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01x22 - Metamorphosis

Posted: 03/07/23 08:40
by bunniefuu
870 Feet.

We drill much deeper,

And we'll hit new zealand.

All this for a few
stinkin' barrels of oil.

Just hope this old
mine shaft holds up.

Methane gas!

Shut it down before...



Somebody give me a hand here.

Come on! Let's go!

Go! Go! Go!


Gentlemen, you have a problem.

It was an accident.

There were no fatalities.

You got lucky this
time, mr. Braddock.

But because of unsafe
conditions like this,

The unions are
demanding higher wages,

And the insurance companies
won't cover your risk.

Luckily, I've got a solution.

Please enlighten us, mr. Stagg.

I call it metamorpho:

A chemically altered worker

Who will not merely survive

In most hazardous

But will thrive in them.

Stagg, we need a
practical solution,

Not some half-baked,
computer-simulated fantasy.

I assure you it's no fantasy.

Stagg industries
has sunk a fortune

Into developing this.


I'll believe it when I see it,

But not until then.

They want proof?

I'll give them proof.

All I need is a volunteer.

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

Man: yeah, boss.

I got 'em right here.

Stagg: listen carefully, java.

It's important.

I need those mutagen samples.

Don't let them
out of your sight.


No problem, mr. Stagg.




All aboard!

Sir, you'll have to check that.

Hey! But my boss said...

I'm sorry. It's regulations.

Oh, boy.

More champagne, mr. Mason?

Only if you'll join me.

Maybe when I'm off duty.

Now that's service.


Watch your step.

We're picking up speed.

Hydraulic systems
not responding.

Central, clear the tracks.

We have a runaway. Do you copy?

Fasten your seat belt.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

I can't stop it.


Ooh! Ow!


Huh? What?

Woman: oh, what happened?

Man: lord knows,

If you hadn't slowed it down,

This would have been
a whole lot worse.

Man: that's my pal,

Always saving the day.

I don't believe it.

Rex mason?

Hey, john.

Still in uniform, I see...

Though it's not exactly
standard marine corps issue.

I signed up with a new unit.

So I heard.


And what about you, mase?

Looks like you're not mucking

In the trenches anymore.

Life's been good.

We should catch up,

If you're not too
busy for an old pal.

Nice place.

Sure beats the old barracks.

Big penthouse,

Traveling first class...

You've done all
right for yourself.

Working for an outfit
like stagg enterprises

Does have its perks.

No kidding.

But so must wearing that ring.

A big hero like you makes a
fortune on the side, right?

It doesn't work like that.

I've hardly got more than
the clothes on my back.

Woman: well then,

We simply must
take you shopping.

John stewart, meet my
fiancee sapphire stagg.

Man: we can no longer support...

Second man: can we
get a statement, sir?

Third man: any idea
what caused this?

Fourth man: t*rrorists?

Woman: mechanical failure?

No statement until we've
completed our investigation.

Was there a b*mb on board?

Is the railroad liable?

You're dating the
boss' daughter?

I told you this job
had great perks.

Only thing is, daddy
doesn't know yet.

You always did like
living dangerously.

I like a little danger, too.

Don't you, mr. Stewart?

I take it the old man
wouldn't approve.

Nobody's good enough
for simon stagg's little girl.

He'd blow a gasket
if he found out.

I'm gonna dry off,

But don't go away, 'kay?

Remember, I saw her first.

Excuse me.

Batman: I checked out
that train you saved.

Green lantern: and?

The crash was
caused by a chemical.

Someone was illegally
carrying a mutagen compound.

I see.


Something you want to tell me?

What do you mean?

That train lost control today

Because of unstable chemicals

In the baggage car.

It was a mutagen.

Only someone working for a
company like stagg enterprises

Could get their
hands on that stuff.

You're crazy.

Why would I take
that kind of risk?

You always said you'd
do anything to get ahead.

Do I detect a hint of jealousy?

Of you?

I've got nothing more to say.

I see.

Call if you change your mind.

What happened to your friend?

Something came up.

Stagg: you idiot!

I told you not to let that
case out of your sight.

Sorry, boss.

Now it's going to
cost me even more

To cover up your
connection to the crash.

If this project fails,

Stagg enterprises
will go bankrupt,

And it will be your fault.

Woman on speakerphone:
mr. Stagg?

Mr. Mason is here to see you.

Send him in.

Mason, thank heavens
you weren't hurt.

We'll sue that railroad
for all they've got.

It wasn't their fault.


Simon, why was
java on that train?

He was running an
errand for me, that's all.

Was his errand picking up
a load of illegal mutagens?

Forget about it, mason.

It's yesterday's news.

I don't hear you denying it.

Then hear this.

Stay out of it.

And if I don't?

I made you...

And I can just as easily

Unmake you.


Yes, mr. Stagg.

Saph, we've gotta talk.


Can't you go any faster?

Sorry, boss.

Wait here.

Hello, precious.

I came as fast as I could.

Uh, thanks, daddy.

You said it was urgent.

What's wrong?

Mason: that depends
on your point of view.

What are you doing here?

Giving notice.


I've accepted a job
offer in chicago.

And I'm going with him.

But you can't.

Daddy, I'm not your
little girl anymore.

Don't try to stop us, simon.

No. No, of course not.

It's just such a shock.

All I want...

All I've ever wanted
is for you to be happy.

Are you sure about this?


Then go with my blessings.

I'm glad you understand.

I'll clean out my desk tonight.

No hard feelings...


Good night.

What happened, boss?

I believe I've found
my volunteer.


Hmm. Never a guard
around when you need one.



Mason: what happened?

Mason, there's been an accident.

Sapphire: daddy, I just heard.

Where's rex? Is he ok?

Mason: darling.

What is it? What's wrong?

Brace yourself, son.

No! No!

Java, stop him.


Don't worry, princess.

I'm here for you.
I'll always be here.

Oh, daddy.

Green lantern: I heard
about the accident.

What can I do?

I'm afraid you're too late.



Are you all right?

It wasn't my fault, officer.

I was driving down the street,

And he ran right in front of me.

Honest, it wasn't my fault.

Good lord.

What is that?

Help me.

Stay back!

Uhh! Uhh!

Call for backup!

No, I didn't mean to...

Unit 23 requesting
immediate assistance.


It was some kind
of freak, lieutenant.

Even b*ll*ts couldn't stop him.

I've never seen
anything like it.

Are you getting this?

I can't believe
mason did all this.

He didn't mean
to. I'm sure of it.

Please, you're his friend.

You have to help us.

Find him before the police do.

I'll find him, I promise,

Even if I have to call in
the whole justice league.

Thank you, john.

Mason: metamorpho...

Isn't that what you
called your little project?


Well, you'll be happy to
know it works like a charm.

Behold the wonder of science.

Honestly, I'm
heartsick about this.

We all are.

It was a terrible accident.

It was no accident, simon,

And I want to know
who's responsible.

Mason, don't!

Tell me now!

All right, all right.

But remember, she had
nothing to do with this.



What are you talking about?

See for yourself.

I don't believe it!

Green lantern: any
sign of mason?

Superman: nothing yet.

Well, keep looking.

That may have to wait.




Long johns at 10:00.

Both: huh?

Run him down!

That ought to hold 'em
until the police get here.

Well, that was
pretty darn sloppy.


Care to talk about it?

Running into mason
after all these years,

I guess it got me thinking...

Wondering about
the choices I've made.

The road not taken?


Maybe I could
have been like him.

Wealthy, successful...

Engaged to a beautiful woman.

It's mase.

Are you all right?

John, we have to talk.

I'll be right there.

Stay here until
the police arrive.


Mase, where are you?

Mason: right here.



I knew you were jealous,

But I never thought
you'd go this far.

I don't know what
you're talking about.


See if this jogs your memory.


Stagg: are you
getting this, java?

I want them to see what
my creation can really do.


It might even have
military applications.


I won't let you
take her from me.

Mase, you're
making a big mistake.

No, you did.

And it will be your
last, old friend.