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02x07 - Maid of Honor

Posted: 03/08/23 13:15
by bunniefuu
Bonsoir, wonder woman!

Bonsoir, monsieur.

Who is she?

It's wonder woman.

Wonder woman?

Look! It's wonder woman!

What is it like working
with superman?

When you fought the
aliens, were you scared?


Are you really from
an island with no men?


May I have this dance?


Thank you, mister...

Wayne. Bruce wayne.

I appreciate the rescue.

I'm surprised to see you here.

From what I've heard,

This isn't really
your sort of affair.

I've decided to get out
more, have a little fun.

Enjoying yourself so far?

More than I expected

How about you?

What brings you to
the city of lights?

I never miss a good party.

I may also have to attend to
some business while I'm in town.

Princess audrey,

May I take your picture?

Absolutely! So long
as you're in it with me!

Big smile!


Can I have your autograph?

You just got it, darling.

Down with the monarchy!
Freedom for kasnia!

Oof! Unh!

Stay back!

You can't approach
without my permission!

Permission, yes?

Do what we say and
you won't be harmed.

I have the princess! Clear!


Excuse me. Excuse me.


Always this popular?


Although my admirers
are usually unarmed.


What happened?
Where's the princess?

Forget her!

We've got to get out of
here before wonder woman...

You give up, right?

That was fabulous!

I've never seen anyone
break a helicopter before!

It was my first time.

Well, I can't thank you enough.

I'm supposed to have guards

For this sort of
thing, you know.

I wouldn't blame them.

Someone went to a lot
of trouble to get to you.

Any ideas?

I am the princess of kasnia.

Lots of people in the
world don't like kasnia.

Lots of people in
kasnia don't like kasnia.

Tell me what you know.

Not tonight,
darling. Still early.

Places to go, parties to crash.

On the other hand,

I've never hung out
with a superhero before.

Excuse me. Hello?

I just heard the news.

Did they harm you?

I'm fine, daddy!

They won't get away with this.

I'll have the entire
opposition party arrested.

Daddy, no! That's gauche!

We have to prove
we're better than that.

I will not allow these
dissidents to ruin

The international space station.

You are to return
home immediately!

Let me stay. I
couldn't be any safer.

Wonder woman will be with me.

All right.

But I'm doubling your guard.

Take care, precious.

We need to get you
some new clothes.

I know a boutique
that will open for me

If I ask them nicely.

I thought you were
going to tell me more

About the incident.

No, that's just what
I let my father think

So I could go clubbing tonight.


Look, I'm getting married soon.

This is my last night in
paris as a free woman.

I'm not really following.

I'm a world-class party girl.

I intend to go
out with a bang...

Several, if it can be arranged.

You coming?



Who are you working for?

Colonel vox, we've obtained
the targeting device.

You don't seem
very happy about it.

We lost one of our men.

Batman again?

He's getting very close.

He couldn't know our plan.

He's just guessing. He...

Don't interrupt me
when I'm speaking!

I'd hate to have
to raise my voice.

Sorry, sir.

Still, you're right.

Almost everything's in place.

Batman can't stop the plan.

Even the justice
league can't stop it now.

I hate to admit it,
but you're right.

You're going to help me find out

Why those men
tried to kidnap you?

I meant about the dress.

You can get away with scarlet.

I'm serious.

You're still in
danger. Let me help.

You are helping.

I'm having a fabulous time.


I don't know.

A lot of people are
upset about all the money

We're putting into the
international space station.

That project's
making your father

A very popular world leader.

Someone forgot to tell that
to the peasants back home.

Anyway, it's my fiance who's
really running the thing.

You haven't said much about him.

What's to say?

Arranged marriage to a
dreary, much older man.

I'm sorry.

Moi aussi.

But my new life
as royal hausfrau

Doesn't begin until after the
engagement party tomorrow.

Tonight, we dance.

I doubt they'll approve.

As if they have any say.

Excuse me, boys. Girl talk.

I've been ditching royal guards

Since I was knee-high
to daddy's throne.

Try and keep up.

Taxi, s'il vous plait!

Keep the change!

Look at the line!
We'll never get in.

Ah, but you forget,
you're with me.

You know who I am, of course.

Yes, you're with wonder woman!

Who is that with
princess audrey?

He says it's wonder woman.

Is that wonder woman?

Wonder woman?


Over here!

Look what I found! Party favors!


You want a couple of them?

We can go to the v.i.p. Room.

There they are!

Over here, doll!

Wonder woman!

Over here!

Wonder woman! Princess audrey!

Look this way!

Over here!

Would you be a dear and
pummel them mercilessly?


I don't think that'll
be necessary.


Ha ha ha!

This is perfect.

I can't remember when
I've had this much fun.

You couldn't have had
this much fun, darling.

You've never partied
with me before.

Ha ha ha.

This wasn't how I
intended to spend

My last night as a free woman.

Disappointed? No.

I rather enjoyed corrupting you.

I'd appreciate it if we kept

Some of the more embarrassing
stories to ourselves.

Don't worry... I
won't tell anyone

That their great
hero has feet of clay.

You have no idea.

I'm sometimes afraid
I'll never have fun again.

You don't have to marry him.

Yes, I do.

But I've still got time
for one more fling!


Ha ha ha!

Are you insane? What
were you thinking?

Ahh... I was thinking we
should call it a night.

I have an engagement
party tomorrow.

You're keeping late hours.

You should talk.

Checking up on me?

Not especially. But I
do read the papers.

Your point?

You've been running
in rarefied circles.

I thought you should
know some of those people

Aren't always what
they appear to be.

If you're talking
about princess audrey,

She's a sweet girl.

Spoiled rotten, but sweet.

Several hours ago, I
captured a burglar.

Part of a team stealing classified
weapons technology from starlabs,

Among other places.


He's a kasnian special
forces officer.

I don't believe audrey
would knowingly be involved

In anything like that.

But it wouldn't hurt to ask her.

I'm going to be late for
my own engagement party!

Audrey, I'm worried about you.

We need to talk.

Relax, diana.

I'm going to marry the old stiff

And churn out a veritable litter

Of royal heirs.

There's been a series of thefts.

We've connected
one of the burglars

With your government.

You couldn't possibly believe

My father would
order such a thing.

I don't know your father.

Well, I do,

And he wouldn't.

I just needed to
hear it from you.

I'm sorry.

Nothing to be sorry about.

We all have our obligations.

Come meet my

There he is.

Diana, I'd like to
introduce you to my fiance.

Vandal savage!

Do you have any idea who he is?


Vandal savage is
a n*zi w*r criminal.

He was... My grandfather.


Vandal savage iii.

A pleasure to meet you.

Diana, don't be rude.

It's understandable.

My grandfather
was a very evil man.

He wasn't a man.
He was a monster.

I've dedicated my life
to doing good works.

It's my way of trying to
restore my family's lost honor.

The resemblance is uncanny.

Our genes are
rather... Insistent.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry, audrey.

I didn't mean to insult him.

Didn't you?


Keep me informed. The...

How insistent are
those genes, mr. Savage?


Your grandfather
was a munitions maker.

Ahead of his time in many ways.

I hope that doesn't
also run in the family.

It doesn't.

Kasnia's main interest is

In peaceful
exploitation of space.

I'm not sure I believe
you, mr. Savage.

I'm not sure I care.

What do you say, I'm the
original vandal savage?

I'm over 100 years old?

Whoever you are,

I'm not going to
let you hurt audrey.

Hurt her? I love her.

I've never met a woman who can
do the things for me that she can.

I don't want to hear this.

I was talking about her

Making me a member
of the royal family.

Ah, colonel vox.

Wonder woman was just leaving.

Would you be so kind
as to escort her out.

I can find my own way.

Make the calls.

It's time.

Primary launch sequence
zero tango 12 engaged.

All non-essential
personnel clear the canopy.

The payloads have been swapped?

Personnel, clear the canopy.

We are go for launch.

Why are you still here?

Are you certain that the wine

Is all you require this
evening, your highness?

Quite. When I need
your services... Uh!

Oh! Uh!

Vandal savage
sends his regards...

And a message:

Yourservices are
no longer required.

Man, over radio: welcome
to platform one, commander.

Hope you had a pleasant flight.

Very pleasant, indeed, jim.

Bay two is clear for approach.

Prepare to dock.

Hey, just a second.

What... What...

You can't be serious.

Do exactly as we say,

Or I'll blow a hole in the hull.

Crew pacified.

All manpower and
material in place.

Platform one is ours.

Good. Prepare the mass driver.


Vandal, what's wrong?

It's the king.

He's had a stroke, dearest.

He's paralyzed.

Oh, no! Uh!

I'll return to
kasnia immediately.

As you say, princess.

I'm still not sure
it's really him.

But if savage is still alive,

The pieces begin to fit.

I don't know.

I had j'onn look up his birth
certificate and school records.

It looks like it all checks out.

Papers can be forged.

Well, whether he's
our savage or a sequel,

He makes me nervous.

He should. Look at
what we've got so far.

A kasnian operative
stealing military secrets,

Kasnia spearheading the
international space station.

Good cover to circumvent the weapons
embargo they're supposed to be under.

If that's all savage
is up to, we're lucky.

Hold on a minute.

Siroya basheer at the
royal palace in kasnia.

Sources confirm reports that king
gustav has suffered a serious stroke.

Serious and convenient.

You get all that, diana?

I'm on my way to warn audrey.

Meet you there.


Audrey, it's diana.

My apologies for the intrusion.

But we're being followed.

Rest, my darling.

I'll attend to this.

It's wonder woman.

Why don't you have
a word with her?



I'm sorry, milady.

We've done all we can.



If my father cannot
rule, my duty is clear.

For the good of kasnia,

I must assume the throne
until my father is able again.

Of course, my counsel
is at your service...

As it was for the king.

I don't require your
counsel, vandal.

I beg your pardon?

The people need reassurance

In the royal
family's continuity.

Our wedding will
take place immediately.

Is that acceptable to you?

Nothing would make me happier.