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01x17 - Heavy Meddling

Posted: 03/08/23 09:18
by bunniefuu
I'm not gonna sugarcoat this.

Only some of you
are gonna get this job.

It's a business
of broken hearts.

But you know that...
you're professionals.

They're so cute! I just want

to eat your little faces off!

Oh, don't worry, I won't.

Okay, babies,

for the purpose
of this audition,

you're babies, wearing our
client's cute little outfits.

And... action.

And scene.

Many of you were very good.

You, sir, were dogging it.

You know you were.

Look at him.

Someone has baby fever.

Our creative director,

my daughter,
is in a promising relationship,

and I hope that one of you
is in my near future.

And auditions like these
will be unnecessary,

because clearly
I'm a big fan of nepotism.

Hey, piglet, how about
you and me truffle hunt.

Come on, now.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh. ♪

Morning, beautiful.

I bet you say that to all the women who
take you in after they get you fired.

All of 'em.

Mm. No, I can't.

- I'm gonna be late for work.
- No, come on, you nerd.

You don't have to be
on time for work.

Listen, a very wise
person once said:

"No matter what you do,

"it's bound to be a waste
of time in the end,

so you may as
well go mad."

Who was that, Jack Kerouac?

Kim Cattrall.

Well, in that case...

I guess I could be
a little late.

There you go.
It's chill.

Yeah. Oh, hey,

I'm gonna hit the bathroom,
unless you need it first.

Oh, no. You go.

I hardly ever use the bathroom.

Hey, Jaleel.
Me, again.

Hey, I don't even
know if I told you.

I just started seeing this guy,
and he lost his job when

I made out with him
when he was cater-waitering,

but his roommate
was also his boss,

so he also lost the couch
that he was sleeping on,

and I'm kind of letting him
live with me

in the meantime...

anyway, you know,
it's a little too early

or him to be thinking about me

having, you know...
biological functions,

so if I could just, uh,

one more...
You da best, J-Man.

That's new.


Uh... oh, I'll take the one
with the princess lighting up.

I don't smoke, but she's cute.


I promise, last time, J-Man.
You da best.

Nice, real nice.

You should be paying me
to use your bathroom.

I'm the only one cleaning it.

Oh, fine.
Give me three packs.

So, what if we had
a JetSky Airlines plane

shaking hands with of one of the
many continents they fly over?

Do you mean something
like... this?

Synchronicity much?

I got to tell you something,
Andrew... you are by far the best

art director I have ever worked with,
hands down. SIMON: You've been doing some

great work, Andrew, and I'm not
just saying that 'cause Zach's

on vacation.
Is he back yet?

I made him promise to text me

when he got back. I don't see
why he needs a vacation.

Every day's a vacation
when you're Zach, right?

What were we talking about?

Really? Gold star, my boy.

Yeah, yeah,
gold star, man.

You know what?
You deserve that.

Aw, that kind of stuff doesn't
really mean anything to me.

It's not like I need a cookie
every time I do something good.

Although, if you're going to the
break room, do you think you...

Cookie, right?
Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Course.

Here's a fun game.

You know what annoying thing
isn't happening right now?

You inviting me to see
opera in the park?

Ah, that ship has sailed.

Your loss, by the way.

It was Der Rosenkavalier,

which is a pants opera...
so-called because a woman

takes on the male lead...
in this case,

a mezzo soprano
played Octavian.

That's stupid.

Anyway, the annoying thing
that isn't happening,

is me having to clean
my stupid desk

because stupid Zach has put
his stupid feet up on it.

Nice George keeps his
nice feet on the floor.

Come on, you miss Zach.
Eh, yeah.

He's just got some
annoying habits.

I'm gonna say it. You
know, a week without Zach

has been a refreshing
change of pace.

I'm not even gonna
feel guilty about it.

Hey, look who's back!
And with gifts for everyone.

And for those of you
who think I got them

at O'Hare Airport,
you couldn't be more wrong.

- I got them at Miami Airport.
- Ooh!

I've hated every second
you've been gone.

Oh, my God, I am so sorry I'm...

47 minutes late.
I've never been so proud.

Owen has been such
a wonderful influence on you.

Where are you two at? Tell, tell, tell.
I want to know everything.

He's awesome.
And he's so talented.

Wait, look at this
picture he took of me.

Ooh! Oh, wait, not that one.
Here, this one.

Whoa, what a wonderful photo.

I've never seen you
look happier.

He's so into you.
He's either gonna marry you

or bury your head
under a bridge.

Oh, I love beginnings.

So, are you two
officially a couple?

Is there an awkward
Thanksgiving in our future?

Maybe. I mean,
it's crazy, you know?

I'm suddenly in this
living-together relationship,

but I still have to be
on first-date behavior.

I have to look my best,
act my best, avoid messy foods.

I mean, if I

had to say one thing
about him...

There it is... there's the seed
that grows into a break-up.

No. Uh... I mean,
it's just that he...

hasn't even started
looking for a job yet.

But I don't mind.
I mean, I kind of

like that he's not all caught up
in the rat race.

My cousin runs a rat race.

Either way, it's not a deal breaker.
You know what?

You're right. This relationship
went from zero to 60 overnight.

The wind is in our hair.

The car is zooming, sister.

We're just adjusting to
it, that's all. Yeah.

It's over, Lauren...
there go my grandkids.

Good-bye, little
Benjamin Simon.

Ciao, Simone Simon.

See you later,
Lou Diamond Simon.

Who knows, maybe
it'll work out for her.

She once broke up with a guy

because he used the phrase,
"awesome sauce."

That's my daughter.

She obsesses about one
little thing until she blows.

I'm supposed to think a guy
without a job's gonna last?

Oh, well, what are you gonna do, right?

Though, frankly, I'm as emotionally
invested in this as she is.

Basically, she's living with
a guy, and it's working.

When are the stars ever going to
align like this again for us?


I can't meddle.
I just can't.

Or can I?

Is my eyebrow going up?


Would you?

I'm still on first-date behavior

at home with Owen.

I haven't had a good slop-burger
in, like, three days.

Oh. It's a medical condition,


I have a very high metabolism.

Holy crap!
He's coming!

May I have your
attention, please?

Everyone, this is

- Owen Winters.
- What is going on?

I don't know. You may
know him as Sydney's

hunky live-in boyfriend,
but he is also

a Peter Parker-level photographer
and our newest employee.

Don't clap
for yourself.

Why would you do this?

- Hmm?
- Do you think I can't handle

- my personal life without your help?
- I wasn't helping you,

I was helping the agency.

He has a very
impressive portfolio.

You saw one picture
on a cell phone.

Come on, admit it,
you're hiring him

because you want
to see me happy.

When you say it out loud,
it does sound evil.

Okay, fine, I was meddling.

I've never meddled before.
I'd like to say

it won't happen again,
but I think

- I've found my inner yenta.
- This is gonna be

a disaster.
You realize I have to be

on first-date behavior 24/7.

Let me ask you this:
When you chat with your friends

on the phone
and they ask what he does,

do you say he's unemployed?

- No. I...
- Mm-hmm.

Act like
I can't hear them, and then

I tell them my carbon monoxide
alarm's going off and I hang up.

- What will you say now? - He's
a photographer. But not one

of those artsy-fartsy ones...
he makes bank.

Okay, maybe this could work.

That's the spirit.
I promise this'll be great.

Say "this'll be great."

This'll be great.

Say it again.

This'll be great?

Let it go.

This'll be great.

Are the needles they use
for permanent makeup painful?

Did you say,
"Was Abraham Lincoln gay?"


Dewey, how could you be so...

adorably clumsy?


Don't touch me.

So, let me catch you up.


Accounting wants us to...

start submitting
our hours in the...

I'm gonna let you get that open.

When you're starving,
that is when...

it takes an hour to open.

So, anyway...

the time sheet program

is a whole new deal now.

What we're gonna...

I mean, for the love
of Mike Singletary,

do you mind?

What's wrong, bud?
It's just, like,

your feet are on my desk,
you're eating noisy food,

and how starving
can you be when you take

one bite of your sandwich
before throwing it out, bud?

You've never complained
about this stuff before.

Sorry. I'll be honest with you.

While you...
while you were gone,

I was, uh... with someone.

Was it that chick from
the media department,

the one who hides booze
in the copy machine?

No. I mean I worked with another
partner while you were gone.


I mean, it wasn't like
I was planning

on working with somebody else;
it just sort of happened.

I was on vacation; I totally get it.
Right, right.

How was it?

Uh, different. You know, not better
or worse; it was just different.

H-How so?
He didn't put

his feet up on the desk,
or eat noisy food.

He complimented me, which is
not something you do so much.

That doesn't sound...

different, that sounds better.

Look, it meant nothing.
Can we just get back to work?

You think that
you're not annoying?

I've clearly touched a nerve.

That was not my intention.

You touch my computer screen
like it's an iPad,

but that doesn't do anything.

Well, you know what,
it does do, it does do

one thing... it...
it really upsets me.

I would never want
to hurt you, okay?

George is just
a surprisingly generous partner.

And I'm not?


The problem here...

is that you have been
with a bunch of partners,

but me, I've only been with you.

Hey, maybe that's a mistake.

So what are you saying? We
should work with other people.

I think that's the best idea you've
ever had. You happy about that idea?

I'm kind of ecstatic about it.

Sounds like a lightbulb to me.

Well, I'm taking back
the Miami Sound Machine!

You don't... mind if I put
my feet up here, do you?

Not at all, bud.

Right on, Rodney.

My name is Peter.

Classic Rodney.

No, really, it's Peter.

I can't get enough
of this bit. Hilarious.

That's my George.
Oh, my gosh.

Did you do this while I was gone?

- Or is Van Gogh temping here today?
- Thanks.

I mean, seriously,

this mock-up... the word
"mock" has no place in it,

okay, because nobody
could possibly mock this!


And this color.
This color.

I've-I've never
seen it before.

Did you invent this color?

- Yeah. Call it green. Are you
screwing with me? - What?

It's just... it's a little much
with the compliments.

I'm not sure
I deserve all that.

And he's modest, too.

Yeah, I know. We could...

we could definitely
cool it on the compliments.

It's, uh... it's...
it's all right.

- Sure. Sure.
- Thanks, man.

Yeah, no, uh...
message received.

- Totally appreciate it.
- No problem.


You okay?

You seem a little, like, tense.

Tense? Why would I be tense?

I don't know.

Maybe 'cause
you're missing these.


The reason that you found
that pack of cigarettes is...

23 packs of cigarettes.

23 packs of cigarettes is...

Look, I get it.
You're a super hard-core smoker.

But the company that makes these
is not messing around.

These are unfiltered.

The tar content's
through the roof.

And there's a recipe
on the back

for something
called a nicotini.

No, the reason I had to buy
those is to use the bathroom

in a tobacco store
because I'm not comfortable

using the bathroom
in front of you.

Good, we found her.

This looks like
a private moment.

Yeah, it does.

Why would you be uncomfortable

using the bathroom in your own house?
Come on, it's unnatural

as it is, us living together
the night we met.

I mean, you know hard it is

to keep up any mystery
under those circumstances?

I don't care about mystery.

Oh, yeah, all guys say that,

and then,
your cat bats around one tampon

out of the garbage can,
and all of a sudden,

"It's not you, it's me."

What people don't realize is,
the cat is giving you a gift.

It's actually kind of sweet,
if you think about it.

You know what?
I can't hide

who I am anymore.

I'm not always camera ready.

Do you know how many hours
it takes me

to look this effortless?

And during
those countless hours,

all I've been doing is dreaming
about eating something sloppy

and messy and saucy and sloppy.

You said sloppy twice. Because that's
how badly I want that hot dog.

Oh. Oh, man.


And in case it's not obvious,
I am not chill.

I don't take chill pills,

although I did take
a Lorazepam this morning,

and it is not helping.

Okay. I wet the
bed till I was 12.

I've put down people who drink
Starbucks as silly yuppies,

but the truth is,
I love their coffee,

and it's where I get all my CDs.

Oh, and that thunderstorm
we listened to the other night?

I was scared.

Like five-year-old-girl-level

It's electricity in the sky!

You still buy CDs?

See, honesty is
key to a relationship.

None of us are perfect, right?

You know, I snore.
I've got dancers' feet.

I've been naked on every
table on this office.

Yeah. I do feel better.

Mm. I won't be
touching any surfaces.

And I should, uh,
probably mention,

I'm also arachnophobic,
claustrophobic and pedophobic.


Um, spiders, tight spaces,
but pedophobic?

- Fear of babies. - Oh,
no, no, no, no, no, no.

It's not fear of babies.
It's fear of feet.

No, no, I'm good with feet.

As long as it's not baby feet.

So I guess I'm pedopedaphobic.

You know what?

I am living with a freak,

and it's not even
a deal breaker.

Owen's afraid of babies.
That's a deal breaker.

Says here the only cure for
pedophobia is immersion therapy.

If only I had a group
of cute little babies

in cute little outfits I could
throw Owen in the middle of.


This looks like a job for...

the Meddler.



Why did it have to be babies?

Son, back in the
'80s, I had this

crippling fear of open spaces.

- Agoraphobia?
- No. Paranoia brought on

by massive amounts of coke.

The pedophobia experts...
both of them...

say this is the way
you kick this thing.

You've gotta confront
your fear, son.

Trust me, he is more afraid
of you than you are of him.

Come on, get in there, pal.

Oh, God.

Aah! Come on, you can do this.


Yeah, so blue.

It's a blue bear.
So blue.

Messy blue bear... this one...

uh, this one's broken.

Can somebody give it a grape?

Dad, why is Owen sh**ting this?

Ann Geddes is in the lobby,
taking a nap in someone's hand.

We don't need Ann.

Afraid of babies? Pshaw.
He's fantastic with babies!

Look at him. Look at him.
He's just...

Oh, another one. Hi.

Oh, a brown one.

Uh, this one's moving!

I think this one came unstapled!

Okay, I'm waking Ann up.
No, no, no, no.

- Just give him more time.
- Oh, no.

You know what? If-If you have
somebody else, really, it's...

not a big...
No, get back in there! No, no.

He just needs more time to
fall in love with babies.


Oh, my God, you're pregnant.

Keep it. We'll raise
it as an agency.

I'm not pregnant!
We've been dating a week.

Then why are we
talking about babies?

Because it's important for you
to think about your future.

I've thought about my future.
There's this island in France

where everybody lives to be,
like, over 100 years old.

It's something in the water,

or the wine... they don't
really know... but if you ask me,

it's kind of a no-brainer.
I think everybody in the world

should move there,
so, that's my future.

Oh, come on, there'll be
babies on that island.

You've got to get over this.

Hey, take a shot
of this little guy.

Spider baby!


Spider baby!


Remember that time when
you and Andrew were trying

to flick those into
each other's mouths,

and you hit him in the eye,

and he got a cataract
from the trauma,

and had to get laser surgery?

Hmm. Almost forgot about that.

Oh. Memories.

You know what
might cheer you up?

Have you ever been
to a rat race?

They're surprisingly fast.

Look, it's...

I haven't been able
to find that magic

I had with Andrew
with anyone else,

and I've tried.
I hate to admit this, but...

monogamy works best for me.

With Andrew. Working.

At work.
Not in my personal life.

Right here. Are you kidding?
Can you imagine me?

Hello. Hey, honey.

I'm home.

Oh. You do know Andrew
and George are pitching

JetSky Airlines,
like, right now.

If JetSky buys the pitch,

Andrew will be
on the account with George

for a long time.

How do you? Welcome.


He started this.
I can't make the first move.

Ugh, men. You need
to get it together.

Otherwise, at the
end of the day,

you'll both just be miserable.



I have to stop that pitch.


Go to him!

♪ I don't want to wait
for our lives to be over ♪

♪ I want to know right now,
what will it be? ♪

♪ I don't want to wait ♪

♪ For our lives to be over ♪

♪ Will it be yes,
or will it be ♪

♪ Sorry? ♪

Don't get on that plane...


Why shouldn't I?

Because I don't want
to be with anyone else.

When I first started,

I asked Simon,
"Who's the best art guy?

That's who I want to work with."

You make me better every day.

Hey, look, I-I've put a lot
into this thing with George,

and it wouldn't be right
to abandon him.

I understand.

I just had to try.

♪ So open up
your morning light ♪

♪ And say a little prayer
for I... ♪

Hey, excuse me, everyone.

We're gonna go ahead
and close the doors now,

because the pitch
is about to start.


Look, I'm sorry, George.

I wish you all the luck
in the world,

but I'm going with Zach.

Wow. I, uh...

I didn't see that one coming.

But, uh, you know,
you were just gracious.

And is it weird to write a
thank you note to someone

who just broke up with you?
Good-bye, George.


So, are you still going
to put your feet up on my desk?

And eat messy food,
and make fun of your hair.

You make fun of my hair?

Feel like we gave it
a pretty good go, right?

Yeah... we just want
different things.

It usually takes a while
to figure that out,

but when you spend as much time
together as we have,

you figure it out
kind of quickly.

If you add up

the hours we spent together,

this is my longest relationship
in, like, ten years.

Me, too.

Okay. Well, um,

oh, hey, I have some great ideas

about rearranging
your furniture, but,

well, I'll-I'll just
see you at home.

Um, Owen, uh...

you know you have
to move out, right?

Oh. Yeah, no, right,
yeah, of course.

I just...
I didn't want to assume.

See you bright and early
at work tomorrow!

Um... you also know that this...

I'm messing with you.

Right. Yeah. I knew that.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I need to find a friend

with a couch I can crash on

where there are no
tight spaces, babies

or spiders.

Oh, and that's on
the ground level.

What, you're acrophobic, too?

We're on the fifteenth floor.

That's how much
I liked you, babe.

Well, he was
definitely the sexiest

scaredy-cat I ever dated.

Well, I'm sorry it's over.

And that I meddled.

No, it's fine.

It's just, I have a good life.

I feel like
I have it all, except...

- No, except grandkids.
- No.

I mean, sure, I'd love
to have grandkids one day,

but what I really wanted

was for you to have it all.

I love seeing you happy.

Well, let's be honest...
we all knew from the start

that Owen was not
the right one for me.

But it was fun.

Mm-hmm. Until it wasn't.
I did love seeing

how happy my being
with Owen made you.

- Well, aren't we just the selfless pair?
- Apparently so.

That's a full head of hair.
Kid's got sideburns.

That's weird.

The kid's got sideburns.

As much as it sounds

- better...
- Tomato, "potahto."

Look, let's get back to work.

It didn't mean anything.

Potato, "tomahto."

