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01x01 - The First Day

Posted: 03/07/23 09:41
by bunniefuu
Fuyuki City

Years Later

The time is upon us.

Seven Magi take part.

These Masters empIoy Servants,
of which there are seven types, a battIe royaIe to win
the one and onIy HoIy GraiI.


...are what are known as
the HoIy GraiI Wars.

Hear me.

PIace thy fIesh under my command.
My fate, I pIace in thy sword.

On the authority of
the HoIy GraiI, thou compIy to my wiII and
my reasoning, answer my caII.

Here and now, I offer up
my pIedge.

I am she who embodies
the virtue of aII creation.

I am she who shaII spread
the eviI of aII creation.

Thou art the seven heavens cIad
in the three great word spirits.

Come forth from
this binding circIe,

...thou keeper
of the baIance!

I drew the most powerfuI card,
no doubt about it...


Oh, brother...

Looks Iike I've been drawn by quite
the unusuaI IittIe Master...

My cry doesn't reach the image
of the day I saw in a dream.

No matter how I picture my future seIf, it is
aIways steeped in hope that wiII never fade.

Reach out your hand and catch
the faIIing pieces,

...then hoId my trembIing heart
and Ieap into the night!

Isn't it enough to Iive for someone eIse
and Iet this moment be aII there is?

Let's gentIy cast aside our faIse seIves
and just be who we reaIIy are.

Episode :
The First Day

Everyone is dead...

There was onIy
one survivor...

Sempai... Emiya-sempai?

Oh. Hey, Sakura.
Good morning.

Good morning, Sempai.


There's stiII pIenty of time, but
you don't oversIeep very often.

Yeah, I guess I conked out
whiIe I was trying to fix this.


No, that's aII right. It makes me happier
to see you oversIeep every once in a whiIe.

It makes Iooking after you
more satisfying.

Anyway, I'II go make breakfast.

I'II see to aII the morning housework,
so you take it easy for a whiIe.

Besides, Miss Fujimura
wiII be here soon.

I think it wouId be a good idea
for you to get changed.

That's a good point. If Fuji-nee sees me
Iike this, she'II cIobber me.

This storehouse is where
I can kick back and unwind.

Ever since I was a kid, I'd sneak in here
without my dad knowing,

...and before I knew it, I'd turned it into my
home base, and it's been Iike that ever since.

It's been five years since my dad,
Kiritsugu Emiya, d*ed.

ApparentIy, he didn't have
a singIe Iiving reIative,

...even though he Iived in this
huge samurai famiIy compound.

So when he d*ed, his entire estate
went to me, his adopted son.

AII the compIicated stuff was handIed by OId
Man Fujimura, an acquaintance of my dad's.

OId Man Fujimura is a big Iandowner
who Iives in the neighborhood.

Shirou...! Are you
about done in there?!

The person doing the shouting just now
is his granddaughter.

In other words--

What took you so Iong?
Big sis was getting tired of waiting!

She's another one
of dad's acquaintances.

Sakura, if you keep coddIing Shirou, he's
gonna start presuming on your kindness.

Oh, I'm not trying to coddIe him.
He just Iooked exhausted, that's aII.

You're one to taIk,

Isn't deIiberateIy coming over
at breakfast and dinner...

...taking advantage of
the kindness of others?

I swore to Kiritsugu that I'd
be Iike a mother to you...

...and see to it that you grew up
into a fine young man!

So it's my responsibiIity to come
over every day to check in on you!

So it's my responsibiIity to come
over every day to check in on you!

You've definiteIy got a handIe on the
essentiaIs of making miso soup.

OnIy because you
taught me how.

Pay attention
when I'm taIking!

I'm Iate, I'm Iate, I'm Iate!
I forgot that I have tests to grade!

Miss Fujimura seemed even more
high-strung than usuaI today, didn't she?

Not so you'd notice.

Those present at the time of the gas Ieak
remain unconscious and in criticaI condition.

Gas Leak Last Night in Fuyuki New Town
SeveraI Victims in CriticaI Condition
Those present at the time of the gas Ieak
remain unconscious and in criticaI condition.

The cause of the gas Ieak
remains unknown,
Geez, another one?

The cause of the gas Ieak
remains unknown,

...but officiaIs intend to conduct
a thorough, fIoor by fIoor search.
It's strange how there have been so
many gas Ieaks in New Town, huh?

Sakura is the kid sister of a friend of mine
at schooI, making her my kouhai, my junior.

Ever since she came over to cook for me
after I got hurt about a year ago,'s Iike she's aIways over
at the house, heIping out.

What do you suppose
is going on, Sempai?

Beats me. Don't worry about
it too much, Sakura.


- Homurabara Academy
- Student CounciI Office

Thanks for aII your heIp.

Don't mention it.

This schooI has troubIe with aIIocating
funds to cIub activities.

Members of cuIture-reIated cIubs
aIways get shortchanged.

We're especiaIIy short on
winter kerosene heaters.

Think you can fix it?

Yeah, it's probabIy a short
in the eIectricaI system.

It'II Iast through the winter if
I swap it out for a new one.

You're a capabIe man,

It makes me happy to no end to know
that I have you to count on.


Every once in a whiIe, you taIk
strangeIy, you know that?

Sorry, but this is gonna take
a Iot of concentration, wouId you mind
Ieaving the room?

Ah, it's a deIicate procedure, I take it.
I'II get of your hair, Emiya.

WeII, he was right when he said that
it's a deIicate procedure, but...

To make a
Iong story short...

My way of fixing things
isn't exactIy normaI.

It has two heating eIements
that are about to short out...

They'II Iast for a whiIe.

I can patch up the power cord
with some eIectricaI tape.

What was it that Dad toId me
when I was a kid?

''Being abIe to intuit and comprehend an
item's construction is an impressive abiIity.''


He aIso said that I have next to zero taIent
when it comes to being a Magus.

I'm aII done, Issei.

Thanks, you're a Iifesaver.

I guess it's about
time for homeroom.

Oh, right.
Sorry about that.

Asking for heIp first thing in the
morning and making you Iate...

...doesn't make me much
of a friend, does it?


Are you after Tohsaka, too?

W-What do you mean by ''after'' Tohsaka?
Who wouId go after a girI Iike her?

Rin Tohsaka, th grade, cIass A.
Nice face and figure, and a sharp mind.

No one has a bad thing to say about her,
and she's the object of affection...

...of most of the maIe
student body.

But to be honest with you, Emiya,
I don't Iike that girI one bit.

Don't Iike her?

What about her
bothers you?

It's not one thing in particuIar, but...
She just doesn't sit weII with me.

Forget I said anything.

I'm Iate, I'm Iate,
I'm so Iate!

Good morning, every--

Are you okay, teacher?

She does this aII the time.

Hey, are you dead?

- Wanna try poking her with something?
- Nah, Iet's try you-know-what.

Oh, that.

A one and a two and a...
Up and at 'em, Tiger!

Don't caII me ''Tiger''!

So anyway, pIease obey the new
campus cIosing time.

Campus wiII be Iocked at PM for now, so kids
in cIubs shouIdn't stay too Iong, either.

What? But o'cIock is
too earIy, Miss Taiga.

Mr. Gotoh...

CaII me ''Miss Fujimura'' or I wiII get
very angry with you, understand?!

I'II bear that in mind, ma'am.
CaII me ''Miss Fujimura'' or I wiII get
very angry with you, understand?!

Okay, that ends today's
homeroom cIass!

We'II see each other again
for third period EngIish, okay?

They're aII yours, Mr. Kuzuki.

Let's begin the Iesson.
Today's student, Iead the cIass bow.

Everyone stand!

Archer. Have you been abIe to pick up
the movements of the other Servants?

Have you forgotten
my CIass?

I'm sorry, but I don't have the abiIity
to detect enemies at a distance.

Oh, right. It's onIy the Casters who have
the abiIity to detect far-off enemies.

Come with me. Let's go see
what's going on out there

I'II heIp myseIf
to one.

Sure. But isn't your Iunch a IittIe
on the austere side, Issei?

Just because you're sIated to
take over the famiIy tempIe...

...shouIdn't mean that
meat is off Iimits.

Oh, it's nothing as
outdated as that.

It's just how my oId man
prefers to do things.

Oh, right. Did you hear about what happened
at the nd Avenue intersection this morning?

Now that you mention it--
What happened?

A m*rder.

I don't know the detaiIs, but it
sounds Iike it was a robbery.

It was a famiIy of four
that was att*cked.

And it's the w*apon they were kiIIed with
that's reaIIy strange. It was a bIade.

They say the kiIIer used a katana
or a spear or something Iike that.

First we get gas Ieaks
every other day in New Town,

...and now here's something Iike
a random street kiIIing.

It's hardIy surprising that they're
Iocking up the schooI earIy.

What's the matter?

So did they catch the person
who kiIIed that famiIy?!

No. Not onIy haven't they caught him, they
don't have a singIe cIue as to who did it.

You Iook a IittIe paIe.

O-Oh, I do?

That news caught me by
surprise, that's aII.

I'm sorry. It's not exactIy conversation
fit for the dinner tabIe.

Hey, Emiya! You gonna
come watch practice?

Geez, what's he so
spaced out over?

WeII, he gets
this way sometimes.

Oops, I'm a IittIe earIy
for work.

Boy, this pIace
never changes.

Why don't they pIant some grass
or something here?

It's a waste to Ieave
this Iand sitting empty.

Why does it have to be that way?
I just don't buy it, Dad...

Why's it impossibIe?

It's tricky... It's because what you're saying
is that you want to save every Iast person.

Why's that tricky?

You saved me when I was
about to die, remember?

So you shouId be abIe to do the same thing
for everybody eIse, right?

The thing is, when you save
one person's Iife, means that you won't be abIe
to save someone eIse's.

I'm oId enough now to understand
what Dad was trying to say.

But... I stiII don't
Iike it!

I mean, when terribIe things
happen to innocent peopIe,

...and you can onIy save a handfuI
no matter how hard you try...

It's not fair!

Everyone has
to be saved!

So I... So I'm gonna--

Good work tonight,

Emiya sure is a
hard worker, isn't he?

He did the other part-timers' work
for them tonight, too.

He's never turned down a favor
from anyone, has he?

Yeah, he's a fine
young man.

I'm not sure if that's
the word I'd use.

To me, it Iooks more Iike he's setting
himseIf up for some serious heartache.

Gas Ieaks...

I guess it's no surprise that nobody's
on the streets at this time of night.

You'd better summon yours soon,
or you're gonna get kiIIed, mister.

Sheesh, a student your age shouIdn't
come home so Iate at night!

Hey, it's not Iike it was my fauIt!
I had work tonight!

I bet you were heIping somebody
by doing their share of the work.

If I'm heIping somebody out,
I don't see what's wrong with it!

What shouId I caII you, a goody two shoes,
or just guIIibIe?

Did you get this from Kiritsugu?
You've aIways been Iike this, Shirou...

Um, Miss Fujimura?

Has he been Iike this ever
since he was young?

Yeah, he's the type who can't turn away
a person in troubIe.

And he was a
precocious chiId, too.

In grade schooI, he wrote an essay titIed,
''My Dream Is to Be a Champion of Justice!''

That's so amazing!

Sure, when it's a kid who's saying it.
But Shirou stiII says that to this very day!

Can you bIame me for
worrying about him?

I'm gonna get mad if you keep
bIabbing on and on Iike that!

What're those things you've been
hiding behind you aII night?

Oh, these?


SeIf-Defense Society
Just come on by! Now Recruiting!

SeIf-Defense Society
Just come on by! Now Recruiting!
Extra posters.
I thought I'd give you one.

Extra posters.
I thought I'd give you one.

Forget it!

I'm not interested... this crap!

I'm a fifth-degree in Kendo! You're way outta
your Ieague if you think you can take me on!

That's not the point...
What did you stick inside that poster...?

Oops! Sorry! This one's an introductory
speciaI that's made from sheet metaI!

Sheet metaI?!

S-Sempai, are you okay?

WeII, good night.

Sure, good night.

Fuji-nee, waIk her home, okay?

Just Ieave it to me!
C'mon, Sakura!


Trace, on.

Basic structure... understood.

Component materiaIs... understood.

One day, Dad said
something to me.

I need to teII you something.
I'm a magic-user.

He was teIIing
the truth.

A naturaI-born magic-user
who studied various mystic arts... get cIose to and wieId what he
caIIed the structure of the worId.

I Iooked up to him
for that.

To me, my oId man is,
weII, a hero.

I don't have the abiIity
to be a Magus,

...and I don't even have what they caII
a Magus SeaI that marks you as one.

But there's one kind of thaumaturgy
that I do seem to have a knack for.

So if I focus on that one thing and train
hard, one day, I might be Iike him.

Listen to me, Shirou.

Magic is something that
gives rise to confIict.

That's why you mustn't use it
in front of peopIe.

And because it's so hard to controI, you must
constantIy train to discipIine yourseIf.

But the most important thing of aII
is that magic shouId onIy be used... heIp others, not for
your own benefit.

Sure it is! I'm gonna save somebody
eIse's Iife, just Iike you saved mine!

I'm gonna be a champion
of justice!

I've never forgotten that promise,
not for a singIe day.

What do you think? It's a
wonderfuI view, isn't it?

It's a good Iocation, I'II give you that.
If we had come here in the first pIace,

...we wouIdn't have had to
waIk around the city.

AII you can see from up here
is the generaI Iayout.

You can't get a feeI for Fuyuki City
unIess you go to those pIaces in person.

That's not entireIy true.
The Archer CIass isn't just for show.

I can't see the neighboring
cities, of course,

...but I can teII you how many boIts
are in that big bridge over there.

What, reaIIy?

I can sense that you are
a superior Master.

So I can onIy assume that these
statements are meant to test me.

If I've offended you,
I apoIogize.

I'm not offended.

But I can't have you getting amazed
at every IittIe thing...

...that's going to be happening
in this city soon.

I've been ready for this
for ten years!

I'm reIieved to hear you
say that, Rin.

In the deep, dark forest, as I search
for the faint fragrance...

...of the Iingering traces of the days
I heId dear, I suddenIy hear you Iaugh.

I reach out to try to touch you, but your
image fIuttered fIeetingIy in midair.

I've missed you for so Iong,
I've Ionged for you for so Iong.

Wandering through
sIeepIess nights,

...I am crying, enveIoped within the
Iight and shadow you Ieft behind, in the deep,
dark forest.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night.

Next Time:
FatefuI Night
Next time, ''FatefuI Night.''

Next Time:
FatefuI Night