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02x21 - The Committee

Posted: 03/07/23 11:14
by bunniefuu
HUGGY: Starsky,
these are top of the line,

pedigreed, and they
come with papers.

Now, I've just got a
few of these little rocks

I'm letting go real cheap,

and Starsky,

you can get in on
the ground floor.

Oh, that's terrific, Hug.

Hey, wait a second, man.

This one's kind of cute.

There! Ignore your partner,

I can see you are a man
of refinement and taste.

Thanks, Hug.

Now, check this
little beauty here.

You know something, Starsk.

The guy who
invented those things

is paving over his
driveway with what's left.

Somebody else
invented these things?

Look, I admit there
may be a similar product,

but nothing like what I've got.

Oh, no, no.

He's chocolate, I'm strawberry.

Huggy, I told you I don't want
these things in my place again.

Oh, Nellie.

It's nice to see
somebody that has

a little refinement
around here, Nellie.

what refinement?

The one he sold me bit me.


Oh, Nellie, you
know you just got one

with bad
temperament, that's all.


Now, I can let you
have this one for $20.

I like this one better.

Look, uh...


this makes us even
for the information

on the drug bust, huh.

Of course.

Now, you have just acquired

a lifelong member
of your family.

Treasure it.

Thanks, Hug.

You know, Starsky, as
soon as we get off duty,

why don't you stop by my place,

I got some terrific new things.

Yeah, what?

78 records.

You know, if you hotshots
spent less time goofing off

and more time on your beat,

maybe the streets
would be a little safer.

Come on, Knight.
We're on the same side.

Sometimes I wonder.

What are you talking about?

Well, I just can't help
wondering how you'd feel

if a 78-year-old man

died in your arms

after he'd been
mugged by a junkie

with 23 priors.

He wants to exchange
horror stories.

Knight, where do you think
we've been living... the moon?

Three, Zebra Three.

Zebra Three, this is Dobey.

We just got in a report
on a woman screaming

at a warehouse at
Harper and Chandler.

Same area as your
last two r*pe cases.

Just might be your friends
Willits and Billings again.

HUTCH: This is
Zebra Three, captain.

We are in the vicinity
of Harper and Chandler

and are responding, out.







WOMAN: Stop it!

Hold it!



You okay?

Oh, yes. It's you. Oh...


What happened?

Billings got away.

But I think... with her help

and her testimony,

this time we got him made.


You have the right
to remain silent.

Hey, come on, man...

We were just having some fun.

She come along for kicks!

It's okay.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say can and will

be used against
you in a court of law.

Come on, it's all right.

Come on.

Ten thousand dollars
bail, you ready for that?

MAN: What's the matter, Starsky?

Don't you like the way
the wheels of justice

are rolling these days?

That's not really necessary.

Thought the third time
busted would be the charm.

I might have to live with
what that judge laid down,

but I don't have to live
with your big mouth.

You're still a r*pist.

I am not aware that any
guilt has been established.

Ten thousand dollars
bail, are you kidding.

There ought to be no bail,

and you know it.

Judge Carter doesn't
seem to agree with you.

This is the third time
you've arrested my client.

What is it with you,

some kind of a fixation?

I'll tell you,

Willits and his pal Billings

are the best excuse
for capital punishment.

Starsky, it's not even worth it.

Now we're not only
an arresting officer.

We're also judge,
jury, and executioner.

Look, we decided that in there.

You may have him out on bail,

but you ain't gonna
get him off this time.

I suggest you leave justice...

Oh, and I suggest...

In the hands of the
officers of the court.

Why don't we just drop this?

There's justice and
then there's justice.

Well, now you
talk like a vigilante,

like the people who
k*lled Adams and Blake.

You accusing me? Hey, come on.

No! I don't make
unsupported accusations.

Use the stairs, huh.

Willits, Paul H...

No convictions.

He ought to be in the
slammer or in a hospital

if that's what he needs...

But not out on that street.

Maybe we got there
in time for this girl,

but what about the other women.

What about his
victim? How is she?

She's fine.

Captain, I'll make you book

that Garner's
gonna cop a plea...

find some way to get him off.

That's been his
specialty lately.

Oh... that happens.

Too often.

There's another suspect...
the one who got away.


Got an A.P.B. out on
him. It's on your desk.

All right.

Let's nail this turkey.

Let's go.


when are you gonna
get a wastepaper basket?

Just throw it on the floor...

in your office.


MAN: Billings... Ward Billings.

MAN: I can't get out of town!

Anyway, the police
aren't that stupid.

I'm gonna turn myself in,

and I'm gonna get a
damned good lawyer.

Will you shut up...

[KNOCKS ON DOOR] and listen?



Yeah, hold on a minute.

Stay put, I'll call...

Stay put! I'll call
you right back.

Yeah? What do you want?

Okay, okay, okay, okay...


Okay, okay...


Here you are. Hold
these, will you?



No, it's a quiet night.

What'd you get?

I got a hamburger
here with, uh...

blue cheese dressing
and bacon strips...

Oh, that's perfect.
Thousand Island?

Of course, Thousand Island.

What do you think
I am, a barbarian?


Of course, that's
what I got for myself.

For you, I got something
more in the time frame

of the hula hoop
and the cuddly rock.

What is this?

That's a, um, tuna burger...

with lots of mushrooms.

CAPTAIN: Zebra Three,
Zebra Three. Come in, please.

Well, that sounds like Dobey.

HUTCH: This is Zebra
Three. Go ahead, captain.

Thought you'd like to know...

you can cancel that
A.P.B. on Ward Billings.

Is he dead?

just like the others:

wrists bound with wire,

shot once in the head...
another execution.

Sounds like Adams and Blake.

Exactly... Well,
there's no denying.

We definitely have
a vigilante group

operating in our city.

You know, Starsk,
I just had a thought.

Take an Aspirin. It'll go away.

Adams, Blake, and Billings were

all k*lled with the same M.O.

except for one thing.

Yeah, the m*rder
weapons were all different.

Adams was k*lled
with a .32 caliber,

Blake with a 9 mm,

Billings bought
it with a .38 slug.

So somebody's got an arsenal...

or an access to one.

Starsky. Hmm.

Internal Affairs wants
you. See Lieutenant Fargo.

Come on. I may need an alibi.

What for? I don't know.

We're not exactly
I.A.'s favorite team.

Coffee's probably rancid anyway.

You know, I think this
thing here is ignaceous.

Who cares?

No offense.

You know, you're very hard
to get along with sometimes.

Mr. Garner, I think you
know Detective Starsky.

I believe I've said
all I have to say,

Lieutenant Fargo.

If this is all you
asked me to wait for...

Since you came here
to discuss this officer,

I thought you might want to
repeat your charges directly.

What charges?

I haven't made any
specific charges yet.

But I will repeat what I said

to Lieutenant Fargo.

In the last month,

there have been three
execution murders.

Three men,
viciously shot to death

with their hands bound.

Now by this time
any fool would realize

that these killings were
the work of some sort

of self-appointed vigilantes...

and I, for one,

do not rule out the possibility

that those K*llers
are police officers!

Now, just who they might be...

Don't you think you're
being a little paranoid.

Well, it's been known to happen.

Lawmen who fancy
themselves judge and jury...

Make some charges

or find some other
soap box, Garner.

Your client Willits' a r*pist,
and the others are K*llers.

Why haven't Adams' and
Blake's K*llers been found?

You're supposed to have
worked that investigation,

I understand.

Hey, we do the best we can.

Now, you've never made
any secret of the fact

that you dislike the way
I represent my clients.

In fact, you hate my
guts, don't you, Starsky.

You're getting warm.

Well, let me tell you something.

No freak cop is gonna

scare me or prevent me

from using every inch of the law

to protect any client of mine.

Get him out of here.

Now, Willits claims

that you neglected to identify
yourself as a police officer

when you came charging
into that warehouse...

He also says that you
beat him half to death

when you made the arrest.

He's a liar.

You are the freak, Garner...

You and those innocent
turkeys that you represent.

And what about that
girl that got beaten up.

What about the victims?

What do you really
care about the victims?

If anything happens to
Willits before he comes to trial,

Lieutenant Fargo,

I give you my word,

I will blow the lid
off this department.

This department can
police its own, Mr. Garner.

Nice fella.


Sorry, Starsky,

but I thought you ought
to hear what he had to say.

Oh, come on, Lieutenant.

You probably called
the man in here,

just to see what Starsky's
reaction would be.

Hutchinson, let
me tell something.

I'm a cop.

I've been one for 24 years.

This job has cost
me a good marriage...

and more than a
few good friends.


I know what you guys
called Internal Affairs:

"The Headhunters," and
I'm "The Hatchet Man."

Well, all right,

but that blade cuts both ways.

When I find a bad
cop, it hurts... here.

On the other hand,
it has its blessings,

when I see how many
good cops there are.

Men who love the
law the way I do.

Those cops are the
only friends I have left.

So get out of here
and go to work, okay?

You know Garner could be right.

Vigilante cops...

scares the hell out of me.

If it scares the
hell out of you,

think what must be going
on in Willits' little pinhead now.

Yeah, I'll bet he's
sweating b*ll*ts.

Maybe even sweating
enough to jump bail.

That'd be stupid, wouldn't it?

Hey, where are we going?

To stake out Willits' pad.

No, now, Garner's
responsible for getting

Willits to court.

If we think Willits
is gonna run,

we should call Garner.


There's a phone right there.

Oh, Starsky, pull
over, will you?

Got a dime?

Call collect.


Will you...

Hey, this is Sunday.
Will you come on already!

Come on!

Come on, will you? Come on!

Don't yell at me
while I'm on the phone.

He's not in, but the
secretary's gonna

try to reach him.




HUTCH: Well, what do
you know. There goes Willits.

Why don't you take the...


HUTCH: Starsky, that's not
very good on your suspension.

Well, it looks like Willits

is gonna blow his bail.

You wanna go make
another phone call?

We can't be sure
he's running yet.

Why don't we just
slow down and tail him?

Yeah, maybe he's
going to the dentist.

Maybe he isn't.





Where's he going?


Let's get him over, huh?

Gotta catch him first.




Come on, pull over!

You! Pull over!

Willits, hold it!


You thinking what I'm thinking?

STARSKY: That's a
lie, and you know it.

GARNER: You've read the story.

HUTCH: Well, it's
all over television.


Uh, you don't really think
that we're vigilantes, do you?

But Mr. Garner's determined

to make an issue of it.

He's demanding a copy
of the coroner's report.

Yeah, but no provocation.
The guy had an a*t*matic.

He had Hutch cold.

It's in my report.

I've seen your report... but
I've also read Hutchinson's.

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, I had to tell
them the truth, Starsk.

Captain Dobey, I'm afraid
Starsky is on suspension.


Pending a full investigation.

Now, wait a second.

Just what did you say
in your report, buddy?

Nothing but the truth... buddy.


Nothing but the truth, huh?

And because of his report,
you're gonna buy Garner's lies.

I'm buying nothing yet.
It's S.O.P. You know that.

Well, I'll just hold
these in escrow.

You can hold it,
you can bronze it,

and you can stuff it!

Do whatever you
wanna do with it.


Don't do something
you might be sorry for.

I already done that,
haven't I, captain?

I've tried to be a "good cop,"
Lieutenant Fargo would say.

So long, partner.


Attorney for the victim,
Mr. Samuel Garner,

has called a press
conference for tomorrow

at which time he is expected
to elaborate on his accusations

that local police have,
in fact, turned their backs

on any investigation of
the four execution murders.

Garner, calling the
killings "m*rder by badge,"

is also expected to
demand formation

that thing off, Nellie!

Of a special commission...

[TELEVISION Well, that's
SHUTS OFF] the way it goes.

That's the way what goes?

You take those shows on
TV. The good guys always win.


NELLIE: But that ain't
the way it happens.

Now, you ask "Dirty" Nellie.

That ain't the way
it happens at all.

Give me another beer, Nellie.

Oh, make that
two, will you, Nellie.

Yeah, well, four
"bad guys" didn't win:

Adams, Blake,

Billings... and Willits.

Hey take it easy, will you?


I got the right to
remain silent. Is that it?

Is that what they told you?

I'm just trying to help
you out, Starsk. That's all.

Well, you got a funny
way of showing it, pal.

I blow away a no-good punk,

and you're ready to help
them nail me to the wall.

Hey, look, nobody's
trying to get at you.

We just want the
truth. That's all.

Adams, Blake, Billings,
and Willits, Nellie.

You got any idea how
many innocent people

they r*ped, or they m*rder*d?

And what about the victims,

who cares about them?

They're either dead,
or their lives are ruined.

Hey, take it easy, will you.

Now, you take Willits, Nellie.

If he hadn't have bought it,
I can guess what happened.

That snake, Garner...

He would've twisted
the law around,

gotten him off somehow,

or he would have
plea-bargained the beef

down to easy time.

Nothing's happened yet, Starsky.

You've just been put
on suspension, that's all.

There's gonna be a hearing.

And you're gonna
testify at that hearing,

right, buddy boy, hm?

And what are you gonna
say at that hearing, huh?

You gonna tell them what
you said in your report?

You gonna tell them
what you said out there?

Remember, when you
found him, he was dead.

I'm gonna tell them the truth

That's what I'm gonna tell them.

Yeah, well, let me tell
you something, partner.

I don't care about
the truth anymore.

I've had it up to
here... Ask Nellie.

The bad guys suck it all up.

Hey, listen...




I taught him
everything he knows.

Well, I must have
done something right.


Hi. We've met?

Not unless you
might say by proxy.

Who's "proxy"?

Millie. Oh!

[STAMMERS] Oh... Millie.

You mean the girl that
Billings and Willits...

Yeah, she's a friend of mine.


I don't normally
do this, but, uh...

I feel like I know
you well enough to...

To ask you to have
dinner with me.

Couple of steaks,

candlelight, my place?

Well, let me bring the grape.

Okay, it's a deal.

Uh, where do you live?

902 Maryvale.

Oh, my place is on the
way. We can pick up the wine.

You can cook?

Yeah, I can do that too.



Who is she? Name's Ginger.


You got a camera? Hmm?

Camera. Camera. Oh!

Says she's a friend of Millie's.

Wants to sit me down
to dinner. I bring the wine.

Uh-huh, well she may
be a friend of Millie's,

but her name's not Ginger.

Yeah? Mm-mm.

You know how to use that thing?

Of course not.

If her name's not
Ginger, what is it?

I don't remember, captain.

But I do remember
she was picked up

on a felony-bunco charge
about four years ago.


You can check that out.
Anything else, Starsk?

Hey, gimme a chance, will you?

What am I gonna do, wear
a sign on my back saying,

"Vigilantes, come enlist me.

I'm a young disenchanted cop."


Besides, she just
might be another lady

who can't resist my
adorable charms.

You get all the
tough assignments,

and all I get is a
bust on the chops.

You know, you didn't
have to hit me so hard.

Had to make it convincing.

Starsky... I want
you to be careful.

If this girl is a lead
to the vigilantes,

your life could be on the line.

CAPTAIN: And these
people aren't playing around.

Well, I won't tell if you won't,

and we're the only
three that know I'm under.

That's pretty safe.

Smile, Willits.


Oh, come on, cheer up.

You're alive, aren't you?

And if this thing works,
with a little bit of luck,

you're gonna stay that way.

Not bad. Friend of yours?

Could be.

This is official business.


I think I remember
her, but I'm not sure.

Okay, all right.

Hmm. But if this is personal...

Oh, I...

You didn't see me, okay?

Oh, that'll be fine...

but it is kind of a rush.

I'll do my best.

Thanks. Uh-huh.


You got good taste.

Are you gonna tell me now,

or are you gonna
keep me in suspense?

Starsky... what is it?


Something like that.

You're a nice guy.


Still waiting to hear why.

Why, what?

Why I'm here.

I mean, aside from the fact

that you find me
irresistibly attractive.

The bar... Nellie's.

You touched me, and...

Well, maybe it was
my maternal instincts...

But I wanted to...

That's what I wanted to do.

And that stuff about
being Millie's friend?

Well, would you have come
here if I hadn't lied about that?

Liberated man.

I had ulterior motives.

Did you mean those things
that you said in Nellie's...

about the bad guys
and the good guys?

If you mean am I sick
about seeing the law twisted

to protect the
guilty... I meant it.

Yeah, well, it
must be frustrating.

I'm sorry.

Don't want to talk about it.

Shouldn't have brought it up.

We still haven't gotten
to those ulterior motives...

have we?

I know one thing...
You're a nice guy.

I know a lot of people that
wouldn't agree with you.

How about it?

The truth?

That's the number.

Well, the truth is... the
truth is, you're here...

because I owe
somebody something.

And I'm not gonna say
anything more about it,

and I think you'd better go.


Don't ask why.
Just get out of here.


Williams... Knight.

You guys might
be wrong about him.

I don't want
anybody to get hurt.

Forget it.

Let's go.

You guys got lousy timing.

Now, there's plenty
of time for that.

What's for now?

Nothing to get tense about.

You're being considered
for membership.

Yeah, membership in what?

The committee.

One little test, and
you'll have your car.

You're gonna give
out club jackets too?

Ah, cool it, Starsky.
The test's a breeze.

As a matter of fact, you're
really going to enjoy it.

Something you've
been waiting for,

for a long time.

Oh, uh, captain,

did Hutchinson come
up with anything new?

No, but there's still hope.


I want you to keep
this under your hat.

I just put a man undercover.

Already he's met
some young woman

who may tie him with one or more

of these executions.


Well, look, I'd like to
be kept posted, okay?

Sure, Fargo. No
secrets between friends.

Right. Okay, captain.


Lieutenant, you're working late.

Yeah, Hutchinson?

Turn up anything on
that young woman?

What woman?

Oh, you know, I think
she calls herself Ginger.

Uh, no, nothing.

Take care.

Her name isn't Ginger.

I can read.

Conrad, Alice K.

Felony-bunco arrest...

Charges reduced to a misdemeanor

on the recommendation of...

Lieutenant Fargo got her off.

Did you mention
Starsky to Fargo?

No, I just told him we
have a man undercover.

What about Ginger?

I did tell him that our man made
contact with a young woman.

Did you mention her by name?

No, I didn't. Why?

Well, I just saw Fargo
out in the office there,

and he mentioned her by name.

Captain, if Fargo is involved

in these vigilante executions,

Starsky could be walking
into one hell of a problem.

[SCOFFS] Fargo involved
with these executions...

You're talking about
the original Centurion

Captain, I am talking
about Starsky's life.

Get me Internal Affairs...

This is Captain Dobey.

I want to speak to
Lieutenant Fargo.

No, no message.

He just left the building.

This the place?


Knight, when are you
gonna start cluing me in?

Ease off, Starsky. We're
doing each other a favor.


Happy Birthday.

KNIGHT: Your favorite
attorney for the defense.

WILLIAMS: You drive.
GARNER: Starsky...



He's my initiation, huh?

We thought you'd like it.

Yeah, but a couple of things

I'm not so hot about.

Well, it's no skin off
me if Garner buys it,

but I'm not so
sure I like the idea

of k*lling a defenseless man.

You'll get used to it.



Sorry, counselor,
objection overruled.

What if I decline?

Then there's gonna
be a double execution.

We can't afford any
window shoppers, Starsky.

Now, we were told
you were one of us.

Oh, I'm one of you.

I'm just glad to
know I got company.

Say, how exclusive
is this committee?

Just drive.

In here.


Move it, Starsky.

Hold it... Hold it!

If I didn't know any better,

I'd say you guys
didn't trust me.

Just a precaution.

Go on.


Give me a piece!

MAN: Not that one, Starsky!

This one.

What's the matter,
Starsky? Surprised?

One shot. That's
all you'll need.


It won't be traced.


Tomorrow morning, it'll be
back where it came from...

the confiscated weapons
room at headquarters.

Pick it up, fink.

Oh, that's right.

He's a cover cop.

He's tricked us.

But that's not gonna
change a thing.

We're still gonna give
him a chance to join us.

Pick up the g*n.

I know what you're
thinking... It's m*rder.

All right... but it is
also righting a wrong.

Look upon it as
a necessary evil,

a greater good.

This man's life,

to save all the lives
that would be forfeited

if he were to continue
to twist the law

to protect the guilty
scum he calls clients.

Starsky, it's either you or him.

And either way, he gets it.

[COCKS g*n]

Don't... move.

[COCKS g*n]


Don't... move!




Get away from here!

Go, go!

Williams! Get him!

FARGO: Let's get him!



[b*llet RICOCHETS]



[g*nshots CONTINUE]



[CLICKS g*n]

All right, all right!

Hold it!


Take it. I got one.

Give it up. Give it up!


Go ahead, untie him!


Give me your hand.
Give me your hand.

That's it.


Come on, Garner.



hold it right there.



HUTCH: Give me a
couple of cops down here.


Oh, I thought we were done for.

Get the lawyer too.

Take him out. How'd you find us?

Your latest conquest, Ginger.

Fargo forced her
to work for him.

She led us over to
Knight's apartment.

We found a map of
this place circled on it.

How's the lady k*ller?

My rock. What?

I lost my rock.

What's he talking about?

He lost his rock, captain.


Thank you.

Bye. Bye-bye.

See you around
sometime... maybe?

Could be.

Bye. Bye-bye.

GARNER: Well, it worked.

Faking Willits' death,
the whole bundle.

You guys have really
revived my faith in the system.

My faith's gonna be restored
when we get Willits behind bars,

where he belongs.

Well, it's my responsibility

to try and see that
doesn't happen.


See you in court, Garner.


Well, I suppose it would
have broken his face

to say thank you, huh?

Why should he thank you?

The man's a major
pain in the neck.

I doubt he ever thanked
anyone in his whole life.

Well, we did save his life.
I mean, that's something.

What are you looking for, cap?

Oh, it's around here somewhere.



About saving Garner's life. Hmm.

You're just police
officers doing a job.

You have no right to expect

any special thanks for it.

Mm-hmm. I suppose Garner's
just a man doing his job,

getting creeps
like Willits off, huh?

That's correct, Hutchinson.

We're a nation of laws...

and the sooner you
young officers learn

to separate yourselves
from the emotionalism

of believing that justice is
based on right and wrong,

the further you're gonna go

in this department.

Thanks for the sermon, cap.

Oh, here it is.


For you.

What's this?

The department's way of saying

that even you two can come up

with a good idea
once in a while.

for a medal of valor.

For who?

Signed by guess who?


Captain Do-bey.

Go on, get out of here.
