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03x04 & 03x05 - Terror Tales of the Park

Posted: 03/07/23 09:20
by bunniefuu
Alright! Just a few more boxes to go.

Oh, wonderful.

I can't thank you enough for helping me to clean up my room.

Its just so hard to know what to keep and what to throw away.

Yeah, don't worry, Pops.

We'll be honest with you.

If it's cool, keep it.

If it's lame, throw it away.

Oh, yeah! Last box! What's it gonna be? Look who it is! Mordecai and Rigby, this is my old childhood friend, Percy.

Pretty cool, eh? Oh, dude.

No, not cool, Pops.

Oh but, no, he is cool.

He was the most sophisticated doll in his day with 250 phrases stored inside.

Why, you never know what he is going to say next.

I'm gonna draw on your face.

That's really creepy, Pops.

Creepy? What are you talking about? Percy is not at all creepy.


I'm gonna draw on your face.

Pops! Pops! Look! You've gotta get rid of that thing.

What? Are you sure? Pops, you're a grown man.

It's just not cool play with dolls.

Out with the old, and in with the new, eh? Hey Pops, we just found a Hornets' nest.

Want to hunk rocks at it? Ah, Pops, what happened? Percy and I were just having a playdate.

Why'd you draw all over your face? I didn't, Percy did it.

Isn't he a riot? Pops, we told you it wasn't cool to play with dolls.

Weren't you gonna throw him away? Oh yes, I've tried, but it didn't work.

Look, we'll do it for you.

Yeah, trust us.

This is for your own good, Pops.


Don't worry, Pops, we'll take good care of him.

Dude, what was that? Uh, I don't know.

Probably Pops bummed out that we threw away his doll, or something.

We better go check on him.

Pops? Huh? Dude, it's locked.

Who's Pops talking to? What the


-? Here, Percy, have some tea.

Have some tea? What's wrong with you! I don't want your tea, I want to draw on your face.

Dude, we gotta help Pops! Stop! Mordecai, get this psycho off me! Get off! You're all gonna be drawn on! Pops, are you alright? Yes, I'm fine.

Dude, what'll we do about that thing? We have to stop him.

Draw Draw Did you hear that? Mordecai! Pops, bring me the marker so I can draw on their faces.


What? Bring me the marker! I said no! Its not cool for a grown man to have dolls.

You have to go away now, Percy.

Give me that marker! No! NO! NO! Mordecai, Rigby, are you alright? Uh yeah.

Oh, thank goodness.

See, Pops.

We told you dolls aren't cool.

The end.

I guess that was kinda scary.

Yes, because of the doll's un

-natural desire to mark on things.

Ugh, lame.

I thought you guys said these stories were gonna be scary.

Thanks for wasting our time.

C'mon, Fives, let's bail.

So, seriously, can we stop inviting them to stuff? Stupid fog! It's making it to where I don't know where I am.

What is this even doing here? Oh no, our trailer! Hey, that's not our trailer.

It's just a big pile of car barf.

Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? Crash Pit? Crash Pit! Do it! Step on it! Crash Pit! Crash Pit! Crash Pit! Crash Pit! That was so awesome! Oh man, we gotta launch this piece into the crash pit.

It would be unpatriotic not to.

Aw, what? It won't open! What was that? Probably just the wind.

C'mon, let's drive this baby into the crash pit! Aw, yeah, every time! Savage! Savage! Savage! Savage! Yo, Scot

-tie! Get everyone together; we found an RV and it's going into the crash pit! Yeah, man, I'll go find some people.

Let's do this, Fives! Aw, what?

- Fives!

- Muscle Man? I gotcha, bro! Aw, what? I can't move! What's going on? Who are you guys? We're Skull Punch! And you're the punchie green geezer that's trying to steal our caravan! No, we're not stealing it, we're just gonna drive it into the crash pit! So you wanna drive our band's final resting place into the crash pit, eh? Well, how 'bout we give you a hand! Ya know who else likes to get headbutted in the face? What? My Mom! Fives! 'Ello Again! Look, we're sorry we took your RV! If you let us go, we'll never bother you again, I swear! It's too late! You wanted the RV to go into the crash pit, looks like you two just got yourselves some front row seats.

Wait, please, you can't do it yet! Why not? Because you always play a show first, and if we don't, everybody's gonna think we're lame! Well, we wouldn't want them to think we're lame, now, would we? One, two, three! Have you ever seen a cat walking down that street? And you said HEY! That's a cat, not a rat, or a bat, or a hat, or a pat, or a fat, or a mat.

Have you seen a goat?

- Yeah, I've seen a goat, I wanna see you guys crash your RV into the

- Devastation Naation! Help! This music sucks! or a goat, or a boat, or a coat, or a boat, or a note, or a toad, or an oat It won't open! Devastation Nation! Devastation Nation! or a bat, or a hat Finally! I never thought it was gonna end.

Hey wait.

Aw man, am I dead? Yeah.

Best crash pit ever! The end! And that's how you tell a story babies! Dude! That wasn't any better than the doll story.

Oh so you think you can do better? You think you can do better? Is that it? Is that what you think? Get off of me! And that's how you get in someone's face! Oh, would you look at that.

What are your kiddies supposed to be? Ghosts.

They're ghosts.

Oh, well.

I know, but I was just asking.

Well, they don't talk much.

They're shy.

Well, here you go, kids.

Happy Halloween! What do we say? Trick


-treat! Trick


-treat! Trick


-treat! Trick


-treat! Hey, wait a second.

Are those even kids in those costumes? UNBELIEVABLE! Gimme candy, lady! Oh, man! Man, this is lame! We've been out here for hours and I hardly have any candy to show for it.


Well, I told you jumping out of the bushes wasn't a good idea.

I'm an old, tiny robber, that's what I do.

Come on, you gotta come in to the part.

Yeah, well you should've committed to dressing up as a dad, like me, because you would have got five times of candy.

I'm not dressing up like a dad.

It's lame.

Yeah, well, I'm just saying.

Yeah, well, what's the point of dressing up if you're not gonna dress up to look cool? Dude, it's to get candy.

The point of dressing up is to get a boatload of candy, which I did,

- so I'm calling it a night.

- What?! Oh, come on, man! Just one more house.


Whatever, dude.

Just make it quick.



-treat! Oh, come on, man! Trick


-treat! I SAID TRICK


-TREAT!! Did you see that? Yeah, they're not home.

Let's go.

No, they're obviously home and can't be bothered to give out some candy.

They're gonna pay.

Dude, come on.

Don't egg the guy's house.

That's not cool.

Why not? There aren't any cops around.

Hey, what are you doing with those eggs? You better not be egging houses, 'cause that's illegal.

No, no, I was just having a snack.

You're having raw eggs for a snack on Halloween? Yeah.

I don't believe this.

I don't understand kids these days.

Come on, dude.

Let's just get out of here.

You heard what the cop said.

No way.

I ate a raw egg.

This guy's gonna pay.

- Rigby.

- Just relax, man.

I think we should just go, man.

Alright, let's roll.


You're going to pay for that.

That's it? I'm going back to work.

But, it was REALLY scary.

And you're paying for those eggs.

Tough crowd.

What am I gonna do? That wizard is coming to get me.

Dude, no one is coming to get you.

That guy was just some old creep dressed up for Halloween.

No way, man.

That guy used his magic on me.

I can feel it.

Why did you let me egg that house? I'll trade you this spider ring for a candy bar.

What was that? Dude, there's nothing there.

Are you gonna trade me that candy bar? Uh, sure.

RIGBY! WHAT THE HECK?! You're acting all paronoid! But I saw something.

- Wait.

Did you hear that?

- Hear what? Dude, this is serious! Come on, Rigby.

If that wizard was gonna get you, you'd be dead by now.

Rigby? I don't feel so good.

Rigby?! What the heck is that?! It won't come off! Quit it! QUIT IT! That wizard put a curse on you! You think? Dude, you have to apologize to him.

What?! No way! Okay, I'll apologize.

Mordecai, I can't move! Hang on, I'll find the wizard! Hello? Look, I don't know what you're doing to my friend, but please, just stop! He's sorry for egging your house, okay? So, are we cool? Mordecai.

Mordecai, come in.

Yeah, yeah, what's up, Skips? You gotta get back to the house, quick.

Sure, be right there.

Aw, sick! Mordecai! Dude, you're a house! Did you find the wizard?

- He wasn't home.

- Great.

Oh, it smells like Rigby in here.

Quite unsettling.

Aw, check it stairs! Let's run on them! Dude, this is nuts.

You're actually a house.

What do we do now? I don't want to stay like this forever! I don't know.

It's not so bad, it's a lot nicer than anything you can ever afford.

Whoa, there's even a bathroom!

- Hey Rigby, can I



- No way! Hello? It's for Rigby.

Put in on speaker! How do you like the new body? Don't think this is all over, because I'm just getting started.

- You're gonna pay.

- Hello? Listen, I don't know who this is, but you better change Rigby back right now, or I


- No one tells me what to do! Benson! You think you can interrupt my phone call and get away with it? Now you're all gonna pay! See you soon.

Hey, creepy wizard dude! Change Rigby back and then get out of here! Don't make me ask twice.

Pay, pay, you're all gonna pay.

Pay, pay Quit whispering in my ear, bro! you're all gonna pay.

What's the matter, Mitch? Don't have any clever jokes about your mommy? Don't talk about my mom! Did you guys see that?! This is not good!! What are we gonna do then?! Guys What, what is it? I told you I was ripped.

No, Fives, wait!

- Hello?

- Goodbye! Worst phone call ever.

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen! What's up, gumball? Show yourself.

Bad show, very bad show! What's happening? Hello, is anybody there? Can anyone hear me?

- Rigby?

- Mordecai! Don't worry, Rigby, I'm here.

I won't anything happen to you.

Huh, so this is what it feels like to be as tall as Rigby.

Mordecai, Mordecai? I'm sorry, ok? I shouldn't have egged your house, do you hear me?! I'm sorry.

I told you you'd pay.

Well then, what are you waiting for? Do it, do it already! Huh, what?! How do you like it? What?! You turned me into a house and k*lled all of my friends just to throw eggs at me? That's it?! Yep, that's it! The end.


That's it? Watch out, guys, some scary old guy's gonna turn you into a house.

Our story about wrecking cars in a pit was way better.

Oh, that's not it.

Happy Halloween!