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03x12 - Alive!

Posted: 03/07/23 07:52
by bunniefuu


Lex, stop it!

You will blow us all to pieces.

Not now, woman!
Something's happening.

It's... It's...



It's... just one
more steaming flop.



Baby. [GRUNTS]

Nothing works.


Lex, forget bringing
back Brainiac.

I don't need input from
some crystal-gazing parasite.

One who's confused a
wench's grip on power

with the real thing.

This is the real
troublemaker for us.

It's pure wild goose chase.

Look. I will prove it.

I will show you
what is in there.

Don't be stupid.
This is science.

What good is your sorcery,

unless you plan to
turn stone into gold,

or maybe a frog?

Such ignorance.

Transmutation is
what you want to do.

Transmutation is...

What are you waiting for? Do it.



By the slaughter
of the innocent,

by pestilence and plague,

reveal the hidden unto me.

There, you see?

Just a rock, a
worthless piece of...


What? It's not important.

Show me!


MAN: Critical system
failure in three seconds...

Two seconds...

One second.


No. Keep the image!


There's still Brainiac
in the universe.

There is no way to
tell where it happened.


I saw enough of those stars

to determine the
expl*si*n's coordinates.

It should be a simple matter.

You saw the wild goose again.

Concentrate on us, baby.

Space is too far.

Together, we
can rule this world.



If you like this world so much,

keep your fool mouth shut,

and maybe I'll let you keep it.

Me, I'm going to be a god again.



LUTHOR: Speed it up!

Sinestro, don't
forget the floor.

I want radiation shielding
from every direction.



Help Bizarro.


Don't distort the metal, moron.

I don't even know
why we're doing this.

k*ller Frost... if Weather
Wizard here doesn't shape up,

I'm holding you accountable.


Structural integrity is crucial.

Okay, got it. Jeez.


Soon, people, the Secret
Society will no longer exist.

Instead, you'll become the
new ruling class of the universe.

You are the lucky
few. The chosen.

Witnesses to the moment
I seize my godhead.


Luthor, what kind
of game is this?

Because so far, it's no fun.

Bear with me, Toyman.
You'll get the hang of it.

You're going to help me
collect some newly-discovered

pieces of Brainiac.

Swell. So you merge
with a living computer

like you did before.

You become more powerful
than all of us put together.

But what do we get?

You'll all be my
lieutenants in the new order.

Of course, if you
don't like those terms,

you'd better stop me now,
while you still have a chance.

But you'd also better remember
what happened to poor Goldface.


I'm already more powerful

than all of you put together.

Excuse me. Don't
take this the wrong way,

but... what exactly
are we doing?

I was coming to that.



What are you doing?

What's that?


I reconfigured
Grodd's cloaking field

into a hyperspatial drive.

You're not serious?

Little bit.


Why is my headquarters moving?

Hey! What's going on?

I demand to know
what's going on!

TALA: Quiet, Grodd.


Come to gloat at me again?

I'm not some monkey
in a zoo, throwing...

Shh. Listen. I've
been very, very bad.

I backed the wrong pony.
It should have been you.

Oh. You finally sussed it out.

That hairless sweetheart
of yours isn't a leader.

He's a thug.

And how.

I don't like to compete for
Lex with a dead computer.

I want you to be my
man in charge, like before.

So... baby, what do you want?

Huh. Why, only you, my dear.

And Luthor's fat
head on a plate.

That's one mother
of a laser show.


We should be reaching
the Brainiac remnant soon.

By the way, thank you for
making me your navigator, Luthor.

I always love learning
a new controller.

Just keep us on course.

The slightest error,
and we're dead.

GRODD: I wouldn't worry
about it, Neanderthal.

The way I see it,
you're dead either way.

I'd like to complete
this transaction

with as little bloodshed
as possible, Lex.

Now, put your hands up and
have Toyman turn us around.

TALA: Don't look
at him, big boy.

Grodd is leader.





Finish that oaf.



Giganta, you're out of jail.

How's your head?

Pretty good, considering
you tried to fry my brain.


Don't get grabby,
thunder thighs.

Grodd is mine now.




One creep-sicle, coming up.

You are so annoying.


TALA: Trapped like a rat.

It's very weird.

You were never so much
fun when we were together.


You wouldn't believe
what this cost me.


Around the world. [SCREAMS]


Rock the cradle.



Luthor! Look out!





Give it up, Lex.

You're only delaying
the inevitable.

You're right.

If it's all the same
to you, I'd rather

snap your neck
with my bare hands.


You know, this mutiny was easy.

The Secret Society hates you.

[GROANS] Like they love you.

Idiotic simian.

Half-baked objectivist.


You're ill-equipped
to lead, Lex.

A lower primate
masquerading as an intellectual.

I'm the more accomplished,
both physically and mentally.


Took you long enough. [MOANING]

I was beginning to think
I'd figured you wrong.

Now... bow down to me.

Who is master here?

You... are.

Get up.

Take six steps forward.


Get in.


I should have
let you rot in jail.

Goodbye, Grodd. It could
have gone the other way.

It really could
have, couldn't it?

No. But why speak
ill of the dead?

You twisted, pink
rat-hole of a hominid...

I'm not done with you.

I'll get out of this,
and when I do...!

Can any of you give me

one good reason to let you live?


k*ller Frost...
you've got a future.

Get rid of the rest.

You got it.


We're here.


Grodd must have
used mind control.

Okay. Maybe not.

But baby, you don't ever doubt

that I love you, correct?

I... I... I know I
did something bad.

I'm a sick person.

You don't know
what it's like to be me.

Don't be afraid, darling.

You still have a
big role in my plan.

In fact... I can't
do this without you.



LUTHOR: I used to think
magic was unknowable,

unpredictable and
not to be trusted.

You've taught me so much, Tala.

Even my wealth of
scientific knowledge

would never have
been up to this task.

You'll be the mystic
conduit that will siphon

Brainiac's essence
from the debris.

I'll be able to reconstitute
him from that energy.

But I doubt you'll see it.

You planned this all
along. Even before I...

I'm a sick person too.

TOYMAN: Luthor...

the collection
panels are in place.

Lex, please! I beg you.

Hold that thought.

Do it.

I said do it!

MAN: He cannot
hear you, Lex Luthor.

Time has stopped.

We exist between
two ticks of the clock.

In my travels through
the myriad paths of infinity,

I have seen the
first and the last.

But what you do today
threatens the entire universe,

past, present...

and future.

I should hope it does.
Look, I didn't catch the name.

Metron, scientist
and chronicler.

Well, Metron,

I'll soon be ready for anything

the universe can throw at me.

I'm about to become a god.

You don't know what a god is,

or what you are unleashing.

Tampering with forces
beyond my ken and so forth?

Nice try.

If you want my power,
make your move.

Otherwise, you can get lost.

You will regret your decision.

We all will.

Twinkle, twinkle, Brainiac
Tala's gonna bring you back



Brainiac, I'm coming.




meet your new lord and master.

It seems I have you

to thank for my resurrection.

Though your world
will suffer slowly,

I grant you a quick death.

That rodent, Vundabar,
thinks he can rule Apokolips

in Darkseid's stead.

We'll be the ones who deliver

his pestilent corpse
to Granny Goodness.



WOMAN: Hey, Darkseid.

Welcome home,
oh, mighty Darkseid.

Arise, my children.

Let this meaningless
battle for control end today.

Of course, lord.

We had thought
ourselves bereft forever.

Only the slimmest of chances

has allowed me to
overcome my death

at the hands of Superman.

But let the universe
howl in despair,

for I have returned.


What is your will, my lord?

As ever, to search for
the anti-life equation,

that I may bring order
to this aimless universe.

But first...

Superman must
suffer for k*lling me.

His adopted world
will die screaming.

Only then will I seek
the ultimate end.

Forgive me, lord.
But an attack on Earth

would violate your
pact with Highfather.

New Genesis would
doubtless retaliate.

Where do you
think I'm going next?

Superman. You
better get outside quick.

We have a little problem.
