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01x15 - The Hostages

Posted: 03/06/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
That was Scotty Kane
playing "Ease My Mind"

on this bright and
chipper Friday morning.

The time is four
minutes to 7:00.

Four before 7:00.

And now, let's go back to music.

You're eating faster.

Do you realize you've
started eating faster?

I'm going to start cooking
my own breakfast from now on,

so you can sleep in.

Hey, I'm not training
for the Olympics.

I'm having a baby.

Hey, everything's going
to be all right this time.


So let's not treat me
like I'm made of glass.

I don't treat you
like you're made...

It's time to go.

Oh, yeah.

Listen, I want you to get
a little more sleep, okay?


I am a little tired.

Maybe I will.


See you later, honey.


Mr. Cole.

There's been a
little change in plans.

But if you do exactly
as you're supposed to,

you and your pretty
little wife in there,

you'll both live
to see the sunset.

Who are you?

What... what do you want?

Just a little trade:

Your wife for that truckload of
money you're picking up today.

Now, just move in and
start the car and back out.

Listen, uh...

my wife...

she's expecting a baby.

Then you don't have
anything to worry about.

Two of my people
are with her right now.

And believe me,

they're excellent babysitters.

Now, move it!

Right this way, mademoiselle.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Wait a minute. What
was that all about?

What do you mean,
what was that all about?

I'm looking forward
to a big breakfast.

That means I'm looking
forward to a stomachache.

What are you complaining
about? It ain't gonna k*ll you.

You say that every time.

Well, it hasn't k*lled
you yet, has it?

A brilliant deduction.

Wait a minute! Huh?

Is that the place your
horoscope told you to come to?

Not mine.

The lady who works there.

She's an astrology freak.

Oh, then you've
been here before?

Of course. How do you
think I found out her sign?

It says right here

today is the day she's
supposed to begin a romance

with a tall, dark and
handsome man. Hmm?

Tall, dark and handsome? Yep.

Well, two out of
three ain't bad.

You keep laughing,

I'm beginning to think there's
substance to this astrology stuff.

Substance, huh?

Yep, substance.

Mine says today may be a
good day to make a conquest.

Besides, I've already made
my first move last week.

Is that when you
first let her see you?


Now I let her
know I'm available.

Isn't it cute how
they totally ignore you

when they're crazy about you?

Practice makes perfect.

Oh, hey, I'm sorry.

Coffee? Yeah.

I'm expecting
someone, and, uh...

He's 14 minutes late.

Oh. Thank you.

Well, maybe he's not coming.

Every morning,

7:30 sharp,

Harry walks through that door.

Harry is punctual.

Harry is Sagittarius.
He's never late.

That's the second
breakfast I've made for him.

I called his apartment
after the first order got cold,

and the operator said the
phone was off the hook.

Well, maybe he's sleeping in.

No, not on Friday.

Not in his line of work.

I'm going to call the police.

Wait... Wait a
minute, wait a minute.

Um, Amy?

How did you know my name?

Well... I was in here last week.

I'm Dave...


Hi. Hi.

Oh, this is...


Hutch. Hi.

We're policemen.

What's Harry's line of work?

Are you guys really cops?


Well, he's a security
guard on an armored truck.

Hey, listen,

he lives just around the corner,

and I have a key
to his apartment.

Looks like the moon

just flew right past the
cusp of your Venus, hmm?

Well, uh...

I really appreciate
it. Thank you.

Why don't you go on ahead?

I'll just sit here and
finish my coffee.

Come on, come on.
You're real good with locks.

It's a really a good move you're
making on your part, Starsk...

checking on her boyfriend.

It's very oblique.

Picked it up on TV. Yeah?

When you're second,
you try harder.

Hey, wait a minute.
What... What's the address?

Round the corner.

What corner?

Follow me.



What's his last name?
Johnson. Johnson.

Harry Johnson?

Hope he isn't
doing nothing illegal.

Hello. Anybody home?


He's dead, Starsk.

I'm going to call Dobey.


Mr. Ames?

We're not hiring.
Neither are we.

Oh, sorry.

Unemployment rate, you know.

We've been swamped lately.

You're Mr. Ames?

That's right.

Ed Miller, our dispatcher.
What can we do for you?

We'd like to ask
you a few questions

about an employee of yours,

Harry Johnson.

Well, is he in some
sort of trouble?

I'm afraid he's dead, Mr. Ames.

Is that supposed to
be some kind of joke?


We found him in his
apartment this morning,

shot to death.

You sure?


We found him.

You guys!

Harry Johnson went
out of here two hours ago

riding shotgun in
one of our trucks.

It seems you got the
wrong guy, officers.

No. I don't think so.

You see, Harry Johnson's
girlfriend identified his body.

You playing games
with me, Miller?

Mr. Ames, Harry
Johnson is riding with Cole.

I mean, his car
is right outside.

Right where he left it.

Starsk... Huh?

The Abbott Armored Car robbery.

Cincinnati? Detroit.

What are you two talking about?

Did you talk to your man
Johnson this morning?

No. He came in
a few minutes late.

I assigned Cole our
maximum-security truck,

he and Johnson left.

Did you get a good
look at Cole's face?

Yeah, when he
signed for the truck.

Did this Harry Johnson go
directly from his car to his truck?

Uh, yeah...

He waved to Cole when
he got out of his car.

They got in the
truck, drove off.

Then you never got a
good look at Johnson's face?

Are you saying
somebody k*lled Johnson

and then took his
place on the truck?

Mr. Ames, we'd like
a list of every place

that truck is going
to stop today.

Get it!

That truck is picking up over a
million in cash from supermarkets today.

And taking it where?

Depository, Fifth and Marshall.

Okay, what time
is the last pickup?


Okay, I'm going to call Dobey,

have him send a lab team down
here to do prints on Johnson's car.

Yeah. Forget Johnson's car!

Get some firepower!

Mr. Ames, it's not that simple.

We may be talking about
m*rder and kidnapping.

Thanks. We'll be in touch.

We'll leave when I get back.

You hungry?


Thank you.

I cook a mean pot of chili.

I just got all the fixings.

I'm on a special diet.

You know, I once was
almost as pretty as you.

Maybe I should have got
some special diet, huh?

It's not that.

I'm going to have a baby.

You're scamming me.

You don't look like
you're pregnant.

I just found out.

I lost my first baby,

so we're being very
careful this time.

The special diet,
plenty of rest.

Why... Why don't
you lie down, relax?

No point in getting
all tensed up.

She's pregnant. What?

She's going to have a kid.

So what?

Look, I didn't want
to k*ll anybody.

Least of all a
pretty little girl

who's trying to have a baby.

Look, Conrad said no witnesses.

That means no witnesses.

Where's Mr. Stern?

We're filling in for him.


I'm Detective Hutchinson.
This is Detective Starsky.

Just keep cool,

keep your hands
where we can see them.

You know what's happening?

We know that Harry Johnson
was k*lled this morning.

Harry Johnson is dead?

Question is,
where do you fit in?

This guy came to my
house this morning,

and he pulled a g*n on me.

He said if I didn't
go along with him,

he'd hurt my wife.

Please, you've
got to believe me.

For the love of God,
I'm telling you the truth!

What do I do now?

You take the money
and you do your job.

The other man with you...

is he stopping to
make phone calls?


every 45 minutes at pay phones.

Have they done this before?

I'm afraid so.

Well, what about my wife?

Look, Tom, just
relax and do your job.

Come on.

Is that it?

Yes, sir.

Then why don't you go in the
back and count some bananas?

Just keep trucking.

What do you think, Starsk?

I'm thinking Detroit.

Yeah, after that last pickup,

they'll k*ll him and his wife.

Hey, we've only got till 4:00.

We've only got three hours.

Well, if Mrs.
Cole is still there,

she's bound to have company.

Yeah, well, um...

I'll pretend to be an
encyclopedia salesman.

Hey, Starsk... What?

The way you're dressed,

maybe you'd better change
that to a plumber, huh?


Hi, there.

You're wasting
your time over there.

What, Mrs. Cole isn't home?

She left.


No, with a man and a lady.

Well, did she leave in her car?

No. It was a light blue LTD
with a dark blue vinyl top.

Would you know
what time she left?

About 8:30 this morning.

Hey, how come
you're not in school?

I'm pulling up stakes.

No kidding? You leaving on that?


How come?

I decided to drive
to school today.

The fuzz busted me.

No license.

Tough luck.

Hey, uh, those two people

that left with Mrs. Cole,

you think you'd recognize them
if you saw them in a picture?

What kind of picture?

A mug book.

We're the fuzz.

How'd you like to take a
trip with us downtown, huh?

What for?

Look at the pictures.

I don't think so.

Where are your parents?


Oh. Well, we could
always call them up

and have them pick
you up at headquarters.

Can we deal?


If I look at the mug books...

will you you square
the ticket with my folks?

The fix is in, kid.

Tough cookie, huh?

You're telling me.

Nothing, huh?

I really got a better
look at the lady.

Oh. Well, that's easy.

Can I see you two? In my office?

Yeah, Gary, you
want to stay with her?

Don't go away.

You know Mr. Ames. Yeah.

Has that kid given
you anything yet?

Not yet.

Meanwhile, I'm being
ripped off for $1 million.

Suppose they don't
make the full run?

Suppose they quit
after the next stop?

Mr. Ames, that truck is and
has been for the last hour

under the constant surveillance
of four unmarked police cars.

It's impossible for them to go
anywhere and we not know it.

I still don't like it.

Why can't you just stop
the truck and take it over?

Mr. Ames, the other
man on the truck,

the man who took
Johnson's place,

is stopping every 45
minutes to call his people,

just like they did in Detroit.

Now, if we stop that truck

before we find Ellie Cole,

we've got one dead
woman on our hands.

Okay, okay!

But if you people
lose that truck,

and Cole and his
wife die anyway,

I will personally see that
the press crucifies you!

Mr. Ames, there are
lives at stake here,

and right now,

we couldn't care less
about you, your money,

or what you tell the press!


Thanks, Mr. Walker.
We'll take it.

How you doing?

My wife. What about my
wife? Did you check my house?

She's not there.

What do you mean? Where is she?

A man and a woman got
her. A man and a woman?

Your neighbors' kid
saw them take her.

Meg? What good could a kid do?

I wouldn't sell her short. She's
looking at mug sh*ts right now.

What we want you to do

is to demand to
talk to your wife.

Demand? Are you crazy?

If I demand anything,
they'll k*ll her.

Listen to me.

This isn't going to be easy.

About two months ago back East,

a similar
robbery-kidnapping occurred,

and the men involved in that,

even after they got the money,
didn't leave any witnesses.

Oh, my God.

What we want you to do

is to buy us time
to find your wife.

What do you want me
to do? Sign the ledger.

All right, it's 2:15 now.

You tell the man
that you're with

that you want to
talk to your wife.

And if you get the chance,

you find out what
number he's dialing.

And then at 4:00,
before the last pickup,

you tell him that you want to
talk to her again, you understand?

Wait a second.

Are you saying they may
have k*lled her already?

No. Not at all.

We're just trying to find out
where they're holding her.

Okay, I want you to
make that phone call

from the pay phone
in the parking lot.

If they've hurt her...

Tom, make the call.

Don't worry. Go ahead.

What are you doing?

I want to talk to my wife.



I want to call her, I
want to hear her voice.

I'm telling you, drive!

I'm telling you,

either I hear her
voice, know she's okay,

or there's no more pickups.

If you've k*lled her,

I got no reason to live.

Okay, what's the phone number?

Do you think he got the number?

I can't tell, Starsk.


Here, take a look.


Cole wants to talk to his wife.

Says he won't go on with it
unless he knows she's okay.

All right. Hey, this is for you.

You got 10 seconds.



Honey, are you all right?

I'm okay. I'm fine.

They haven't hurt you?


No, really,

I'm fine.

Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah, honey.

I love you.

I love you too.

Look, I'm going
to call back again,

about 4:00.

Get in the truck.

Listen, I mean that.

4:00, before the last pickup

or they'll be no pickup.

In the truck.




Listen, he's getting
a case of the cutes.

Don't put her away
until after he calls again.

Just before the last pickup.

No problem.

What's happening?

going to be all right.

Just relax.

going to be all right.


Put him through,
please. It's Dobey.

Yeah, captain?


This kid of yours, she
really came through.

Oh, that's great.

Let's split!

Our little Meg
just came through.

She identified a photo.

That's wonderful.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Get the perfect gift for
that son or daughter,

niece or nephew!

Hey, Starsky and Hutch!

Heard you were down here.

What are you doing?

Engaging in the American
free enterprise system.

Can I interest you in one of
my handy-dandy dingle-dollies?

Dingle-dollies, huh?

Yeah. The perfect pet:

Eats less than a dog
and cleaner than a cat.

Cleaner than a cat?

That's right.

Don't even mess
up the cat litter.

Oh. You gave up the
restaurant business for this?

Well, not just this gold mine.

Tomorrow, I'm turning this whole
operation over to my cousin, Elijah,

leaving me to branch out
in a myriad of directions.

Yeah, I'll bet.


Oh, would any of you
guys know anybody

that would like to buy
2000 of these little gems?

I could make them a price.

2000 dingle-dollies,
huh? Mm-hmm.

Well, Dobey might.

But right now we got
our own problems, Hug.

What do you need?

Belle Kates.

Last I heard, she was
still running her girls.

The question is, where?

Well, she always did
have a traveling act.

Well, hey...

Sweet Alice, she might
be able to help you.

Sweet Alice, huh?

Hmm, thanks, Hug.

Hey. Hey, nice.

Good luck.

Get them while I got
them, dingle-dollies.

Get them while I
got them. Hurry!

One sip of scotch, and the
whole world just mellows right up.

Hey, bartender, why
don't you set me up a chili?

Just give me a beer.

Oh, hello, handsome Hutch.

Hiya, Sweet Alice.
How you doing?

Well, I figured the day for a
total loser till you trucked in.

Hey, he still breaking
hearts uptown?

Nobody sees him exactly
like you do, Sweet Alice.

Nah, nobody could.

Listen, love, we're
looking for Belle.

It's important.

I don't work for Belle
anymore, Hutch.

Have you seen her?

No, not for a couple months.

You see, I, uh...

I went independent.

I'm doing field work.

Hey, come on.

Something the matter?


Belle may be
involved in something...


I knew it.

I could feel it coming.

Feel what coming?

I don't know.

You see, Belle
started hanging out

with a couple of pretty
heavy dudes from the East.

Did you get their names?


No. I never even asked.

One of them got kind of
rough with me, so I just...

pulled out.

Belle has always been
real straight with me,

and I just think that
she's just plum wore out.

She's looking for an
easy way to retire, I guess.

Do you have an address?


She was working
out of a house...

corner of Twelfth
and Chandler, I think.


Hutch, one of these days,
I'm going to go straight,

and when I do, I'm
going to get you.

You do that.

I just might let you.

If this is a rip-off,
I've gotta tell you,

there ain't a crying
need for crystal balls...

Oh, well, we're
looking for someone.

Ain't nobody here
but Madame Yram.

Yeah. Where's she?

You're looking at her, dummy.


Hey, if you put the g*ns away,

I'll tell you your future.

You're the only
one in the building?

Your future is...

I'm going to call the cops
if you don't get out of here.

You see, Madame
Yram is never wrong.

I saw cops in my future.

Well, here we are.

Yram, huh?


Mary backwards,
as in Mary Polanski.

Very resourceful.

Who'd come to a fortune
teller named Mary Polanski?

Oh, I don't know. I would.

You would?

Hey, hey.

Well, there was something
in your horoscope

about making a conquest
today, wasn't there?

Was there?

Are you into horoscopes?

Yeah, well, it's...

My horoscope said
I was going to meet

a tall, dark, handsome
stranger today.

Yeah, well, uh, one
thing you got to realize

is that, uh...

I'm not all that tall.

You are to me.

Yeah. Uh...

Uh, Mary...

Uh, Mary?

He's talking to you.

How does your crystal
ball do with the past?

We're looking for a lady
by the name of Belle Kates.

She may have lived
here before you.


She had a lot of young stuff.

Moving out as I was coming in.

You, uh... you, uh...

She didn't mention a
forwarding address?



I do remember the name
of the moving van they used.


Angel Transfer and Storage.

Well, thank you, Mary.

Nice to have met you.


Mary, uh...



I'm ticklish.

Me too.

You coming, angel?

My partner.

I got a way with women.

This is Zebra Three
to Communications.

Zebra Three, patrol.

Detective Hutchinson here.

Requesting a patch-through
to Captain Dobey.


Patch him through.

Hutch, where are you?

Yeah, captain, we got an address

from the transfer company
that moved Belle Kates.

Have you got anything
new on the truck?

Well, so far, the truck is
sticking to its assigned route.

Our cars are watching it.

Okay, we're heading
for Belle Kates' right now.

It's 411 Baldwin Boulevard.

Send over some backup units,

but tell them to stay
back out of sight.

We don't want to panic anybody.

You got 'em.

It's now 3:50. Think
you can make it by 4:00?

We can sure as
hell try, captain.

How you feeling?

I've been thinking.


I've seen too much.

So has Tom.

You're going to
k*ll us, aren't you?


Some place, huh? Yeah.

Hi, fellas.

We don't usually
open this early,

but I think in your case,
we might make an exception.

Is Belle around?

Out back.

Who's with her?

Who's asking?

Cops! Listen, I don't know...

Listen, lady,

there's a m*rder-kidnapping
going on around here.

How'd you like to
stare at those charges?

Now, wait a second...
I don't know any...

Have they got a girl with them?

A girl they brought
in this morning?

Now, I don't know
anything about any girl.

All right, you said
Belle's out back. Where?

Um... upstairs in the
apartment above the car barn.

All right.

Do you like your
work? Don't move.

You take the far stairs. Got it.

Hold it!


Back off!

Back off! I
swear, I'll k*ll her.

Now, don't move.

Don't move!

Good afternoon, Belle.

Hutch, phone!

It's Tom.

You know you'd better
say the right thing.

You won't believe this...

but I want to.


Belle, put his wife on.


Tell him you're okay.

Honey? Tom?

You okay?

I'm fine.


Get in the truck.



Take care of her.

I'll take care of him when
I get to the warehouse.

He's going to k*ll him when
they get to the warehouse.

The warehouse?

They're going to ditch the truck

and put the money in a van.


Belle, come on.

The warehouse, where is it?

He didn't say.

I didn't bother to ask him.

My God, why didn't I ask him?


Captain? Hutch.

Cole's wife is safe.
Where's the truck?

The truck just turned
north on Twelfth Street.

Roger. Twelfth Street.

That's in the
manufacturing district.

There are a lot of
warehouses there.

Yeah, big help, huh? Terrific.

Starsky! Watch... Watch it.

You didn't see the arrow, huh?

I didn't even see the Indians.

Hey, buddy?

You got a flat tire.

Got a flat?

You like your chin?

Hey. You like your chin?

You want to keep it?

Where's the warehouse?

How are you doing, Starsk?

Fine. Yourself?

Get over there.

What took you so long, huh?

You know something?

I bet this guy...

is a Capricorn.

Well, well. Look who's here.

Go get them.

Take care of them, sweetheart.

I'm glad you guys
work the street.

You look lousy in uniform.

Oh, I thought I looked
pretty good in green.

With blue tennis shoes?

It takes a lot of willpower to
do what you're doing, captain.

I guess we just hate to
see you waste the effort.

Energy's not wasted. I
lost a pound last week.

Just what the book says.

But, captain,

you should have lost
four or five pounds.

And you can, easier than
that, if your moon is right.


Yes, sir.

Get him out of here.

Uh, oh, yes, sir.

Listen, I understand your
sensitivity, and I respect it.

Yeah, well... Come
on, let's get out of here.

Just give it a minute.
Hold your horses, okay?

Captain, what it
comes down to is this:

When the moon is full,

you might as well
enjoy yourself.

Nothing you eat or drink is
going to put any weight on you.

The only time that you
can gain or lose weight

is during a new
or a waning moon.

And that isn't for
another couple of days.







Captain, will you just think
about it a little bit, you know?

Toss it around in
your head a bit?


Starsky! Hmm?

Leave that magazine.

Sure thing, captain.

I'm telling you, Starsk,
he's going to stick with it.

And you could have told him

when his fourth house
slipped into a waning moon,

his fingernails
are going to fall out

and his hair's
going to turn green,

but he's not
going off that diet.

You owe me 10 bucks,
and I'll take it in small bills.

Just wait.

Hmm... A couple of days
wouldn't hurt, anyway.

You owe me 10 bucks.