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02x16 - The Set-Up: Part 1

Posted: 03/07/23 11:06
by bunniefuu


Here, let me help you!



I'm not that delicate.

Well, it's not every day

a guy finds out he's
going to have a son.

That'll be quite a trick.

Well, you know what I mean.

You're going to have a kid.

Terrence Patrick Nash Jr.

That'll be a funny name

if it turns out to be a girl.

Maybe not so funny.



You're very pretty, you know.

I love you.

Let's go up the coast

to Santa Barbara for the weekend

and celebrate, okay?


Or Paris.


Cleveland by the sea.

We'll do it.




[g*nshots, WOMAN SCREAMS]





Shh, Mr. Nash,

there are people
sleeping in the other room.

Where's my wife?

I want to see my wife!

Be quiet, Terry. Be quiet.

You're in a hospital.

It's 5:00 in the morning.

Sorry, Dr. Stegner.

He just woke up and
started to scream.

It's all right, Nurse.

Just leave us alone, please.

Yes, Doctor.

Thank you.

Terry... it's me, George.

Open your eyes, look at me.

You recognize me?

George Stegner,
your brother-in-law.

Patty's brother.

You recognize me now?

Yeah, I know you.

Hey, how about that.

Well, how do you like that, huh?

Good old George.

Do you remember, Terry? Do
you remember what happened?

You do. You do.

Don't turn away from me.

Look at me.

You had a lousy
time, a real lousy time,

but we all know that,

but while you were
lying on your back,

I was out on the phone

making arrangements
for Patty's funeral.

Your wife, Terry,

but my sister.

You think I don't feel anything?

You think I'm
not feeling it now?

Listen to me, Terry.

I'm scared.

I'm scared to death.

Those weren't just a
couple of maniacs, kid.

They were hired, Terry.

Those men were professionals.

I don't understand.

Listen to me.

Patty never told
you about her father.

My father.

He was a crook, Terry.

He was in the
Syndicate out of Chicago.

30 years.

30, Terry,

and he wanted out.

Maybe it was getting too hot,
maybe he was getting too old.

I don't know.

Well, what does
that have to do...

Let me finish.

They k*lled him, huh?

Four years ago,

just before you met Patty,

and they would've k*lled us

for what they felt
we might've known,

or what he might've told us,

but Patty and I
thought we were smart.

We changed our names, we
moved a half a dozen times,

and up until two weeks
ago, I thought we were safe.

Two weeks?

That's how long you've
been here, unconscious.

Look, I don't know

if they've made the connection
between me and Patty,

but I figured you ought to know,

so I told you.

And I'll tell you
something else.

Get out, Terry.

Go home, pack a bag,

get on a plane, and disappear.

Change your name, make it legal.

Forget about me and this city

and everything
that happened here.

Now, you give me 10 minutes.

You get dressed.

Clothes are in
the closet, there.

I'll call a cab.

I'll think of some excuse

to get rid of that
policeman outside the door.

You understand me?

Do it.

You do it.


Who did it?


You tell me, George.

I have a right to
know. You said I did.

Why? You couldn't do anything.

The police haven't
been able to do anything.

The man's untouchable.

Please tell me the name.

I'm begging you.

Well, what's the point?

I've lived with this
thing all my life.


Joseph Durniak.

The name mean anything to you?

You must've seen it a
thousand times on TV

and in the newspapers.


his face was on a magazine
a couple of months ago.


Yeah, sure.


Forget it, Terry.

Where, George? Where?

Here, damn it, the city.


A hotel. What's the difference?

What do you think this
is, amateur night, kid?

You tell me the
name of that hotel.

You tell me the name of that.

The Freemont.

HUTCH: ♪ All I want
Is black bean soup ♪

♪ And you to bring it to me ♪

♪ Be my love... ♪

Oh, you're awake.


This a dawn or a sunset?

This one's a dawn.


Good morning, good buddies,

this is the Puce Goose,
and I'm on the loose.

Anybody out there?

Starsky, I thought we agreed

you weren't going to play
with that thing anymore.

You agreed, I didn't agree.

This is Americana
in action, Hutch.

Americana reaching
out to one another.

Hands across the airwaves.

Fingers fumbling
through the frequencies.

This is the Puce Goose,
I'm looking for a gander.

Any of you good
buddies out there?

Hey, do you remember
that good buddy

outside of Albuquerque?

Like to tear that
restaurant apart

trying to get to you.

Ah, he was a sorehead,
anybody could tell that.

Yeah, sure he was.

This is the Puce Goose,

and I'm with my
pal, the Blond Blintz,

and we're heading
west. Anybody out there?

The Blond what?


Hello, Puce Goose?

Why, this is Hungry Mama.

I'm out here

and I bet you
truckers get so lonely

out on that road.

You bet, Hungry
Mama, we do that.

Me and my girls,

we just love to cheer
up lonely truck drivers.

Our trailers are just three
miles past the Nevada border.

I think we just passed 'em.

It might have been a nice
place to stop for breakfast.

Hey, give me that thing.

Negatory, Hungry Mama.

10-17 before pleasure,

and right now the Puce Goose
has a hot 10-17 to tend to.

I don't think they're
selling food, Starsky.

You two-bit cheapskate
gear jockeys are all alike!


Another sorehead.


What you carrying?

Paper goods. El Paso to Fresno.

Been weighed in
the last 500 miles?



There's a place called
Jeb's Restaurant,

two miles this side of Barstow.

You pick up your real cargo.

He's finally here,
huh? Looks it.

You know, you guys
aren't the only ones

who've been driving around

for the last two weeks.

You just happen to be the
ones that caught the gold ring.

Good saw.


Morning, Mr. Nash.

Are you all right, Mr. Nash?

Yeah, I'm all right.


Real Americana.


Real Americana, these people.

Apple pie and ice cream.

What? What?

Ice cream. Ought to have some.

Another one of your
good buddies, huh?


Hey, Willie, I ordered poached!

Do these look like poached?

And where's my double
order of flapjacks and ham?


Hey, what a big
spender. 15 whole cents.

Oh, maybe I'll retire.

Perhaps take a trip to Bermuda.

What can I do for you guys?

Couple of cups of Java.


Java, that's truck driver talk

for coffee.

Hey, Willie,

we got a wise guy out here.

Just like a couple
of cups of coffee,

and maybe a
couple of sweet rolls.

Ah... just one
sweet roll for me.

I picked him up hitchhiking.


Oh, nothing, nothing.

You sure?


Turn around.

Oh, boy.

Uh, oh, uh...



Why don't you just go back there

and finish your pie, huh?


He said go back
and finish your pie.

Uh, he can be a little obnoxious

from time to time,

but there's no reason
for any trouble, huh?

Why don't you just go back there

and finish your apple pie?


Hi, fellas.


Fancy that.


Keep the change, huh.

Hold the java, we got a detour.

Another big tipper.

We heard you came
down from San Francisco.

Outright, told me I
was going to San Diego.

Nothing sacred anymore.

Can't even trust the police.

When did they tell
you to stop here?

Oh, about 20 miles back

when I phoned in.

Just like they told me to.

I'll tell you one thing,

there ain't nobody
gonna find Joe Durniak,

at least not until he's
had a chance to testify.

Hiya, Joey...

long time no see.


Little Davy Starsky!

This is my partner,
Ken Hutchinson.

How do you do?

How long you been partners?

About seven years.

Well, if he kept you around
that long, you gotta be okay.

Now, little Davy, here,

he never knew whether
to... love me or hate me.

I represented everything
your father fought against.

Some wise guys, they
shot him down one night.

Yeah, I know.

Joey paid for the funeral.

Your poppa, he was
one hell of a man.

He deserved better than he got.

We better get moving.


No, let Davy drive.

I'll sit here

and talk old times
with your friend.

If you're not here, he'll...
He'll only hear my side.

That'll be nicer.


Lock it up. Thanks a lot.

Good morning.

Would you like this
in a check, Mr. Nash?


$100 bills.

Well, I don't know if we
have 25 hundred dollar bills.

Uh, I'll take what you
have and the rest in 50s.

Not going to Las Vegas, I hope.

Won't take a second.


Who is it?

It's me.

Who's me?


It's your partner, dummy.

I don't know
anybody by that name.

Well, try the Blond Blintz.

Enter, sayeth the Puce Goose.

Room service.

Oh, you come bringing gifts.

I'll sit here.

Well, Joe, I had a talk
with our Captain downstairs.

He says there's a
van going to be here

to pick you up,

take you down to the
Federal building this afternoon,

and tonight,

after you've had your little
chat with the Grand Jury,

we're all three of us going
to move to another hotel.

Are you on a diet, Hutch?

Oh, no, I just make it a point

never to eat hotel breakfasts.

I may be wrong, Joe,

but you don't seem too
impressed with all this security.

Uh, right now, I'm
much more interested

in why you won't eat in a hotel.

Oh, it's nothing, it's
just something I read.

I'm sure you got
nothing to worry about.

I was right there looking
over the cook's shoulders

when he made this stuff.

Relax, Joe, sit down. You
got nothing to worry about.

They're gonna get to me.

There ain't nobody...

gonna stop 'em.

Sooner or later, they get to me.

Hey, Joe, we got
every Syndicate man

in a 500 mile radius
being watched.

You can't watch everybody.

You cops,

you... you think
you got a corner

on modern science.

I can tell you that there are
more ways of k*lling people

than you'll ever know about.

You don't believe me, do you?

Why don't you check
out that plane crash

in Canada last month?

They did that to k*ll one man.


Do you think they
cared about the others?

I'm still interested

in why your buddy won't
eat a hotel breakfast.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, well, uh...

It's nothing. It's just
something I read.

You said that already.

What did you read?

Oh, you... You really
don't want to know.

Do we really want to know?

Yeah. Humor him.

Well... there was this
story about this chef

who worked the morning
shift in some big hotel,

and one night before
he went to work,

he had this terrific
fight with his wife.

Yeah, so?

So they figure the next morning,

about 46 of the hotel
guests ate her for breakfast.


Hash, potatoes...

omelets, eggs...

tomato juice...

toast, butter...


Not the coffee.


Buddy Griggs, right?


Wait a minute. Steve Reynolds,


3rd Battalion.


Wrong name, wrong place.

My mistake.

Excuse me.

Give me the Freemont Hotel.

The one across the street.


I meant what I said, you know?

About them getting to me.

Come on, Joey.

You always did have
a flair for the dramatic.

Maybe so,

but I'm surprised
I got this far.

I'm going to tell you
something, little Davy.

Some of the names
I'm gonna mention...

dates, places...

some nasty little facts...

you're not gonna
want to hear them.

Joey, you're going
to be on your way

to Washington tomorrow,

and in a few weeks,

you're going to be breathing
easier than you have

for 30 years.

You can take my word for that.



you supply proof of those names,

enough to give the Feds
the indictments they want,

there's no one you could name

that we'd be sorry
to see put away.


Meantime, you get cold feet,

we'll go out and buy
you an extra pair of socks.

Who is it? It's me.

Who's me? Captain Dobey.

What's the password?

Come on, Starsky,
open this door.

Starsky's not the password.

They just got a call on
the switchboard downstairs.

Some guy says he's got a
half a dozen incendiary bombs

planted in the hotel.


They're set to go
off in 15 minutes!

Take him down to
the freight elevator.

I'll have a car waiting.

Come on.

Those bombs!

Come on, let's go.

The bombs are a trick!

I'm Oliver, FBI.

A man was spotted
with a r*fle outside.

You're gonna have to take
him right through the front, okay?

A car is gonna be waiting.



Watch it!


Up there!

That hotel over there.

I saw a man with a r*fle!


You! You! Come with me.


Take the back!

Police officer, would you
gentlemen get back, please.

Remember the tombstone...


Here lies Joe Durniak...

The end of an era.


Yeah, Joey?

I kind of like that.

I really... do...

Police officer. Please get out.

Please come out.


What is going on?



Get him out of here.

I've been telling you
guys, I didn't sh**t nobody.

I was ripping off rooms.

I just saw the cops
come running in this joint,

and I decided I ought to split.

That's when you ran into the guy

in the stairwell, huh?

The guy with a g*n?

Yeah, how many times
I gotta tell you guys?

Starsky and Hutch...

See you a minute.


His story checks out.

11 prior convictions.

Breaking and
entering hotel rooms.

What about the paraffin test?


No way he could've
touched that g*n.

So there really was
a guy in that stairwell.

Talk about dumb luck.

I'm afraid

that's not our only
problem right now.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I want to see you
two in my office.

The fatal shot came
from an upper floor window

of the Webster Hotel,

directly across the
street from the Freemont.

It's now been learned

that the m*rder*d
man had secretly agreed

to appear today
as the star witness

in a special Federal
Grand Jury investigation

of mob activities.

According to a story

which will appear in
tomorrow's Washington Post,

Durniak's testimony
would have resulted

in the issuance of
criminal indictments

against as many as
60 gangland figures.

The Post story goes on
to say that Durniak's k*ller...

Obviously a
professional assassin

hired by the Syndicate...

Can take the dubious credit

for successfully
slamming the door

in the face of the
planned investigation.

No! You're trying
to whitewash him!

You don't recognize
any one of them?


These are the agents

that were on duty
at the hotel today.

The only agents.

No, the only guy we
saw was in the back hall.

He showed us his badge.

Oliver. His name was Oliver.

He told us they'd spotted
a man with a r*fle out back,

we'd have to take
Joey out the front.

What are you looking
at us like that for?

You think we made this up?

You want to know what I think?

I think there were less than
10 people in this entire country

who knew where Joe
Durniak was yesterday,

and out of those 10,

the only ones that
he would trust enough

to change directions
that suddenly

would be you two.

That's a... a pretty
strong accusation, isn't it?

You better believe it is,

and I'm gonna prove it.

I think you two were
paid to set up Joe Durniak.

Wilson, if you're going
to accuse my men,

you might as well accuse me.

I'll keep that in mind, Captain.

That man's Don Quixote
fighting the windmills.

Joe Durniak was his security,

his responsibility.

Yeah, well, that
may be so, but, uh...

all the same,

he seems pretty certain about
proving that we're involved.

How can he prove we're
involved when we're not.

That doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, what about
Sirhan Sirhan, or Ray,

or that FBI man
who doesn't exist,

who told us to take
Joey out the front door.

That doesn't make
any sense either.



Get on that extension.

I got an informer

says he knows who
k*lled Joe Durniak.

Now, would you
repeat that, please?

Terry Nash?

I'm Detective Hutchinson.

This is Detective Starsky.

I, uh...

I heard on the news

that Joe Durniak
was going to testify

before a state crime commission.

Is that true?

Yeah. Is that important to you?

That he was going to
name names and tell stories?

That's right.

You suppose if he did
testify that he would mention

that he shot my my wife
to death two weeks ago?

I'm afraid you got the
wrong man, Mr. Nash.

Joe Durniak didn't
have anything to do

with any killings two
weeks ago, Mr. Nash,

and nobody in the underworld

would have dared take
any orders from him.

He was in maximum
security protective custody

for over seven months.

I say your facts are wrong.

I saw it happen
with my own eyes.

What exactly are you
trying to say, Mr. Nash?

I'm just trying to tell you
guys the truth. That's all.

What the hell is that?

That's a souvenir
from... Joe Durniak.

I got off easy.

That's to my apartment.

There's a r*fle in it.

You k*lled Joe Durniak?

Out of all the hoods
running around

with a reason to k*ll him,

you're trying to make us believe

that because you believe
that he k*lled your wife,

you went ahead,
and you shot him?

It's not a fantasy.

The newspapers are trying
to make him into a saint.

He wasn't a saint.

He was a m*rder*r.

I shot him. I'm not
ashamed of that.

Can I help you?

We're just accompanying
Mr. Nash up to his apartment.

I beg your pardon?

Mr. Nash's apartment?
Upstairs? Ninth floor?

Apartment 906?

Been some kind of mistake here.

Cough medicine.

About 86 proof I'd guess, huh?

There's no mistake here.

We're police officers.

We're just taking Mr. Nash
up to his apartment.

It's really very simple

once you get the hang of it.

Need a lift?

You sure you got the right key?

If someone would please explain,

perhaps I could
be of assistance.

There's nothing to explain.

This is my apartment.
The name is Nash.

Terry Nash. I've
been gone four hours.

I come back to find

somebody's changed
the lock on my door.

Allow me.

This building isn't
ready for occupancy.

Won't be for another month.

Mr. Nash, are you sure
you haven't made a mistake

and got the wrong complex?

I live here.

My wife...

What have you done, huh?

Hey, what have you done, huh?

Let me go.

Let go of me.

Enough! Let go of me! Let go!


Just calm down!

I'm not going crazy.

Nobody said you were.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

About the FBI man who never was.

Like I said, it doesn't
make any sense.

What are you guys talking about?

When we're sure,
we'll tell you about it.

What do you want to do, huh?

I don't know. We
take him in now,

Dobey's liable to think
all three of us are crazy.

Let's go back to my place,
get some sleep, some food.

Maybe we can start
clear-headed tomorrow.

Then you do believe me?

Well, let's put it this way...

At present you're
running a close second

to an FBI man named Oliver.


You'd better move fast.
I think they believe him.

If you don't know the
name of the hospital,

how can you be so
sure it was around here?

Because when I left
there, I took a cab.

I got picked up out front.

It's a five minute drive
from there to my apartment.

What apartment?

What're you saying now,

there's no hospital, either?

Is that what you're saying?

Don't mind me, Terry,

I'm just thinking out loud.

I was there for two weeks!

I got out two days ago!

Now, don't tell me
there's no hospital!

There! Turn in!

What do you say
now, huh? No hospital?

Hurry, ladies, you
don't want to be late.


Hurry! Hurry!

STARSKY: Some hospital.

Hi. Remember me?

Terry Nash?

I was in here two days ago...

in the morning?

I withdrew $2500 all in cash?

There was 1800 in
100s, and the rest in 50s.

Remember that?

Sorry, Mr. Nash, but I
really don't remember.

I gave you a withdrawal
slip for $2500.

You said, "Do you
want that in a check?"

and I said, "No, I'll take
it in cash, all hundreds,"

and you said,

you probably didn't
have enough hundreds,

and I said, "That's okay.
I'll take part of it in 50s."

You asked me if I was
going to Las Vegas.

Remember that?

Do you have your
passbook with you, Mr. Nash?


No, I left it in my apartment.

Well, do you happen to remember

your account number offhand?

No. Is this necessary?

The account can still be
checked through your name.

Is it Terry, or Terrence?

It's Terr...

Wait a minute.

Uh, this isn't important.

It's one or the other, right?

If you'll wait a
second, Mr. Nash,

I'll check your account.

I'm very sorry, Mr. Nash,

but we have no record of
any account in your name.

You're lying.

Now, wait a minute,
Terry. She's lying.

What are you lying to me
for? You know I was here!

What's going on around
here anyway, huh?

They're lying!
Can't you see that?

Don't you see what's happening?

Why doesn't
somebody just admit it?

What's going on around here?

I didn't make it all
up! I'm not crazy!

Well, then, try Terrence Nash.

Same number.

What about friends?

What about them?

You got any?

No, we just moved
here, remember?





How come?

I haven't got one yet.

What kind of work do you do?


Engineer, okay.

Well, back where you come
from you got friends, huh?

Where do you come from?

Where do you come from, Terry?

I can't remember.


I said, I can't remember.

You can't remember
where you come from?

I was in the hospital.
For two weeks.

I was unconscious.

Maybe something happened
to me during the sh**ting.

There's probably a lot of
things I don't remember.

You know, this thing's
giving me an ulcer?

Well, the DMV says there's
no license by this number

in the name of T.,
Terry, or Terrence Nash.


Also, I checked
with the precinct

where you say
your wife was shot.

They show no record of it.

That's crazy.

Terry, I had it double checked.

I had my friend Barney
Franklin cross-check

with all the other
precincts in the city.

There was no sh**ting
like you were describing.

I don't know what
to tell you, Terry.

You call us up.

You tell us that you shot a man

whom you say is responsible
for murdering your wife.

You know that because
your brother-in-law told you so.

We go to the apartment
house where you say you live,

and we find out the apartment
has never been lived in.

The security guard
couldn't have been

where you said he was.

The hospital that you say
that you spent two weeks in

turns out not to
be a hospital at all,

but a Catholic girls' school.

The AMA doesn't show
a Dr. George Stegner

registered anywhere
in the country.

Your bank never heard of you.

The DMV never heard of you,

and now I check with
a homicide detective

from the 22nd Precinct,

and he says in no
uncertain terms that nobody,

nobody in that
particular part of the city

has ever been m*rder*d.

Now, you tell us what we're
supposed to think, Terry.


What are we supposed to think?

What do you think?

I can't think.




Banks have hidden cameras.

What happened?

Well, The bank manager's a guy

by the name of Thistleman.

Now, he says we
can look at the film

shot Monday morning
between 10:00 and 11:00

when Terry here says
he withdrew the money.

He screamed like hell
about invasion of privacy,

but I told him,

if he didn't let us
look at the film,

I'd have half the IRS agents

and FBI agents in this state

in there and
looking at his books

by 5:00 this afternoon.

He believed that?

Believe it?

I'll bet his carnation wilted.

You got it.

The blond man uses
the name Hutchinson.

The one in the rear is Starsky.

The first man uses
the name Nash.

Now, we have been
searching for these three men

since we learned of
their entry into the country

seven months ago.

We've finally found them, Debra.

We've finally found them.

But not soon enough.

No, not soon enough.

Your brother's dead,

m*rder*d by these three men,

but he was only
one of nine, Debra.


All good men, good agents,

each one with a wife
and family back home,

and each one with
a love of our country

that gave him the
courage to give his own life

in order to defend it.

Where are they now?

We're on them constantly.

We've known of their
exact whereabouts

since yesterday afternoon.

When am I to do it?

Tonight, Debra.

You must k*ll them tonight.

