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02x15 - Temp Check

Posted: 03/07/23 09:09
by bunniefuu
Yeah! Finally done! Dude.

Celebration hug? Yeah, man! AWW! SICK! Dude, you almost hugged me! No way! You almost hugged me! We mowed that lawn in its face! Yeah, dude.

Let's go on break.

Now you're talking.

Hold it! Nope.

It's no good.

AWW, WHAT?! It's an inch too tall.

Do it again! DO IT ALL AGAIN! It's just one inch! Would you want to play Ultimate Frisbee in this? A guy could trip, skid, get severe turf rash, and BAM! Lawsuit.

Now get to work.

- But but but

- Oh wait.

Is that the sound of somebody who wants to be fired? That's what I thought.

I can't re

-mow the lawn! I'm a busy guy!

- No, you're not.

- Yeah

-huh! I got a meatball sub I gotta eat! My life sucks.


It's not like you can hire someone to do your work while you slack off.

"Hire someone?"

- Duuude!

- Hey! Hey, dude.

Thanks for bailing on me.

- What is this?

- I'm gonna hire a temp.

This sounds like a scam.

Hey, if hiring a dude to do all my work and paying them a small part of my paycheck while I go get a meatball sub is a scam, then THIS IS A HUUUUUGE SCAM! Let me know when you want to stop wasting time.

So, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Uh, I like pyrotechnics.

So, what are you good at? Pyrotechnics! Let me guess, you like pyrotechnics.

No, but I do like this.

Alright, alright, that's enough! Man! I can't find one normal person in this town who wants a job! I give up! Well, time to find me a job! Hey! Hey you! Come here! What's your name? Name's Doug, sir.

I'm looking for a job.

You've come to the right place, Doug! But first, tell me about yourself.

Well, all my life I've wanted to be somebody.

I'm willing to do whatever it takes! How are you with mowing lawns? Well, I don't mean to be negative, but it looks to me like that grass is an inch too tall.

Oh, you're good.

Alright, let's get you fitted to your new job! Thank you so much for this job, Mr.

Rigby! Hey dude, Benson wanted me to give you your weeks pay.

Who's that? Oh, that's Doug.

He's my new temp.

What? Are you serious?! Hey, Dougie! Payday! First, I gotta cover the finder's fee! Here you go.

Wow, this is the most I've ever been paid! Thanks Mr.

Rigby! You're the best boss ever! You make me sick.

Wow, this place is huge! Yeah, it's pretty cool.

This way.

So you'll crash here.

On this? No, no, you don't just start with the trampoline.

You gotta pay your dues.

This is where you'll be sleeping.

There's some socks in case you get cold.

My own bed! Rigbywow, Rigby.

If you don't mind me saying, you're the best boss I've ever had! You know what, Doug? I think this is gonna work out just fine! I'm tired, I'm taking a break! Keep it shakin' with the rakin' there, guys! "Keep it shakin' with the rakin' there, guys!" Nice impression there, Mordecai! Listen to this one! Keep it shakin' with the rakin' there, guys! Dude, that sounds just like him! What's so funny? Dude, Doug is hilarious! Check out his impression of you! Hi, I'm Rigby, and I got me a meatball sub! II don't sound like that! Dude, it's like, dead

-on! Hello, I'm, Rigby, nice to meet you! Dude, that wasn't cool! You should've seen your face! Dude, impressions are the lowest form of comedy.

"Hey, I'm Doug! I'm easily impressed because I have a small brain!" See? It's easy to copy somebody else.

- Yo, Doug


- Hey, fellas!

- Ready for some hoops?

- Oh, you know it! Uh, wait! Can I come along, too? Ohwell, it's kind of a two


-two rematch.

Sorry, dude.

- Cover him!

- I got this fool! Over here, over here! From downtown! Boom


-laka! I could've done that.

Hey, that's my haircut! Two hot dogs, please.

Yo Doug, I need some dawgs over here! Dogs from a dawg! I got 'em, I got 'em!

- Way to throw 'em!

- Way to catch 'em! Alright, who else wants some dawgs? That's probably not as fun as it looks.

He's holding up his tail just like me! Dude, I love working with you, man! We make a great team.

Yeah, man.

That's just me.

I love working hard, know what I'm saying? I guess Rigby's just kinda

- What?

- Uh, I shouldn't say anything.

Go ahead, You can say it! Rigby's kinda lazy.

Yeeaah, he is! Hey guys, I wanted to come by and thank you! Ultimate Frisbee was a great success! Everybody loved it! Kudos Mordecai! You too, Rigby.

See ya! Later! Yeah, see ya Benson! No! Dude, Doug is creeping me out! I think I gotta fire him.

What? Doug's actually pretty cool.

He's totally copying me! Dude, you're being paranoid.

Are you kidding me? The dark circles around his eyes, the lovable scoundrel shtick? CLASSIC RIGBY! He probably has his rings around his eyes because he's working all the time! Whatever man, just give me my paycheck so I can pay him to get out of here! Pfft, nice try.

What are you talking about? I gave it to you two hours ago.

- What?! Where's Doug?!

- Upstairs.

That's it! He's finished! DOOUG! DOUG DOUG DOUG! Oh hey, Rigby.

Doug, give me my paycheck! Paycheck? Oh, you mean this one? Sure, take it! Gotta cover the finder's fee! Remember? Doug, this has gone too far! You're FIRED! Fired? You can't fire me! This is the best job I've ever had! I'm finally becoming somebody! Besides I'm more Rigby than you ever were or will be! I'mRigby! NO! I'm Rigby! Rigby! WHAT?! I'm Rigby! No, I'm Rigby! Yeah, I can't tell who's who.

There's only one way to solve this.

Alright, I'm gonna have you do a couple of things and ask some questions.

Whoever gets them right is the real Rigby, and whoever doesn't

- I'm calling the cops! They both can't punch very hard.

They both can't take a punch.

Ultimate fail! They're both horrible at video games.

They're both equally lazy.

Okay, how does Rigby like his BLTs? No lettuce, no tomatoes, hold the bread and double the bacon! Correct.

What did Rigby get for Pops' birthday? Easy, nothing! Oh, it's true! Twas the best nothing I ever received!

- Rigby's high score in Strong John?

- Three!

- Favorite cereal?

- Sugar

-frosted marshmallow clusters! Rigby's greatest fear? Well? Amusement park mascots! Yep, you're Rigby! Hey, dude! Celebratory hug? Yeah, man! Fine, fine! You guys wanna hang out with him? Go ahead! See if I care! I just hope you think next time about choosing a total imposter over your best friend, Mordecai! Wait! That's Rigby! Huh? But

- I knew it was you, dude.

What?! But why didn't you say anything?! Heh, I just wanted to mess with you.

Only the real Rigby whines that much.

In your FACE, Doug! Plus, the real Rigby would never hug me.

Yeah, the perps full name is Doug "The Doppleganger" Shablowski.

He's been pulling this scam all over the country! But thanks to you, he can be brought to justice! Here he comes! Hey, hold on a sec, I got something to say.

Rigby, I want you to knowa guy like me? Ain't got a lot to be thankful for.

But you? You got friends, a job, a nice warm bed you got a good thing going here.

Never forget that.

Okay! Move it along! Wow, what a windbag! I thought he'd never shut up.

I can't believe you guys thought Doug was me! You must feel like idiots! Am I right? I'm the only one around here who hires and fires, so if you really don't wanna do your own job, I'd be glad to accommodate you! Otherwise, you're on toilet duty for the next THREE MONTHS! Unbelievable! Hey Mordecai, wanna make an easy ten bucks?