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01x06 - The Enemy Below

Posted: 03/06/23 19:48
by bunniefuu
Sir, unidentified
craft approaching.

Bearing 010.

At this depth?

Establish radio contact.

I've tried all
frequencies. No response.

Whatever it is, it's
big and closing fast.

Evasive maneuvers.

Planes down 20 degrees.

Still closing,
sir. It's going to...


Damage report.

Starboard rudder's out.

Captain, the hostile
craft is turning!

It's making another run!

Prepare torpedo tubes!

There's no time!

This is u.s.s. Defiant.

We are under attack and
have sustained heavy damage.

We are going down.
Repeat, we are going down.

The surface dwellers'
ship has been disabled.


Let it sink.

U.s.s. Defiant,

This is the justice
league responding.

Help is on the way.

I've locked onto their distress
beacon. We're getting close.

We're not the only ones.

We've got company.

Not for long.

Lost 'em.

You were saying?

Those sailors
won't have a prayer

If we keep playing cat
and mouse. Come on.


Man: halt!

You've violated the
sovereign borders of atlantis.

Leave at once, or
you will be destroyed.

We apologize for the intrusion.

We were responding
to a call for help.

They should have stayed on
the surface where they belong.

Please. The men on
board... They'll drown.

Take the crew. But
the vessel stays.

No way. That's a nuclear sub.

If you think we're just going
to walk away and leave it...

What makes you think
you have a choice?

Superman: he's right.
Time's running out.

That's the last one.

Escort them to the surface.

You know, all this
could have been avoided.


Come and air your grievances
at the world assembly.

Negotiate for peace.

You'd have me crawl to
them like some beggar?

No. Stand before
them like a king.

Man: I say the surface
dwellers are barbarians.

They sail their weapons
across our seas

And pollute our oceans
with their garbage.

There's only one way to
ensure atlantis' safety,

And my troops are
prepared to take action.

What sort of action?

We have the technology

To wipe them off
the face of the earth.

Just give the order.

General brak,

I decide policy here, not you.

But how much longer

Must we endure these affronts?

Surely you realize that
now is the perfect time...

Hold your tongue, brak.
Your king has spoken.

Forgive me, lord orm.

General brak, I will
consider your counsel,

But this is a most
serious matter.

I must give it more thought.

He has quite a grip.

Takes after his father.

Look at him.

So peaceful, so innocent.

Mera, what kind of future

Am I making for our son?

Whatever you decide,

I'm sure it will be
the right choice.

Will it?

Your hands are strong and noble.

I would gladly
place my fate in them.

I understand your
concerns, admiral,

But lives were at stake.

There was nothing
else we could do.

Green lantern: the
admiral's right.

We never should have
left the sub down there.

Now it's in the hands
of that madman.

Aquaman's no madman.

He's a king.

He only wants to preserve
and protect his own kind.

So, who's going to
protect us from him?


Hey, where'd that
dude come from?

Oof! Hey, watch it!

Out of the way, meathead!


Not so fast, buddy.

Where do you think you're going?

Unh! Aah!

Where is the world assembly?

Green lantern: I knew we
couldn't trust that fishman.

The sub's been stripped,
and the plutonium is gone.

And you think
aquaman's responsible?

Who else, princess?

We've got to go back to atlantis
and get some straight answers.

If it's aquaman you want,

He's not in atlantis.

According to
eyewitness accounts,

Aquaman then forced
his way past the guards

And into a closed session
of the world assembly.

But as to why he's
here or what he wants,

We'll have to wait for
further developments.

Man: order! Order, please!

First you sink a
nuclear submarine,

And then you thr*aten
us to make peace.

Who gave you the right?

I am the born ruler of atlantis.

A country we do
not even recognize.

These are my final terms.

Refuse them at your own risk.

But your demands are outrageous.

They would compromise our
entire world defense and economy.

Your problem, not mine.


I offered them a
chance for peace,

And this is their answer.

Please, these things take time.

I've wasted too
much time already.



Green lantern: a real
prince charming.

Here he comes.

Aquaman... What
happened in there?

Where's the submarine?

Will there be
further... Move aside.

Oh, no!

Watch out! Watch out!


Reporter: and following
the expl*si*n,

Members of the justice
league rushed aquaman

To metropolis medical center.

There are still no official
reports on his condition,

But his injuries
appear to be critical,

Possibly fatal.

We cannot allow this
treacherous attack

To go unpunished.

With all due respect, lord orm,

You're in no position to
give that order. The king...

The king may be dead,

And the prince
is still an infant.

But even so, the law of
succession must be respected.

The prince will take control

When he comes of age,

But in the meantime,

This outrage must be avenged.

Mera: orm, did you hear?

Oh, my poor mera,

All of atlantis
mourns your loss.

You speak as if he'll
never come back.

I pray he will.

But who knows what the
surface dwellers may do to him?

Have we got a line
in yet? I need it stat.

Negative. His skin's
tougher than a rhino's.

His vitals are falling.

This is hopeless.

How bad is it?

Hard to tell.

His physiology is not like ours.

It's unlike anything
I've ever seen.

But can you help him?

I don't know.

Then maybe I can.

His vitals...

They're stabilizing.

Maintain saline at 3.5%.

But how could you
possibly guess that?

He's a fish out of
water, doctor...

Salt water.

Superman: he's coming around.

Good. Now maybe we
can get some answers.

What did you do
with the plutonium?


From the submarine.
You stole it.

My orders were to leave
that vessel where it lay.

And you expect
us to believe that?

Believe what you want.

Someone tried to k*ll me,
and I need to find out who.

Wait. I can help.

But you're going
to have to trust me.

Reporter: here at
metropolis medical center,

We've just gotten word that
aquaman is about to be moved.

Hospital sources say
he's going to an unnamed

Marine research facility
for further treatment.

Wonder woman: I hope this
plan of yours works, batman.

Just keep your eyes open.

Here he comes.

Doctor, can we get a statement?

What's the prognosis?

What's the condition
of the patient?

Doctor, is he
going to be ok, sir?

Please, just go on record...


I see him.

Aah! Ahh!


Are you ok?


Diana, he's heading towards you.

End of the road.

I'll take a detour.

What's taking so long?

I must return to atlantis.

Sit tight, your highness.

We'll tell you
when it's safe to go.


You presume too much.

Don't move.

Ok, ok, I give up.

You tried to k*ll aquaman. Why?

Gee. Why would a hired g*n

Try to sh**t somebody?

Could it be that
someone paid me to?

Wonder woman: who?

Oh, come on, babe. You
know I can't tell you that.

Professional ethics.

But then again... Heh heh!

If you make it worth my while...

I'll take it from here.

You can't scare me, batman.

Let me give you
one word of advice.

Ok. I'll tell, I'll tell.

What did he say?

You don't want to know.

Who hired you?

I don't know. I
don't ask questions.

Not good enough.

How were you paid?

In gold. See?

Spanish doubloons.

Where would they
get coins like this?


We've got to warn aquaman.

Too late. That royal pain
in the neck's already gone.

And I couldn't stop him.

Hera help him.

My friends, now is
the time for action.

Now is the time
for mighty atlantis

To rise up and strike terror

Into the hearts of its enemies.

Are you with me?


What treason is this?

No treason, brother.
I thought you were...


That's no reason to plunge
atlantis into a foolhardy w*r.

I left specific orders.

I'm only doing what you
never had the courage to do.

Enough! I'll hear no more.

Arrest the traitor.

You heard him.


You are the traitor.

You abandoned your people,

Sold them out to
the surface dwellers.

Look around you, brother.

I'm in charge now.