]

[R-D beeps]

Thank goodness you're safe.

- Kea!
- [gasps] Mother!


[Kea laughs]

- Uh, PO, how long?
- Any moment, sir.

- [R-D beeps]
- What now?

- [R-D beeps]
- The service tube? What evacuation alarm?

[alarm blaring]



[console beeping]

Vlix, where's Tig?

I'm on Vlix's ship.

You better evacuate, Father.

And you better have a big head
start because when I catch you…

- [Sise growling]
- [shudders]

- [screaming]
- [alarm blaring]

[ratchet grinding]

I hot-wired the booster drive, but
I need a servo to join it together.

Sir, the Trigon is almost here.

[R-D beeps]

Oh, no. R's got another plan.

- [screaming]
- [alarm blaring]

[Jord] Come on.

[ship approaching]

- [Jord] Yahoo!
- [Thall] All right! [Cheers]

[Kea cheering]

When you mess things up,
Tiggy, you mess 'em up real good.

[Sise] I know you
two can hear me.

I hope you have something
better than light speed in that bucket

because I'm coming after you.

And when I catch you…

- [whimpers]
- [whimpers]

- So thanks to you...
- Us.

No more weapons
satellite, no more stronghold

and no more Fromm g*ng.

Right, we fixed the Trigon so it would
home in on Sise's communication signal.

So, in other words,
you let evil destroy itself.


It was all R's idea.

[C-PO] I'm a little
tired of R's ideas.

Especially the one to use my
servomechanism to guide the spacecraft.

Aw, come on, PO. What
would we do without you?

I really don't know, sir.

But, well, I'm afraid
you would be left

- to the mercy of R's plans.
- [R-D beeping]

They may be R's plans, PO, but
you're the one who sees 'em through.

[laughs] You two
are a terrific team.

Well, when you put it that way,

- I really can't disagree.
- [R-D beeps]