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03x11 - Ancient History

Posted: 03/07/23 07:51
by bunniefuu

I like it. Very imaginative.

But your ring's useless
against me, Lantern.

Then why are you
running from it?


Mind the ion drive.
That's delicate equipment.


Right, I took you lightly.

I won't make that mistake again.

I think you might.



If I were to give you
another chance, I mean.


He's all yours, GL. The
Nth metal in this net...

Has properties that interfere
with dimensional shifting.

I know.

Next time, Green
Lantern, I'll do you proper.

Quiet down in there.



I fought our Gentleman
Ghost before.

These intangible types
can be tricky. Uh-huh.

But he didn't stand a
chance against the two of us.

Look, Hawkman, I
appreciate the help.

Let's leave it at that.

Well, give Shayera my regards.



You might wanna
ease up a bit there.

Most guys don't really go
for the ripped, bulky look.

Just trying to maintain
my girlish figure.

My girlish, girlish figure.

And why does it always have
to be about the guys, anyway?

Honey, it's always
about the guys.

And since I'll be away on
that photo sh**t for a week...

Here we go.

Well, I'm just surprised

you haven't made
your move before now.

Still trying to figure out

the proper earth
protocol for this situation.

It's not like I can
just assassinate you

in your sleep or
poison your water.

I miss Thanagar.

I'm just saying, you think
you got a shot, take it.

I'm not worried.

Mari, look. This isn't... GREEN
LANTERN: There you are.

VIXEN: Hey, stranger.

I was thinking, we could
skip the concert tonight.

Just stay in and order
takeout. What do you say?

That'd be fine, Mari.
Whatever you want.

Um... I need to talk
to Shayera for a sec.

Oh. Uh, okay.

See you tonight then.

SHAYERA: Oh, Mari.


Really not worried.

I just ran into your stalker
boyfriend, Carter Hall.

He's not my boyfriend.

And he's still
talking about you.

Yeah, the whole reincarnated

lovers from Ancient Egypt bit.

Carter's just a little confused.

He's an obsessed fanboy
with wings and an axe.

If I didn't know any
better, I'd say you were...

Concerned. The
guy's a serious creep.

I'm a big girl, John.

You know I can
take care of myself.

Yeah, I just... Just wanted
to give you a heads-up.

This isn't about us, Shayera.


The photo sh**t
runs a week in Milan,

maybe another day in Rome.

Let me get that.


You can kiss, you can schlep.

I think men are just wonderful.

I'll miss you. You'd better.

Do you have time for
breakfast? The car's downstairs.

Just an English muffin. Perfect.

Sure you've got everything?

You can let the driver up for
those. I'll call you every day.

Checking up on me?
Go finish your coffee.




Get away. This
doesn't concern you.

What do you want with Vixen?

Guess again.

bother shining a bright light on me.

Hasn't worked in months.


Mari! Get down!



You just bought yourself
a world of it, Shadow Thief.



Blackest night
beats brightest day.


Last warning, zoo candy.

This is between me
and the Green Lantern,

and that Thanagarian harpy.

Stay out of it.


Shayera, he got John.

What? Who...? Vixen,
what's happened?

The Shadow Thief att*cked us.

He took John.

And he said I was next?

Unless you know any
other Thanagarian harpies.

Anyway, I figure since
your boyfriend here...

Not my boyfriend.

Since Hawkman's
tangled with this guy before,

he might be able
to give us a lead.

What's wrong with this picture?





Did you hear that?

SHADOW THIEF: Welcome, Shayera.

We've been waiting for you.

Thank you for saving me

the trouble of
tracking you down.



I've got you, baby.




I warned you before
to stay out of this.

See what happens
to naughty girls?

HAWKMAN: Get away from her.


The cast is complete.




You always were
good with that thing.

Just hit him!



Rest easy, warrior.




you recognize the Absorbacron.

Despite your best
efforts to bury me alive,

I managed to retrieve it.

Where is Vixen?

Out of the way.
She's not part of this.


That machine is
Thanagarian technology.

It's a telepathic database

more complex than
anything on earth...

And it's broken.

She might be right.

When I touched it
before, the feedback...

Hush now. Watch and learn.

Eight thousand years ago,
two Thanagarian law officers

found themselves stranded
on a primitive planet.

This planet.

Katar and Shayera Hol
used their technology

to make the desert bloom

and build the
greatest city on earth.

The people loved them,

and despite their protests,
worshipped them as gods.

For decades, their
ever-growing empire was a utopia.

But nothing lasts forever.

At least, nothing good.

Our armies are
victorious, my liege.

They continue to bring
the gifts of Thanagar

to the rest of the world.


I wish to speak to my husband.


As you wish, my queen.

What troubles you, Shayera?

Why ask what you already know?

I want to bear
your child, Katar.

I don't want to have
this conversation again.

Why the hurry? You're a young
woman. There's plenty of time.

Thirty or 40 years at most.

I'm not a girl anymore.

You look the same as
you did the day I met you.

When my work is complete,

after I've tamed this
savage continent...

You'll set out to conquer
the rest of the world.

It's my duty.

We owe these people
the peace and stability

that comes from
Thanagarian rule.

I'm not arguing that.

But you also have a duty
to continue your bloodline.

Or are you so tired of
me that you don't even...

I love you, Shayera Hol.
Nothing will ever change that.

It's just that right now, I
need to concentrate on...



The general.


It's the general!

Hail, King Katar.

Hail, Queen Shayera.

Bashari. No need to stand
on ceremony, my friend.

What news do you bring?


The land of Kahndaq has
been freed from Ahk-ton's rule

and placed under your
benevolent protection.

As tribute, Teth-Adam sends 100

of the finest
stallions on earth.


My husband and I travel
on the winds, general.

What good are horses to us?

I'll show you.


I begin to see the worth
of these beasts, Bashari.

I thought you might, my
lady, with the right company.


If you desire my company,
you'll have to ride faster.



Save some for me. Hey.



I should have kept it for
myself. You're wasting it.


Katar's my husband.

And my best friend.

I'd leave him for you.

I'd never ask. I'm
afraid that you would.

Katar needs you.

And I need you.

It can't be true.

No, of course not.

Bashari would never betray

your friendship
in such a manner.

And the queen's trustworthiness
is, of course, beyond reproach.

Then why pester
me with idle gossip?

It's just that these ugly rumors
undermine your authority.

And I must admit...

No, I speak out of turn.

You speak when I
command it, Hath-Set.

They spend a great
deal of time together.

They give the
appearance of impropriety.

I trust Bashari with my life.

And Shayera is my life.

I'll hear no more of
this nonsense, Hath-Set.

Leave me. Now!

As you say, my liege.


You didn't have
to do that. I can fly.

When we're together, so can I.

I wish they were dead.



What is it? Answer me, woman!






Just as you wished, my liege.

I didn't.

I never meant...

Get out. My
liege, I... I only...

I said get out!



Now you can let go.

You're Hath-Set.

You're the one who poisoned us.

I mean... No, My Queen.

I think Hawkman knows who I am.

I'm your darkest thoughts,

your unspeakable desires.

I'm you, Katar Hol.


first touched the Absorbacron,

you freed me...

to do everything you wanted.

You wanted the secrets
of Thanagarian technology,

I found them for you.

You wanted to be a hero,

I became an arch-villain
for you to vanquish.

You want this woman... [GRUNTS]

I give her to you.

He's the only thing
standing between you

and a love that
spans 8000 years.

End it, Katar Hol.

Take what you want.



Go, Katar. Finish it.

Don't do it, Carter!

Shayera, you're
all I've ever wanted.

But you'll never have
her. Not while he lives.


Had me worried there.

Weakling, must I do
everything for you?


My understanding is
that this ring of yours

requires concentration.



You see? Even
now, she runs to him.

Are you all right?

Hurts like crazy.

But I'll live.

Where's Mari? Don't know.

I've gotta find her. Who knows
what that psycho might have...

We'll take care of
Shadow Guy. Go.



Harlot. What's wrong with you?

You should be with us.


It doesn't matter
how many millennia

you've been festering...

I will conquer you.


Carter, stop!

Shayera. I owe you an apology.

It's not the time, Carter.

No. It never was.

We weren't really meant for
each other. I have to accept that.

And I think we both know how

the story is supposed to end.

Slight concussion,

multiple fractures
and lacerations.

Without her healing powers,

it could have been worse.


Hey, cheer up.
She's going to be fine.

Shayera. I haven't
been fair to Mari,

and I haven't been fair to you.

I couldn't figure out
how to tell you this, or...

even if I should.


When Batman and
I went to the future,

we met a man named Warhawk.

He's our son. Yours and mine.

Our son?

That's why I've been so
awkward around you lately.

I've been trying to figure out
what to do with that knowledge.

What it means for our future.

Well, what else could it mean?

I won't be destiny's puppet.

Whatever the future holds...

we'll make those
choices ourselves.

Don't say you don't love me.

I'll never say that.

But... you need to know.
I'm staying with Mari.



Tell me about my son.
