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01x21 - Inside Job

Posted: 03/06/23 19:36
by bunniefuu






What is Hive planning? BEE: I'm not gonna tell you.

The Hive master is gonna detonate a cobalt fusion b*mb.

- Where is it?

- It's in the Metropolis



Greetings, Wonder Woman.

Hive Master.

Your lasso of truth won't help you.

By the time he wakes up from my sleeping gas, Metropolis will be destroyed.

We've gotta find the b*mb.

Destroy Metropolis? What's going on down there? We've got this, Superman.

Keep your focus on New Genesis.

A b*mb that size would have a large radioactive signature.

You think we can trace it? GREEN ARROW: Guys? I think we've got trouble.




Who else?

- Who is

- Athena.

Goddess of wisdom, strategy, victory, and half a dozen other things.

Forgive me, Athena, but what wisdom have you come to impart? You know, you could do your hair a little differently, maybe parted on the other side.

We could throw some highlights in there, maybe shush it up.

She means why are you here? Rejoice mortals, for the Goddess Athena has come with glad tidings.

Diana of Themyscira, the eyes of Olympus have been upon you and beheld your great deeds.


-sacrifice, triumphs over evil, etcetera, etcetera So, I pulled some strings and you are about to become the brand new Goddess of Truth! In other words, sweetie, I got you a job.


-da! But I I have a job.

Oh, I know, honey.

Punching people in bee outfits But this is a real job.

I accept your gracious offer.

But Hive has to be stopped.

Oh, fine.

One last mission.

It'll be fun to stretch my legs.

We know the mercenary group Hive has a cobalt fusion b*mb somewhere

- in Metropolis.



What we need now is Could you not do that?


Booboo just thought you might wanna know where the b*mb is hidden.

Let's go.

Pretty smart bird you got there.

Are there other job openings? I could be a bow and arrow guy.


Sorry, kid.

Artemis has that job.

So, I'll just be here, helping out New Genesis, then?


You sure you know how to fly one of these things? It's kind of cramped in here.

Why don't you fly alongside us? Not all of us gods can fly, like not every superhero can fly.

Right, Batman? I swear I can almost hear his blood pressure rising.

The gods test us in many ways.

Diana, if you don't wanna leave It doesn't matter what I want, Oliver.

An Amazon doesn't defy the gods.


I'll do my duty.

I just wanna do one last good thing for the world.

Before I leave it.

BATMAN: We've reached the docks.

The base must be hidden nearby.

Correct, Batman.

But you'll never see it.


(m*ssile FIRING)














That wasn't a very dignified landing.

Next time, I'll let you swim.





Everyone, I need your help.

There's a cobalt fusion b*mb in the area.


Don't panic.

I need each of you to round up as many people as you can and evacuate the area.

Are you with me? ALL: Yeah! MAN: We're with you.

We're with you, Wonder Woman.

Well done.

What did I miss? I'm still picking up trace amounts of cobalt.

If the shipment left the warehouse, we should've seen it.



It's underground.

Thank you.

There's got to be a switch to open it.



We could be walking into a trap.

- Athena, stay here.

- Stay here?


They don't call me the Goddess of w*r for nothing.

Lead the way.






Ah! Let's see Artemis do that.

Eh! Really? Come on, look at me.



How adorable are you?

(g*ns FIRING)

You okay, soldier? Yeah.


I mean, freeze!


BATMAN: That's the last of them.

But where's the Hive master? Looking for me?


Please tell me this is just honey.






Get off me! It's over, Hive Master.

Oh, it is.

But it is you who have lost.


COMPUTER: Detonation sequence activated.

Stop the countdown! Ha

-ha! Never! Fine! Have it your way.

Here! Stick around! We need to load these people onto the escape vehicle.


COMPUTER: Detonation in 10 Where are you going? nine, eight, seven,

- six, five



four, three All right.

Computer, cancel autodestruct sequence.

Hive master, one bee, two bee, three.

COMPUTER: Code recognized.

Deactivating b*mb.


Brava, Diana.

But weren't you worried the b*mb would go off? He was always willing to sacrifice others, but not himself.


You would've made a good Goddess of Truth.

Thank you Wait! What? It doesn't take a lasso of truth to know you belong here.

Athena, I Diana of Themyscira, I have witnessed your strength, your resourcefulness and your ability to inspire.

Heroing is a bit more important than I thought.

I am nothing but proud.

Anyway, I better get going.

Traffic and all.

See you later, grumpy.

Hey, what about the God of Love? That's an archery job, right? I'm a natural.

Yes, that could work.

Although you'd have to wear a diaper.

A diaper? Well, never mind.