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03x07 - Patriot Act

Posted: 03/07/23 07:48
by bunniefuu

MAN: You're certain
the serum will work?

Of course.

In moments, he will be
stronger than a hundred men.

Nothing less than
an a*tillery shell

will be able to
penetrate his skin.

A word of warning, Herr doctor.

Der Führer expects nothing less.

I assure you,

this man will be
the first of a million

superpowered soldiers.

An Aryan army,
created in the laboratory,

who will grind our
enemies to dust.

I'll thank you to hand that
syringe over now, Ratzi.

DOCTOR: Spy Smasher.

Put your hands up.

Now, hand it over, Fritz.




WALLER: You look well, General.

The past few months
have been good to you.

Mrs. Waller, due respect,

this reassignment is a joke.

Never thought I'd
become a desk drone.

I can't help you there.

Langley all but
scrapped Project Cadmus

and insisted on your transfer.

We're lucky
we're not all in jail.

Look, the only mistake we
made was trusting Luthor.

Wade, you know better
than to dwell on the past.

I'm talking about right now.

The Justice League is still

the single greatest
threat to global security.

I used to believe that too.

But remember, we used to
say the same about the Soviets.

Our enemy is never
as evil as we imagine.

And maybe we're
never quite as good.

Nuts. Don't tell me the bleeding
hearts in Congress got to you.

I'd eat them alive.

You would too.

You've got some onions, Amanda.

Then listen to me.

I'm not the league's
greatest fan,

but their intentions are good.

I can work with them.

What if you're wrong, though?

Turns out the metahumans
aren't on the side of the angels?

We won't have any
way to defend ourselves.

Look what happened last year.

Superman walked into Cadmus

and tossed our best
men like a salad.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

What's to stop him
from doing it again?

They're all orbiting us
with a space w*apon,

supposedly decommissioned.

That's a much bigger threat
than the Russians ever were.

If we'd rolled over like
this with the Soviet Union,

given up our nukes...

We'd all be living
under a red flag.

Yes, ma'am. You
better believe it.

After all our work, what
did Cadmus accomplish?

You get a reprimand
and I'm pushing pencils,

and the league gets another base
here on earth, that Metro-Tower.

When one side loses ground
and the other side gains,

that isn't a truce.
It's a surrender.

It's a different world, general.

Learn to live in it.

Lantern, what's your status?

This sun's going
nova any day now.

It's worse than we thought.

We'll have to deploy twice
as many fusion dampers.

You're breaking up. Say again?

The main point is, this
is gonna take a while.

Understood. We've got
it covered on this end.

Check in whenever
you can. Watchtower out.

Green Arrow,
S.T.R.I.P.E., Stargirl,

Vigilante and Shining
Knight, meet me on the bridge.


The exact second
the movie's over,

we get a mission.
Dang if that ain't lucky.

I still say this Clint
Eastwood dishonored himself

when he refused to...

What was it, play by the rules?

Partner, your
medieval upbringing

has done left you unschooled
in the ways of moving picture.

No, his proper duty
is to his police captain.

I see why they call him
"dirty." He besmirches his order.

Sir Justin, if you wanna be
watching stuff on my big TV

with the 5.1 surround sound,

you had best watch what you
say about Mr. Clint Eastwood.

Half of our resources
are in deep space.

We're short-handed.

Great. I'll take a
real assignment

over Watchtower duty any day.

So who's left up here
with you? The Ray?

He's with Vixen, checking out
an expl*si*n in the Aleutians.

Flash and Supergirl aren't
finished in Madagascar.

You're spreading
us a little thin.

We go where we're
needed, Green Arrow.

Did you second guess
the Martian like this?

Sorry, my bad.

You're the big-picture guy.

I've got it all worked out.

There's just this one
mission in Metropolis.

MR. TERRIFIC: I need you
people to fill in for Superman.


Welcome back to the Daily Planet

and Hubell's Department
Stores' 87th Annual

Metro Merchants Parade.

I'm Rick Wilson.

And I'm Kaitlin

And who's passing
the reviewing stand now

but the Veterans
Legion honor guard

followed by the Madison
High School marching band.

RICK: Yes, and just
look who's coming next.

An old, dear friend.

It's a bird. It's a plane.

It's Superman.

KAITLIN: That's right, Rick.

Superman is held by officers

from the police
department's 19th precinct.

And next up, more heroes.

Some of the brave policemen,

firefighters and
emergency workers

who serve Metropolis every day.

And riding with them,

well, the actual Superman
can't be here today

but he sent along some of
his Justice League cohorts.

I'd slay the Ogre
Blunderbore all over again

rather than put myself
on display in this manner.

Even though that
ogre turned out to be...

ALL: Morgaine le Fay.

We've all heard it.

'Tis a good story.

So, what?

Since we don't have superpowers,

it takes five of us to
replace one Superman?

Excuse me, I just want to
thank you Justice League guys

for turning out in force.

It means a lot to us.

Hey, we can't thank you enough.

You're the real heroes.

It's you the people
come to honor.

Great. Now I'm petty.

See where it says,
"Heroes one and all?"

That's what it's all about.

The crowd doesn't care who
can bench press a mountain

or sh**t lasers
out of their ears.

WOMAN: Where's Superman?

MAN: How come none
of the good ones are here?

I didn't come here to
see some stupid cowboy.

I don't think vigilantes
are good role models.

Especially ones with g*ns.

WOMAN: I came to see Superman.


General Eiling, sir. What
brings you back to Cadmus?

Just came to collect
something I left behind.


I want you men posted at
the entrance to this wing.

Nobody in or out.

BOTH: Yes, sir.


General, what are you doing?

Hello, Dr. Anderson.

I left my reading
glasses in the bio vault

and can't seem to get back in.

That code was
changed six months ago.

You're not authorized.

The new code. Now.



General, no. That
serum's unstable.

I read the report.

So you know about the
horrible disfigurations.

The test animals...


Too late now.


sh**t to k*ll. Now.
While you still can.

Don't k*ll me.

I wouldn't k*ll you, soldier.

You're just doing your job.


And now I'm going to do mine.







Stargirl, ladies and gentlemen.

The all-American sweetheart.

Wow, you really know
how to work a crowd.

sh**t, if I'd brung my guitar,

I'd have them eating
out of my hand.

And what do you got to
say to the Shining Knight?

Sir Justin's a real, live knight

from back in the olden
times of King Arthur and them.

Wow! Oh! Ooh!


Friend, I am no mare at auction.



How about Sir Justin's
horse, Winged Victory?

And his magical sword,

a gift from Merlin
the magician hisself.






COP: Freeze.

I'd listen to the man.

Where's Superman?

Busy. Can I help you?

Yeah. Hold this for me.


Open fire.


Go ahead, boys, pour it on.

I can take it.


KID: Get out of here.

Yeah. Take off, you big wuss.

Where's your parents?

I don't know. Run off, I guess.

Listen, I need you fellas
to do a very important job,

so you're all my deputies.

Now, go ride herd on that crowd
and get 'em somewhere safe.

We're on it. Come
on, let's do it.

Come on, everybody.
We gotta get out of here.

There was a blue
car in front of me.

Go. I shall find it.

I mean it.

Get Superman and tell
him General Wade Eiling

wants a word with him.

Eiling? From Cadmus?

What happened? That
beatdown he handed you last year

leave you with Superman issues?

He's your poster boy.

I'm gonna show
the Justice League

that you're not the only
superpower on the block.

That there's someone
who can stop you.

I'm here to protect
them from you.


Mr. Terrific, we need backup.

Everybody's in play
somewhere else. Everybody.

I'll see if I can scrounge
a few reserve leaguers.



Come on, folks. Stay together.

That's right, no stragglers.






I'll give you issues.

Yeah! You go!

Take him down! That'll do it!



don't do it.




Hang on, little fella!


Did you see that? Oh, yeah.

How'd he do that? Yeah.

Pretty fancy riding
there, cowboy.

What you got for an encore?

Never you mind. Get this
dang area clear of civilians.


Hey, you. Buzz off.



Stand back, darling.



You lousy bush-leaguers.

I'm running out of patience.

STARGIRL: You too?

We're taking this
someplace else.

Haven't you ever heard
of innocent bystanders?

Ever hear of acceptable losses?

You can't make an omelet
without breaking a few eggs.

This country's
halfway down the toilet

because of you
superpowered types.

For the record, I don't
have powers, potty mouth.

It's the staff.




In that case, miss,
you're just another egg.

Base villain.

Have you no shame?


You hit him high,
I'll hit him low.




Found your reinforcements, GA.

I'm teleporting them in
now. Got that. Thanks, T.

Well, you wanted Superman,

now you got...

the Crimson Avenger
and my ex-sidekick.


Speedy, we gotta do this now?

Ooh. Now I'm scared.



Ollie, how many guys
has this doofus taken out?

That would be all of them.

You spoiled, rich little twerp.

I think he means me.

Oh. For a second, I was all mad.


Still got your quantum arrow?

Yeah, but you said...

This is an emergency.




We are so dead.

Could be.


Superman, you coward.

All your men are down

and you won't even
show your face.

hear even your bellowing, monster.

As we speak, Superman
rescues an entire star system

a universe away.

Do your worst. I'll not
let you harm another.

I do what I do in
service to my country.

Once, at the word of
my lord, King Arthur,

I was ordered to lay
waste to an entire village.

I knew my king's heart
could not be so unjust,

so I spared them all.

Then you're a lousy soldier.

[GRUNTS] There it is,

the creeping moral decay
of the past thousand years.

Arthur thanked me, oaf.

Had I been wrong, I would
have handed over my sword

and left the court in shame.


Save yourself a hospital
stay and stand down.

That magic armor won't help you.

Have at thee.

You're a relic.

In this world, power is
the only thing that matters.

You and those other
no-name heroes,

you're just people.

In the great scheme of things,

nothing you do has the
least bit of significance.

I'll waste you and
a billion like you

before I let any
power rival America's.

It's my duty.

You don't know
what the word means.

You can't win.

I'll die as befits a knight,

defending the weak.


Why don't you give up?

Why don't you?



Superman and your
Justice League are a threat

to a safe and stable world.

Drop the act.

You think k*lling Superman

would make the world safe?

Or k*lling this boy?

Or us?

Tell me,

how many of us do you
have to k*ll to keep us safe?

They're the ones
I'm after, not you.

I'm not the menace.
Metahumans are.

Superpowered beings.

You're the only one around
here with superpowers.

All right. I've
become what I hate,

I'll give you that.

But in the long run,
you'll see I was right.

You'll see you
need the likes of me

to protect you from them.



you worry, Sir Justin.

Them 21st-century docs

are gonna have you back
on your feet by movie night.


I have yet to thank you.

No need to thank me, son.

You just get better.

World still needs
protecting, you know.


Come on, let's
play Justice League.

I'm Shining Knight.

No, I am.

You're the stupid monster. Heh!

Have at thee.

Have at thee.

Fine. I don't
care, I'm Vigilante.

He's way cooler.

[IMITATES g*nshots]

