01x05 - The Fix

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Starsky & Hutch". Aired: April 30, 1975 –; May 15, 1979.*
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Streetwise Detective David Starsky partners up with a more intellectual partner, Kenneth 'Hutch' Hutchinson, to protect citizens and patrol the streets of Bay City.
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01x05 - The Fix

Post by bunniefuu »

Starsky, you want
to write this one up?

I've got a call to make.

Here, give me a
dime, will you? Why?

I've only got 15 cents.

Candy bar.

If you've got another quarter,

you can have a candy bar too.

Instant energy.

You're going to need it, pal.

Come on, fancy-pants,
tell me a story.

Right over there, tiger.

Have a seat.

Sit down.


I'm busy. I'm busy.

What do you got, captain?

Your partner signed this

without putting
the time in there.

It's love, captain.

Pinches the capillaries.

The memory goes first.

I'll fill it in.

There you go, cap.

Thank you.

Good night, captain.

Hutch. What happened to you?

You said you'd be
here two hours ago.

I know. I'm sorry.

I meant to call you
and tell you I'd be late,

and then Starsky and I got
so busy, and I just forgot.

I know...

It's just that...
being alone here,

I get scared, Hutch.

You didn't tell anyone, did you?

Of course not.

Not even Starsky?

Jeanie, if I said I
haven't told anybody,

I haven't told anybody.

I miss you, Hutch.

I'll be so happy
when you get here.

As soon as I get
changed and cleaned up,

then we can, um...

I'll tell you when I get there.

All right, but hurry, okay?

Good night, captain.

See you slaves in a few days...

Hey, partner.


Buy another candy bar.

Good night.


It's going to put him
in the poorhouse.

Buy you a candy bar, captain?

Suppose you just
finish that report?

Take him out the back.

I'll follow you.



No, you have the wrong number.

Hutch, Hutch, where are you?

Where is she, Hutchinson?

I'm Starsky.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't be stupid, Hutchinson.

She's only a broad.

You tell us where she is,

you'll wake up in your own bed

tomorrow morning,
like nothing happened.

I don't know

what you're talking about.

Do it, Tom.

How's it going?

Well, nobody saw us take him.

We've got his car
outside in the garage,

but he's not going
to tell us anything.

Why just because he's
a cop, he's different?

He's going to tell
us where she is.

Ben, why don't... Why
don't you just forget it?

You can get any dame you want.

Jeanie is special, Monk.

She belongs to me.

You understand that?

Yes, sir.

But we snatched a cop.

That ain't smart.


he's the only one

who can tell us where she is.

Hello, Mr. Forest.

Out cold.

He's a tough monkey.

Look, he hasn't seen any of us.

He doesn't know anything.

Now, why don't we just dump him

and forget it?

No, we don't dump him,

we don't forget it.

We juice him.


Monk, how come
you're always wrong?

We don't overdose him.

We string him out.

We get him hung up on horse.

Pretty soon he's going to beg us

to tell us where she is.

That's going to take a while.

So? It takes time.

There's plenty more
where that stuff came from.

Go on. Get started.

You've got one more
chance. Where is she?

Stuff it.

There you go, cop.

The first mile on
a long, long trip.


Morning, captain.

Get in here!

It's the middle
of the afternoon.

Where's that partner of yours?

He had days off, captain.

His days off ended this morning.

Now suppose you
stop covering for him,

get your tail on the horn

and tell him I said get
his rear end in here.

Truth is, captain, he's sick.

He didn't report in sick.

Well, you know how it is.

He's in love.

What you mean
is he's shacked up.

Yeah, well, she is
a pretty girl, captain.

You tell him I want
him in here in one hour,

and ready for duty.

You tell him that.

There's only one
problem, captain.

What's that?

I don't know where
he is to tell him that.

You crazy creeps.

I'm not...

I'm not going to
tell you anything.

Another day of this, he'll
have a regular ladder.

I can't find a vein.

There it is.

Look at him.

He's took to that stuff

like a baby to the bottle.

Hey, come on, baby.

Going to tell us

where the little mommy is, huh?

When he doesn't
get it is when he'll talk.

I figure another day of this...

No, I haven't seen him.

What's the problem?

He was due back
on duty this morning.

He didn't show.

I figured he was just
stretching his time off.

Yeah, you know Hutch.

It must be some foxy lady.


Well, I checked her apartment.

She hasn't been
there for over a week.

Checked whose apartment?

Jeanie Walden. You know her.

Do I know her?

Hutch brings her in here
about two months ago

and cons me into putting her on.

Yeah, she was good too,

and then one night
she and Hutch took off

out the back way,

right in the middle
of heavy trade.

"Goodbye, Huggy."

That's all she said,

and they're both
gone... Biff, bam,

thank you, ma'am.

Looked like she'd seen
a ghost or something.

That chick was pretty uptight

that night.

You hear from her,
you let me know, okay?


Hey, do me a favor?

When you see Hutch,

you tell him that he owes
me one good waitress.



I tell you, he's gone.

No, he isn't.

"He's off on a date
with a beautiful girl,"

to use your words.

Captain, you don't understand.

What do you mean,
I don't understand?

I found his g*n back
in his apartment.

Do you take your
g*n out with you

when you go on a date?

Hutch wouldn't visit his
mother without his g*n.

All right, Starsky, settle down.

What do you think
happened to him?

I don't know.

What do you know
about that girl?

I know her name. I
know where she lives.


I can't find her either.

Well, what do you
want to do about it?

Missing persons?

That's a missing officer.

No, I mean missing partner.

Dobey here.

I want an APB on
Kenneth Hutchinson,


Hey, cop, what's your name?

I need some help.

Some help?

That's your name?

What's your name?


What's yours, you lousy creep?

Give me...

Give me... give me some help.

That's fantastic, huh?

What a little change

in body chemistry can do.

Get out of here.

Get out of... leave me alone.

Sure, baby, we'll
get out of here.

Don't go.

Don't go. Don't go.

Hey, where's Jeanie Walden?

Where's Jeanie Walden, huh?

What did you do with her?

Jeanie Walden, where is she?

I don't know. I don't know.

You think you're
bad now, sucker?

In a couple of hours,

you're going to be
banging your head

against the floor.

Jeanie Walden, where is she?

I... I don't remember.

The beach. The beach!

The beach. What beach?


What beach? Where
did you take her?

Seaview... Seaview Point. Point.

Seaview Point?

Don't go. Don't go.

Don't leave me!

Hold it, Mickey.

Hey, hey, hey, Starsky.

What's happening, huh?

You tell me.

Not here. Not here.


I hear you...

I hear you've been asking around

about your partner, huh? Huh?

You know something, Mickey?

Come on.

Nothing, honest. Nothing.

Hey, a beer.

I'll have a beer.


Mickey, you owe me.

You know damned well

you owe me.

Starsky, I ain't heard a thing.


Come on, come on.
What are you looking at?


Just trying to figure out
how much I believe you...

and what I'm going to do to
you if I find out you were lying.

Starsky, honest.

I mean I knew
anything, I'd tell you.

Okay. $50.

Come on, come on.
You know I can't take that.

50 bucks?

You know what I'd
give for half of that

if I... if I knew anything.

Come on, honest.



I'm going to find Hutch.

One way or the other,
I'm going to find him...

And if I ever find
out you were lying,

you're going to have to find
a whole new city to drink in.

Got that?


Hiya, baby.

How'd you find me?

Where do you go when
you lose something?

You go to the cops.

Even a cop named Hutch.

You're lying.

He wouldn't tell you!

What did you do to him?

You'll see, baby.

You'll see.

Oh, Hutch...

Oh, my God.


Somebody must have tied me up.

You're going to untie me?

Oh, Hutch...

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, Hutch.

All right, baby, that's enough.

You'll let him go?

Sure. Didn't I promise you?

It will be like old times.

He'll stay alive.

You let him go.


I'll be anything you want.

Let's split.

Let's get this over with.

Well, he ain't even

going to know what hit him,

even when he hits the water.

Get in.

What's the matter, Monk?

It ain't like

we never iced nobody before.

We've never k*lled a cop.

Get in.

If you take Ninth,

you can hit the freeway

to the harbor.

I'll drive.

You just keep your eye on him.

Like a baby.

Where do you figure, Monk?

Off the point.

The water's deep.

The current ought
to carry that body out

about 200 miles.

By then, he ought
to be shark's bait.


Hey, isn't that that detective?

Yeah, Hutchinson.

There's a "missing
officer" out on him.

Call it in!

All units, missing
officer sighted,

Detective Hutchinson,
corner of Elm and Second.

We are in pursuit.

Where is he?

In there.

Hutch, you crazy...

He's your partner, isn't he?


My God...

He's a junkie.

Shut up, huh?

I'll handle it.

I've got to make a report.

No report.

This didn't happen, Bernie.


This didn't happen.

I'll take responsibility.


Give me a hand.

Come on, Hutch, come on. Up.

Diane, hold the bar down
for me for a minute, huh?

Okay, Huggy.

Come on up.

Jeanie... Jeanie.



Take it easy, pal.

Starsky, I need some help.

Okay, okay.

Give him some coffee.

Man, he's hurting.

Where's my medicine?

Just take this.

Watch out, now, it's hot.

Come on, now.

Easy... easy, easy.

Hold onto it, Hutch,
come on, hold onto it.

Come on, hold onto it.

Hey, another cup
of coffee for you.

I need some help.

Hey, how about some coffee, huh?

Come on, now.

Nothing but sweat and
pain for the next 48 hours.

Come on, Hutch.

Starsky, you tell me how, who.

They tied his wrists,

pumped him full of stuff.

Somehow he got away.

It's okay, boy, it's okay.

They're going to
come looking for him,

whoever they are.

For now, nobody
knows where he is,

except you and me, got that?

How about Captain Dobey?

I'll call Dobey.

Hey, bring me some coffee, huh?

And a lot of sugar.


It's okay.

It's okay, I'm right here.

Just give me some help.

I'm right here, boy.

I'm right here.

You're going to make
it, you big lummox.

You are a jerk.

You're a stupid jerk.

You got the girl.

Why don't you let it go?

That cop is running
around out there.

You want me to let him go?

He didn't see or hear a thing.

He knows about
Jeanie, doesn't he?

He was so far gone

he doesn't even
remember his own name.

I'm not talking
about his memory.

I want you to take him out!

Me and Jeanie are
going to leave town

for a couple of days.

When I come back,
I want him gone,

and if you can't do it,

I'm going to find
somebody who can.

You want to help me? Help me!

Come on, do something.

You know where the stuff is.

Get a candy bar.

You're not going to be able

to keep it down.

How's my patient?

Dig... there was
a John downstairs

asking about Jeanie and Hutch,

and waving $50s
around like a flag,

and another dude sitting outside

in a car...

in a LTD sedan, dark color,

and this is the license number.

Okay, look, get
Dobey at home, huh?

His number is 555-6772.

Okay. You're not
looking too good yourself.

All right.

I want some candy.

I just want some candy.

I just want some candy.

Just let me out.

I can remember a
man who hated candy.

Oh, shut up!

Now that's the
Hutch I know, huh?


Yeah, may I speak
to Captain Dobey,


You got a ways to go.

Come on...

Come on.



His son says that
Dobey and his wife

went out for the evening.

You want to leave a message?

Tell him I'll call later.

Detective Starsky

will call back later.

Need anything else?

Yeah, bring me some coffee

and some more candy.


You feel like talking?



Who were they?

I don't know.

What did they want?

I don't know!

You want to help me?
Be my friend, help me.

What did they want?


They wanted Jeanie.


I think I told them
where she was.


I don't know.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.


How many different
voices did you hear?

Three or four.


I don't know.


I don't... Come on, Starsky!


"Monk." Who?

Monk... Monk.


A big fat zero,

and I been up and
down the street twice.

And Starsky?

Nobody's seen him
for more than 24 hours.

He was making the streets,

looking for Hutch.

Since then...

I tell you,

if Starsky found him,
they could be anywhere's.

Maybe in a hospital,

even a police station...

No, no.

Starsky'd never let anybody know

that his partner's strung out.

He's probably helping
him kick it some place,

and it's a cinch he knows
somebody's looking for Hutch...

And Starsky's looking for us.

So I tell you what
we're going to do.

We're going to help him.


I want you to noise it
around on the street,

that you know who
strung his partner out.

What? Are you crazy, Monk?

No, listen to me.

I know what I'm doing...

I want you to get
a hold of that...


Mickey, yeah.
That street stoolie.

He'll sell his old
lady for 10 bucks.


And maybe... just maybe,

we ice both Starsky and Hutch,

and Mr. Forest will give
us a Christmas bonus.

Starsky. Captain Dobey, please.

Captain Dobey.


Well, I think the
patient's going to survive.

Well, Starsky, that's good.

Maybe I ought to recommend
you for a transfer to Rescue.


Well, it's going to
be another 24 hours.

He's weak as a kitten right now.

Look, captain,

I need a DMV read

on license JNJ-322.

It belongs to some fink

who came around
asking about Hutch.

I had it last night,

but I didn't want to talk to anybody
in the department except you.

You want me to have
an officer run that down?

No, thanks.

I just want to find
out who owns it.


it's important, but it's mine.

I'm going to put you on hold.

DMV, please. Read up.

Good morning.

Nectar, or is it ambrosia?

I never know which is which.

Huggy, you're beautiful.

I know,

but you and Hutch look awful.



On your John-Nellie-John-322...






Merchamer Street.

Thanks, captain.



Good work.


Welcome back.

There's such a thing
as a mercy k*lling...

Well, I would
have let you slip off,

except Huggy

would never have forgiven me.

That's right.

Hey, you feel like a wash up?

I went by your place

and picked up some clothes.

They're in the bathroom.

Thanks. Oh...

Hey, where do you
think you're going?



A bear gets a look at you,

and he'll die of fright.

Yeah, keep an eye on him.

I'll check in later.



Is this Huggy?


Captain Dobey here.

I'd like to speak
to Starsky, please.

Oh, sorry, captain.

He just stepped out.

Well, I don't know how
this guy figures in this,

but tell him Mickey called.

By the way, Huggy,
do you know him?

Yeah, I know him.

He's Starsky's fink,

but he's not above

playing both ends, you know.

Well, Mickey says
he has information

regarding Hutch.

Tell Starsky that, huh?

All right, captain.

I'll tell him

as soon as he comes in.

And also, Huggy,

I appreciate what
you're doing for my boys.

Well, well, well...

Thanks for the razor.

It was dull.

Dull? Sure.

Where's Starsky?

He split.

Then I got a call
from Captain Dobey

saying that Mickey,
some cat named Mickey,

is trying to get
in touch with him.


Yeah, he claims
he has some words

that has to do with you.

Well, he's usually reliable.

You want to call me a cab?

You're not going nowhere.

Huggy, do you mind
calling me a cab?

Okay, you're a cab,

but you're still
not leaving here.

I'm going to need to
borrow some money

and I'll take a g*n,
if you've got one.

Hutch, are you out of your mind?

You can't even
tie your own shoes,

and you know I
don't keep no g*n.

Huggy, the cab.

It doesn't look
like he's coming.

You don't know Starsky.

He'll be here, believe it.


I better call Monk.

Hey, Mickey.

Hey... Hutch.

Hey, what... what... What
happened to you, huh?

The word is that
you can tell me.


You look... you look okay,

but, uh...

something about you...

You look sick,
man, or something.

You had something
to tell my partner.

I'm listening.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Here's the scam.

Hey, back up!

Get that thing out of the way.

How about taking a
flying jump at the moon?

Police, now get that
thing out of the here

or I haul you in for
obstructing justice

and creating a public nuisance!

Zebra Three, Zebra Three,

this is Dobey.


what's happening with Mickey?

Say again, captain? I lost you.

I sent word to Huggy's

that Mickey had a
message for you.

Did you get it?

Got it now.

So, uh, that's...

That's the whole scam, Hutch.


Hey, listen, scum,

I want it straight
and I want it fast.

Hey, hey, hey...

Hutch, take it easy, huh?

I mean, you don't look so good.

I tell you what.

Let me call a doctor...

Yeah, let me help you, Hutch.

It's okay, Hutch.

I'm all right!

Sure, sure, you're fine...

Let me go. Met me go.


I'm tired.

We're going to fix you right up.

One beautiful pop

and your troubles will be over.

Where're we going?

Dreamland, pally, dreamland.

I got the ticket
for you right here.

What's so funny?

You want me to
send out for lunch,

or are you going to come
down from there, huh?

Come on, partner.


Come on, baby,

be happy.

You know what the
trouble with you is, baby?

You're trying to be
something you're not.

You and me,

we're not going to change.

The sooner you get
that through your head,

the better.

Come on, Forest. Try it!

Hey, what is this?

What are the charges here?

Don't bore me with details.

Your man sung
like a stuck canary.

So be a good boy, huh?

Hutch... you're all right?

Hey, Jeanie, tell
him about Vegas.

Tell him about everything.

Do you think he'll
want you then?

Come on!

Oh, Hutch.

You stay here

and I'll be back...

after we book him.

No, I...

I won't be here.

There's too much between us.


what I was before.


what happened to
you because of me.


Look, I'll be back.

You can't get rid of me.


If we're going to end it,

we're going to end it.

You won't be back.

And you won't come looking
for me, either, will you?

No. No.

You okay?


You want to drive my car?
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