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01x22 - Bounty Hunter

Posted: 03/06/23 18:44
by bunniefuu

Hutch, it's right here
in black and white.

You don't really believe

that crocodiles are responsible

for k*lling more
people every year

than any other
single cause, do you?

Then why would they
print it if it wasn't true?

It doesn't make any sense.

Well, a lot of things
don't make sense.

Like the two of you eating
those butterfly bones.

That doesn't make sense.

That doesn't necessarily
mean it isn't true.

They're banana chips.

Banana chips, butterfly bones,

what's the difference,
you're still eating them.

David, you're impossible.

Oh, you noticed.


Thank you.

Gotta go.

Don't forget to
take your vitamins.


See you tomorrow, huh?


And we'll see you Friday night?

For the final feast

before you plunge into
another of your two day fasts.

I wouldn't miss
it for the world.

Oh, don't forget the
blackstrap molasses

and the impregnated wheat germ.

Oh, don't worry.

Black strap molasses and
impregnated wheat germ,

and you tell me I'm whacko.

What the lady
wants, the lady gets.

It's called technique, Starsk.

What I don't understand

is what's wrong with these two.

What? These two?

What do you mean?

Well, you've watched
Police Story, haven't you?

You know a cop's not
supposed to be happily married.

That's the number one rule.

Oh. Oh...

Well, maybe I ought to call
Captain Dobey and report them.

Oh, please, officers,

can't you give us a break?

Well, maybe this one time, huh?

But you know, Jim, you
ought to throw her around,

beat her up once in a while.

Well, I'm going on duty now,

but I'll get right on it

just as soon as I get home.


You're late.

Hello, Jerry.

Nice to have you back in town.

There's 26,000 there.

Let's see...

and the rest, of course,
you'll have by next week?

I'm afraid n... not.

I thought you said you
had the jobs lined up

and the fences to take
care of the merchandise.

Oh, they're all s... set,

but there's been a
change in p... plans.

Jerry, you, uh,

you can't afford
a change in plans.

The bail bonds
we have out on you

go into forfeiture next
week, so I'm afraid

that you're going to have to
come up with a lot more cash

than you've
brought here tonight.

It's over, Mrs. Turkel.

You've b... bled me long enough.

Bo, take him.

Don't be stupid.

Look, we've got $65,000
worth of paper out on you.

Well, you're just going
to have to e... eat it, lady.

I've paid you almost
twice that much now,

and I'm t... tired of running.

My girl's waiting for
me to c... call right now.

We're all packed.

We've got a chance to
get out of the c... country,

start all over.

I'm taking that chance.

Look at it this way,
you don't have a choice.

You turn me in to
the p... police now,

and I tell them everything

about the way you really
run this b... bail bond office.

Now, get out of my way.


He's dead.

Wait a minute.

Now, what do you
think you're doing?

I'm getting us off the hook.

I'm calling the police.

We have just k*lled a
dangerous, wanted felon.

We got to think
about this thing first.

What's to think about,
he's worth $65,000 in bonds.

Lola, he said he
was leaving town

with his girlfriend.

Yeah, well...

And that probably
means that she knows

that he came to see me and why.

I'd say that's a
pretty good chance,

and if he gets found dead now,

she's liable to go right
straight to the police.

Well, then the answer's
very simple, isn't it?

What do you mean?

The street knows Konig hit
town to make some scores.

Now, all we have to do is
keep him alive long enough

to get to his girlfriend,

and make sure there's
no connection to us.

Yeah, yeah...

You know...

there really ought to be a law

that people can
only commit crimes

during the daylight hours.

Well, we'd only end up

busting them at night anyway

for breaking it.


All units, all
units, silent alarm.

Zane's wholesale jewelers

East Main and Flatbush.

Zebra Three. We're on our way.

Police officer. Freeze!


Which way did he go?

I don't know.

Well, you got here first.

No, I got here
second, and you...

Yeah, I know.

I got the bronze medal.

Okay, folks, break
it up. Come on.

You've seen enough.

It's Jim.

Folks, step back.

There's nothing to see here.

Come on, step
back, go on, go on.

Go on home. Go on.

Okay, Jim, you're
gonna be all right.

Where is he?

Where did they take him?

I've got to see him.

Will you please tell me
where they took him?

Dorothy, he's going to be fine.

I promise you, just fine.

Look, why don't
you take her down

to intensive care, okay?

Go ahead.

He's going to be okay.

How's Nedloe?

Touch and go.

He's in operating.

Another police officer hit.

What's the point?

Sometimes I wonder
what the hell's the point

in any of us putting on a badge!

You're starting to
sound like us, captain.

What's the standard line? "Cops
shot every day, goes with the territory."

Yeah, they're shot every day,

and usually by some
turkey with 15 priors

that the courts cut
loose on the street!

You got a name, or are
you just making a speech?

Try a torch you
and Hutch put away

three different times,

and three different times,
made bail and then skipped.

Jerry Konig?

Arson squad said

this one's got his
name all over it.

Good old, Jerry.

Why didn't his
mother ever teach him

not to play with matches?

Well, he must've
been pretty desperate

to come back here.

I don't care how
desperate he is!

I want you two to nail him.

Now, you got any idea
where you're gonna start?

Same place as usual, his
girlfriend, Denise Girard.

She's always trying
to reform him anyhow.

Get on it.

Hi, Denise, how are
the animals tonight?

Try hungry.

Oh, Mandy says there's
a phone call for you.




H... Hello, b... baby.


It's m... me, baby.

You sound so funny.
I can hardly hear you.

There's been a
ch... change in plans.

Meet me at your
place r... right away.

I'll be right there.



She's on her way.

Are you sure she
thought you were Konig?

Are you kidding?

She bought the store,
hook, line and sinker.

I'll take care of it.
Don't you worry,

and then I'll meet
you back at the office.

Excuse me.

Denise isn't here.

Let's go to her apartment.


the bartender
said that she split

right after she got a call

from someone who stutters.

Konig stutters.



What are you doing here?


I'm doing the
same thing you are,

looking for Jerry Konig.

Well, that's a step up in class

for you, isn't it, Rile?

You're usually beating
up on somebody

who's late with his
alimony payments.

Oh, terrific. You guys
know each other?

What's he, another cop?

Not hardly.

Rile's a modern
day bounty hunter.

He makes his living finding
people like your boyfriend

who've jumped bail.

You know, one of
these days, hotshot,

you and me are going
to go bump in the dark.

Whenever you like.

Meanwhile, we'd like to know

how you knew that Jerry
Konig's back in town.

I've got my sources,

some of them a lot
better than yours, maybe.

You expect to find Jerry here?

A girlfriend's
apartment's a pretty good

place to start, don't you think?

You want to proffer
charges against him

for breaking and entering?

Proffer charges against me?

If anyone goes in,
she ought to go in.

I mean, Konig
ain't here right now,

but there's sure
a lot of evidence

that says he was.

It's up to you.

Just get him out of here.

You heard the lady. Bounce.

Go on! Get out of here!

You okay?

I don't know yet.

You've seen Jerry, haven't you?

I don't suppose you'd
believe me if I told you

I didn't even know
he was back in town?

Denise, Jerry
shot a cop tonight.

Oh, my God, no!

Oh, but he told me...

He told you what?
That this was it?

That he was going to reform?

That he was going to go
on the straight and narrow?

People can change.

Sure, people can change.

I guess it just depends
on how much they want to.

Oh, but he promised me.

He said he just had some
business to take care of.

Look, Denise, unless
you want to see him dead...

the best way that
you can help him

is to help us find him.

Well, he said we were
gonna go away together.

Oh, I should've known
something was wrong

when he phoned..

He sounded so strange.

He said to meet him here.

How long ago was that?

15 minutes ago.

Denise, we need your help.

Well, you could look for a
man named Monty Voorhees.

They were in jail together.

I think Jerry had
been seeing him.

There's another car around back.

If Konig shows
again, we've got him.

You want to hear
something funny?

I can hardly wait.

We can't get at the girl,

because the police
got her place staked out,

waiting for Konig to show,

and I got a feeling

we're going to be very sorry

we started this thing.

What choice did
we have, birdbrain?

At least this way,

everybody thinks
Konig is still alive,

most importantly,
his girlfriend,

and as long as
she believes that,

she will keep her mouth shut.

So what you're saying is

we got to keep up this
game until we can get to her.

That's right, genius.

Now, you'd better
get over to that hotel

where Konig was living.


Because it won't
take the cops long

to track down where
he was staying,

and when they do,

you had better
be ready for them.

You dig?


Nice place to pass
the afternoon, Hug.

Hi again.

Hi, yourself.

I hear you two guys are cops.

You planning on
starting a crime wave?

That depends

on what kind of bust
you have in mind.

It's technique,
Starsk, all technique.

Hey, Hug.

Hear you got something for us.

Done some checking on
that guy, Monty Voorhees,

you were asking
about last night.


And the word is

that Monty Voorhees and Konig
are supposed to be really tight,

and this guy Voorhees
is supposed to be

a real strange bird.

Used to be a geek.

A geek? Really?

Do you know what a geek is?


A geek is a freak
in a circus sideshow.

They keep him in a pit,

and they throw snakes
and chicken heads at him,

and he runs around like crazy

and gobbles them up.

Sounds like your kind of people.

I'll have you know

that in 1932, the geeks
formed their own union.

Oh, did you get that
from the same book

that you got all that other
wonderful information

about the crocodiles
and whatever?


Hey, I've read that same book.

No kidding?

Yeah, you read this part
about the guy from Akron, Ohio

who shot the head off
a bumblebee in flight?



What part was that in?

You know, the
part in the back...

near Chapter 83
about the Big Foot

who was supposed to be

a creature from outer
space left here to spy on us?


I thought everybody knew that.


Monty the Greek... the geek.

Last I heard,

he's supposed to be
working behind a switchboard

at a hotel on, uh...

Ninth and Tremaine.

Thank you, Hug.

Geeks formed their own union?


That one you you made up.

Well, suppose
all they paid you in

was chicken heads.

Did you know that in Africa

there was a politician

that was campaigning for office,

and his constituents ate him?

Oh, come on. No, it's true.

Well, there's no accounting
for taste, is there?

Oh, get in there.

That's what I like,

a man that's always
broadening his mind.

Where you going, Monty?

You guys ain't
got nothing on me.


Hey, Monty. Phone's ringing.

You got a feeling an
elephant lives here?

Palm Crest Hotel.

Monty, we're looking
for a friend of yours,

his name's Jerry Konig.

I ain't seen Jerry for months.

You got no right going
through that register.

You got something
to hide, Monty?

No stray chicken heads?

Lookit here?

Two new customers last night.

Rooms 18 and 29.

Oh, I got 29.

Jerry, it's the cops.

You little weasel.

Now, where's your
back door, huh!

Out... out there.




What's that?

It's time for my vitamins.

Oh, that's terrific.

I'd hate to be blown away

and not have you at your peak.

Well, which way did he go?

Nobody likes a
wise guy, Starsky.

What was I supposed to do?

He said he'd k*ll me
if I didn't help him,

if I didn't warn
him about the cops.

Monty, you've
spent too much time

in the monkey cages.

If you hadn't warned him,
he'd have been in jail by now.

Yeah, and on the
streets in two hours,

just like the last time,
and the time before that.

Doesn't matter to you, does
it, that the man's a psychopath?

That he gets his kicks
out of hurting people

and setting buildings on fire?

Sure it matters. It matters that he
don't do none of those things to me.


What you got?

Konig's haul

from last night's
jewelry robbery.


Mm-hmm. Anything from him?

No, just a discourse
in jungle law.

Take him in?

Let's make him
work a little bit first.

Good idea, Ollie.

Hey, Monty, come here.

Sit down.

I'm only going to say this

one time, Monty,

so I want you to listen good.

Jerry Konig shot
a cop last night.

If he dies,

you're going down for accessory.

He robbed a building
and set fire to it,

and then today,

he attempted to k*ll
me and my partner.

Accessory, accessory...


If we ever find out

that Jerry Konig contacted you,

and you don't contact us...



Well, where do we go from here?

Well if Konig did
steal the diamonds,

he'd have to unload them
somewhere, wouldn't he?

Good point.

The next question is
who'd be dumb enough

to fence someone
as hot as Konig?

Why don't you check your book?

I knew you were
going to say that.

Got any other
brilliant suggestions?

Yeah, how about the Red Baron?

He's dumb enough, isn't he?

He ain't the only one.



Hey, you know the
Real Red Baron...

Oh, knock it off, will you!

Well, anyways the real Red Baron

when he used to go up,

he used to take a parakeet.

He was very superstitious.

You wouldn't be
interested in things like that.


You, who know everything

with your juice and your bananas

and your grapefruit...

Early 1940's.

Yeah, how do you know that?

Well, it's the same kind of suit

that George Brent used to wear

in all those Bette Davis movies.

Well, you better be
careful, it might crumble.

You wouldn't want a
lot of gray flannel flakes

all over the floor, would you?

Hey, Starsky, Hutch...

what can I do for you, I hope?

Well, let's make it easy on you.

Jerry Konig lifted
about $10,000 worth

of industrial
diamonds last night

which means he
must have been looking

for a market, Herman.

Wait a minute.

You're assuming I do
something illegal here.

I sell clothes.


Konig k*lled a cop.

You ready for a going
out of business sale?

Konig called,

stuttering and stammering
more than his usual.

You know how he sounds.

Said he needed to
raise a lot of money.

What did you tell him?

Are you ready for this?

I told him to try

the arson-burglar credit union.

I wasn't ready for that.

Konig's a crazy.

I don't need his kind of action.


Well, what do you
know about that?

Guess I better call in, huh?

Wait, maybe we
could make a deal.

A deal?

Herman, that's
stolen merchandise.


Who says it's stolen,
maybe it's just lost.

I mean, you just found it,

it must have been lost.

I could turn it in
to lost and found.

Herman... you
have to take a fall.



Well, maybe it doesn't
have to be a hard one.

Well, that depends
on what you got.

The real reason Jerry
Konig came back to town.


Okay, Herman, spill it.

Hey, Eddie.

Hi, Starchy. Hi, Hup.

Now, how many times
do we got to tell you,

I'm Starchy, he's Hup.

Well, the sun was
kind of in my eyes,

and you guys look
an awful lot alike.

Yeah... yeah.

You're working here, huh?

Yeah, yeah. Good job too.

I'm washing windows
and sweeping out,

here and a couple other places.

It sure beats the t*nk
or those road camps.

Keep up the good work, Eddie.

Yeah, sure, Hup...
uh, Starpey...

No, no, no, I'm...

Forget it.

Look, mister, you either put up,

or your kid stays
in the slammer.

You want to shop
this deal? Fine.

Only, don't you come
back here when you find out

that I offered you the
best opportunity in town.

I mean, I don't even know why
I'm wasting my time with you.

I don't want to
write this ticket,

so you make up
your mind, buster,

and you make it up fast.

I think we want to see her.

You fellas have an appointment?

I bet you can make one for us.


I'll take care of them.

You take care of
Mr. Petrov, here, hmm?

Make sure he
signs all those forms.

I'd be happy to.

Something you wanted?

How about your
license to operate?

Is that a threat?

You better believe
it, sweetheart.

Aw, what do you two boys want?

How about a lead to Jerry Konig?

Nancy, call our lawyer.

Yeah, Nancy, why
don't you call the lawyer

and find out what
the sentence is

for aiding and abetting
and harboring a fugitive.

Word's out, Lola,
it's all over the street.

Jerry Konig's back in town,

and he's trying to
raise enough money

to get you and this
goon off his back.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about
a $65,000 bond.

A bond that you forfeit
payment on in a couple of days

if Jerry Konig doesn't
appear in court.

I am a reputable businessperson.


You don't even know what
the hell the word means.

I think it's about
time you two boys left.

Sit down, ugly.

Now, my partner and I
are going to leave here

when we want to
leave. You understand?

Do you understand?


There is a cop
in intensive care,

because you put Jerry
Konig back on the street.

If we even get a whisper
that you helped him,

or made a deal with
him under the table

to pay off his bail.

We're going to
put you away, lady.

You coming?


Oh, you'll have to
excuse my partner,

he gets a little
emotional sometimes.

You ought to see him
when he gets angry.

Then again, maybe
you'd better not.

Maybe you'd better
just do what he says.


do you have any idea

how beautiful your eyes become

when you are angry?


Are you forgetting

who gives the
orders around here?

But they are cops.

I don't care who they are.

I said we can't let
them get any closer.


Your friend Konig again.

Anybody inside?

No... not now.

Truck was seen pulling away

just before the fire broke out.

How long ago was that?

20, 30 minutes.

Anything ripped off?

Several cartons full
of electronic gear.

Well, well, well.

Old Jerry Konig's
been a busy boy

tonight, huh?

You know something, Rile,

you keep following us around,

you're going to get
a free ride downtown.

On what charge?

Now, there's no law

against watching a fire.

Besides, you boys are
gonna have your hands full

with Konig trying to
burn the city down.

You ought to be grateful

that I'm here to
nail him for you.


Zebra Three, Zebra Three,
see the man named Monty.

He has information
on fugitive Jerry Konig.

You guys gotta
promise to protect me.

Of course we'll
protect you, Monty.

Hutch'll take you in

and make a pet out of you.


Speak to us, Monty.

Jerry called me
about a half hour ago.

He said he wants me to meet him.

Okay. Where?

It's a big construction yard

over near the docks.

Have you got an address?

Regal Avenue.

Looks awfully lonely.



You smell a set-up?

You've got a good nose, Starsk.


See you around, hotshot.

Don't do that to me.



The geek has done
it to us again, huh?


more peanuts for him.

Roger and out, thank you.

You ready for Looney Toon time?

That electronic
gear that was taken

at the last fire?


It was found abandoned
in the city dump.


Well, that's not
too smart, is it?

I mean, why would a guy steal

all that equipment

just to dump it again?

Maybe he's getting eccentric

in his old age.


Zebra three, Zebra three,

come in, please.

Zebra three, go ahead.

Captain Dobey requests
that you meet him

at the Mission Ice House.

Mission Ice House?

Oh, 10-4. On our way.

Hey, hasn't that
place been closed

for the past couple of years?

Yeah, five or six at least.

I'll see you guys
back at the lab.


Who was that?

Jerry Konig,

they found him over there

with a b*llet in his head.

Coroner says he's been
dead at least two days.

Two days?

Who the hell have we
been chasing all this time?

That's what I've been wondering.

Who found the body?

Can't give you any
help there either.

It was a fluke.

Stray cat got caught
in the ventilator.

Fire department
come to get him out,

they found him there.


Why would someone
want to pretend

that Jerry Konig is still alive?

Well, let's see what we got.

Herman said that Konig came
to town to get enough money

to get Bo Rile and
Lola Turkel off his back.

And Denise told us

that Konig had
promised to go straight

and wanted to leave
the country with her.

What if they were both
right, and if they were...

then Bo Rile and Lola
Turkel were the last two

to see Konig alive and
Denise probably knew it.

And the night we
interrupted Bo with Denise,

he was probably
there to k*ll her.



Denise? Denise Girard?


You don't know me,

but I'm a friend of Jerry's,
and he asked me to call you.

Is he all right?

Is he hurt?

Oh no, he's fine.

He says he loves you.

Uh... Jerry said to tell
you he's ready to leave,

and he wants you to meet him.

Anywhere. Anywhere at all.

How long is it
going to take him?


Yes, ma'am.

I was just having
a little bit of trouble,

but everything's okay now.

Well, what do you think?

Nice fit, huh?

It'll do.

I sure do appreciate

you letting me have
these clothes, ma'am.

That's perfectly
all right, Hoyle.

Now, I want you to go outside

and wait in Mr. Rile's car.

Yes, ma'am, I'll do that.

This... is the rest
of Konig's stuff,

and I want you to make sure that

that's on Hoyle's body

before the fire starts.

You know...

I kind of get
the feeling that...

you really enjoy
this whole thing,

don't you?


Thanks, lady.

She borrowed a neighbor's car

and left about ten minutes ago.

Any idea where she was going?

That's the bad part.

She told her neighbor

she was going to
meet her boyfriend.

What do we do here, Mr. Rile?

I'm busy.

What do you two want now?

Denise Girard.

Nancy, takes these over

to the courthouse, will you?

Yes, Miss Turkel.

I'm afraid I don't know
what you're talking about.

Conspiracy to m*rder
One. Is that clear enough?

How much will it take
to spring you, Lola?

I didn't...

Whatever Bo Rile did, I'm...

If that's who
you're talking about.

Accomplice to what?

He didn't m*rder anybody.

Is this a frame?

Are you two guys down to
trying to railroad that man?

This his desk?

You know it is. Why?

I don't know. I thought we
might be able to find the g*n

that k*lled Jerry Konig.

We found his body

down at the Mission Ice House.

That's where you
left it, isn't it, Lola?

Are you making a charge?

It's all over.

We've got enough to get a
warrant to seize your books,

and when we do, I got a feeling
we're going to find Extortion

and Conspiracy
in capital letters.

That's not to mention
Jerry Konig's m*rder,

and Monty Voorhees'
m*rder and all those fires.

We want the girl, Lola.

We want Denise Girard.

Well, I... I still don't know
what you're talking about...

unless, of course,

my saving her life...

might have some
influence with the courts.

Some kind of reputable
businessperson, huh?

You better believe it, buster.

Rile's got her.

Now, you deal, or she's
as good as fried to a crisp.

All right... sweetheart...

if that's the way you want it.

We'll talk to the Judge.


We'll tell him how you tried

to hold that girl's life

over our heads.

Lola... I don't think
that you'd want

the deal we'll make for you.

Paint factory.

Corner of Marshall and Chandler.

Hello, b-baby...

sure glad you could make it.


Please let me go.

Please. Where's Jerry?

What did you do with him?

You ain't figure this out
yet, have you, honey?

Jerry's dead.

Rile, hold it!


Oh, hi there, Starpy.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I thought I'd drop by

and help out Hup, here.


You ever think

of taking up
finger-painting, Eddie?

But you promised me
steak and potatoes.

You knew I was starving.

I mean, what kind of
dinner is this to invite me to?


Pineapple yogurt,
raisins, sunflower seeds?

Starsky, don't hurt
her feelings, huh?

What about my stomach?

I mean, where'd
she get this recipe?

From the guy who runs
the parrot cages at the zoo.

Dessert's almost ready.

Uh, what's in it?


Well, the goat's milk,

all our vitamins...

Oh, don't forget the desiccated
liver and the sea kelp.

Good idea.

You remember what that
did for you last time, huh?

Oh yeah.

Well, there's always
ground up unicorn toes,

or if that's unavailable,

why don't we throw in

the ever-popular South
American hoot owl's beak.

Let's face it, Hutch.

The two of you
are a little strange.


Abigail and I aren't
going to be eating

for the next 48 hours.

That's what I said.

Abigail feels
that it's important

that we go into
this period of fast

loaded with nutrition,

so we can maintain our
normal... physical potential.

Oh, I see.

You mean, you
have to eat this...

in order to, uh...





You didn't forget the
Vitamin E, did you?

Oh, we didn't forget that.

A triple dose.

You aren't having dessert?

Uh, well, um...



What, before I go to work?

Can I have yours?


Just stay where I can
keep an eye on you.
