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02x18 - Do Me a Solid

Posted: 03/07/23 09:10
by bunniefuu
Hey, Mordecai, do me a solid and grab me a lemonade from the kitchen? Okay, but, you owe me a solid! Of course, that's how solids work.

Do me a solid and change the channel? Do me a solid and pass the remote so I don't have to get so close to the commercial? Do me a solid and turn this comic book page? Do me a solid and dry my hands? Do me a solid and fluff this cushion?

- Sharpen my pencil?

- Fold these socks? Cheese these nachos? Mordecai, Rigby! Hey, Pops.

Hey, Skips.

Ya think ya want some chips with that cheese? Oh, yeah.

I guess we over did it with the cheese, huh? Aren't you suppose to be working at the Snack Bar, today? Do us a solid and cover for us? You shouldn't abuse the power of the solid.

Bad things will happen.

Can you at least pretend you didn't see us? Oh, okay.

But you owe me a solid.

We should probably get out of here.

Do me a solid and buy me a cup of coffee? Do me a solid and pull out my seat? Don't look now dude but Eileen is totally checking you out.

I think she likes you.

Shut it! You should go for it.

You make a cute couple.

STOP TALKING! Here's your chance.

Dude, she's coming this way.

Hey guys, here's your order.

I triple dip your sandwich Rigby, just the way you like it.

So Rigby, I was wondering, do you like Miniature Golf? Me too! You know, in an ironic way.

My shift ends early tonight, you wanna go? Yeah Rigby, you wanna go? Yeah, I waxing my car tonight so.


Oh, that's cool.

I didn't mean it like a date or anything, it will be a group thing; you, me, Mordecai, and Margaret.

But it's cool that you're busy, totally cool, totally, I get you a refill.

Idiot, idiot.

Why do we have to come on her shift? Dude, do me a solid and go out with Eileen so I can go on a date with Margaret.

What? Why? Dude, come on.

This is my chance to finally get with Margaret.

No, I'm not doing it.

What do you want? I do your work for a week.

You can be player one on any video game.

Dude, there's no way I'm going out with Eileen.

Rigby, please! You have to do me this solid.

Alright, I do it for 10 solids.

What? That's ridiculous! Ok, that's cool.

Then I guess you don't mind "Morde

-crying" to sleep tonight, instead on going on a hot date with Margaret.

Fine, I own you 10 solids.

Then it's a date.

I'm telling you dude, I'm gonna make my move tonight with Margaret.

I'm gonna make my move! Yeah, making your way to total loser


Rigby, be cool.

Oh, I'll be cool alright, but I might have to use a solid or two to get though.

Hi Rigby, you look nice.

Oh, hey Eileen.

I hope everyone's ready for an awesome night.

I was hoping maybe after mini golf we can grab dinner, and maybe a late screening of Fat Heat.

You guys like that movie? Wow Mordecai, you really figured out tonight's plans.

Yeah, he wants to make it last, cause it will never happen again.

Well, I guess we should go if we're gonna fit all that in.

It should be unlocked.

Hey, Mordecai? Can you do me a solid, and hang back with Eileen? Fine! Hey, Margaret check it out! I want to suck your blood.

So red and juicy.

Stay back! I've got a putter, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Hey, Rigby, look at me! I just laid sea turtle eggs, and now I'm gonna swim out to sea.

Although many of my hatchlings won't live till adulthood.

Let's just get this over with.

Hey, Mordecai.

Do me a solid, and yell as loud as you can.

What, why? You don't even get anything out of that.

Cool, then we can call off this stupid date and go home.

Okay, okay! I'll do it.

Sorry about ruining your shot earlier, Margaret.

Oh, it's no big deal.

Yeah, especially since you beat us all.

I had a lot of practice.

My dad used to bring me here when I was little.

Well, in honor of your big win, I made you a trophy.

I'll tresure it for as long as it stays fresh.

Congratulations on second place, Rigby! Mordecai, can you do me a solid and tell me if this burrito tastes fishy? Dude, what did you put in that? Oh, wow.

Sorry Margaret.

It's okay! I didn't like this top, anyway.

Can you do me a solid and get some popcorn? I'm all out of money! Hey Margaret, can I borrow five bucks?

- Sure, Mordecai.

- Thank you.

Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Hey, do me a solid and get some butter up in this.


Line 7 Line 8 Dude, my hands are all slick from the butter.

Do me a solid and get some napkins.

You mean these napkins? In your face! Someone just wasted their sixth solid! Hey, do me a solid and take the heat from this.

Take the heat from what? Sorry, sorry everybody.

This is where you live? Yeah.

Make yourself at home.

Man, I don't know about you guys, but I can go for some dessert.

Mordecai? Yes, Rigby? Can you do me a solid and get some Ice Cream Sandwiches? Make it a double solid, and get the good ones from the Snack Bar.

I'll be right back.

Do you have any board games? Alright, I brought them.

It's about time.

Why are Muscle Man and Hi

-Five Ghost here? Rigby said there were icecream sandwiches at this party.

Hook it up! Hey ladies, you want some of this? It's getting pretty late.

I think I'm gonna go home.

What? No, the night's still young! Can't you hang out a litte longer? Yeah, Margaret! We haven't even eaten our icecream sandwiches yet.

They're the premium kind.


Great! Rigby, can I see you in the kitchen for a second? What for? Ok! We'll be right back.


Why are you using your solids to ruin my date with Margaret? Why'd you use your solid to ruin my life? Quit being a baby! Watch it! You don't wanna mess with someone who still has one solid left.

Hey ladies, watch what else I can do with my Icecream Sandwich! Mordecai, I think I'm gonna go soon.

Fine! Just use your last solid and get it over with.

I don't want Margaret to leave.

Okay, can you do me a solid and No, no way! I'm not doing that! You have to, it's a solid! You're insane! I'm not doing it! Hey Margaret, wanna check out my record collection before you go?

- I don't



- Yeah Margaret, you love music.

I'll stay down here with Rigby.


- Mordecai!

- Just ignore him.

What was that?

- You better do it!

- Lay off, Rigby! What's happening? Rigby! It's because you didn't do the solid! Do the solid! No! Do it, ir we're gonna die! I don't care.

I'm not doing it.

You have to! What are you two doing?! I told you not to abuse the solids! It wasn't me! It was Rigby! He asked me to do one that was worth like 10 solids! What was it? Whoa, that's crazy.

But he's gotta do it! It's a solid! Do us a solid and do your solid! No! No way! Just do it already, Mordecai! But you'll never respect me again! Not if you're just doing a solid! That's what friends are for! They come through for each other where they need it most! Wow, I guess I never thought of it that way before.

Margaret does solids for me all the time.

Yeah! Like tonight I broke a date so Eileen could go out with Rigby! Wait, you're only here because you're doing Eileen a solid? We're really gonna die if you don't do me that solid.

Fine, you win.

I'll do it.

Oh no, bro.

Ok shh, shh.

Here it comes in 5, 4, 3, 2 Honk, honk.

You're watching it again? This is a new version I edited together.

Dude, come over here! You've gotta see the look on your face, it's the best part! Classic! You know what, Rigby? You're a jerk! Have fun with your little tape.

I'm going to the arcade.

Aw, come on, Mordecai! Don't be like that.

I'll come with you.

No way! I'm done hanging out with you.

You're not my friend.

I'm outta here.

Mordecai, wait! I almost forgot! I still owe you that solid.

What solid? What are you talking about? That solid, remember? The one where you told me to destroy the tape.

- Huh?

- Yeah.

I was just about to do it.

I hope there's no hard feelings.

Aw man?! What is wrong with you?! Sorry, guys.

A soild's a solid.

- Aw, what? Come on!

- Oh, well.

I suppose it's true.

- Hey Rigby?

- Yeah? Do me a solid and come to the arcade with me?