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02x12 - A Better World: Part II

Posted: 03/08/23 13:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on justice league...

We're looking at
another dimension.

It's just like ours.

Almost. But their
flash is still alive.

So is their luthor.

Their world is the
mess ours used to be.

Too bad we can't help them.

Who says we can't?

And the dimensions appear to
be collapsing on each other.

So it's agreed, then.

Let's do it. I'm in.


Look at that thing.

When we stop it,
they'll be so grateful,

They'll roll right over for us.


And what's with the
new costumes, guys?

We just felt it was
time for a change.


Because you and your friends

Couldn't do what
needed to be done.

There are mercury switches
at your hands and feet.

Any motion, and
I'll know about it.

You've thought of everything.


Just everything
you'll ever think of.


What are you looking at, huh?

Calm down.

You'll appreciate this someday.

Yeah? I don't think hawkgirl is
going to appreciate it too much.

That was an accident.

She's in our best
hospital now, and...

I don't want to hear it.

Believe me, the last thing
we want is to lose another...

Another what?

I think he likes you.

Must be my magnetic personality.

More likely, it has to do with
what happened to this world's flash.

You mean he's...

All this had to have
been set off by something.

But to go this far,

Even over me...

It isn't that far
from what we do...

If you think about it.

I'd rather not.

You figured a way out of here?


Don't you mean, not yet?

No. I mean, not going to.

I can't believe they
left it so unprotected.

We did... For a long time.

And how often did it
come back to bite us?

Flash! Flash!



You'll appreciate this someday.

What are you doing?

Trying every
possible combination.


How'd you know?

They're the numbers I
use. How'd you get out?

I sped up my heartbeat till
it looked like it flatlined.

I didn't know you could do that.

Neither did i, but I had to
come up with something

If you weren't going to.

I couldn't, not with him

Anticipating everything
I could ever think of.

But who could anticipate you?

I don't know about
the rest of you,

But I'm ready to
kick some serious...

You're gonna have
to wait on that.

They've got hawkgirl
in a hospital somewhere.

You need to find
out which one she's in

And get there before
they hear about this.

This is your city. You know
the hospitals better than we do.

I've got a portal to find.

I'll go with you.

Sorry, I have to do this alone.

Hospitals, hospitals.

They'd never keep
her in that one.

There's no security.

And this one doesn't
have the right equipment.

Wait a minute. In this
world, we are the bad guys.


Where would you send a
sick bad guy around here?

Wait here. You're
dead, remember?

Hey, the costumes will
tip them off, anyway.

We'll just say it's
a fashion choice.

We need to see
one of the inmates.

Why, certainly, superman.

Right this way.

Oh, one little thing.

Today's password...

J'onn j'onzz,
thinking: applesauce.



But wonder woman
was supposed to say it.


You must be stopped.

A robot.

I built mine to take over
for me when I had to be away.

Looks like the other
guy had the same idea...

In spades.



I knew you'd come here.

Just like I know you're
going to... Do that.

What are you hiding for?

I do my best work in the dark.

I used to think that, too.

But what have you ever
accomplished from there,

Aside from scaring a
few punks half to death

And putting a few more in jail?

It all adds up.

Not fast enough.

If you really want
to make a difference...

If you want to change the
system instead of just patching it,

You can't be subtle.

You've got to step
into the sunlight,

Take over, like we did.

Violent behavior
will not be tolerated.

Nor will a bad attitude.

You're not supposed
to pick the flowers.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

It's all right.

It... Is?

With me, anyway.

This kind of thing just
doesn't bother me anymore.

In fact, nothing really
bothers me anymore.

But you might want to
watch out for superman.

Will you excuse me?


Think about it.

A world where there's no crime,

No victims, no pain.

And no choice.

Who elected you anyway?

Who elected you?

The problem with democracy is,

It doesn't keep you very
safe. It has other virtues.

But you seem to have forgotten.

I didn't forget. I just chose
peace and security instead.

You grabbed power!

And with that power,

We've made a world
where no 8-year-old boy

Will ever lose his parents

Because of some punk with a g*n.

You win.

Your friends are
tearing up arkham.

Then shouldn't we stop them?

I'm going in for her.

Ha! Ha! Ha!


I can't believe this is gotham.

Where's the litter?

If you want people to
respect the big laws,

You've got to enforce
the small ones.

What are you doing?

The small laws, remember?

I'm not paying for this.

Bad food, lousy service,

And then you add
up the check wrong.

Sir, you're disturbing
the other customers.

Look? 5 And 5 make 15?

Would you come with us, please?

Get your hands off m...

Wh...? I didn't mean it.

I-i'm sorry.

I'll pay it, whatever it is.

And the food... It
was good, really.

They'd love it here,
don't you think?


Mom and dad.

They'd be so proud of you.

Just drive.

Don't make any sudden moves,

Or we'll vaporize
the entire lot of you.

Hold it.

These are my prisoners,
and I'm taking them back.

You're in the right
costume, but how do I know

You're not one of them?

Are you questioning
my authority, lieutenant?

Put your g*ns down. Now.

We'll go out the back.

You fooled 'em.

Even I thought you were him.

I am him.

So without your flash, the
justice lords went rogue?

It wasn't quite that simple.

Hey, he was the
conscience of your group,

And that means I must be...

Come on, jiminy.

They're as strong as we are

And just as smart.

But they're willing to k*ll.

What are you saying?

That we have to be
willing to k*ll, too?

I won't cross that line.

How else can we stop them?

You're the smart one.

You figure it out.

We can't do it,

Not unless we cross
some kind of line.

It's luthor.

Escaped again? Yes.

And he's taken a hostage, and...

Don't do it.

Why not?

It worked pretty well back home.

But here, they're
not ready for it.

We'll see about that.

Maybe we should all go.

All right, I'm patient.

Where's the hostage?

There never was one.



Do it!





Right here, big guy.

Wow, supes,

You really know how
to bring down the house.

Can't do it. Can you?

I'm the last piece
of your conscience.

And this is the one
thing you'll never do.

I've done a lot of things

I thought I'd never do
these last two years.

One more won't hurt.

Hold it!

Nice company you're keeping.

Must be your true colors.

It's just one of
the hard choices

I've had to make today

Go for it.

Oh, yes.

Aagh! Aagh!



It's a power disrupter,

And yours are now gone.

This would be so sweet.

But a deal's a deal.

What deal?

A full pardon, in
exchange for his help.

Everything he does from now on

Is your fault!

It's a high price,

But it's better than
the alternative.

I knew you wouldn't be
able to change his mind.

Yeah? How?

Because I've felt the
same temptations he has.

They're pretty strong.

So you're not such a
boy scout after all?

Never even made it to
my first merit badge.

But I can't take full credit.

I never would have been able
to reconstruct the disrupter

Without superman's
high-speed assistance.

Where is it now?

I believe superman has it.

That was part of
our arrangement.

Where do you go from here?

Back to running lexcorp?

Oh, the business
world doesn't seem

As challenging as it used to,

And there's no
poetry in it, either.

I have been giving
some thought to...
