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01x07 - Any Given Birthday

Posted: 03/08/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
Ryan, the first birthday after a lost
can be tricky,

and the group wants to
find a way to support you.

In the most awesome way

I have set up...
Drumroll, please...

A Ryan King-themed
scavenger hunt.

There's a company
that does it,

and they create
these fun Ryan challenges

based on Ryan's life.

Are there teams?
'Cause I call Ryan,

Lauren, and anyone
except for Mr. K.

We're all God's children,
but I'm in it to win it,

and there's something wrong
with you.

None taken.

Guys, I appreciate you

focusing your bizarre,
manic energies on me,

but I'm not celebrating
my birthday.

Ryan, I hear
what you're saying,

but let's talk
about what you're feeling.

I'm going to be
Ryan's inner monologue.

I'm Ryan,

and I'm afraid
of the emotions

this birthday
might bring up,

so I'm hiding behind
Mr. tough guy.

And I'm... sorry, I just got
really self-conscious.

Listen, no offense to...
Did the first bear have a name?

Please forget that happened.

I'm just gonna
make one up.

No offense to Randy...

- Good bear name.
- Thanks, man.

Janie spent months

planning these elaborate events
for me...

Dinners, surprise parties.

"You must have liked it."

Actually, Randy,
I hated it.

And there's a big part of me
that's relieved

that I don't have
to do anything this year.

"Sure would be nice
if folks respected you

and would just let you be."

I agree, colonel cow,

but people think
they know better.

that's just baaad manners."

I know he's mocking
what we do,

but it's mesmerizing.

Ryan, we hear you,

and we honor your words,
but, over the past few months,

a bond has formed
and we...

Don't say it.

- We love you.
- No.

We love you.

Guys, even if I wanted to,
I can't.

I have to watch
my friend Steven.

He's having
a medical procedure done.

Ooh, I'll watch Steven.

I'm a registered nurse.

Just tell me
his dietary needs

and how targeted the sponge bath
should be, wink.

I'm kidding.
The sexy nurse is a stereotype.

But those stories don't just
make themselves up, double wink.

Okay, now these people
who love you

would like to celebrate
your birthday with you.

And if I know them, they are
not gonna give up easily.

They will probably start
to chant.

Chant, chant, chant,
chant, chant, chant.

Okay, guys, I will do
the scavenger hunt.

- Yay!
- Good boy.

But, in the future,
you can't just say

the word "chant."

Your chants have
to have content.

Content, content,

content, content, content.
This is a mess.

Go On 1x07
Any Given Birthday
Original Air Date on October 23, 2012

Thanks for picking me up,

You know, they said
I'd feel groggy,

but I feel on it.

Your shirt feels
so silky.

I want to feel that on me.

Let's see
where the evening takes us.

I want to go shopping.

It feels like I should spend
lots of money

and make major decisions.

The doctor said
you should really rest

until the anesthesia wears off.


We're getting older,

Don't say broseph.

Steven. Ryan.
Life, act two.

The sun's starting to set.

How we gonna play it?

Hey, who wants
to watch

their colon video?
Someone's pink and perfect.

♪ Don't hang on

♪ nothing lasts forever
but the Earth and sky ♪

I really think
you should lie down.

♪ Dust in the wind

♪ all we are
is dust in the wind ♪

Please, please,
go to sleep.

Sing it with me.

If you sing it,
then I'll know you understand.

♪ Dust in the wind

♪ everything is dust
in the wind ♪

- Who sings that song?
- Kansas.

Let's keep it that way.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Sorry I'm late.

I'm having huge drama
with my ex-boyfriend.

Not looking
to get into that right now.

It is rough.

Jason's moved on,
and I haven't,

and he keeps tagging me
on all these Facebook photos

of him and his new babe.

Really rubbing it in my face.

Why don't you
get six or seven cats?

That seemed to work out well
last time.

Why don't you have
your wife not be dead?

- Okay.
- Yeah.

He sleeps so pretty,

like an angel.

I want to pet him

and feed him
and brush his hair.

All right, I'm off
to the scavenger hunt.

Don't let him go anywhere
and don't let him buy anything.

Hey, Ryan,
you're still here?


Okay, team,
first challenge.

Let's do this.

We're doing a scavenger hunt,

and we need you
to put his picture

on your celebrity wall of fame.

I don't know
who this is.

What do you mean?
He's famous.

Show him. Say something boring
about sports.


And all these people
are famous?

You have a picture
of a puppet up there.

Who's that?
Your aunt?

That's Cyd Charisse,

legendary dancer
of stage and cinema,

you uncultured birthday ass.

You know
who Cyd Charisse is?

No, I've never seen Brigadoon
or Singin' in the rain

or Ziegfeld follies
or Guys and dolls.

She wasn't
in Guys and dolls.

That was a test.
You passed.

K, there is more to you
than meets the eye.

That's the first nice thing
you've ever said to me.

I'm about to get attached.
If you want out, tell me now.

Sir, I'm in the market for
some big-ticket dry-cleaning.

We're not gonna bribe him.

Did Cyd Charisse bribe him?

She didn't have to.
She did this.

When have you ever done
anything that beautiful?

I've never seen it.


they're here.

We have to find
another dry-cleaner.

Ryan, aren't you having fun?

Be as happy as this guy.

"I'm Ryan.

I'm having a great birthday,

'cause everybody loves me."

Felt good to be Ryan.

Tough to be back.

Please be happy, Ryan.

This scavenger hunt
cost a fortune.

By the way,
I put it on my credit card,

- and people said they'd chip in.
- Que?

All of a sudden
you don't speak any English?

Wait a minute.

My phone's ringing.

I hope whatever this is
doesn't tear me away from...

Hey, Carrie.

Thought I told you
I was not to be bothered.

I'm in the middle
of a scavenger hunt.

Why are you
making me do this?

These people are trying so hard
to be nice to you.

What's that you say?

Some kind
of a work emergency?

It's a code black?

Well, that would mean
I'd have to leave right now.

Can't it at least wait
till after...

Sorry, guys.
I gotta go.

- Code black?
- It's a code black, yeah.

I understand.

Hey, so that phone call
was B.S., right?

Yeah, I don't want
any of this.

I just needed
to stop the chanting.

- You understand?
- Yeah, totally.

- You don't need this.
- Exactly.

I mean, it's really awesome
that you did this much.

I know, right?

You don't owe
these yahoos anything.

Sensing a turn.

- You are the worst.
- There it is.

Faster than I thought.

Permission to speak
outside my role

- as loss counselor?
- Permission denied.

These people
care about you.

I said, "permission denied."

They are trying, and
if you keep pushing them away,

they're gonna stop trying.
And you know what?

I'm getting a little tired
of trying too,

so just...
Have a nice day.

Well, you are
a very mean lady.

And it is my birthday.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Ryan had to go out,
so he left me in charge.

Why'd you stop petting me?


I feel like shopping.

Ryan said I'm not supposed
to let you go out.

But I want
to buy pretty clothes.

You know what,
screw Ryan.

He's controlled us
for too long.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

My shoes are there.
Find my feet.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Come on, Lauren.
Don't be mad.

Look, these people
matter to you,

and you need to treat them
like that.

I got a little insight
for you.

You like those.

This is how
I treat loved ones.

Janie got this all the time.

When I am into something,
I am in.

When I am not,
I act like a little boy

who's mad at his mom
for taking him to the bank

and I go boneless.

Watch this.

Okay, pretend this is a bank.

All right.

I hate this.

I'm so bored, and all the pens
are on chains.

Come sit.

See, the point is,
my poor behavior

is not loss-related.

So being a jerk
is a pre-existing condition?

Yes, madame, and for that
there is no cure.

Yes, there is.

We can help you
with more than your loss.

We can help you
to be a better person.

I don't know
how to be a better person.

Well, sometimes you just have
to fake it till you make it.

You mean I get
to pretend?

- Yeah.
- I can pretend

I enjoy anything.
I've interviewed soccer players.

Now come on.

Chin up.
Shoulders back.

Big smile.
Now get in there.

- I crossed a line.
- No, it's actually okay.

Yes, protector of the wall, I
would like my picture up please.

There is a Congressman...

That is me.
That is my show.

That is me expressing passion
about school vouchers.

I'm either for them
or against them.

I don't really watch my show.

Okay, okay, we send
this picture to the company,

and then they send us
the next clue.


We are winning, b*tches.

I'm enjoying myself.

Let's go, my team.

I think it's fantastic.

What do you think?

Can't tell
until I see you pose in it.

Now walk.

Okay, now hide.

Reveal yourself.

Okay, hide.

No, not there.
Hide somewhere else.

Show yourself.

That's a surprise.

♪ Shake what you got♪
Be happy.



I like what he's wearing.

Because that's you, sir.


A replay
of college Ryan's arrest

is what we now are seeking.

Someone don your birthday suit
and recreate him streaking.

This is so great, you know.

At first I was
faking liking this,

but now I'm totally into it.

I'm still faking.

You streaked in college.
How original.

Who's gonna do it?

Is that all I am to you?

A man with something wrong
with his brain

so he doesn't feel shame?


White butts are funny!

They don't even look real.

Suck it, Red Team!

Sharks number one!

we have team names now.

Why do we have to be
the Red Team?

Can't we come up with
a cooler name?

Let me think.


How about the "how did my life
get to this point?"

Can we call ourselves that?

Damn, if he doesn't move
like Gene Kelly.



I got those pants tighter
and in pink like you asked.

What are these?

What am I doing here?

Did I just spend $2,000
on a pair of cigarette pants?

Who's pretty when he's quiet?

You are.

Okay, you weren't supposed
to take me out of Brian's house.

All right,
where are my boxers?

They ruined your line.
You said so.

I have never felt
so violated.

And earlier today
I had photographic equipment

snaking through me.

This is done.
I'm out of here.

Wait, let me explain.

You're a pretty man.

Go on.

While the medication lasted,
you were a dumb, pretty man.

I used to have that
with Jason and now he's gone.

Look, here's a picture of him
on Facebook.

He's happy, he's moved on.

That's his new girlfriend.

How am I supposed to
compete with that?

I'll show you how.


We're gonna make this lady
as beautiful as I am.

We're gonna need dresses,

impractical shoes,
booby shirts.

We're gonna
post our own pictures,

and your man is gonna be
dumb, pretty, and jealous.

Then we're gonna go
horseback riding.

I'm still high.

Kerry, Kerry, Kerry!

- Where's the t-shirt g*n?
- The other guys have it?

You gave the sharks
the t-shirt g*n?

You were just
trying to get out of this!

Where's the backup g*n?

I will tell you
if you let me

give you a big birthday hug!

You're the best boss

and I want you to have
good health and happiness.

I'm going boneless.

God, how do you do that?

It's in the supply closet.

Supply closet!
Come on.


Come on, we just need
to sh**t three of them.

You miss again.

I thought you were in army.

Yeah, they're a little more
supportive over there.

Two to go!

- Hurry up!
- Go, go!

- Reload, reload!
- This is it!


- Yeah!
- Video is sent!

Hey, shark team Captain.

- Como se dice "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"?
- Whoo!

Ryan, there's a limo
waiting for you downstairs.

All right.
Guys, lets get down there.

Come on giant squids,
only known predators to sharks.

Limo? Yolanda, you picked

a high class company
to organize this.

Thanks, Yolanda.

Don't thank me.
I'm not treating.

Seriously, you guys!

Hey, Sonia told me you decided
to celebrate your birthday.

Why is he not in bed?

Why do you have
a complete makeover?

Why does he look like duckie
from Pretty in pink?

People trust me
because I have a soft voice,

but I'm bad.

Okay, you two,
welcome aboard.

You're both giant squids.

- Ooh.
- Come on.

This day is awesome.
I mean it.

Okay, you mean it.

"Except it's not
because I'm Ryan, dude,

and I'm above it all."

No, seriously.
I did what you said.

I faked it and I made it,

and now, amazingly,
this is the first birthday

I have enjoyed in years,
so thank you.

Well, just keep
opening yourself up

and good things will happen.

Wait for me.

Wait for Yolanda.

Ooh, a hotel key.
This is weird.

This is a text
about the next clue.

It doesn't mention a limo.

Or a hotel.

This isn't
from the scavenger hunt.

Remember when Ryan said his wife

planned stuff for his birthday
way, way in advance?

Wait, she sent the limo
to take him to the hotel?


I was having fun.

I was sh**ting
cutouts of Ryan.

I can't handle this.

It is no time for sober.

No, dear, it is not.

I really wish I was
wearing underwear right now.

- Hi!
- Here he comes.

A key to a hotel room.

The plot thickens.

What's that card?

Did you say
"what's that card?"

Or "eat that card"?

I hate limos.

Janie always threatened
to get me one for my birthday.

Well, that's not
what this is.

We have to beat him
to that room

so that we know
what we're dealing with.

How do we stall him?
If you wanna stall Ryan,

it's simple, you just get him
talking about himself.

I got the perfect thing.

Okay, guys, let's see
what birthday fun is next.

Hey, Ryan, did I hear right?

Were you voted third sexiest
voice in radio?

Well, see,
conventional wisdom

suggests that
sports aren't sexy.

You know what, guys,
we'll catch up.

But what I do, my trick,
is that I lower my voice...

So my normal voice is up here.

Right. Not sexy.

Who plans this?
Who is this thoughtful?

Yeah, I hate to speak ill
of the dead,

but this broad is becoming
a real pain in my ass.

How are we
gonna tell him?

Well, normally we just work
together to figure out whatev...

Crap, I am a volunteer
with very little training.

I mean, I'm pretty good,
but this is just... oof.

Okay, Ryan can't know
she set this up.

Blow out the candles,

get rid of the flowers,
get rid of the stuff!

This room is part of
a scavenger hunt, people!

Go! Go!

Mr. K, this way.
Follow me.

Come on, let's go, let's go,
let's go. This way.

This way.
Come on.

What are you doing?

Pretty romantic
for a scavenger hunt.

It... is pretty romantic
for a scavenger hunt.

Did you send everyone away
so you could seduce me?

What's that?

I mean, I can't say
I'm surprised.

I see the way you look at me.

Yeah, no, no,
this happens to me.

I do something
to people in authority.

A policewoman,
a Professor once, a judge.

He still calls me.

Yeah, your blinding
self-confidence has led you

to the right conclusion

and this is
a birthday seduction.

Listen, Lauren, I'm flattered,
but that looks really weird

and I'm not in a place...

Darn, you know what?
Let's not do it then.

What's going on?

I'm sorry,
he got ahead of me.

You told him?

Ryan, I didn't know
how to...

This is a gift from Janie.

She must have set it up
before she... you know.

It's never a good time
to talk about money,

but you each owe me $200.

This is it, though, right?

Nothing else
you're hiding from me?

No, this is it.

For God's sakes, woman,
come on!

Anne, does this music
remind you of anything?

Cyd Charisse...
Gene Kelly.

Buddy, I'm in.

- Birthday dance?
- Si.

Hey, birthday boy.

Hey, Janie.

Sorry I missed your party.

You've got a lot going on.

Haunting people,
doing the Christmas past thing.

I'm not a ghost.

There is no such thing
as a ghost.

I am in your head.

Because there is such a thing
as creeping madness.


In retrospect, I probably
shouldn't have planned this

as early as I did,

but I did get
one hell of a discount.

Believe it or not, I figured
out a way to enjoy my birthday.

This might be the first one
where I haven't been a...

Whiny baby?

Think I'm becoming
a better guy.

Just wish you were here
because you deserved better.

I love the Ryan I got.

No, you deserved better.

Buddy boy.

That took a lot of planning.

You didn't do that.

That's dodger stadium.

Just thought
I'd grab a little credit.

Come on, Danny.

You should go.
Have fun.

Don't look back.

So who won
the scavenger hunt?

We never finished.

You know,
this has all been so nice,

it doesn't matter
who wins or loses.

The point is,
I learned to enjoy my birthday

for the first time thanks
to all of you beautiful people...

Go, go, go!


Hey, you made us giant squids!