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02x06 - Bust Amboy (a.k.a. Nightlight)

Posted: 03/07/23 11:13
by bunniefuu



Now, those are definitely
ladies in mourning.

Could've fooled me.

You ready?

Think we're dressed okay?

Who's gonna care?

I don't know.
Thought I might've
worn a tie.

Flowers are very heavy.

We're going into Stiff City.
Just give us time to get
past the management.

You got it, Hutch.
Get ready, guys.

Yeah. The least you could do
is smell them.

Camouflage your actions.


What's the matter?
It's my allergy.


May I be of service
in your hour of need?


You didn't tell me
the name of the beloved.

Perhaps you'd prefer to speak
to our grief therapist.

What's the meaning of this?
It's called a warrant.

Do it now.



Guess who's dead.


HUTCH: You're all under
arrest for prostitution.

Sit down, stay there.

No, no. No fair.

I'm disappointed in you.
I thought you'd straighten out
after that massage-parlour bust.

Get her out of here.

Hutch, you can't bust us.
You got no authority here.

Get him out of here.
You are unconstitutional.

You'll regret this.


Mr. Amboy will lean on you
so hard, you'll wish you'd
never put on a badge.

I don't think he's gonna make it
home tonight.

I'm telling you, Mr. Amboy is not...
Sit down.

Amazing what a little
makeup can do.

HUTCH: Yeah, it's a pity
they got him lying in a draft.

Well, gee, we ought to cover him up.
He might catch cold.

Help, help! I'm alive!

I'm alive. I'm not dead.
You're kidding. Really?

See? I'm breathing.
Come on, Goose, out you go.

Okay, okay.
You got nothing on me.

Huh, how about air pollution?

When Mr. Amboy finds out
you been leaning on the old Goose,

he's gonna get his legal brains out,
and you're in a lot of trouble.

Yeah, well, Goose,
you got it all wrong.

Because, you see,
right now,

I'm gonna go out, and I'm gonna bust
another one of Amboy's operations.

And he's gonna be so busy crying
that he's not gonna remember
your name.

The good times
are over, pal.

Book him, huh?

Hey, Hutch.

Don't be a hero.
Who, me?

Where's he going?
Oh, he's going out

to bust one of Mr. Amboy's
big number banks.

No one knows
where the bank is.

You wanna bet, turkey?

Of course, if someone could warn
the bank before the bust went down,

Amboy would probably give him

-grand reward and a tag team
of broads to match.

Of course, that ain't gonna happen,
because the only ones
that know about it

are Hutch, me and you.

Turn around.

Hey! Hey, come back here!



I hope that guy's dumb enough
to lead us to Amboy's bank.

Are you kidding? His hat size is
bigger than his IQ.


You plant the beeper on the hearse?
What does that look like?

That's right.

You know, if that guy keeps
burning rubber, some brave soldier
in a black and white

is gonna pull him over
before we reach that piggy bank.


This is Zebra to all units
in the west side, sector north.

Do not, repeat not, interfere
with a speeding hearse.

The driver is en route
to an emergency funeral. His own.


Bennie says it's real fresh,
Mr. Amboy.

He always says that.

What he doesn't know
is that corn has to be eaten

within the first
few hours of picking.

Otherwise, the natural sugars
turn starchy

and you lose the delicate flavour.

That's beautiful.


Now, what about
the weekend receipts?

What'd they come to?

$ , . Not bad
for a quiet weekend.

Itchy, tell Bennie to pack
some more corn with
the rest of my order.

And make him hurry up
with my bread.

Sit here too long,
the corn's gonna spoil, huh?

Yeah. Yeah.

Run for it, the cops!

There's a problem.
Let's get out of here. Move it.

Only one sucker punch
to a customer, sucker.

Get Stockwood
on the phone.

I want my people out on bail before
the ink gets dry on the booking cards.

And then get me the name
of those pigs.

Don't do it, turkey.

Should've known
this place was crooked.

What they getting for corn?

HUTCH: And it looks like
it's not gonna be one of
Mr. Amboy's better days.

What's going on?

We spent a whole morning
trying to bust Amboy's creeps.

And now they're walking
before we even finish
writing our reports.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
This stuff is evidence, captain.

Take it easy.

This is Mr. Amboy's attorney,
Mr. Stockwood.

It is cash intended
for my client's legitimate business,

which you and your partner
appropriated illegally

while engaged in improper
search and seizure.

You didn't even bother to get a warrant.

Captain, we had a warrant.
What's the thou for?

Brussels sprouts?

Look, captain, we pursued an escaped
felon to a suspected numbers bank.

We confiscated $ , in cash
from known criminals,
who resisted arrest.

You also crossed the county line.

DOBEY: That's right.

The warrant was issued
in this county.

In pursuit of your suspect
to that vegetable market,

you crossed the county line.
That made it invalid.

You'd better explain the legal
facts of life to your men, captain.

Then perhaps their future procedure
will be, shall we say,

less questionable.

Look, buster,
I don't know who the hell...

Mr. Stockwood, they said
I could go now.

Excuse me for interrupting.
I'll be leaving with you.

To wrap this up, gentlemen,

I don't know why you've taken it
upon yourselves to wage
this vendetta against Mr. Amboy,

but perhaps you'll be able
to explain your actions in court.

I think I'd like to try
to explain it right now.

Hey, hey.

Look at that.

Pretty, huh?

Now, Mickey is years old.

She belongs in school flunking Latin
or going out with the class jock,

not turning tricks on the street
to feed her arm.

Now, who strung her out,
Stockwood, along with thousands
of other kids just like her?

That good, old, legitimate
businessman client of yours.

We want him. And we're not
gonna stop until we get him.

I suggest you keep your men
off my client's back, captain.

Or be prepared
to suffer consequences.

Listen, here, take this stuff
and get out. Go on, get out!

Hey, I'm really sorry.

I don't want to hear it.

Amboy's friends upstairs been
kicking me in the shins all morning.

I'm not gonna have it from you.

Look, I'm gonna tell you something.

If you can't get Amboy legally,
I mean legally,

back off and forget about it.
We had him, captain.

We almost had him.

And if we stick with him,
sooner or later
he's gonna make a mistake.

And when he does,
we're gonna get him.

All right.

But make sure that mistake
happens soon. Because until
then, it's harassment.

Now, go on, get out of my office,
both of you.

Go on!

You really gotta give
this place a chance.

Would you get off the grass?

Oh, come on.
You got no respect, man.

These people work very hard.
Very hard. Underprivileged people.

Now, come on. This restaurant,
you know, is fantastic.

And I want you to order anything
to your heart's delight, I'm treating.

Now, grab a menu. Come on.

Wait until I show you this.
You're gonna flip.

Featured dish, hey.

Peanut-butter burritos
con jelly. What's the matter?

A lot of flies around here,
aren't there?

Oh, don't worry.
They're flying, not landing.

Come on, let's order.
I am so hungry.



That's your car horn.
No, it isn't.

Boy, am l... Will you, please?
Starsky, that's your horn.

Don't worry so much
and order. I'm hungry...

All right, I'll fix it.
Oh, you're terrific.

Get off the grass.
Don't you have any respect?

These people work very hard.
You know, you got a lot of nerve.

I was buying. It was my treat.

You know what's wrong with you?


Hm. Must have been a short.

HUTCH: You know what
I'd like right now is a nice
tall glass of orange juice.


You'd never make it.

Just relax, boys, and get in the car.
We're going for a nice, little ride.

Mr. Amboy wants to see you.


I didn't hear you come in.

I guess I was really enjoying
my newspaper.

You know...

London is such
an interesting city.

Please, excuse my rudeness.

You're upset.

Oh, listen, I'd be sore too
if a couple of gorillas
dragged me off the street

and took me away
from my regular activities.

Will you put those
weapons away?

Sergeant Starsky
and Hutchinson are...


They're my guests.

Please, sit down.


They're animals.

How about a drink?

Nothing like a little champagne
to clean out the palate

and get it ready
for some caviar.

Oh, Dom Pérignon, .
Now, that was a year.

Is that good?

Is that good? That's one of the best
years for champagne. Beluga, huh?

Ah, you're a man
who knows quality.

That grey jelly?

Starsky, this grey jelly
happens to be one of the most
expensive foods in the world.

Try it. Go ahead.

Try it.

You got your fingers all over it.
That's all right. It's good.

Uh, could I have a napkin, please?
Bring them some napkins.

Uh, two.

You know, I, uh...

I knew you gentlemen were
something special. I mean, uh...

I mean, the way you, uh, stepped out
of your precinct and came after me.

I mean, that shows me you're, uh...

individuals with, uh,
determination and spirit.

And men with those...

kind of qualities
deserve opportunity.

I drink to opportunity.

I mean, that's what this

great country's all about, huh?


You know something?

This ain't bad.

You know...

I think this is gonna be
our first bicentennial bribery offer.

Bribes are for nobodies.

I'm talking opportunity.

I mean, let's face it, gentlemen.

What I have here
is a red, white and blue,

percent American
success story.

And I can make it your story too.

Starsky, I don't think
he's offering us a bribe.

I think he's offering us our future.

"Future." Now, that's the word.

You know, gentlemen, you can't
imagine how good everything tastes

when you're rich and powerful.

I wonder how this tastes
with peanut butter.


Oh, you know something?

I never thought about being
an executive in the dope industry.

What do you think?

Well, I got a few questions.
Please, ask away.

Starsk, you know,

anybody else might've tried
to pass off red caviar.

STARSKY: It's no good?
Well, it's not the real thing.

It's salmon eggs.
Now, this is the real thing.

It's Russian sturgeon.
The best, right?

The best.
Mr. Amboy can afford to pay

for the best.

What about all those -year-olds
OD'd in doorways

and the teenage hookers
that you send into the sewers?

What about them?

Oh, you guys knew them

No, let me answer that for you.

You don't know them because
you didn't want to know them.

Because they're nothings,
they're zeroes.

They're losers.

You see, whatever kicks
they get, I sell them.

And if they didn't buy it from me,
they'd get it from somebody else.

I'm just a good businessman.


Very nice.
That's our lunch.

Itchy trained at Cordon Bleu.



Starsky, this is ragout.

Lamb kidneys and...
Baby veal.

Baby veal. Beautiful sauce.

And the rotten smell
of blood.

We don't want any part
of your future, Amboy.

It stinks.

You know, you're dumb.

Both of you, you're dumb cops.

I offer you the good life,
and you throw it in my face?

Why don't you guys
take a good look around?

I'm the one with the broads,
the bread and the limousine.

See, you seem to forget
one thing, the golden rule.

Remember it well. The man with
the gold makes the rules.

You're gonna fall, Amboy.

You're gonna fall.

And when you do,
we're gonna be right behind you.

See you.

You yo-yos need
some manners.


I think he knows karate.


Your lifestyle
has just changed, Amboy.

Things ain't gonna taste
so good from now on.

Bon appétit.

Hold it, you idiots.

We're gonna waste them,
but I'm gonna tell you
where and when.

Something's wrong.
No, not exactly wrong,
just a piece out of place.

Amboy's out of place.
He belongs in a cage in a zoo.

Yeah, well, we'll put him there.
Just as soon as he makes that buy,
he's vulnerable.

Right. Why don't you call him up
on the phone and ask him
when he plans to do that?

It would save a lot of time.
Oh, that's cute.

Maybe there's another way
we can find out, huh?


Best score for three darts,
bucks, right?

Fifty's kind of high.

Well, it's a game of chance, my man.
Could turn out to cost you nada.

Okay. Okay, Huggy.
What do you got?

Well, the word is,
the street is just about dry.

Lots of sick people out there
hungry, looking for a fix.

And big-hearted
sort that Mr. A is,

he boosted his prices up
during the drought,

making for a lot of unhappy,
unsatisfied customers.

So the pressure's on Amboy
to come up with the stuff quick.

Uh-huh. And according to
the grapevine, it won't be
long until he does.

I ain't no fortuneteller,
but if you want my educated guess,

Amboy's got to score and score big
in the next couple of days.

Well, it's no wonder
Amboy was anxious
to make us rich.

With that big buy coming up,
we're too close for comfort.

Hey, fellas,
that makes my score .

And there ain't no way
you gonna beat that.

So bucks, please.

Hold it. Hold everything.

We get a shot.

Be my guest, Starsky.
All right, that's bucks, Starsk.

Clobber him.

You can do it. Go ahead.


Watch this. He used to be
a collegiate dart champion.

Just step back, huh?
Step back.


Nice shot.

Okay, settle down.
You'll get the hang of it.

Go ahead.

What's the matter?

You doctored the darts.

Hey, man, the house
has gotta have an edge.




WAITER: And the baby boar with
the small potatoes and the carrots.

Excellent choice, Mr. Amboy.
AMBO Y: Thank you, Rogier.

And I'd like the endive braised lightly.
Oh, yes. Yes.


If they overcook it,
it tastes like trash.

Paul, bring me
some Mersault.

I love Mersault on Tuesdays.
It's very good wine.

HUTCH: Good evening.
Hey, hey, hey, look who we have here.

Mr. Amboy,
pusher and bigtime...?


Oh, it's Mr. Amboy, our pal,
the connoisseur of eats,

the owner of this
fine establishment.

Here, have a chair, Starsk.
Thanks. Don't mind if I do.

What you drinking,
Mr. Amboy?

You call this vino?
Throw it in the dumps.

Bring Mr. Amboy
a bottle of muscatel,

and some fine Polish sausage
and some sour pickles.

You know, the kind
with the giant warts.


Please, excuse the intrusion.
I don't know who these buffoons are.

Oh, forgive us. We're very,
very close, personal friends
with Mr. Amboy here.

What's going on here?

Uh, waiter, would you kindly bring
this charming couple

a crock of prune juice?

They're gonna need it
if they're friends of his.

How dare you accost Mr. Amboy
in his own establishment?

Uh, Hutch, perhaps we lack couth.

Aw, come on, let's let Mr. Amboy
and his pals chow down.

Come in here
and do what we started to do.

That's a good idea.



Checking violations
of the health code.

I checked the garbage cans out,
Amboy. They don't look too good.
They're full of garbage.

This is utterly unforgivable!

Oh, try and be a good sport
about it, sweetheart.

The body search comes next.
Oh, Henry!

Never can tell who might be
harbouring dangerous fruit flies.

Now, cut it out. Get off my back!

Whoo! Prune juice
is on the house.

I'm not gonna let you guys harass me,
you understand?

I'm not gonna let you crumbs
harass me. You understand?

I'm never coming here again.

I think we're starting
to get to him.

This could be the beginning
of a terminal relationship.






I told you, not tonight.
I got a headache.

Oh, come on.
It's : in the morning.

I'd like to get
a little sleep too, you know?

Come on.


Why don't you let me get back first?
Oh, just...

Oh, my neck.

What are you doing?


Nobody's gone in or out.

Well, I could've told you
you'd have a crick in your neck.
Your posture's terrible.

My posture?
Yeah, your posture.

Easy, that's my foot.


Get away from me.


Wake up.

Amboy's just had a visitor.

He's just leaving.

Man, was I having
a nightmare.

This -pound hairdresser
with a curling iron.

Just wait a second, will you?

This is Zebra . Will you run
a make on license number...?

Save it.
What do you mean, "save it"?

Save It. It's Squire Fox.

How do you know that?
I saw him.

Well, why didn't you say so?

I just did.
This is Zebra . Save it.

Squire Fox?

That name sounds familiar, Starsk.
It ought to.

Give you a hint.
Smalltime smuggler,
booze, cigarettes.

on the shipping lanes, right?

You got it.

He made us.

Yeah, he's moving.

Don't worry, Squire Fox
never ran out anybody.


Hey, hey, wait a minute, Starsk.
Wait a minute. Stop the car, will you?

What are you talking about?
Starsk, just stop the car.

What are you talking about?
I'm gonna lose him.

Starsky, stop the car!
You're nuts!

Stop the car, Starsk!

Why'd you do that to me?

Starsky. Starsky, that something
that was out of place, Squire Fox
just put it back together again.

That something that was out of place
is my neck. I just got whiplash.

It's not. The London Daily Dispatch.
London Daily Dispatch?

What was a slug like Amboy doing
reading The London Daily Dispatch?


Well, Amboy's tastes in
reading didn't exactly run the
gamut of great literature.


Well, he wouldn't have been leafing
through The London Daily Dispatch
without reason.

He wasn't leafing.

What was he doing?


And he had it folded.

Like this.

All right.


"Passengers leaving Southampton
on S.S. Southwold for luxury cruise."


So it arrives tomorrow night.


Amboy needs to make a buy,
and I think he made himself

an English connection.

I know you got customers waiting.

They're my customers too, ain't they?

Well, listen, it's not like taking
a prescription down to your
neighbourhood drugstore, you know.

I'm working on the problem.

Now, you just tell your people that
everybody's getting well real soon.


I'll call you back.

Get out of my life.
Oh, say, Amboy,

we thought you might be
interested in this item in
The London Daily Dispatch.

It's very interesting.

There's this article about a boat
about to leave from England
loaded with dream dust.

I'm not putting up
with any more of this.


Now you're gonna get it.
That's far enough, gentlemen.

This is an injunction
enjoining you from further
harassment of Mr. Amboy.

Interfere with his
normal activities again

and you will be subject
to prosecution under law.



We didn't come here
to harass anyone, did we, Hutch?

Certainly not. We were just down here

Checking on a report
of a flasher in the area.

And there he is,
shamelessly exposing himself.


I can't look. It's disgusting.

Would you please read him his rights,
Sergeant Hutchinson?

Mr. A, a flasher?

Listen, Starsk, maybe we can let
the man off with a warning if he
promises to buy a raincoat, huh?

Won't be such a big laugh
when you comedians get busted
for hassling me.

I got the law on my side!

Shut up!


Now what are you gonna get me for?

Double parking?

What's the matter?
You shouldn't be laughing, Mickey,

not when the joke's on you.

See, Mickey, as far
as Amboy's concerned,

you're a nothing. All he's got to do
is wind you up on smack

and you're gonna do
anything he wants. And that,
to him, is a great big yuck.

HUTCH: Now, we know that Amboy's
gonna be making a buy.

And we wanna be there
to bust him when he does.

Now, maybe you can remember
what your life was like before
he turned you into a funny girl

and give us a call.

We'll be waiting to hear from you.
Yeah, I'll give you a call...

next time I need a laugh.



Hey, Hutch.



Hey, blondie.
What do you want?

What do I want? I'm Ionely.
You got anything over there?

No, nothing much.
Just some bumblebee

that's hot after my after-shave.
Don't move.

What? What?
Don't move.

It's probably a very friendly bee,
probably just making an inquiry.

Amboy's planning quite a party.
I wonder what he's celebrating.

Probably confusion.

He probably wants as much activity
to cover his moves as he can get.



What's the matter?
That bee just inquired.

About what?
A not-too-distant relative.

The misfortunes of man.

I know you got a business to run.

What do you think I'm doing,
playing games? Huh?

Look, you know I always deliver.
I just gotta make my arrangements.

Oh, you think you're the only one with
muscle to back up what he says, huh?

Look, you know I always come
through for you. I always do.

What do I care how you stay open?
That's your problem.

All my dealers got troubles.

I'll show them what trouble's
really like if I don't make
my arrangements.

Well, did you take care of everything?
Sure, Mr. A.

What about Starsky and Hutch?
Just like I told you before.

I know you told me before,

but I want you to keep telling me.
Do you understand?
I don't want no slip-ups.

We're coming to the short strokes,
and I don't want no slip-ups,
do you understand me?

Yes, Mr. Amboy...

Hold it. Who is that guy?

That's one guy we didn't account for.
I can't make him out from here.
Can you?

Fox. That's Squire Fox,
without his English wardrobe.

He must be taking
Amboy out early to lose us.

Let's move on him.
Well, wait for me.


Hold it, pal.

You hold it, pal.

Police officers.
And you guys are under arrest.


I knew this was gonna happen!

Captain, you're failing
to appreciate one thing.

You know what this is?
Yeah, I know what that is.

This is a court order.
You keep hassling that man,
you're gonna find yourself in jail.

Okay, then call us and next we can
slap our wrists. In the meantime,
you got a buy going down any minute.

Captain, you can't let us get this far
in this case and then pull us off

when we got that scum
by the back of the neck.

Now, can't you pretend you never
saw that warrant before, huh?


Dobey here.

Yeah. For you, Hutch.
It's supposed to be urgent.

You know, Hutch has got a point.
You're always mislaying things.

Why don't you just lose that
for a couple hours.

Told you three days ago
this was gonna happen.

For a couple of hours, cap...
Shh, shh, shh. It's Mickey.

Yeah, Mickey, I'm listening.

You said I should call
if I ever grew up.

Yeah, well, I'm glad you did.


Amboy didn't like me laughing
at him in the tailor's store.

So he had the...


Oh, Hutch, they hurt me.


Mickey, we'll help you. You know that.
Now, where are you?

That's not important. That's
not important. Just listen, okay?

Amboy's throwing
a big party tomorrow.

People are gonna be coming
and going all day, getting it ready.

But he's gonna be leaving
at in the morning,

by the garden door,
in the caterer's truck.

Mickey, are you gonna be all right?


Tell Mr. A I'm still laughing at him.

Mickey. Mickey, Mickey...

You done real good, babe.

You see how nice we can be
when you cooperate?

What's the matter
with you, Starsky?

And you too, Hutch.

Both of your faces are pale.

I know what it is. You're coming down
with the pig flu.

And don't argue with me.
You're both feeling bad.

I'm gonna put you on sick leave.

What you do with your time
is your own business.

Thanks, captain.


He's right on time.

Just like Mickey said.

There goes Amboy.

Nice day for a drive, isn't it?

Let me ask you something.

If you were Amboy
and you had this buy
going down,

and you knew that we knew,

wouldn't you try to take us out,
or at least try to lose us?


Mickey sure gave us
one hot tip.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking, who belongs
to that straw hat?

I'll bet you a steak dinner
to a pizza it ain't Amboy.

You're on.




Come on out of there,
you turkey.

Come on.

HUTCH: Well, if it isn't Mother Goose
and her Squire.

Tell us where Snow White is.
Mr. A didn't tell us a damn thing.

Hey, you're not gonna
leave us here like this.

Wanna bet?

Itchy, I'll be back
in a couple of hours.

When I do, I don't wanna see
Mickey around anymore.

I want you to get rid of her.

And I want you to do it in such a way
that she won't be no trouble to us
in the future.




Oh, Hutch.

Shh, shh, shh.

Oh, Hutch.

Oh, Hutch, I didn't
want to do it, I swear.

They made me do it.
This is Starsky.

Send me an ambulance
and a black and white
over to , - , Grove Street.

All right. Thanks.
HUTCH: Can you help?

Mick, it's the only way we're gonna
be able to end this nightmare for you.

I don't know anything,
Hutch, honestly.

Ambulance is on its way.

Is she okay?
I think so.

Listen, Mickey.

Do you know where Mr. A went
for his connection?

I don't know, Hutch.
Honestly, I don't know anything.


Mickey, something.

Just try to remember
something, anything.

It might not mean anything to you,
but to us it might be something.

Come on.
Please, Mickey.

Mr. A said something about meeting
Chuckles a couple hours ago.

That's all.

That's our friendly undertaker.


A pleasure doing business
with you, professor.

I'll be in touch.

Party-pooping time.

Hold the fort.

Amboy, hold it!

You just got lucky, pig.

You just got lucky.

I had it all.

I had it all!

Remember the golden rule.

The man with the gold
makes the rules.


I had it all.
Get him out of here.

I had it all.

Get off me.

You all right?

This place gives me
the creeps.

Let's go home.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, that's great, captain.
All right, hold on a second.

Hey, why doesn't he
just call us in there?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, captain.

He threw the book
at him, huh? That's great.
How much? Thirty years?

Well, it was well worth
waiting for, huh?


Now, that's what I call terrific.
Sir, I am celebrating,

and I'm offering you a chance to go
to the candy-bar machine

and have your heart's delight.
Thirty-five cents is your limit.

Oh, fellas, I've been looking for you.

Hiya, Mickey.
Hey, Mick.

I have got such terrific news.

Since you guys helped me
get straight and everything,
I wanted you to be the first to know.

I got a real job.

No kidding.

Nothing with sailors or funny
drinks or anything like that?

No photographers
without film in the camera?

No, no, no. It's a real,
honest-to-goodness job.

I am field sales representative
for a cosmetic company for men.


Say, men,

when was the last time
you found a real he-man after-shave

that made your whole face
feel kissing-fresh?

You know, I got that appointment
at the DMV.

I really can't stay.
Yeah. Really I'm happy for you, Mickey,

but I got an allergy.
Our special fragrance is guaranteed

to make you perk up and take notice.
Oh, is that right?

It's called Night in Tijuana.

That's a good name.
Good name.

Now, isn't that delightful?

What's the matter?

Oh, nuts. That's for athlete's foot.
Wait a minute.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
here's the real one.

Okay, it's called Night in Tijuana.
Oh, listen, Mickey...

Mickey, we believe you.
Take a dab. Come on, take a dab.

No, no, no.
More than that...