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02x19 - Hereafter

Posted: 03/08/23 13:34
by bunniefuu
We have all been
wronged by the same man.

We have. We have.

We all seek the same redress.

We do. We do.

We agree to work together

To achieve our ultimate goal.

We will. We will.

Speak your names.



Weather wizard.



Speak the word
and seal the pact.


You said he'd come.

A matter of time.

He's unaccountably
fond of this dump.

The cops seem fond of it, too.

Toyman, isn't that
thing ready yet?

Just finishing up.

Everybody down!


I'm sensing something's moving

Through the local air
mass, heading this way fast.

The rat's taken the cheese.

You ready, toyman?

You bet. This will be fun.

Uh-oh. Wrong rat.

Watch out for iron giant.

Those darts are no joke.

Copy that. I'm only
a few minutes away.

Be careful. This is
obviously an ambush.

Those guys travel in bunches.

Maybe we should call this off.

Excellent advice.


Grr! Oh!



I gathered.

There are so many reasons

Why that shouldn't have worked.

Our next priority is
to get rid of metallo.

I got an idea.

Hang on.

J'onn, make yourself scarce.


Looks like supes is
gonna miss the party.

Give us some more cover.

The amazon's mine.

Maybe you should
get a strap for this.

That all you got?

Not quite.

Impressive, little man.

If you stand down right now,

I'll let you live
to tell the story.

I just flattened wonder woman.

You really think
you can b*at me?

I'm not trying to b*at you.

I'm trying to stall you.

Stall me? For what?

Ah... Ooh!

For what it's
worth, I don't think

You could have
taken batman, either.

Rain, rain, go away.

Little johnny wants to play.

Give it up, toyman.

You'll never hit
me with that thing.

Maybe not, but what
about your friends?



Superman go bye-bye.

Stay back. It's full of acid.


Do I look like I'm
playing games?

What are you gonna do to me?

I'm gonna punch a
hole in your head.

We don't do that to our enemies.

Speak for yourself.

I'm trying to speak
for superman.

This is snapper carr, returning
to our continuing coverage

Of the death of superman.

I'm here at first
metropolis cathedral,

Where just hours from now,

Services will be held for
the world's greatest hero.

In addition to friends,
colleagues, and loved ones,

Heads of state from
over 400 countries

Are expected to attend today.

In the streets of metropolis,
as in cities all over the world,

Thousands have gathered

To pay their last respects
to the man of steel.

Our all-day live
coverage will conclude

Following superman's ceremonial
interment later this evening.

Afterwards, our panel of
commentators and pundits

Will debate the question
on everyone's lips...

Without superman, can
there be a justice league?

Our coverage of the death
of superman will continue.

I must admit...

I'm also concerned
about the league's future.

I never expected to hear

That kind of talk
from you, j'onn.

How many battles did we win

Simply because he was there?

Yeah. I used to be able
to goof around so much

Because I knew
superman had my back.

Now all I've got is his example,

And that's gonna
have to be enough.

What is it, alfred?

I'm afraid it's time,
master bruce.

I'm not going to the funeral.


Because he's not dead.

What tipped me off was
the lack of evidence.


I brought all this
from the crime scene,

And I've examined it
every way I know how.

And you found?

Absolutely nothing.

No scorching, no
residue, no radiation.

Objects were here,
then they were gone.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

Matter can't be
created or destroyed,

Just changed from
one form into another.

As you say, sir.

I believe I heard
something about that

When I attended grammar school.

So, unless the law of conservation
of mass has been repealed,

There's still hope.

That's... Wonderful
news, master bruce.

Nevertheless, don't you think

You should make an appearance?

What for?

I've got work to do.

Batman hasn't arrived.

Have you spoken with him?

He's still not answering calls.

He doesn't handle
loss very well.

Is that him now?

I can't see.

I can.

Luthor, how dare you
show your face here?

Lois, i...

You've come to gloat.

You've tried to get
rid of him for years.

Are you happy now?

Isn't this what you've
always wanted?

I hate you! I hate you!

Believe it or not, I'm
going to miss him, too.

Though we gather here today,

Bound together
in sorrow and loss,

We share a precious gift.

We are all of us
privileged to live a life

That has been
touched by superman.

The man of steel possessed
many extraordinary gifts,

And he shared
them with us freely.

None of these gifts
were more remarkable

Than his ability to discern
what needed to be done

And his unfailing
courage in doing it,

Whatever the personal cost.

Let us all strive to accept
his gift and pass it along,

As an ongoing tribute
to kal-el of krypton,

The immigrant from the stars

Who taught us all
how to be heroes.

And superman holds the
grenade in his hands like this.

So it blows, and he
doesn't even move.

And I say, "are you all right?"

And he says...

This is the best part.

He says, "fine. And you?"

To superman.

To superman.

Perhaps this
isn't the best time,

But we need to consider
replenishing our forces.

A new member?
Who? Aquaman maybe?


Is supergirl old enough?

Before we look outside,
we should start with family.

Batman, this is diana.

Go ahead.

We're discussing the
future of the justice league.

We're hoping you'll
make it official

And become a full-time member.

I'm busy. Batman out.

Yeah, aquaman could
definitely pick up

Batman's slack in the
pompous jerk department.

He's grieving. Give him time.

What's with all the long
faces, justice dweebs?

It's like a wake in here.

Lighten up. The answer to
all your problems has arrived.

Since we're going to
be working together,

You can call me lobo.

You are not welcome here.

This is a private gathering.

Yeah, yeah. Superman
kicked the bucket.

That's why I'm here.

I don't know you,

But I'm pretty
sure I don't like you.

Good instinct.

His name's lobo.

He's a lowlife bounty hunter.

The main man happens to be

The best bounty hunter
in the known universe.

You could ask superman,

If he weren't busy
pushing up daisies.

Hey, don't talk
about him like that.

Superman was our friend.

Mine, too. I saved his
life once, you know.

That's not how
he told the story.

Whatever. The point is,
superman bit the big one,

And the main man's
here to take his place.

You're no superman.

The ladies say different.

Stay down.

On the contrary,

Get up and leave.

The justice league

Does not require your services

At this or any other time.

Now I get it. You
clowns don't think

The main man is tough enough

To join your little
girl scout troop.

Easy mistake to fix.

You want an audition?

Come on, ladies. Let's dance.

Another dead-end.

I'm beginning to wonder
if I might be wrong.

I've got some things to say.

I should have said them
when you were here, but...

Despite our differences,

I have nothing but
respect for you.

I hope you knew... Know that.

You showed me that justice

Doesn't always have to
come from the darkness.

I'll miss...

What did you
always call it, clark?

"The never-ending battle"?

This is hopeless. We may as well

Be throwing candy corn at them.

So, what do you want to do...

Give them the city?

You think your pitiful
human prison can hold me?

This looks like a
job for superman,

But I don't think he's coming.

Heh heh heh!





Too bad. He was kind of cute.

Come on, green longjohns.
Let me out of here

So I can go upside your head.

Remember to look both
ways before you cross me.


You talk too much.


You want to settle down now?

Please say no.

I got it.


Ah! Ah! Ooh! Ah!

All right, that's it!

I'm ok!

All right, already.
I guess I'll let

You all stay on
the team with me,

But I'm the leader.


The justice league is about
more than physical power.

It's about ideals,
caring, helping.

Buy me a ticket to pukesville.

All right, all right.

Say what you want,

But the justice league
needs the main man.

He might be right.

Metropolis is under siege.

Following a mass jailbreak,

Dozens of supervillains
are running amuck downtown,

Apparently in celebration
of the recent loss of...

You ain't gonna be sorry
you brought the main man.

Right. Like we were going to

Leave you alone
in the watchtower.

But long as I'm here,

I get to bust heads.

You will do precisely
as we instruct...

No more, no less.

Sure thing. Finders keepers
on any bounties, right?

You need to be quiet now.

Get your own money.

There's plenty.

Guess that was a little
too much to hope for.




Hey, hat hair!

Want a piece of me?


I'm gonna grind you into paste.

Awful brave talk for a dead man.

I'm not dead yet.

You're right.

My watch is about
10 seconds fast.




Does that account for everyone?

Say it. Say it.


I can't hear you.

He's beaten. Put the car down.

I was gonna.

Pretty good, huh?

When you got lobo on your team,

Who needs superman?