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02x06 - Only a Dream: Part II

Posted: 03/08/23 13:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on justice league...

So, it's true!

This thing really
can k*ll people, e.s.p.

You can't do this.

I was so close.

You can't do this to me!

Aah! Aah!


Not even the justice
league can save you now.

And now that I'm a doctor,

I think I'll perform
some surgery.

He calls himself
doctor destiny now.

He came into her dreams...

Did this to her.

Why can't she wake up?

It's a delusional
state. He wants us, too.

Shh! You'll miss the good part!

Here it comes!

Take that, you cur!

That was some sweet
banter, uncle flash.

But what's a cur?

It's... A bad person, I guess.

Ok... So, why didn't
you just say that?

Well, i...

And do people really talk
so much when they fight?

I, uh... Hey! How would
you like a snack?



Where's my food?

Are you french? No.

Then there's no food.

You'll do. Rawr!



Rotten little... Curs.

Hey, guys!




You went too fast...

And you're never
going to be able

To slow down again.

Now I get it! It's a dream.

Same one I've been having

Ever since I got my speed.

And here's where
the swedish bikini team

Comes in to keep me company.

Anyway, all I gotta do

To make this go away is...

Wake up?

The fastest man alive,

Always leaving people like me

In your dust.

Well, now you're stuck

In high gear.

And you're going
to be all alone.


That'll be for me.

It's the alarm next to my bed,

And as soon as I get it,

I'm out of here.

See you next time

I have too many jalapenos.

Unh! Unh!


That never happened before.

That's because
there's not going to be

A wake-up call this time.

Unh... No.

Unh... Uh...

They're not answering.

I can't bring her out of it.

His hold is too strong.

"Hi, it's clark.

Please leave a message."

I'll be over in a few minutes.

Whatever you do,
don't go to sleep.

It all looks so good.

Clark? Your menu's smoking.

Is it?

I must have gotten it

Too close to the candle.

It's so dark in here that...

This place doesn't have candles.

You're hiding something.

In fact, you're always
hiding something.

And I'm going to find
out what it is right now!



Come back!

What are you afraid of?


You're not one of them anymore.

What are you talking about?

This is my home!


Chris, tell this fool who I am!

Be it ever so humble.

There's no place like... Home.

You did this!

Wasn't me.

You're the one who's changed.

Aah! Aah!

Couldn't wake him?

No. Any luck with superman?

I gave him some
stimulants, but...

This is someone who could have

A building fall on
him and not feel it.

I'll try the bio-regenerators

Up in sick bay.

Good luck.

And in the meantime,
I'm gonna find this guy.


While he's using
his mental powers,

His body's probably vulnerable.

He's got to be in a
place he thinks is safe...

Somewhere familiar.


But once you find him,

How do you stop
him from... Thinking?

I'll just have to improvise.

Be careful!

If you nod off
for even a second...

Don't worry. I'm
used to late hours.

Flash! Wake up! Flash!

J'onn, thank heaven.

There was this telepath

Who got into my dreams, and...

I know. How did you...

I'm not sure.

That mind control stuff must
not work too well on us aliens.

Whatever it was,

We need to put you
somewhere safe. Unh!

Are you crazy?

No, but you're going to be.


Unh! Aah!



In other news, prison escapees

Solomon grundy,
volcana, firefly,

Luminous, and copperhead
are all now back in custody

Thanks to the justice league.

Still unaccounted for, however,

Is the last escapee, john dee.

In a related story,

There's been a
tragic development

In the case of
dee's wife, penny,

Who was brought to a
local hospital tonight

In a catatonic state.


Was he there?

No. Back to square one.

The others are getting worse.

I'm going to have to
go into their minds.

Too dangerous!

You could end up just like them.

If I don't, they'll
die for sure.

There was a news report.

Dee's wife didn't make it.

Then do what you have to.

Help me! Please!
Isn't there anyone...

I'm here for you, big guy!

Jimmy! My pal!


Jimmy... I'm sorry!

It's not real! None of it!

I started with no power at all,

And I kept getting more.

What if it never stops?

You will handle it. I know you.

Words... Just words.

We can fight this.

You'll get hurt.

No. I am stronger
here than you are.


I can take this from you.

But you have to believe in me.

You can't help him!


Let's finish this.

Arrest report... John dee.

Subject was found
guarding smuggled weapons

In lexcorp's harbor warehouse

During a search
that was initiated

By the justice league.

Dee was apparently a
low-level lexcorp employee.



Subject was found

Guarding smuggled weapons

In lexcorp's harbor warehouse.

Where else can you go now?

You're the lantern...

And the lantern is you.

Go in. It's your...


You are not an
extension of this.

You're its master.

The guardians chose you

Because they had faith in you;

Not in the ring,
but in john stewart.


You're good...

But I'm better.

That's why I brought a friend.



Ha ha ha!



Can I wake up now?

There's still
flash and hawkgirl.

You've gotta sleep sometime.

Give me a triple!


I was always afraid of this.

I'm gonna live out my whole life

In the time it'll take you

To tie your shoes.

Come on! Say something!



All right!

I knew you'd... Oh!

You need to look
inside yourself.

And then?

You... Must...

Help me!



Adrenaline rush wearing off?


The doctor will see you now.


I'm gonna have to
cancel that appointment.


I'm supposed to look

Inside myself, right?

But for what?

Well, there's gotta be something

Rattling around in here.

Do you have any idea

How stupid you look?

It won't work. No way!

You're never
getting out of here.

You're stuck!

I did it!

See what happens

When you use your head?

I got his eyes.

Gut! Big toe!

Coming here was the
mistake of your life.

See, the closer I am to someone,

The stronger I get.

I'll be able to go
into your brain,

Even if you're wide awake.

My brain's not a
nice place to be.

What's that stupid song
going through your mind?

It's what's keeping
you out, johnny.

Unh! Unh! Aah!

Let go of them!

Wah! Oof!



This is far from over...

Teamwork! What a concept!

What about hawkgirl?

Help me! Lantern!

J'onn! Superman!


What's the matter?

I can't get to her.

There's a barrier
around her mind!

Out of the way!

You know, I could let you go.

You're a distraction now,

And it's the others I have
the real problem with.

We're like insects to them.

They step on us, ruin our lives!

And they don't even realize it.

But you're different.

You don't have
any special powers.

Oh, I have one, johnny.

I never give up.

What do you say, johnny?

Wanna go one-on-one?

It'll give you something
to brag about.

Aah! Unh!



Sweet dreams.

Good morning, sunshine.

Wait a minute!

Is this another dream?

I could pinch you.

It's real.