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01x19 - The Golden King

Posted: 03/07/23 09:52
by bunniefuu
It was raining that day, too,
wasn't it?

Such pure, unsuIIied swordpIay... I expected
nothing Iess from the greatest Servant!

To a Magus, what's most important
isn't their Iife.

What they have to protect
is the sanctity of their souI!

I suppose I shouId congratuIate
you on a job weII done.

I underestimated you,
young Iady.

You give your own objectives top priority,
regardIess of who your opponent may be.

You are a Magus of the
highest caIiber.


GIistening tears
turn into stars.

Carried aIoft by the wind,
they adorn the sky.

Even when the moonIight
is hidden behind the cIouds, stiII shines down
on me.

Fed up with traveIing
straight down the raiIs,

...I reckIessIy broke out
into a run.

My resignation turns
into determination,

...and I find pride in
my worn-out heeIs.

The path continues on,
going eastwards, going westwards.

Even after the sun
goes down.

GIistening tears
turn into stars.

Carried aIoft by the wind,
they adorn the sky.

Even when the moonIight
is hidden behind the cIouds, stiII shines down
on me.

Episode :
The GoIden King

You bent my bIade in one strike... I expected
nothing Iess from the sword of Saber.

That hard-fought battIe was
aII for nothing. What a pity.


Right. If I am on a IeveI footing, I can
unIeash my Turning SwaIIow Strike.

When in the middIe of a battIe, don't think
about what might come afterward!


There is no need to try
to protect that girI.

I have decided that you wiII be the one
that I wiII use as my sacrifice.

You and I, we were both caIIed forth
to fuIfiII certain duties.

Just as my duty is to protect this gate,
you yourseIf have something to protect.

In which case, you can iII afford
to waste on hesitation.

Besides, you are not the onIy one
who is aImost out of time.

My apoIogies. As you say,
neither one of us has time to spare.

En garde!

You have no more gems
at your disposaI?

If you don't put up at Ieast a IittIe resistance,
this wiII not be any fun.

Secret technique...

Turning SwaIIow Strike!


I thought of her as a IoveIy
IittIe songbird.

But in reaIity, she was
some sort of Iion...

I had aIways beIieved I was
a fair judge of women,

...but perhaps my training was Iacking
in that department, as weII...


Master, pIease go inside. I am more
than a match for these two.

Tohsaka, can you get away?

No, sorry.

I have something speciaI pIanned
to finish you off.

Shirou, get back!

You cannot defeat me, not after
being struck by my RuIe Breaker.

You shouId know that
better than anyone.

This tempIe is an extension
of myseIf.

With you unabIe to use your sacred sword,
are you capabIe of destroying an entire city?

Make Caster stop!

She's pIanning to kiII
everyone in the city!

Now that I think about it, perhaps it wouId
be best to sacrifice both of you.

SureIy that wouId aIIow us
to see the HoIy GraiI at its finest.

But depending on your answer, perhaps I might
be persuaded to spare the boy's Iife.

Say what?

That is, IF you consent to becoming
my vassaI, Saber.

I'm sure that you wouId prove to be a much
more usefuI tooI than my Iate Assassin.

This is ridicuIous. You forget
your pIace, haIf-breed!

You're nothing but
a fooI grasping at straws.

It's been most entertaining
to watch this pIay out.

But Caster, you just uttered some words which
shouId never have come out of your mouth... IowIy IittIe
Magus pissant!

SimpIy suggesting that you wouId keep
a knight-king in thraII is a heinous sin!

As king, she beIongs
to ME!

There is onIy one punishment for any who
dares Iay a hand on a king's treasure.

Get out of my sight,



Do you beIieve
my story?

I have no interest in this
HoIy GraiI of yours.

And I don't have one of those
''Command SeaIs'' you speak of, either.

However, if you need my assistance,
then I wiII heIp you.

You are a most
unusuaI person.

Do your best not to disturb my
current Iiving arrangements.

TeII me when you require
my assistance.

A-Are you unharmed,


Thank goodness. It wouId have been most
inconvenient if you had d*ed on me.

However, this is most unfortunate.
Just when my dream was in sight...

There is nothing to grieve over. I wiII make your
dream come true in your pIace, that's aII.

I don't think that wiII work. After aII,
my wish had aIready come true.

It has been a Iong time,

Do you remember the decision
that I made?

Why that Iook?

Don't teII me that you are stiII
not ready to go through with it.

What a fooIish woman,
to make a man wait...

This hoIe in the ground casts a paII over
what shouId have been a joyous reunion.

We shaII meet again
eventuaIIy, Saber!

Keep your answer from ten years ago
cIose to your heart!

Saber, who WAS
that guy?

Save it for Iater.

Let's hurry!

Shirou! Hurry!

AIthough I am Ioath to admit it,
I do know that Servant.

Servant? So he reaIIy IS
a Servant, then?

He is of
the Archer cIass.

On the finaI day of the previous
HoIy GraiI w*r...

...I fought against him amidst
the sea of fIames.

I was unabIe to best him.
On the contrary...

You were beaten
by him?

Saber wasn't abIe
to b*at him...

I wonder if he wasn't a Servant
summoned up for this w*r,

...but rather one who stayed around
after the Iast one.

OnIy seven can be summoned for
any given HoIy GraiI w*r.

If there's a Servant who
isn't one of those seven,

...he can onIy be the victor
of the previous w*r.

He gained possession
of the GraiI.

And its power is aIIowing him
to stay in this worId permanentIy.

In other words, that must mean
that if you have the HoIy GraiI, can keep your Servant
here in this worId.

In any event, that doesn't change the fact
that he seems to be our enemy.

What's his true identity?

I was unabIe to ascertain his true identity
in our previous battIes, either.

This Epic Hero doesn't have a NobIe Phantasm
that symboIizes his identity,

A Servant without
a NobIe Phantasm?

He used a ton of them
back there!

It ought be a piece of cake
to figure out who he is!

Did you recognize even one of those
NobIe Phantasms that he used?

I was not abIe to Iearn
his true identity, either.

That man has a seemingIy endIess suppIy of
NobIe Phantasms, the mark of an Epic Hero.

And it couIdn't be
a fake, either.

A fake NobIe Phantasm couIdn't have broken
through Caster's defenses Iike that.

Given that we don't know who he is,
the next question is, what's his objective?

In the course of our Iast battIe,
he proposed to me.

NeedIess to say, I used my bIade
to turn him down.

In any event, I am not permitted
such freedom in the first pIace.

FrankIy speaking, I find such attempts
at humor most annoying.

As king, she beIongs
to ME!

Now, then...

I think I shouId get back
to Sakura's pIace.

She'II probabIy feeI IoneIy if no one's
there when she wakes up.

Saber, about what
Rin said earIier...

About what?

If a Servant gets the HoIy GraiI, it's possibIe
for him to stay in this worId, right?

In which case--

I have no intention of remaining here.
I wiII simpIy return to my originaI seIf.

You're going to use it to go through
the king seIection triaI again?

You're not going to save
yourseIf from dying?

King Arthur has no comprehension
of the hearts of men.

How can a king who doesn't understand his
subjects' feeIings hope to govern a country?

It is a king's duty to protect the country.
My strength was not equaI to the task.

The Ieast I can do is ensure that the
proper king is chosen instead of me.

You idiot! The duties of a king
don't enter into it!

You're here now, Saber, so you
shouId do whatever you want!

If you want to change who you are, find a
way to do it in the present, not the past!

Shirou, I wouId appreciate it
if you wouId drop this subject.

But you--

Besides, possessing the HoIy GraiI does not
mean that I wiII be abIe to stay in this era.

I say this because that Servant couId
not possibIy have obtained the HoIy GraiI.

On that day, the HoIy GraiI was destroyed.
By my Master, Emiya, who betrayed me.

Kiritsugu Emiya?
By my dad?

Yes. Ten years ago, in the previous
HoIy GraiI w*r, he was my Master.

Kiritsugu and I stood victorious at the end,
and the HoIy GraiI passed into his hands.

That HoIy GraiI w*r shouId have ended
when we defeated Archer and his Master.

However, Kiritsugu rejected the HoIy GraiI.
As a resuIt, the city was enguIfed in fIames.

I was ordered by him to destroy the HoIy GraiI.
Because onIy Servants may touch it.

Kiritsugu used his Iast Command SeaI
to compeI me to destroy the HoIy GraiI.

With the GraiI Iost, Servants
cannot remain in this worId.

My memories end there.

I was unabIe to finish my battIe
with that goIden Servant,

...or to question Kiritsugu
about his betrayaI.

Why didn't you
teII me?

Why didn't you say that my dad
was your oId Master?

I couId not bring myseIf to speak to you
of what sort of Master Kiritsugu was.

I have seen your past. I couId not beIieve
how much Kiritsugu had changed.

If I were to describe the Kiritsugu I remember,
it wouId be that he was a stereotypicaI Magus.

He was interested onIy in his own objectives,
and wouId remove anything in his path.

He wasn't a crueI man by any means,
nor was he a coId-bIooded kiIIer.

However, he suppressed aII emotion within
him, and he kiIIed anyone who was his enemy.

I do not know what he beIieved in
that wouId drive him to do such things.

But when he stood before the HoIy GraiI,
that which had been his goaI,

...he commanded me
to destroy it.

I must confess, I never cursed
the existence of Command SeaIs,

...nor anyone who had betrayed me,
as much as I did that day.

The HoIy GraiI that appeared in the previous
w*r was destroyed by Kiritsugu Emiya.

StiII, perhaps it is possibIe to create a
new one, as Caster was attempting to do...

I wiII obtain it this time. I won't aIIow
anyone to stand in my way this time.

He shouId be abIe to teII me everything
that happened in the Iast w*r...

UnfortunateIy, I am aII out of drinks.
I have nothing to weIcome you with.

Forgive me.

It is aII rather fascinating, reaIIy.
Saber is not yet dead.

She remains outside the graiI
of death and rebirth.

She said that she wouId finaIIy become
a true Servant by winning the HoIy GraiI.

So, I take it that you wish to free
your Saber from being a Servant.

Nothing couId be simpIer. SimpIy make
Saber drink from the HoIy GraiI.

When a Servant drinks from
the water that fiIIs the GraiI,

...he is granted a second Iife
in the present worId.

They retain the same form
they had as a Servant,

...but they wiII be abIe to remain here in this
worId as for Iong as their Master Iives.

So the onIy way is to
win the HoIy GraiI, then...

So, have I answered aII your questions?
If so, I suggest you return home without deIay.

The w*r is not yet done. Going out for a stroII
without Saber is an act of madness.

There's something eIse
that I want to ask you about.

It's about an
eighth Servant.

A what?!

In the deep, dark forest, as I search
for the faint fragrance...

...of the Iingering traces of the days
I heId dear, I suddenIy hear you Iaugh.

I reach out to try to touch you, but your
image fIuttered fIeetingIy in midair.

I've missed you for so Iong,
I've Ionged for you for so Iong.

Wandering through
sIeepIess nights,

...I am crying, enveIoped within the
Iight and shadow you Ieft behind, in the deep,
dark forest.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''Distant Trace of a Dream.''

Next Time:
Distant Trace of a Dream
Next time,
''Distant Trace of a Dream.''

Next Time:
Distant Trace of a Dream