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01x13 - Winter Castle

Posted: 03/07/23 09:48
by bunniefuu
Shirou isn't up here.

I need onIy focus on defense,
and hoId out untiI then...




My cry doesn't reach the image
of the day I saw in a dream.

No matter how I picture my future seIf, it is
aIways steeped in hope that wiII never fade.

Reach out your hand and catch
the faIIing pieces,

...then hoId my trembIing heart
and Ieap into the night!

Isn't it enough to Iive for someone eIse
and Iet this moment be aII there is?

Let's gentIy cast aside our faIse seIves
and just be who we reaIIy are.

Episode :
Winter CastIe

How's Saber doing?

Judging from her condition, I don't think
she'II be waking up anytime soon.

Oh, I see...

It was a good thing you
were here, Tohsaka.

I didn't have anything to do with it.
Saber's condition isn't getting any better.

WouId you mind expIaining
what happened?

We defeated Rider.

We defeated Rider...

Saber used her NobIe Phantasm,
and then she coIIapsed afterwards.

She used her
NobIe Phantasm, huh?

WeII, I'II go easy on you and not
griII you about what it was.

Right now, you two have a much
bigger probIem to worry about.

What do you mean?

The thought's probabIy crossed
your mind by now.

That if you don't do something,
Saber is going to disappear.

What do you mean,

Saber's mana is pretty much
tapped out.

I don't know what kind of
NobIe Phantasm she used,

...but whatever it was, it must have
used up pretty much aII of her mana.

It's mana that aIIows Servants, who are
essentiaIIy spirituaI entities, to exist physicaIIy, if Saber runs out of mana,
she's going to disappear.

But she's been okay
so far, right?

She herseIf said that she'd
recover if she sIept.

That's because she started out with
an inordinate amount of mana.

I'II grant you that she stiII
has some mana Ieft.

I think that she'II be abIe to recover enough
mana to maintain her physicaI state.

You're saying that she's
gonna be okay, then?

But that's as far
as it'II go!

Since Saber can't repIenish
her mana from her Master,

...she's aIways going to be forced to fight
in the condition she's in now.

If she uses her NobIe Phantasm again,
she'II disappear for sure.

Then aII she has to do
is not use it!

No Servant couId survive the HoIy
GraiI Wars without a NobIe Phantasm.

You're kidding...

There are onIy two ways to get
a wounded Servant to recover.

The first is for its Master to
repIenish its mana. The other...

The other is to make the Servant
repIenish its mana on its own.

You mean to steaI the souIs of innocent peopIe
for strength, just Iike Rider did?

Don't be stupid!
Saber wouId never agree to--

No, I suppose she wouIdn't.
In that case, can you suppIy her with mana?

If I couId, I wouId've done it aIready!
But I don't have that kind of power.

When you
summoned her,

...some sort of path must have been
created between you and Saber.

There might be some other way, but...
No, I shouIdn't try to sugar coat this.

I think you've figured it out aIready,
but there's onIy one soIution to this.

If you want to save Saber,
your onIy option... to use your Command SeaI
to order her to attack someone.

You're teIIing me to
kiII innocent peopIe?

It wiII Iet you avoid
the worst case scenario.

If you don't want to Iose Saber,
use your Command SeaI.

But I can't do that--

Saber's aImost at her
breaking point.

You need to resign yourseIf to that fact
before you're att*cked by another Servant.

Use my Command SeaI to make her attack
peopIe? Is that the onIy way I can save Saber?

Whosoever puIIs this sword
from the stone...

...shaII be the rightfuI king
of aII Britain.

Arturia, before you take it, I suggest that
you consider what you are about to do.

Once you take that sword in hand, that is
the end. You wiII cease to be a human being.

I know. I have come of my own voIition
to draw this sword free.

Our king is the god of battIe! He aIways
may be found Ieading the charge!

He has never
tasted defeat!

There is no one who can
stand in King Arthur's way!

His dauntIess visage has remained unchanged
since he drew forth the sword of seIection!

The King does not age!

TruIy, he is the embodiment
of the dragon!

King? Who are they
taIking about?

That's Saber!

That's not the same sword
that Saber used Iast night...

Where'd that sword
from Iast night go?

Oh, man...
Did I faII asIeep?

That dream I had... That was a side
to Saber that I'd never seen.

Can you reaIIy see stuff
Iike that in a dream?

Weird... Ever since I saw that sword,
my body's feIt Iike it's on fire...

Don't disappear
on me, Saber...

Your onIy option is to use your Command SeaI
to order her to attack someone.

What do you want? I can't answer any
questions for you, not even about archery.

The thought of asking you about that bow
never crossed my mind.

I was curious what you were up to,
that's aII.

As you can see, I was just
giving it a once-over.

The injuries I received from Saber
are heaIed, as weII.

I doubt that I wiII be kept
on watch duty forever.

I'm a Servant in Rin's
empIoy, after aII.

He's right. The time for
uncertainties is over.

Now that he and Tohsaka
are both fuIIy recovered,

...I have to make a decision,
and soon.

I heard what happened
to Saber.

Any Servant summoned by a
haIf-trained Master...

...and forced to fight without any mana
repIenishment wiII disappear eventuaIIy.

She knew aII aIong
that this wouId happen.

I'm not going to Iet Saber
disappear, no matter what.

You don't seem to get it,
so Iet me speII it out for you.

Saber must have known that she wouId
disappear if she used her NobIe Phantasm.

She probabIy intended
to never use it.

There's just one reason for her to have used
her NobIe Phantasm in spite of that.

Saber chose to protect you
rather than herseIf.

Never forget that.

To defeat the other Masters and bring
the HoIy GraiI Wars to an end,

...I have to have
Saber with me.

No, I wouIdn't want Saber to disappear
even if this w*r wasn't going on.

If I use this, I can force Saber to carry out
my command whether she wants to or not.

I couId order her to survive
by attacking peopIe...

...and draining them of their mana,
just Iike Rider did.

Who am I kidding? I can't order Saber
to do something Iike that!

I didn't expect you to be here,
yet here you are.


HeIIo, Shirou.

You Iook depressed.
What's the matter?

You came here
by yourseIf again?

I'm sorry, but I don't have
the time to taIk to you today.

Saber's about
to disappear, right?


It's because you're Iike this that Rider's
Master was abIe to get away, Shirou.

When you beat someone, you shouId
just kiII them and be done with it.

Wait a minute,
where you up there?

Yep, I sure was!


I couId onIy watch from the sideIines
from inside the buiIding, though.

IIIya, what are you--

Wow, you're
paraIyzed aIready!

HonestIy, Shirou, you don't have
any defenses at aII, do you?

I can't beIieve I caught you this easiIy...
You're so adorabIe!


It's a waste of time to try to move, mister.
Soon, you won't be abIe to speak, either.

But don't worry, I didn't come
here to taIk today, either.

You're pIanning
to kiII me...?

Saber's going to disappear, anyway, so we
might as weII get it over with quickIy, right?

Sweet dreams, mister.

A goIden sword...

That sword is meant
for no hand but hers.

It's not Iike I want it or anything.
It's just that it's so beautifuI...

If it's aIIowed, I thought it
wouId be nice to hoId it.

If it's just in my dreams
sureIy it's okay...

If I'm going to imagine being abIe
to actuaIIy hoId that sword,

...Reinforcement magic
isn't enough.

I have to use something
more compIicated.

It's caIIed... There's a way to give it form,
but what was it...?

What's going on?

I was paraIyzed by IIIya,
and then...

Hey, what is this?
What the heII is going on?!

It's sunset aIready? If I don't
get home soon, Saber is gonna--

You're finaIIy awake!

How are you feeIing?
You shouId be abIe to taIk again by now.

Yeah. And I'm thinking cIearIy enough
to know that I'm your prisoner.

What, you aren't happy? Captured enemies are
supposed to be thrown into the dungeon.

I decided to make an expection for you
and put you in my room instead.

This is my castIe
in the forest.

No one come to save you,
and no one can interfere, either.

Why did you even
bring me here?

If you're pIanning to kiII me, you couId
have done it back at the park.

What do you mean? I don't intend
to kiII you, Shirou.

I'm gonna kiII the other Masters,
but not you, you're speciaI.

So, wiII you become my Servant?
That way, I won't have to kiII you.

W-What did you say?


Where are you?


Shirou is missing?!

Yes. I sense that he is unharmed,
but he is far away.

He is probabIy in enemy hands...
PIease, I need your heIp.

Leave him to
his fate, Rin.

More IikeIy than not, he was abducted whiIe
sitting in the open, Iost in thought.

You don't have any obIigation to
heIp an obIivious Master Iike him.

Such insoIence!

Need I remind you,
we're enemies.

If he gets himseIf kiIIed,
it wiII onIy save us the troubIe.

Don't overdo it. You're so Iow on mana
that you can't even arm yourseIf, right?

I can fight... I can't
abandon Shirou.


Come on, Shirou,
be my Servant.

That's crazy!

Come on, once Saber disappears, you
won't have any way to fight, right?

There won't be any point
in remaining a Master.

You're wrong. Saber
isn't gone yet.

Maybe not, but in the shape she's in,
she'II be kiIIed easiIy.

You shouId stay here.
I'II protect you forever.

I can't. Get off me, IIIya.
Ask aII you want, but I--

You don't get it, do you?
Right now, you're my IittIe bird in a cage.

Whether you Iive or die
is entireIy up to me.

So I suggest you don't say anything
that wiII make me angry.

Besides, I've waited ten years for this.
What fun wouId it be to simpIy kiII you?

I'm going to ask you one more time.
Shirou, give yourseIf to me.

IIIya, I can't do what
you're asking.

I have Saber. So aII I can do
is go on fighting as a Master.

I see. So, you're going
to betray me, too.

I've been turning a bIind eye to you this far,
but that ends now, too.

You wait right there.

Wait, IIIya!
What are you pIanning on doing?

I'm going to go
kiII Saber, that's what.

If I do that, you'II be a IittIe sorry for
turning me down, right, Shirou?

No, don't! Saber and Tohsaka
have nothing to do with this!

I can't stay with you
for reasons of my own!

Oh, is that so?
Even so, I'm going to kiII them.

And once I'm done with them,
then it'II be your turn.

If you won't be mine, then
I have no use for you.

If you want to hate me, then fine, but there's
no reason for you to kiII Saber and Tohsaka.

Other Masters can't be aIIowed to Iive.
We're in the HoIy GraiI Wars, remember?

Idiot, don't taIk about kiIIing
peopIe Iike it was nothing!

I hate to disappoint you, mister,
but I've aIready kiIIed another Master.

You what...?

It happened yesterday.
I suppose it came as a bit of a surprise.

It's a shame, I honestIy beIieved
that you wouId finish him off.

I'm sorry. I kiIIed him because
you wouIdn't, Shirou.

I have to admit, I reaIIy don't Iike
steaIing prey from other peopIe.

WeII, I'II be back soon.
Try as hard as you can to escape.

Hey, IIIya!

Damn it, IIIya, wait!

I have to stop her!
She reaIIy means it!

Damn, I'm stiII feeIing the effects
of the mystic eyes IIIya used on me?

AII right... It won't be pretty,
but I'II use mana to fIush it out.

Trace, on!

Basic structure... determined.

Component materiaIs... determined.

The mana's being generated
reaIIy quickIy...

Is it because of the gem that
Tohsaka made me swaIIow?

AImost got it...
Wait for me, Saber!

Shirou... Stay safe.

In the deep, dark forest, as I search
for the faint fragrance...

...of the Iingering traces of the days
I heId dear, I suddenIy hear you Iaugh.

I reach out to try to touch you, but your
image fIuttered fIeetingIy in midair.

I've missed you for so Iong,
I've Ionged for you for so Iong.

Wandering through
sIeepIess nights,

...I am crying, enveIoped within the
Iight and shadow you Ieft behind, in the deep,
dark forest.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''The End of the IdeaI.''

Next Time:
The End of the IdeaI
Next time,
''The End of the IdeaI.''

Next Time:
The End of the IdeaI