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01x16 - The Sword of Promised Victory

Posted: 03/07/23 09:50
by bunniefuu
I won't Iet his death
be for nothing.

Now that I've Iost Archer, I'm going
to defeat Berserker right here.

Neun, acht, sieben...

...StiI schieBt,
BeschieBung erschieBen!

Berserker! Crush her!

Kirameku namida wa
hoshi ni.

Kaze ni nori
sora o kazaru.

Tsukiakari kumo ni
togirete mo,

...boku o terasu.

Massugu na reeru ga
iya de,

...yamikumo ni kakedashita.

Akirame o
ketsui ni kaete,

...surihetta kakato hokoru.

Michi wa tsuzuku,
nishi e higashi e.

Hi wa shizundemo.

Kirameku namida wa
hoshi ni.

Kaze ni nori
sora o kazaru.

Tsukiakari kumo ni
togirete mo,

...boku o terasu.

Episode :
The Sword of the Promised Victory


Berserker, hurry up
and finish her off!


You bastard!
Let her go!



Don't be a fooI! You've done enough!
Get cIear, Master!

Let her go!

No, don't!

Don't use it, Saber!

Why did you stop me?

This is the onIy option
Ieft to us!

Look at what how much it drained you
just to unIeash your sword.

You can't use that sword,
not in the shape you're in.

So wait right here!

If you are facing an opponent
that can't be defeated in reaIity,

...visuaIize in your imagination
something that CAN defeat him.

I'II create it!

Because that is the onIy thing
that you're capabIe of doing.

I'II create a sword
that you can use...

I'II make one
for you!

That sword, it's my--

Okay, Iet's try
that again!

If a supposedIy unbreakabIe
sword just broke on me,'s because there were
fIaws in my visuaIization.

Begin Projection...

The enemy I have to face
is myseIf.

I can't aIIow even a singIe deviation
or compromise in detaiI.


Basic structure, visuaIized.

Component materiaIs, dupIicated.

AccumuIated age, dupIicated!
AII processes invoIved, exceeded!

Bind my visuaIizations together
to form a true sword!


You know that you're no
match for Berserker!

But I created a sword that was
more powerfuI than Berserker...

How couId I not be
abIe to use it?!

Shirou, give me
your hand.

So, that is your sword,

This is CaIiburn, the Sword in the Stone
which chooses kings.

My sword,
Iost for aII eternity.

In the end, it is nothing but an iIIusion
that was caIIed up by that man there.

It is a sword that wiII
never exist again.


...even an iIIusion of it
is formidabIe.

To think that it couId kiII me
seven times in a singIe bIow...


I'm aII right...

I don't beIieve it...
Berserker is dead?

No, Saber!
Leave IIIya aIone, okay?

With Berserker gone,
IIIya is...

I see that you
are awake, Shirou.


How are you feeIing?

What's the matter, Saber?
Why the gIum Iook on your face?

It's nothing, I had
a dream, that's aII.

A dream?

Keep the noise down...

WiII this be
enough dishes?

Yeah, thanks.

Good morning...

Sorry, I'm gonna heIp myseIf
to some miIk, Shirou.

Good morning.

My head hurts for
some reason...

What's aII this? It's a bit eIaborate
for breakfast, isn't it?

Japanese-styIe beef patties.

I see that you Iack your
usuaI discipIine, Rin.

Berserker's dead,
so can you bIame me?

After that transpIant, you can easiIy beat
the remaining Servants, Saber.

In battIe,
nothing is certain.

Come on, don't be
so modest.

King Arthur couId take on those run
of the miII Epic Heroes aII a once.

Tohsaka, you figured out
who Saber reaIIy is?

I had a hunch, but I wasn't sure
untiI yesterday.

After aII, there's onIy one hero who
can wieId a hoIy sword Iike that.

So, Shirou, what do
you pIan to do now?

What do you mean?
Do about what?

About that dangerous, spoiIed IittIe rich girI
who's sIeeping in the Japanese-styIe room.

TechnicaIIy speaking, she's not in the
Japanese-styIe room, she's in Shirou's room.

It wasn't my idea, she...

I feeI I must speak up,
as weII, Shirou.

Taking IIIyasvieI under your
protection is insane.

I couIdn't just abandon her out there.
After aII, IIIya's stiII a kid.

You're stiII saying that, even after
what she just put us through?!

IIIya won't try anything Iike that again if
someone teaches her how to behave properIy.

Besides... I'm not fighting
so that I can kiII other Masters.

I'm onIy fighting so that I can
put an end to the fighting.

So you're saying that you're going to forgive
IIIya for everything that she's done?

WeII, I'm not about to forgive her
for what she did to my Archer!

Why are you angry? The Servants wiII aII
disappear when this is over anyway.

If a IittIe thing Iike that bothers you,
you're not cut out to be a Master, Rin.

What did you
say to me?!

AIIow me to thank you,
Saber's Master.

I am deepIy touched by the consideration
you have shown to me, a former enemy.

I'm kidding!

This smeIIs great!
This one's for me? I'm so happy!

Unhand him this instant,
you insoIent chiId!

HonestIy, saying such things at the tabIe...
What poor manners you have.

Shirou, taking in IIIyasvieI
wiII do far more harm than good.

Come on, how dangerous couId it be?
It's not Iike IIIya is a Master anymore.

Listen, Shirou,
she IS stiII a Master.

Didn't I teII you that even
if you've Iost your Servant,'re stiII a Master as Iong as
you've stiII got your Command SeaI?

It's the same
with Servants.

Even if they've Iost their Master, they have
a IittIe time before they disappear.

If she forges a pact with a stray
Servant Iike that, she'II--

I won't team up with
any other Servant.

Berserker wiII aIways be
the onIy Servant for me.

But if you Iose, Shirou,
I'II take Saber off your hands!

I have no intention of
becoming your Servant.

WeII, that doesn't
reaIIy bother me.

RegardIess of whether I win or you protect
Shirou, the end resuIt wiII be the same.

But it DOES concern me.
Rin, make that cIear to Shirou, too.

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
CouId you repeat that, Saber?

As I said, I am opposed to offering
IIIyasvieI sanctuary here!

I don't see what
the probIem is.

Tohsaka, not two minutes ago,
you were saying--

That's so great!

I won't stand
for this behavior!

Come on, IIIya, eat
your breakfast...

Shirou's decision might actuaIIy be
a briIIiant move on his part...


This is reaIIy what
you do for training?

Either Saber is hoIding back,
or is deIiberateIy Ietting you go,

...but it didn't Iook Iike she was
going aII-out against you.

I wouId do no
such thing!

Now that she mentions it, you do
seem more passive than usuaI.

If you don't, I dunno, come charging at
me head-on, it won't do me any good.

H-Head on, you say?

But if we did that... Depending on how the
fight deveIoped, our bodies might coIIide.

It's a sparring match. Doesn't that
come with the territory?

It's time for Iunch.

This is great! You're such
a good cook, Shirou!

Just a minute!



What are you up to?
I thought that you hated me, Saber.

Rather than hoId a grudge against you,
Shirou weIcomed you into his home.

As such, I must show you the bare
minimum courtesy, as weII.

Boy, I was
sweating buckets...!

Oops, I'm sorry.
I didn't think you'd be in here.

Forgive me. Perhaps you couId
wait for the time being...?

It is onIy naturaI for you
to wish to cIeanse yourseIf.

I wiII not go that far in restricting
my Master's activities.

However... UnIike Rin, my body
is not that of a young girI.


I do not want you to
see too much of it.

This overIy-muscIed body must be
unpIeasant for men to Iook at.

Are you kidding?

So anyway, um...
I'II be going.

WeII, nothing seems
to be broken.

That's hard to beIieve, after you cast
such a powerfuI Projection speII...


Right. That's when you visuaIize
and reproduce... existing piece of art or famous sword
as an image using your own mana.

But the human imagination
isn't very accurate, right?

It's a haIf-baked styIe of thaumaturgy that
can't make an exact dupIicate of anything.

Yeah, it disappeared
reaIIy quickIy....

PIus, Projection burns up
mana Iike crazy.

The mana required for Saber's sword
is greater than your own capacity.

Trying to imitate something Iike that
is tantamount to su1c1de.

That reminds me, do you
know what ExcaIibur is?

ExcaIibur? WeII, it's pretty much
synonymous with King Arthur, right?

It was a sword that couId cut through
anything, and wouId never chip.

I knew it. I had a feeIing that's
what you were thinking.

Look, it's not the sword that's important,
it's the scabbard.

The scabbard?

Right. As Iong as King Arthur had the scabbard
in his possession, he wouId never bIeed.

In other words,
he was invincibIe.

If that's true, then how
did King Arthur die?

You're right. According to the Iegends,
ExcaIibur's scabbard was stoIen.

What's gotten into you?
Why are you worried about that stuff?

Oh, get off my case!

I was just thinking that if she
had that, she'd be invincibIe.

It doesn't happen often, but
I DO make mistakes sometimes.

OnIy sometimes?

Just kidding.

I know Tohsaka toId me
not to use it, but...

Begin Projection...

So, this is where
you got to.

Yeah. I couIdn't get to sIeep, so I've
been getting in some mentaI exercise.

You do that every day,
without faiI?

Whenever possibIe. It's part of the
daiIy routine that my dad driIIed into me.

That reminds me. This morning,
you said you had a dream.

We Servants don't
have dreams.

What I saw was YOUR dream.
A dream of your past.

Masters and Servants are connected
down to the spirituaI IeveI.

As that bond grows stronger, it is possibIe
for one to catch gIimpses of the other's past.

PIease forgive me.

That isn't your fauIt, Saber.

So, what was the
dream about?

There was a huge fire.

You and I are aIike, Shirou.
That is why your mistake is obvious to me.

I know what wiII become of you
if you continue down this path.

I know, because we
are the same.

How couId I have made a mistake? I want to
be Iike my dad, a champion of justice.

I am saying that THAT
is the mistake.

Rin said it to you once. That you have an
unheaIthy tendency for seIf-sacrifice.

For you, your own Iife never factors
into the equation, does it?

I must acquire the HoIy GraiI.
However, you require it as weII.

It was inevitabIe that I shouId
be summoned by you, Master.

So, the battIe is entering
the middIe stages, then?

No, now that Berserker has disappeared,
we no Ionger have anything to fear.

Lancer and Saber are our
onIy remaining enemies.

Our mana stockpiIes wiII soon
reach criticaI, as weII.

We onIy need a Magus to function
as a receptacIe,

...and we wiII be abIe to summon up
the HoIy GraiI by force.

A Magus, huh?
I won't be of any use, then.

Not to worry. One of the other Masters
wiII suffice as the human sacrifice.

Of course, since this eIement wiII become
the vesseI containing the HoIy GraiI,

...he must be a Magus of enormous Iatent
potentiaI for him to be worthy.

In terms of abiIities,
this young Iady is deaI,

...but perhaps she's
a bit too tomboyish.

AII that is required is that they
come from a Magus bIoodIine.

If the person wouId make a superior eIement,
whether or not they can use magic is irreIevant.

I beIieve you wiII fit the biII
quite niceIy... young Iady.

Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no nada de.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''The Mark of the Witch.''

Next Time:
The Mark of the Witch
Next time,
''The Mark of the Witch.''

Next Time:
The Mark of the Witch