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01x24 - The Savage Time

Posted: 03/07/23 08:42
by bunniefuu
Flash: do you
think we'll make it?

Green lantern: I should have
enough juice to get us home,

But my ring's going to need
some serious recharging

After towing you clowns
halfway across the galaxy.

Hey, at least we won the battle.

Javelin 7 to
watchtower, come in.

Batman: watchtower here.

Prepare the landing
bay. We're coming in.

Just when I was starting
to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Same old bats.

Great hera!

Ungh! Ungh!


What was that?

I don't know. But look!

Hey, where did the
watchtower go?

Batman, come in. Do you read me?


J'onn j'onzz: he's gone.

And so is the watchtower.

I don't get it.

There was no wreckage,
no debris, zippo.

How could the entire watchtower
disappear without a trace?

Perhaps we'll find an answer

When we locate the source
of that mysterious pulse.

Where the heck are we?

Looks like we're home.

Wonder woman: metropolis.

But how?

Flash: either the city fathers

Did some high-speed urban
renewal while we were away, or...

Or what?

I don't know.


This dude's picture is
everywhere. Who is he?

Man: you, there!

Show me your papers.


You heard me. Let's see
your identity papers. Now!

Sorry, but my
identity's a secret.

Chicks dig that whole
"man of mystery" thing.

You think this is a joke?

You're under arrest.

On what charge?

Out of the way.


Ungh! Unh! Ooh!

Unit 295, we need backup.


Green lantern: scatter!


Ungh! Uh!


Man: over here.




Nice wheels.

Hang on!

Whose hand is that?


This is too weird. Even for him.

Hey, wait up. I've
got some questions.

No. I'll ask the questions.

Who are you?

Bats, you're
starting to scare me.

I scare a lot of people.

The resistance might
be able to use you,

But you're going to have
to prove we can trust you.

Are you kidding?

You've known us for years.

You must have me
confused with someone else.

I don't think he's kidding.

Listen, if we
wanted to hurt you,

We would have.

Let's talk.

The storm troopers
came to our house.

I was 8 years old.

And they m*rder*d
your parents. Why?

For speaking out
against the regime.


Not really. It
happens every day.

That's why I started
the resistance.

We're all orphans and outsiders,

Fighting the good fight.

How long has this
regime been in power?

Since world w*r ii.

But we won that w*r, didn't we?


They did.

You're telling us
we lost world w*r ii?

That's insane!

The allies invaded
europe on d-day, and...

It was a disaster.

D-day was the beginning
of the end for the allies.

I can't believe
I'm hearing this.

Something's obviously happened
to the time/space continuum.

Probably caused by
the disturbance we saw.

But why weren't we affected?

Perhaps the aura from green
lantern's ring protected us.

Want to share?

Have you detected
any large electrical

Or magnetic
disturbances recently?

We experienced some
interference on our com links.


Batman: according to my sources,

The pulse emanated from here...

Vandal savage's research center.

Who's vandal savage?

You're joking.

He's everything I've
been fighting against...

The undisputed dictator
of this repressive regime.

Let's see what's inside.

Woman: it's still unstable
and rapidly deteriorating.

How soon before it flatlines?

48 Hours, give or take.

Just as savage predicted.

If only we could have
controlled the wave fluctuations,

Practical time travel
would be a reality.


Ungh! Ungh!


Ungh! Ooh! Ooh!


J'onn j'onzz: over here.

What is that?

Heavy matter, like a black hole.

They used it as a
tunnel into the past.

And altered history to
change the outcome of the w*r.

Can we change it back?

It would be risky.

We only have 48 hours
before it collapses.

We've got to try.

Batman: wait.

Are you saying that my world,

My whole life, is
like this because

Someone went back in
time and changed the past?

That appears to be the case.

Then doing this
could save my parents.

I can't promise that.

Will you come with us?

No. If this doesn't work,

Someone's got to
stay here and fight.

You understand that if
we do change the past,

You... This version of you...

Will never have existed?

Nothing would make me happier.

Now go.

Where are we?

Great jumping hera!

It's just like those
old documentaries.

Not quite.

Hey, colonel klink!



Unh... Ungh!


I feel like road k*ll.

Thanks, doll!


I pulled this from
the control panel.


They weren't invented
until after the w*r.

The scientists at the laboratory

Said the hole was unstable.

Whoever left from our time

Could have gotten
here months ago,

Perhaps years.

So where do we start?

Those troops are
getting decimated.

You help them.

I'll fly to berlin.

I suspect the answer to
this mystery lies there.


I can't let you go into
enemy territory alone.

Go, then. We'll
handle things here.

Man: mein fuhrer!

Mein fuhrer.

This just came in
from the front.

Another report about costumed
fighters with magical powers.

Ally propaganda.

Man: what if it's
not propaganda?

What if these
super men are real?

Are we prepared
to deal with them?

You have a short
memory, hoffman.

You've obviously
forgotten about the weapons

I've already created,

Weapons the allies have
never even dreamed of.

And more are coming...

Like this.



Any other questions?

What now?


Mind if I borrow this?


Stop him!

So long, fritz.




An angel.

I must be in heaven.

You're not dead.

Are you a deserter or a spy?

I'm not sure I should tell you.

Well, I did just save your life.

Why were they trying
to sh**t you down?

Just between you and me:

I've got something they want.

Go on.

Word is, they're planning
an invasion of england,

And I have a way of
finding out when and where.

But it's not going to mean a
thing unless I can get to france,

So if you'll excuse me...

And if you're ever
stateside after this is over,

Look me up. The name's trevor.

Steve trevor.


Wonder woman: it's all right.

He's with me.

You're sure?

These new weapons the axis
has... Where did they come from?

Some genius named vandal savage.

The high command
was so impressed,

They made him their new fuhrer.

Vandal savage
made these weapons?

Yeah. He's still got a lab
over on grundstrasse,

But you'll never
get in. I've tried.

I have a feeling
it'll be easier for me.

You're sure I'm not dead?

J'onn j'onzz: a laptop?

Man: this way. I thought
I heard something.




Oh... Ungh.


Get those soldiers out
of here. I'll cover you.

Can't hold them much longer.


Green lantern: argh! Ungh!



I'll be ok! Take off!


