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02x01 - The Las Vegas Strangler

Posted: 03/07/23 10:52
by bunniefuu
Coming out.

10. The number is 10.

Uh, Grable, Grable, Grable...

George Brent.

Barbara Stanwyck.

Uh-uh-uh, no good.

I already used Barbara Stanwyck,


When did you use
Barbara Stanwyck?

I don't remember you
using Barbara Stanwyck.

Yes, I did.

I said Helen Twelvetrees,
you said Tom Brown,

and I said Barbara Stanwyck.

Get it?

All right, all right, all right.

All right, an S to me.

Not an S, dummy,
a B. George Brent.


D, D, D... Dummy, all right.

B, B, B. Brent.

Barry Fitzgerald!

Hurray! Hurray!


Listen, darling, how
about a ride home?

Just my feet, not my body.

I wish I could,
really, but I can't.

My sister's got my car.

I'm walking myself.

Oh, another day, another dime.

All right, darling.

Okay. I'll see you
tomorrow night.

All right, then. Take care.

Barbara Stanwyck.

Who's there?

Is anybody there?

I said, is somebody there?

That's a fantastic idea.

Ah, come on. I'm into poetry.

Behold the desert prince.

Hey, that's good.

No, dummy.

Starsky, Hutchinson.

Yeah, lieutenant.

What are you doing
down here from Vegas?

Believe it or not, I came
down here to see you two.

How thrilling. Okay, Cameron,

we might as well
get this thing started.

Starsky, Hutch, in my office.

Let's go.

I smell a rat.

How many times have
I told you about that?

Sorry, cap.

I'm working on it.

What's this all about, cap?

Lieutenant Cameron here
will answer all your questions.

Well, I suppose
you're all wondering

why I asked you to gather here.

Okay, I'll come
straight to the point.

It seems we have a maniac

roaming our
streets in Las Vegas.

One who believes
that strangling showgirls

is a worthwhile hobby.


take a look.

He's already k*lled four.

All four girls worked
in different shows.

All four were found
in different locations.

He doesn't leave
them very pretty.

k*lling's only part of it.

You should see what he
does to them after they're dead.

Why are you telling us all this?

I see two thirsty souls

trudging through the
desert toward a neon city.

Well, in the past,

you've always been
helpful to our department

when our cases brought us here,

so I thought it was only right

that we give you a chance to see

our fair city.

I filed a request
with your chief

yesterday afternoon.

And it's been approved.

All we need is for you to agree.

Wait a second.

Just wait...

Wait a minute, cap.

Putting aside personalities

and the fact that Hutch
and I and the lieutenant here

don't exactly sing in harmony,
Something doesn't make sense.

The Las Vegas Police Department

is supposed to be one
of the best in the country.

Yes, but we're a
small department,

in a small town,

where almost everybody
knows everybody else.

Now, right now, we've
got a psycho on our hands,

and that could be
anybody in the city.


I believe this is the time to
put our personalities aside.

Look, I-I need two good
men who can go undercover.

Two good men that I can be sure

won't be recognized as cops.

Well, what do you say?

Are you in?

Hug, are you sure

these are the kind of
clothes they wear in Vegas?

Am I sure?

Starsky, you two guys
are gonna look like

the flash with the cash.

That's right, that's right.

You sure this tie
isn't a little too bright?

Bright? Bright?

Everything in Las
Vegas is bright.

Bright is their
national colors, Hutch.

That's right, that's right.

I don't know, Hug, these
shoes are kind of dubious.

Oh, man.

Starsky, you are talking
about the George Raft look.

That's right, that's right.

In fact, if I didn't
know better,

I'd guess you two guys
were a couple of high rollers

who just stepped off the plane

from Las Vegas this minute.

That's right, that's right.

Yeah, well, that I can believe.

Dressed like this,

they probably would have
run us right out of town.

I don't know, Hutch,

Cameron said he
wanted us to look like

a couple of tinhorn turkeys
on a gambling spree.

Yeah, well, all I'm
saying... Oh, man.

All I'm saying, Starsky,

is do we have to
dress quite this loud?

Well, ask Duke here.

He's spent a lot
of time in Vegas.

That's right, that's right.

Is that right?

That's right, that's right.

Besides, I'm kind
of getting to like it.


You look ridiculous.
What do you know?

Hey, Duke, just between friends,

when was the last time
you was in Las Vegas?

About 1946.

Hmm. That's right, that's right.

That's right.

It says here this whole
town is open 24 hours a day.

You know what that means?

That means that
nothing ever closes.

Supermarkets, barber
shops, hardware stores.

Well, you know, Starsk,
they're probably all waiting

for the air-conditioning
repairman to show up.

Is that a joke?

Give me a sip of that, will you?

You don't take sips.

Besides, that's all I got left.

Stick to your coconut.

You know, the more I
read about Las Vegas,

the more it seems
like my kind of town.

♪ My kind of town
Las Vegas is... ♪♪

Now, listen to this.

It says here that dice were
the first things invented...


would you mind not reading

any more passages
from that book?

Well, I was just trying
to broaden your horizons.

Well, you've been
broadening my horizons

for the last 300 miles,
and I'm getting sick of it.

Yeah, well, this is interesting.

Listen to this.

It says here that dice
were the oldest thing

invented by man for
the purpose of gambling.

They were invented by a man
by the name of "Pal-am-ees."

That's Palamedes.


What's going on?

Did you know that of every
100 cars crossing the desert,

23.6 of them have
engine trouble?

Did you get that
out of a book too?

No, that one I made up.

Welcome to Las
Vegas, High Roller.

You can have it for
me later today, huh?


We'll be there in a minute.

Come on, baby, come on.

Let's go, Starsk.

Just give me a minute.

Cab's waiting.

Just give me one
minute. I've got a feeling.

This baby is about to pay off.

You've really got a feeling?

Yep. That's the sucker's
cry from here to Timbuktu.

It's a machine, Starsk.

Wheels and gears.

How can you have a
feeling for a machine?

Well, what do you know?

Come on, we're due
down at Caesar's Palace.

Cameron's probably got
his desert legionnaires

waiting for us.

Let them wait.


what would your mother
say if she saw you now, huh?

Her little Sonny Boy,

caught in the throes
of a gambler's mania.

Starsky, it's pitiful.

You, a grown man.

Come on.

Starsk, come on.

Just give it a minute,
will you? Come on.

What are you...?

Come on.

Let's go.


Will you look at this place?

Huh, Hutch?

I mean, will you
look at this place?

Well, I might as well.

I've got a feeling

everyone else in this place
is going to be looking at us.

Don't be so sensitive.

Nobody's going to
pay any attention to us.

I mean, will you just
look at this place?

Look at it!


Yeah, I'm looking, I'm looking.

It's crazy.

Yeah, well, nothing...
Nothing is bothering me.

I mean, did you ever feel

like you'd just died
and gone to heaven?

This place have that
kind of effect on you?

Yeah, phew.

I got it, Hutch.

I got that fever.

That Vegas fever.



Hey, hey, come on.

What's wrong?

Look, I think you better
give me the money.

What? The $200.

I think you better
give me the money.

I just told you.

I've got a feeling.

I mean, I'm going
to go out there,

I'm going to make a mint.
Remember why we're here?

We're on an assignment. I know.

Lieutenant Cameron has
probably already got us spotted.

Now, we're supposed
to take that $200, lose it,

get in a fight, and
get thrown into jail.

Doesn't mean we can't have fun.

Look, Cameron never said

why we were going
to get thrown in jail.

Don't argue with me.

In your... In your
feverish state, I...

I think you better
give me the money.

I mean, I can be cool and calm,

and get this thing
done easily and quickly.

Give me the money.

Come on.


You ready? No.

You can take care of yourself.

All right.

Good luck.

No more bets.

All bets are down.

Telephone, Mr. Bryant.
Mr. Kenny Bryant.

Chips, please.


Chips for George Raft.

Come on, come on, come on.

17 black.

All bets down.

Come on, roll that
ball, roll that ball.


17, 17, come home
clean 17, ooh...

You just can't control
yourself, can you?

Well, we had to lose
it, and I had this...

Yeah, I know.
This feeling, right?

You know the
mathematical probability

of winning on the bet
you just placed is 35:1?

I know that.

Come on over here. Let me...

What are you talking about?
Will you just wait one second?

Wait a second!

Seventeen black,

and we have the winner.

Oh, oh, we got a
winner! We got a winner!

Oh, oh, we got a winner!

Right here. Put it right here.

Right here, right here.

Oh, boy.

You won.

Now we've got more to lose.

Now, why don't
you let me handle it?

Come on.

Place your bets,
ladies and gentlemen.

Hey, Hutch, what are you doing?

That's the whole thing?

Can't we just bleed
it out a little at a time?

We don't want
to bet all of it...

Hey, what are you doing?

Starsky, for your sake...

For your sake,
it's better this way.

For my sake? Yes.

Your dice, blondie.

New sh**t coming up.

All right, watch me lose.

You're going to
bet this whole thing?

All of it. Seven!

Seven. Winner seven.
You're much better.

I need a few minutes to warm
up. Not easy to lose it all at once.

All right, look,

you take all the time you want.

Meanwhile, I'm going
to take half the chips,

and I'm going to go
play some roulette.

Hey. Those are his chips. Oh.

Look, why don't you let
me have a little fun, huh?

You know, you're mean.

You're really mean.

You can do it! You.

Hey! CROUPIER: 11.

Here we go. Here we go.



Hey, this is Starsky talking.

Zebra Three.

Winner... 11.

Pay the line.

Place your bets.

The point, nine.

These men are still rolling.

Quinine, the bitter dose.

You can do it,
blondie. You can do it!

Keep it coming. Keep it coming.

Keep it coming. Keep it coming.

Don't touch my drink.

Don't you know
anything about luck?


What's the matter with you?

Hey, hey, what
happened to all that talk

about pitiful people

in the throes of
gambler's mania?

Starsky, that was different.

Don't touch my sh**ting arm!

What? My sh**ting arm.

What do you want,
to turn me cold?

Okay, come on, nine, come on.

Come on, nine, come on.


Well, let me ask you something.

Isn't it going to be difficult

to accuse the
management of cheating,

get into a fight, and
get thrown into jail

if we end up breaking the bank?

Well, what do you
want me to do about it?

Listen, curlytop,

you trying to break
his winning streak?

Look, why don't you go suck

on a watermelon or something?

Sir, are you going
to continue your roll?

Starsky, I'm sorry.
I'm on a hot streak.

I can't stop now.

One time, sh**t it all.

Sir, do you realize

how much money
you have on the line?

You have over $9000 there.

Oh, he realizes it.

I-I realize.

He realizes it.

I want to sh**t it all.

He's going to sh**t it all.

I want to sh**t it all. Yeah.

Place your bets, please.

Same lucky sh**t coming out.



Beautiful, beautiful.

Excuse me.

I just thought I was watering
the backside of a horse.


Starsky, what... What
did you do that for?

Well, I figured

if we couldn't get thrown
into jail for being losers...

Pretty good for a little fella.

I suppose it's a little
late to get a bet down.

Ah, come on, officer,
give a guy a break.

Now, what about our rights?

Don't we get to make a
couple of phone calls, huh?

You can make all
the calls you want,

as soon as you get out of here.

You're a regular
warm person, officer.

You may not like me,
son, but Jesus loves you.

Oh, brother.

That's a hell of a thing
to say to somebody

after you've locked them up!

How are we going to
spend $18,000 in here, huh?

Cocoa butter cream.

$1.49 for 5 ounces.

Yeah, well, that's a start.

Think he'd mind?

You gotta take short breaths.

That's the secret.

Yeah, no, thank you.



Hey, Starsk, I think
I know that guy.


Yeah, I think I went
to high school with him.

Hey, Jack?

Jack... Mitchell?

Bob... Ken?


Jack Mitchell.

Hutch, what... what...

Jack Mitchell,
how are you doing?

Well, what are you doing...

Two minds on a single track.

Well, I, uh... What's that?

I took a pretty
stiff right cross.

Hell of a time for
a class reunion.

Well, what are you doing here?

Parking tickets or something.

Parking tickets. Same old Jack.

Tear 'em up, stuff them
in the glove compartment.

These people ain't
got no sense of humor.

Listen, I want you
to meet somebody.

David Starsky. Jack Mitchell.

Hey, how're you doing.

When Jack and I
were in high school,

we used to be called, what?

"The Prince and the Pauper."

The Prince and the Pauper.

I didn't know you were poor.

Oh, I wasn't, but
he was filthy rich.

Yes, disgustingly so...

Uh, seriously...


What are you guys doing here?

Oh, Starsky and
I are down here...

Hitting the tables.

Just gambling and
bumming around?

Bumming around.

Oh, for a minute I
thought somebody had...

He almost slipped.

Well, Mitchell seems
to be responding.

Keep your fingers crossed.

I don't know. With
those, uh, suits on,

I thought somebody was
doing Guys And Dolls.

If they could only
see us back home.

Take a look at you.

Take a look at you.

This guy was
class valedictorian,

and, uh, he was voted the boy...

"Most Likely to Succeed."

And you were going
to be a doctor. Yeah.

Did you ever make it?

How long you been in town?

Oh, well, we just
came in this afternoon.

You're not settled?


You can move in with me.

Oh, hey, Jack, that's
really nice of you...

I really know this town. I
can show you a good time.

Besides, I'm all alone.

How can you have fun
trying to have fun all alone?

Look, I mean it.

When do you want
us to move in, Jack?

Well, as soon as we get...

Today, soon as
we get out of here.

Starsk, you know
we got things to do.

Well, you can't
argue with fate, Hutch.

I mean, even in Las Vegas,

what are the odds on a
coincidence happening

of two old high school
buddies meeting in the city t*nk?

He's right.

You can't argue with fate.

He's going to blow it.

Get him out of there.

As soon as we get out of here,
you're moving in to my place.

Hutchinson! Starsky!
Front and center.

Hey, listen, Jack, it's
really good to see you.

Talk to you soon, eh?


Take it easy.

See you.

Let me get this straight.

What you're saying is
that Hutch's old pal in there,

his old high school buddy,

the guy that just invited
us to stay at his place,

you suspect him of
being the strangler?

It's more than suspicion.
I'd bet my life on it.

This whole thing was
a set-up, wasn't it?

All that talk about
us being good cops.

You just wanted us to
help you bust Jack Mitchell.

You know, I ought
to tear your head off.

When this is all over,
if you still feel that way,

you can have your chance.

Cameron, you're all wrong.

It's all over right now.



That friend of yours in there,

that guy you're
being so loyal to...

It's our strong feeling

that he's k*lled at least
four women already.

Well, if you're so sure of that,

hold him for something
stronger than parking tickets.

You know as well as I do

the parking tickets
were just a convenience

to make sure he'd be here
by the time you two arrived.

Well, what have
you got, Cameron?

Got a lot of things.

Not much one by one,

but put them together
with a cop's gut feeling...

A cop's gut feeling, huh?

Don't tell me you never had one.

Never played a hunch.

Was never sure that
somebody was guilty

long before you could prove it.

Mitchell knew all the
girls who died, intimately.

That's still not enough
to make him as a k*ller.


Footprints matching his
size were found at the scene

of two of the killings.

Then, of course, there's
his strange behavior.

Strange behavior, huh?

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, you asked him
if he became a doctor.

He did.

Yeah, so what?

He's been a resident
for two and a half years,

and he just walked
away from it all.

Then, six and a half months
ago, he came here to Las Vegas,

and he's been a
one-man non-stop party

ever since.

That's kind of strange.

Look, you might ask
yourself how we knew

he'd insist on you
two moving in with him.

Now, besides being
brought in twice

for questioning
on these murders,

now, your friend has
been arrested seven times

since he's been in Las Vegas...

Everything from standing
stark naked on top

of the Caesar's Palace sign

to almost beating a
parking lot attendant to death

for giving him the wrong change.

Now, during these
periods of arrest,

we've gotten

a pretty thorough
psychiatric profile on him.

Excuse me, lieutenant. Who's he?

This is Dr. Cleveland,
our in-house psychiatrist.

How do you do.

Look, what we've found

is that your friend suffers
from extreme anxiety.

One of his symptoms seems to be

an almost hysterical
fear of being alone.

The other is a, uh, penchant
for mindless v*olence.


Look, Hutchinson.

I know I can't order
you on this assignment,

and I'll admit that
I tricked you guys

into coming here,

but I am telling you
that that guy in there

is a psychotic k*ller.

And only you and your partner,
only you two, can stop him,

right now.

Do you understand that?



He was my best friend.

Then I guess we
better stick with him,

because whether we
prove him guilty or innocent,

it's the best favor
we can do for him.

Yeah, all right.

Why'd you stop here?

I, uh, I gotta get some
chewing gum, okay?

Why not drive right on in?


My kidneys may
never be the same,

but I'm beginning
to think you're right.

About what?

About your friend, Jack.

I mean, the way he drives,

why bother strangling anyone?


Here comes Mr. Sunshine.

Ah, Ma, he ain't so bad.

Hey, Eugene.

I'm glad I caught you.

Mm, nice. Oh, don't do that.

Did you make the
deliveries yet? Not yet.

What can I do for
you, Mr. Mitchell?

I need some gum.

I need $100 worth of gum,

and I want you to
make the deliveries.

$100 worth of gum?

Well, uh, we have a
couple of cases in back.

I could get those for you.

Let's see them.

Let's go see them.

You see, I got this buddy,

and he's in the,
uh, county jail,

and he's in the lockup
for three months,

and he wants to leave
the biggest gob in the world

right under his bunk, see?



We're going to a
masquerade party.

What are you going as next year?


"You sure these are the
clothes they wear in Las Vegas?"

Everyone is
entitled to a mistake.

Yeah, sure.

Now what is it?

I'm about to float away.

Well, hold on to it.

I'm going on my run now, Ma.

With that beard?

Hey, excuse me,

excuse me, is Jack coming out?

Uh, Mr. Mitchell?


He went out the back way.


He flagged down
a cab and took off.

Oh. Bye, Ma.

Some terrific cops we are.

Why weren't you watching?

I was watching.

You got his home address?
It's here some place.

Well, why don't we go there?


His home.

Oh, that's clever.

Thank you.

Say, do you mind if we
stop at a service station?


Hold it.

65 cents.


Thanks, Mrs. Pruitt.


Oh, please don't
hurt me, please!

Like Bennie used to say,

if God wanted men to walk
around during the daytime,

we'd all have been
born with sunglasses on.

Hey, uh, Bennie... Bennie who?

Bennie Seagal, an old
and dear friend of mine,

may God rest his soul.

Bennie Seagal?

Oh, you mean Bugsy
Seagal, the old gangster?

If you're going to
live here with Jack,

don't ever let me
hear you say that.


His name was Ben.

Benny, for his friends.

I was one of them.

I used to cut his hair.

I've been cutting
hair for 47 years.

I trimmed a lot of the big ones.

Movie stars, politicians,

but Benny, he was the best.

Yeah, uh...

You were going to show
us Jack's apartment?

Oh, right there,

but I told you, he ain't here.

If he was here,
everything would be open,

playing phonograph records.

Look, Ace,

it's real important
that we find Jack.

Now, why didn't
you say so before?

A gal was around here
looking for him this afternoon.

She wanted to
invite him to a party.

I don't know where,

but her name is Vicky

She works in the big show
over at the Thunderbird.

Vicky? Yeah?

These are friends
of Jack Mitchell's.

Oh, have you seen him?

Well, we were kind
of hoping that you had.

We understand that you, uh,
tried to invite him to a party.

Oh, yeah, I stopped by his,
um, apartment this afternoon,

but he wasn't around,

so I just left a message
on his answering service.

Vicky, it's really
important that we find him.

Do you have any idea
where this party might be?

Sure, it's at my place.

Well, at least a
friend's across the way.

You know, I think
I should like you.



You're embarrassing me.

I'm embarrassing you?

It's just that

we're so used to getting dressed
and undressed around here.

Men come in,

and they either don't
care or they leer.

You're blushing.

It's okay.

Listen, the party is at the
Palm Crest Apartments,

118 19th Street,

and it's already started.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome very much.


The next time you see
me, I will be... dressed.

Don't do anything on my account.


Look who's here.

Hutch! Over here!

Jack! Guess where we've been.

You know Glenda? Hello, Glenda.

This is Glenda's birthday.

Happy birthday. Thanks.

Doesn't he talk?

Uh, many happy returns.


I think my birthday
wish just came true.

Yeah, well, when you
start opening your gifts,

you let me know, huh?

Hey, Jack. Where'd you go to?

We were looking
all over for you.

I had things to take care of.

Jack... Come on, I'll
get you a drink, Ken.

You know, this is my best buddy

in the whole world.

We went to high school together.

Then, uh, you know, one
summer we worked together

as lifeguards at this resort.

Hutch, to have a little money
to get through high school,

and me, because I thought, well,

all the girls would
be around there.

And also,

I thought it might
be a long time

before I'd see my
old buddy again.

And, uh, it was a long time
before I saw my old buddy.

There's Janie.
I'll be right back.

Hey, Jack... Be right back.

Where's he going?

Hey, listen, how long
has Jack been here?

Oh, not long. Maybe 10 minutes?

Uh, I don't... Would
you have a beer?



Thank you very much.

10 minutes.

That leaves two
hours unaccounted for.

Well, I don't think we
should press him on it.

He's liable to run out on us.

Mm-hmm. What do you want to do?

Let's enjoy the party,
and stick close to Jack

until we have a chance
to talk to Cameron.

Do we have to?

Well, why don't you take a nap?

Oh, hi.

Hi. Look at you.

You like?

Well... Yeah.

Thank you.

You want to take a walk?




Let's go. Excuse us, please.

Bye. Ciao.

This is my little girl.

She's terrific. Yeah.

Look at those eyes.

How come she's got brown
eyes and you've got blue eyes?

It's a freak of nature.


Must be really
tough working nights

and having to take care of her.

My mother takes care of her.

She has a place
out in Boulder City.

I keep that apartment
mainly because, uh...

Working nights, 30
miles is too far to drive.

You see her a lot?

As often as I can.

I just wish it was all the time.

Hey, you gotta make a living.

You gotta put the
bread on the table.

Or something.

Thank you. I had fun tonight.


Is that it?

Is that the whole
sh**ting match?

That's the whole ball of wax.

Walk you up?

Well, if you do,

we'll just spend
the next 20 minutes

just to say goodnight.

Who said anything
about saying goodnight?

I did. You did.






Don't fall in the pool.

I'll try not to.



Hutch, there!

Oh, God.


Somebody call the cops.

I think we caught the strangler.

I hate to disappoint
you, but he's no strangler.

That's just Lloyd.


Who's Lloyd?

Vicky's ex-husband.

Every time he gets

a few too many drinks in him,

he comes looking for her.


Who is it?

Me. David.

Hi. Hi.

You've got dry clothes.


One of the advantages
of living out of a '59 Edsel.

How you doing?

I'm okay.


I was making some tea.

With Scotch?

Well, I figured,

if Janis Joplin could
drink it with Coke,

why couldn't I
drink it with tea?

That's what I like. A
girl with a logical mind.

Would you like a cup?

No, thanks, I can't stay.

Jack's insisting on showing
Hutch and me the real Las Vegas.

Hello, in there.

Well, if there's anyone
that can do it, it's Jack.


He knows more screwballs.

What does that say for us?

Well, if that's what it takes,

I don't mind the company.

You know...

When I heard you scream...

I thought the
strangler had got you.

One of my closest friends

was one of the
girls that got k*lled.


I'm sorry.

It was really strange.

I think Tracy knew
she was going to die.

How do you mean?

It was like she was
having a premonition.

She was really scared
the last couple days.

Of what?

Anything in particular?

Well, it was kind of crazy.

Tracy said that a
couple of different times,

she got this weird feeling,

that someone was in
her apartment at night.

Just standing there,
watching her sleep.

Then one night, she woke up,

and she was sure that
someone was in there,

so she just lay
there, afraid to move,

till finally daylight came
and there was nobody there.

But the screen on
one of her windows

had been opened.

Did she report
this to the police?


She said that she'd feel
stupid going to the police with it.

They'd probably just claim
it was just her imagination.

Hey, Starsky?

Oh, you have to go.


Look, don't you forget. I
want you to lock the screens,

the doors, the
windows and the floors.


Capisce. HUTCH: Starsky!

Are you kidding?

The way my life's been going?


You had better believe it.

Come on, Starsk.

Jack wants to show us the town.

Have fun.

Now, that's a very
dirty thing to say.

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

Lock it.

I will.

You know, Jack, it's
4:00 in the morning.

Yeah, Hutch, but that's
when the real people come on.

Come on, Starsk, liven up!

What happened to the guy

who was never
going to go to sleep?

What happened to
"my kind of town"?

Hey, Jack, come
on, get off the floor.

When your friend
runs out of gas,

he really runs out of gas.

You should talk.

Hey, sweetheart,
you were beautiful.

♪ Vegas Is my kind of town ♪♪

♪ He robbed the rich ♪

♪ He helped the poor ♪

♪ He stabbed James MacEvoy ♪


♪ A terror to Australia ♪

Get out of the way.

I'm getting, I'm getting.

♪ Wild colonial boy ♪

♪ One day on the prairie
wild Jack Duggin rode along ♪

♪ Singing a song
Singing a song ♪

♪ Singing a song
Singing a song ♪

♪ He robbed the rich
he helped the poor ♪

♪ Jack Duggin rode along ♪

Oh, what are you
singing that song for?

That happens to be the
song that John Wayne sang

when he carried Victor McLaglen

back to Maureen O'Hara.

At 4:00 in the morning?

It is 5:00 in the morning.

This man does not exactly live

in abject poverty, does he?

Well, writing checks

was one of Jack's
family's favorite sports.

Hey, you guys had a
pretty good time, huh?


How you doing, Ace?

Okay, Henderson, okay.


He's Henderson. I'm Starsky.

Sometimes I get
mixed up with a face,

but I never forget a name.

Yeah, what's going on, Ace?

The cops.

They were around
looking for you guys.

A guy by the name of Macaroon.

It's "Cameroon."

Camer-on, Camer... Cameron.

Oh, yeah.

Well, Cameroo... Cameron...

Wants you to see
him in his office.

You did what?

I told you.

We lost him for about two hours,

from midnight to around
2:00 in the morning.

And I was about to apologize.

I want you to see something.

Take a look at her.

Her name was Gretchen Hollander.

She was a chorus
girl at the Dunes.

She was 26 and beautiful.

Until approximately
1:00 this morning,

when you two duds were
chasing your phantom friend

around this city.

Hey, what the hell is
wrong with you two?

We made a mistake.
It won't happen again.


Apparently, I made a mistake.

As far as I'm concerned,
you can pack your bags.

Hey, that's no good, Cameron,

because if Jack
Mitchell is your strangler,

we're still the best bets
you've got to nail the man.

He's right, you know.

I'd say you're stuck with
us either way, Cameron.

I mean, who can you find
that can get any closer than us?


If he gets away
from you again...

If he commits one more m*rder...

I told you, it won't
happen again.

If Jack Mitchell is guilty,

we'll prove it and deliver
him to you, personally.

Fair enough.

All right.

Hey, wait a second.


I just thought of something.

One of the girls
that got k*lled...

Her name was, uh, Tracy.

Now, she told a friend of hers

that she had a strange feeling

a couple of days before
she was strangled.

Now, Tracy said that
she felt someone had been

in her apartment
when she was asleep.

Someone was just standing
there and just watching her.

That's fascinating.


Isn't it?

Tracy said that she felt
that someone had perhaps

jimmied the screen
to her window.

Oh, boy.

Look, I'd like you to find out

if any of the other girls
filed a report with the police.

It would be a waste of time.


Humor us.