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03x01 - Stick Hockey

Posted: 03/07/23 09:18
by bunniefuu
Rufus passes to Blue, Bluey to Old Man Samson, Samson with a twirl and Whoa, sweet shot! Aww man! Alright, you're going down.

C'mon fellas, let's pick it up! Hey! What the heck are you doing? Aww, what? Benson distracted me, no fair! Alright, best out of fifteen.

Whoa, whoa, hold on a second.

You guys are supposed to be working.

Yeah, I know but, c'mon check this out! We found crammed in the back behind all this junk.

Miniature man hockey dome.

It's called Stick Hockey.

And it's mine.

- It's so much fun.

- So much fun.

- So much fun.

- So much fun.

Look I don't care how much fun you think you're having, you're supposed to de

-gum the park today and now I find you holed up in here twiddling some sticks? Ugh, don't say it like that.

I knew I should've gotten rid of that game.

It's a waste of time.

Okay, okay, we'll go out right now and finish de


Please just don't get rid of the game!

- It's so much fun.

- So much fun.


If you finish all your work on time you can keep the game.

- Yes!

- All right! Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

We did it! Yeah.

See? Having a goal totally focused us! I get it now, work hard and then play hard! And we're gonna be playing hard all night! Ugh, don't say it like that! What!?

- Okay, Benson, where is it?

- Where's what?

- Our stick hockey table!

- I got rid of it.

Aw, what!? But you said we could have it! Nice try, there's no way you two de

-gummed the entire park.

We kept our end of the deal so give it back.

Sorry, I already took it to the thrift store.

What!? Who does that? How was I supposed to know you'd actually finish your work for once? You can't just say one thing and turn around and do another! What are you talking about? You guys do that all the time! That's different, you're the boss! How are we supposed to work for someone we can't trust? Hey! Trust me, I did you guys a favor.

That thing is a waste of time.

Skips, back me up.

You shouldn't of thrown away their game, Benson.

I concurr, one must be a man of his word.

I can't believe this! We want our game back.

Yeah, man.

You owe us! You do owe 'em.

Alright, let's go get it.

Yeah, yeah, the game with the sticks.

Nah, it's gone.

I sold it to Jeffy over at Thift World.

What!? Yeah, it was in great condition.

I don't know what someone would just donate it like that.

Yeah, they probably weren't thinking straight.

Wait, where's my head? I got another stick game in the back!

- Really!?

- Yeah, right over there!

- Aww what?

- No! Hey, great find, guys! This is great! It's not the same.

No, but some would say foosball's better.

It's got the same wrist action, plus mass appeal.

Way more people play soccer than hockey.

C'mon, give it a shot! So what's this called again? Foolsball? See! So we gettin' it? I can't believe you tried to pawn off that junky foosball table on us.

Sorry, jeez! At least, it was pretty much brand new! That old stick hockey game was a piece of junk.

Oh, of course you'd think that! That piece of junk was the coolest thing in the whole park! Sure, it's cool now, but keep playing it and one day, Your lives are ruined.

What are you talking about? It's just stick hockey! Could you just trust me on this one? Alright, Benson, we trust you.

Oh wait, now I'm taking the trust I said you could have and throwin' it away instead.

This wouldn't have happened if you guys had done your job! No, no, no.

You can't get mad this time.

You messed up, not us! Argh! Just listen to me! You know what, Benson? Forget it.

Thanks for all your help, but we can get the stick hockey table without you.

What the heck!? How am I supposed to get back to the park? Uh, we're heard there was a stick hockey table here? Benson! Care to join our game of cards?

- Not now, Pops.

- Suit yourself! Where are Mordecai and Rigby? How should I know!? They stole the cart and took off without me! Can you believe it? After what you pulled? I believe it.

What!? You're still on their side!? You should've at least given them a chance.

It seems the honourable thing to do is apologise.

Oh look! This one is you! Alright.

Mordecai, Rigby, are you there? Pick up! Let me try.

- Mordecai, Rigby.

Are you there?

- Hey Skips.

Tell them I want to talk to them! Tell them! Where are you? Where are you guys? Okay.

So what are they still mad at me? Where are they? You're not gonna like it.

This is so not fun.

So not fun.

I don't want him to chop off our heads! Who's going to finish your game now? I'll finish it! Death Dragon! Well, looks like we're up.

Just remember what I taught you.

Thank you master! I'll see you in the finals! Oh, my neck! Dave! Master I thought you said this was gonna be so much fun! NO! I always knew the dragon would return to his lair.

I go by Benson now.

Oooh, Benson.

I'm here to get my friends and go.

Who, these pathetic stick twidlers? Don't say it like that.

Get rid of them.

No! What are you going to do about it? I'm going to finish the game and beat you like I should have ten years ago.

- No Benson!

- Benson! Don't! Don't do it! This game is to the death! Trust me.

I see you've retained some of your skills.

Too bad the game has changed.

Benson! There you go, good as new.

Thanks Benson, we

- Before you say anything else, I want to apologize for getting rid of your game.

I shouldn't have gone back on my word.

That's cool.

I guess I just didn't want to see you end up like me.

Some dried

-up loser stuck working at a park because he wasted his life playing stick hockey.

Yeah, totally.

So what do you say, wanna play a round? Ah no, I think we're good.

We should've trusted you, Benson.

- We're going back to video games.

- Later! Why do I even bother.