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01x09 - Moonlit Elegance

Posted: 03/07/23 09:46
by bunniefuu
Why don't you work
with me, Emiya?

A fourth?!

You're very kindhearted,
aren't you?

What's that bag for?

Will you let me pick out
my own room?

While we are on the subject of rooms,
l have a request to make, as well.

l believe that l should sleep
in the same room as you.

What are you saying?!

HEY! What do you mean,
she's ''boarding'' here, Shirou?!

Shirou, you are naive.

Such sentiment will only get you
k*lled by the other Masters.

Who are you?

l am Kojiro Sasaki,
Servant of the Assassin class.

My cry doesn't reach the image
of the day l saw in a dream.

No matter how l picture my future self, it is
always steeped in hope that will never fade.

Reach out your hand and catch
the falling pieces,

...then hold my trembling heart
and leap into the night!

lsn't it enough to live for someone else
and let this moment be all there is?

Let's gently cast aside our false selves
and just be who we really are.

Episode :
Elegance in the Moonlight

You put me in an
awkward position.

Having given me your name, as a knight
l must return the courtesy.

Your name is Kojiro,
you say?

Hear me, Assassin Servant.
l am--

That is not necessary.

So, you are an adversary who feels obliged
to give her own name in response.

No, l am the one with
the poor manners.

lt isn't necessary for me
to know your true name.

For those like us, our swords are
all we need to know our opponents.

Has that not always been
the role of Servants?

Do you not agree,
my good Saber Servant?

Yes, that is certainly
the case.

As you say.
Then let us fulfill that role, Saber.

What the--?
My chest hurts...



l don't believe it...
She didn't!

You are indeed proving
to be difficult.

l would not have expected an
invisible blade to be this troublesome.

My sword style is
a brutal one.

A normal opponent would have
lost his head in one strike.

The fact that you have held out for
this long... fills my heart with joy, Saber.

What is the matter?
This can't be all that you have.

Surely your invisible blade
isn't merely an empty gimmick.

Cease your
incessant babbling!

l am done measuring
your blade.

l'd say that it is roughly feet in length,
and about inches in width.

l can't believe
that girl!

You used no magic of any sort,
and we have not fought for very long,

...yet you were able
to measure my sword?

l would say that it
is time, Saber.

Come now, stop hiding the true
extent of your abilities.

Are you suggesting that l have
been holding back against you?

Are you suggesting
that you haven't?

l don't know what you
are playing at,

...but it is insulting to be att*cked
by a sword that is still sheathed.

lf that is your wish.
l will put an end to this, then.

lf you are reluctant
to employ your own,

...allow me to demonstrate my own
secret sword technique first.

Raise your sword.
Otherwise, you will die, Saber.

Secret technique...

...Turning Swallow Strike!

Oh, you blocked it...

Your Master is
most clever.

Using his Saber as a diversion while
you sneak into my encampment...

Say what you will.

l am merely acting in accordance
with my Master's plans.

One of the three Knight-class Servants
would be another matter,

...but l am more than a match
for a Rider.


A swallow senses disturbances in the air
and changes the path of its flight.

ln which case, one must simply
close off all avenues of escape.

The first strike att*cks the swallow. The second
strike hems in the swallow as it dodges.

However, swallows are
nimble creatures.

To succeed, the strikes must be made in
the same breath, almost simultaneously.

The technique you employed just now
was not that simple.

When you struck, your sword was
genuinely in two places at once.

A multidimensional
refraction phenomenon...

You used no
magic whatsoever.

Through swordsmanship alone, you achieved
something on par with a Noble Phantasm...

Unfortunately, my footing
was bad.

The key to the Turning Swallow Strike
is found in the third blow.

lf the steps here were slightly wider, l would
have been able to land a horizontal strike.

l had cursed my fate of being
summoned into this material world.

But tonight, that is
at an end.

The sword match that l never had
while l was alive...

lf l can have a fight resulting in our deaths in which
l can utilize my every technique to its fullest,

...then being summoned
was well worth it.

l see. You are definitely not an adversary
that l can hold back against.

Oh, your head is finally
in the game, Saber?

Let's see you how fare against my
own attack, Assassin Servant!

That light--


These winds are on par
with a typhoon, l'd say

But there has to be
more to it than this.

Come, show me what is within
that light, Saber!

Saber... !

What's with this wind?!
Can l even get any closer?

ls this... ls this Saber's mana?

But she isn't fully healed yet!
This is crazy!


Who's there?!

Delay your strike, Saber.
Someone is spying on your sword technique.

lf we continue, this will no longer
be a contest between you and me.


You intend to leave this fight
unfinished, Assassin?

l will finish our game if you
cross this temple gate.

Unfortunately, my orders
only extend that far.

Besides, it was a lucky break for you
that our match was interrupted, wasn't it?

Look, someone has come
for you.

l suggest that you leave before our uninvited
spectator turns his attention to the boy.

Saber! Damn it, Saber!



Seeing her asleep like this makes me forget
that l was going to chew her out...

Oh, so this is where you
like to have your fun?

My, what an
interesting hobby.


Oh, don't mind me.
Go right ahead.

No! lt's not what you think!
You have it totally wrong!

l was taking Saber to her room!
No, carrying her!

You see that,
don't you?!

Oh, sure.
More or less.

You big, fat liar!
Your tone of voice says otherwise.

Saber went off by herself to fight,
and you went to stop her, right?

Uh... Yeah.

l'll carry her to her room,
so you go make us some tea.

Some tea?

l'm kinda interested in hearing
what happened to you two.

Oh, and l brought my tea set with me.
lt's in the back of the cupboard to the right.

Yes, ma'am...

ls this about right?

Shirou, do you mind?

Sure, l'll be right there.

Thanks, that'll be all.

What're she doing up?
l thought she was sleeping.

She came to just now. Her body temporarily
shut itself down, that's all.

lt wasn't a
long-lasting sleep.

Oh, really?

Saber, why did you
do that?

l went to Ryudou Temple and
fought an Assassin Servant.

We sensed the presence of a third
Servant and called off the fight, but...

No, what l was asking was, why did you
go and fight in the first place?

Servants fight,
it's what we do.

As my Master, why do you
tell me NOT to fight?

Um, l...
That's because l--

Do you believe that doing so will allow
you to survive the Holy Grail Wars?

No, l just--

Look, l just don't want a girl to get hurt!
As a man, l can't let that happen.

l am a warrior! Do you take me
for some frail woman?!

l insist that you take back
what you said just now!

Look, l realize that you might
be really tough, but...

Don't get hung up over stupid
little details, you idiot!

l should say that it is YOU who are
obsessed with trivial details.

ln any case, l'd sooner go into battle myself
than make you fight!

You would provide me with as much protection
as a sheet of paper, Shirou.

That was a little harsh,

You underestimate
the power of Servants.

You must think highly of yourself to think that
a human being could defeat an Epic Hero!

You misunderstand him, Saber.
He isn't underestimating Servants.

lt's a simple matter of him not
wanting to see you get hurt.


T-That's not true at all!
l don't care about--

You know that you can't beat
a Servant yourself, right?

He doesn't want you to get hurt, Saber.
So he'll fight, even though it's crazy.

He knows that he won't win,
but he tries to win all the same.

He doesn't care that
he might die as a result.

He values the lives of others
more than his own.


Now what?

l will allow you
to fight.

However, if it is what you want,
l have a suggestion.

Get to the point, okay?

Take up sword training.

Whenever your schedule permits it,
l will train you in the use of a sword.

lf you agree to my suggestion,
l will agree to yours.

You mean... Am l going to be doing
the fighting from now on?

Forget about it!

Teaching Shirou how to use
a sword doesn't mean...

...that he'll have a hope in hell
against a Servant!

But it's better than knowing
nothing at all.

At the very least, it will teach him
how to keep his cool during battle.

Anything beyond that will depend on
how determined you are.

Yeah! l'm ready anytime
you are, lady!

Now look here, you idiot! You're not exactly in
a position to take some leisurely sword classes!

l know that.
We are in a battle.

But l insist that Shirou
becomes used to battle,

...and experience for himself what ''death as
a result of battle'' truly entails, not just once,

...but as often
as time allows.

l will turn in.

You should get
some rest, too, Shirou.

Tomorrow morning, l am going to make
you sweat buckets in the dojo.

Good night.

Hey, Saber--

Now you've
made her serious.

ls she angry at me?
Or is she--

Beats me. But now that that's settled,
feel free to go die your hero's death.

l'll sit by your deathbed.

Gee, you're too kind.

l'd sooner go into battle myself
than make you fight!

ln the deep, dark forest, as l search
for the faint fragrance...

...of the lingering traces of the days
l held dear, l suddenly hear you laugh.

l reach out to try to touch you, but your
image fluttered fleetingly in midair.

l've missed you for so long,
l've longed for you for so long.

Wandering through
sleepless nights,

... l am crying, enveloped within the
light and shadow you left behind, in the deep,
dark forest.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''The Calm lnterlude.''

Next Time:
The Calm lnterlude
Next time,
''The Calm lnterlude.''

Next Time:
The Calm lnterlude