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01x22 - At The End of Wishes

Posted: 03/07/23 09:54
by bunniefuu
Don't be a bad Ioser!

Once the stars come out, perhaps
I wiII divine Shirou's fortune.

I am acting Iike one of those Iovestruck
damseIs one hears about in fairy taIes!

Saber, have you
seen Shirou?


Do you know where Shirou is?
IIIya's fever is cIimbing.

Kirameku namida wa
hoshi ni.

Kaze ni nori
sora o kazaru.

Tsukiakari kumo ni
togirete mo,

...boku o terasu.

Massugu na reeru ga
iya de,

...yamikumo ni kakedashita.

Akirame o
ketsui ni kaete,

...surihetta kakato hokoru.

Michi wa tsuzuku,
nishi e higashi e.

Hi wa shizundemo.

Kirameku namida wa
hoshi ni.

Kaze ni nori
sora o kazaru.

Tsukiakari kumo ni
togirete mo,

...boku o terasu.

Episode :
The ResuIt of a Wish

She's aImost reached
her Iimit.

As Iong as the rite of the HoIy GraiI Wars
continues, she won't return to normaI.

What do you mean
by ''Iimit''?

She stiII has a IittIe
free space Ieft.

But once that fiIIs up,
she'II have to discard...

...her human functions, the ones
she needs the Ieast.

IIIya was designed to break down
the Ionger the HoIy GraiI Wars went on.

Don't worry, I worded that
to make it hard to understand.

More importantIy, I have news
about Lancer's Master.

You've determined
who it is?

Yes. I went
to his Iair.

AII that I found there
were bIoodstains...

...and a Ieft arm that had its
Command SeaIs ripped from it.

Lancer's Master was kiIIed
a Iong time ago.

Is Lancer aIready gone, then?

You beIieve that he was beaten by another
Servant after he att*cked Shirou?

The bIood I found in that room
was oIder than that.

My guess is that Lancer's Master
was kiIIed Iong before then.

Do you understand
what that means?

Someone stoIe Lancer's Master's
Command SeaIs...

...and formed a new pact
with him.

But Rin, that means--

Right. Shirou and I are the
onIy remaining Masters,

...but Lancer hasn't

Which means that a Magus out there who
didn't start out as a Master is one now.

Command SeaIs can onIy be transpIanted
by a Master or a Servant.

No matter how skiIIed the Magus, he cannot
become a Master by steaIing Command SeaIs.

So, expIain one other thing
to me.

Even if the HoIy GraiI disappears,
if you stiII have...

...your Command SeaIs and a Servant,
can you remain a Master indefiniteIy?

Yes, I suppose so. If he stiII had
his Command SeaIs and his Servant,

...a Magus wouId remain a Master even
after the HoIy GraiI w*r ended.

In which case, the one who kiIIed Lancer's
Master and made a new pact with him was--

Yes, that's the onIy thing
that makes sense.

It aIso expIains Lancer's behavior
if you work from that assumption.

He casuaIIy att*cked
other Servants...

...without even trying to
conceaI his true identity.

You have a point.

It is standard procedure for Servants to kiII an
opponent who has seen your NobIe Phantasm.

His roIe was to scout out
the enemy.

Lancer's Master had another
combat-type Servant on hand.

StiII, what kind of Master wouId use
a Servant of Lancer's caIiber... do his preIiminary

Rin, where is Shirou
right now?

I don't know, that's
why I asked YOU.

You don't suppose he went
to see Kirei, do you?

At that church?

The air there is stagnant. That church
is not hoIy ground.

That staIeness is the same as in that cave.
It is the stagnant smeII of death.

Shirou is there right now?
AII by himseIf?


Hey there!

You know, this is the second time that
I've skewered that boy through the chest.

I added a IittIe extra to make sure
that he won't come back this time!

Fiend! You used Gáe BoIg
on Shirou!

I missed his heart.
But he's feeIing the curse aII the same!

No wound infIicted by this spear
can ever be heaIed!

I'm so gIad that you're the
Iast one Ieft, Saber!

It hurts...
I can't do it.

I can't do it.

Send us back...

I can't. I can't save you peopIe.

Give it back...
I can't. I can't save you peopIe.

I can't. I can't save you peopIe.

W-Who's there?!

That's quite enough!

I suggest that you
sheathe your sword.

If you have onIy come to retrieve
this man, I wiII turn him over to you.

My roIe is to determine the
owner of the HoIy GraiI.

If you wish, I can grant you
the HoIy GraiI right now.

I thought it wasn't supposed to appear
untiI onIy one Master was Ieft.

Yes, but the vesseI
is another matter.

The vesseI is prepared
as a tangibIe object.

Power fIows into it untiI the time
the HoIy GraiI is summoned.

In this situation, in which onIy two Servants
are Ieft, I expect that it is nearIy compIete.

The HoIy GraiI is waiting to be fiIIed
with the bIood of a human sacrifice.

I wiII gIadIy turn over the HoIy GraiI if
a worthy person shouId present himseIf.

To that end,
Shirou Emiya,

...for starters, I wouId Iike to hear
what you have to say.

On that day ten years ago,
you honestIy feIt no hatred?

Ten years ago...?

Stop it! It's too Iate for you!
Stop it!

There in the fIames, under the rubbIe,
everyone wanted to be saved.

But I ignored them aII and kept waIking.
I was onIy interested in saving myseIf.

- Wait!
- HeIp us!

It wasn't Iike I couId do anything
to heIp them. So I didn't stop.

I ran on, ignoring the cries
of the dying.

Considering what I had done,
I thought that I absoIuteIy had to Iive.

OnIy one of us had our wish granted.
Everyone eIse died...

That's why I was so obsessed with
foIIowing in Kiritsugu's footsteps.

I Iooked up to champions of justice,
peopIe who saved Iives.

In my empty heart, I thought that if I didn't
move on in spite of what had happened...

If I didn't hoId my head high
and move foreward,

...I'd never be forgiven
by the peopIe who died.

If it were possibIe to undo the events of
that day, if you couId do it aII over again, wouId desire the HoIy GraiI,
wouIdn't you?

Come, answer me. If that is what you want,
I wiII give you the HoIy GraiI.

I don't want it...

Even if I reaIIy couId
change the past, wouId be wrong to take
aII the tears, the memories,

...the crueIty of reaIity that
stabbed at our hearts,

...aII the deaths and sadness that peopIe
have endured and overcome over the years,

...and make it aII
for nothing.

Embracing the pain
and moving on.

Isn't that the onIy way to
Ieave behind those you Iost?

Just Iike I've been tied down by their deaths and
feeI protected by my memories of Kiritsugu,

...I beIieve that emotions are the key to aIIowing
the peopIe who are aIive now to change.

No matter how much it hurts, even if
you carry wounds that wiII never heaI,

...I beIieve that this path
is the right one.

I see.
In other words...

I don't need
the HoIy GraiI.

I have to stay true to who I am, both for
myseIf and for the peopIe I abandoned...

And what of you,

SureIy you won't be as egotisticaI
as Shirou Emiya.


Saber, kiII your Master.
Do that, and your wish wiII come true.

My wish...

There must be someone eIse who
is worthier than I am to be king.

SureIy this person wouId be abIe to
found a Iong-Iasting, peacefuI kingdom.

I want to change the outcome
of the seIection of the king.

If I use the power of the
GraiI to undo that,

...sureIy the kingdom's downfaII
wouId aIso--

I beIieve that this path
is the right one.

Yes, that is right...

I drew the sword from the stone,
pIedging to fuIfiII my duties as king.

I sacrificed a great many things
and fought for my peopIe.

I have no regrets
on that score.

If I can be proud of what I accompIished
in Iife, I shouId not have sought to change it.

Even if it ended
in destruction.

The king protected his kingdom.
But the kingdom did not protect her king.

That is aII
it amounts to.

Even though it ended in tragedy, if the actions
that Ied to that end were beyond reproach,

...there was no need
to seek to change it.

I have sacrificed much with the
aim of obtaining this change,

...yet there is something that
I have protected to the end.

Yes, I wouId keep that something
hidden in my heart,

...and I wouId at Ieast see this
unfuIfiIIed dream through to its end.

I do desire the HoIy GraiI.
However, I wiII not kiII Shirou.

Do you not see, scoundreI? I want
Shirou more than I want the GraiI.

If the GraiI is somethng that wiII
taint me, I do not want it.

I have aIready acquired aII
that I have ever wanted.

Shirou, take my hand.

I've got my strength back...
Saber, what just happened?

Nothing can affect you as you are now,
not even Gáe BoIg's curse.

You two are
so tiresome...

You two wiII die here.

AIIow me to introduce you.

This is the Epic Hero who was my partner
in the Iast HoIy GraiI w*r.

It's you!

What, we're going to finish things in a pIace
Iike this, and with a nuisance underfoot, too?

What's going on here?
This guy is your Servant?

After the Iast HoIy
GraiI w*r ended,

...we entered into a partnership
whereby I wouId provide him...

...with the sustenance he required
to remain here.

''Sustenance''? That's what that
disgusting room is for?

Why didn't you say
anything to me?

If I had, wouId you have
fought aIongside him?

I'd sooner die.

So you were Iying when you said
you didn't know who he was!

He showed himseIf to you, disobeying
my instructions to wait and observe.

If you foIIowed him, the traiI wouId
eventuaIIy Iead back to me.

And so, I had to formuIate
a new pIan of action.

Think about it. I never once
toId you an outright Iie.

This is a repeat of ten years ago,
isn't it, Saber?

Of course, I had been
defeated by Kiritsugu, I was unabIe to witness
the finaI scene.

Finding myseIf in a corner, I touched
the HoIy GraiI when it appeared.

And to think...

...that it wouId have
such a resuIt.

So the fire was

By you trying to use
the GraiI's power?

I mereIy thought to myseIf that everyone
in that area shouId just go away.

Even without my contact, the GraiI
wouId have done the same thing.

Nonsense! The GraiI is nothing but a
tooI to grant the wish of its owner!

How, then, does it go about
granting those wishes?

The HoIy GraiI is effectiveIy
a powerfuI w*apon.

It is unaduIterated power, one which
onIy grants its owner's wish... means of

Then the HoIy GraiI that I have been
seeking aII this time is actuaIIy--

A cursed chaIice that destroys
everything but its owner.

GiIgamesh! Lancer!
Dispose of this trash.

- Don't Ieave my side.
- Got it.

Your target is supposed to be
that haIf-breed.

I changed my mind.
I want no part of this.

Lancer, what are
you doing?

Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not switching
over to your side or anything.

AII I'm doing is siding
with my principIes!

Oh, you're breaking your pact with the
HoIy GraiI aImost within your grasp, eh?

No Epic Hero gives a damn
about a second chance at Iife!

Lancer, not even you are a
match for him one-on-one!

Just get out of here! Don't think we're
friends just 'cause I protected you!

This is why I can't stand
you weII-bred Knight Kings!

Good Iuck to you.

To teII you the truth, I didn't Iike the
idea of things ending this way, either.

If you hadn't done something,
I wouId have.

You saying that you wanted
to Iet Saber escape?

Because that woman
is my property.

But to compIete the rite to summon the
HoIy GraiI, one more Servant has to die.

You had this pIanned
aII aIong, didn't you?

Shirou, Iet me see
your injury.


I'm sorry, this wiII
hurt a IittIe.

The pain, it's gone...

I repIenished the scabbard with mana.
Your wound wiII heaI in a moment.

Scabbard? Wait, you mean
ExcaIibur's scabbard?

Yes, the scabbard
I once Iost.

Shirou, that scabbard
is now inside of you.

For an untrained Magus
Iike you to summon me,

...a point of contact was needed
to compensate for that Iack of skiII.

And that point of contact
was ExcaIibur's scabbard.

But what the heck is something
Iike that doing inside me?

It must be
Kiritsugu's doing.

My dad?

In the previous w*r, Kiritsugu
used the scabbard... the cataIyst
to summon me.

The sacred sword's scabbard is a NobIe
Phantasm that heaIs its owner.

Kiritsugu must have concIuded that
it wouId be more advantageous...

...for him to keep it
rather than return it to me.

Oh, so dad managed to win because
he had the same abiIity I do?

And then, when the
battIe was over,

...Kiritsugu came across a dying chiId
among the charred ruins.

There was onIy one way
that he couId save that chiId.

The heaIing scabbard
of the sacred sword.

By impIanting it in the chiId, Kiritsugu
saved the boy's fading Iife.

That is the source of your
regenerative abiIities.

I'm sorry, I shouIdn't be using
your scabbard this way.

Don't be. Besides, it made me
happy to Iearn of it, Shirou.

I had never managed to save anything,
but I did save YOUR Iife, Shirou.

Kiritsugu was right.

I have no need of the HoIy GraiI.
He must have reaIized it.

ReaIized that I can't go
back and change things.

But in spite of that, I have been
deceiving myseIf aII this time.


Thank you.

Thanks to you, I now know
the path I shouId take.

The HoIy GraiI and I are both dreams
that never shouId have existed.

Even so... I hope that you
wiII forgive me.

This was a misguided wish, and these
were days that aren't meant to be.

But this weakness is a brief utopia
gIimpsed by a certain young girI.

Saber, Iet's destroy
the HoIy GraiI.

Yes. I had faith that you wouId
reach that concIusion, Master.

Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no nada de.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''The HoIy GraiI.''

Next Time:
The HoIy GraiI
Next time,
''The HoIy GraiI.''

Next Time:
The HoIy GraiI