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02x13 - Epilogue

Posted: 03/06/23 14:18
by bunniefuu









WOMAN: I've been wondering

when you were going to show up.

Terry McGinnis.

Or do you prefer being called...





How could you
do it to me, Bruce?

The only thing that
matters is the mission.

You know that.

What about people, Bruce?

d*ck, Barbara, Tim, Selena?

They all loved
you, but eventually

every single one
of them left you.

Ever wonder why?

Not for an instant.

They quit because
when it came down to it,

they didn't have the
heart for the mission.

Are you about to quit too?

It doesn't really surprise me.

It doesn't?

WOMAN: 'Course not.

I've been expecting
this day for years.

Why don't you
put that thing away.

Take off your
coat and sit a spell.

I've got some questions
I need you to answer.

Of course you do, boy.

Why else go to all the trouble

of breaking into the lair

of the great and
powerful Amanda Waller?

You want some green tea?

I do.

Full of antioxidants,
this stuff.

It's supposed to
make you live longer.

I don't want tea.

I want answers.

Then you're going
to have to humor me.

It's been many a year

since I had a handsome
gentleman caller.

Why is it that
superheroes are always...

so good-looking?

Drink up.

[ANGRILY] I don't want any tea.

I'm sorry.

WOMAN: Sorry isn't good enough.

What's this all about?

TERRY: Your safety.

You know how much
I care about you.

else keep dating for 15 years?

You know why I can't marry you.

If the... "If the bad
guys ever found out

"I was Batman,
they'd try to get to me

by hurting you."

Blah, blah, blah.

It's nothing to joke about.

You're right. There could
be supervillains hiding

in the tall grass.

I'm poison, Dana.


You're silly, McGinnis.

It's not silly for me to
wanna keep you safe.

Every moment we're
together you're risking your life.

I've told you a hundred times,

that's a risk I'm
willing to take.

I'm taking the choice
out of your hands.

What are you saying?

I'm saying we're done.

I'm sorry.

WALLER: Oh, that's okay.

I've only had that
cup for 70 years.

My mother passed it on to me.

Guess that's what
all this is about.


Doubt you can find
this pattern anymore.

It's real china,

not that synthetic stuff.

How can anyone be their own man

living someone else's dream?

It's been years since
I've had enough friends

to use the whole set anyway.

How can I escape
the curse of Batman?

Even so,

one missing piece

and the set's ruined.

Ruined, I tell you.

I would offer my condolences...


but that would be insincere.

That's it. Caper's blown.

Get out of...


Ah, like water,

very good.




Good of you to drop in,

considering that three
quarters of the Iniquity Collective

are from your rogues' gallery.

Well, it's the last time.

I'm not working with
you guys anymore.

What? What are
you talking about?

You can't quit.

The Justice League needs Batman.

Forget it.

Batman is dead.

When did you figure it all out?

I guess I've always known.

But a few months ago
when Bruce's kidney's failed,

and they needed a tissue donor

to clone him new ones,

turned out I was a perfect
histocompatibility match

with him.


You know the odds?

BRUCE: One hundred
and eleven to one.


So you ran a DNA test.

Once I worked up the nerve.

I was 16 years old

when you started
training me, Bruce.

A punk kid with a smart mouth

and potential I
didn't even suspect.

I may have pretended otherwise,

but I looked up to you,

worshiped you.

What you wanted from me

I couldn't give to anyone.

Tell me something I don't know.

My dad wasn't a superhero.

He didn't save the world

from the near apocalypse of '09,

he never went
toe-to-toe with Mr. Freeze,

but he was a good
man just the same.

Even after he and
Mom got divorced,

he always tried to
do the right thing.

My brother and I were
always provided for.

When Mom couldn't
quite make the bills,

he always helped out.

He tried to teach
me right from wrong.

Would have, too, if
I'd ever listened to him.

And he never laid a hand on me,

although Lord knows
I was asking for it.

What's your point?

[INCREDULOUSLY] What's my point?

[ANGRILY] My point
is I never once doubted

that he loved me
with all his heart.

My point is all those warm
feelings I had for my dad,

turns out they
were just another lie,

another in the
long list of things

you've stolen from me.

My point is I just found out

that Warren McGinnis
isn't my father.

You are.

What do you want from me?

I wanna know the whole truth.

Sounds like you already do.

Guess I didn't wanna believe

you were so incredibly arrogant

that you thought the world
couldn't go on without you.

Or someone like me.

It's not arrogance.

It's fact.

You set the whole thing up.


You were already a teenager

when I first met your mother.

I don't know.

Maybe you dug up some of
that old Cadmus nanotech,

used it to have my genes
rewritten to match yours.

That technology's been
illegal for over 40 years.

Didn't stop the
Joker from using it

on Tim Drake.

All right, low blow.

Because you'd
never lie to me, right?


Believe what you want.

But you know as well as I do,

accident or not,

it's a good thing that
you're almost a clone of me.

The world does need a Batman,

and it always will.


The mantle of Batman
is an honor, Terry.


You know what, old man?

All those years, turns
out everybody was right.

You are insane.

Being Batman's no honor.

It's a curse.


Look at all this.

A pill for blood pressure.

A pill for my diabetes.

A pill to replace
my pituitary function.

I don't even know
what this one's for.

Oh, yeah, Alzheimer's.

Don't pretend you're
some dotty old lady

who can't remember anything.

I've got questions, and you're
the one left with the answers.

Besides Bruce, you mean.

Bruce can't be trusted.

I should've realized
what he was capable of.

Once he settles on
a course of action,

he won't stop at anything.

If you think that, you
don't know him at all.

Let me tell you a little story.

It was a long time ago,

when Batman was young

and so was I.

The Justice League found
themselves cleaning up

one of my old messes.

The second group of
villains to call themselves

the Royal Flush g*ng.

Or the third. Who
can keep it all straight?








WALLER: Eventually the
league took them down.

Most of them, anyway.

That's where I came in.

BATMAN: Waller.

Should have recognized
your hand in this.

No time for the
usual pleasantries.

Before you go after Ace,

you need to know
what you're getting into.

I've met her before.

She has the power to give
anyone she's in contact with

hallucinations, as you can see.

worse than you think.

Ace's powers have evolved.

She doesn't create
hallucinations anymore.

She telekinetically
warps reality.

Please. Are you trying
to tell me all this is real?

Real, growing, and permanent

if we don't put
a stop to it all.

Cadmus psytechs
predict that Ace is days,

maybe only hours, from
a massive aneurysm.

Problem solved.

Not that simple.

When she goes, the psychic
backlash could k*ll everyone

in range of her powers.

That's a distance
measured in miles.

WALLER: Take her down before
she takes everyone with her.

I'll do it, Shayera.

I'm the only one
of us Ace knows.

She might let me get
close enough to use it.

Do you understand
what you're agreeing to?

The only way to
stop Ace for certain

is to k*ll her.







Did you like playing with
my new Royal Flush g*ng?

Can't say that I did.


They aren't any fun at all.

I gave them their powers,

and they still hardly
ever play with me.

Can't imagine why.

When I was little,

Cadmus used to make
me play all kinds of games,

but they weren't any fun either.

They'd strap me
into their machines

and poke wires into my brain.

"Ace, can you move this
object with your mind?"

Yeah, I can move it.

They weren't really
games, you know.

They were training me.

Turning me into a w*apon

"for justice," they said.

They got their w*apon.

I got cheated out
of my childhood.

I know what that's like.

You do, don't you?

You don't have to answer.

I've read your mind.

That's how I knew you
weren't going to use

Mrs. Waller's w*apon on me.

No, I wasn't.

You were going
to try and talk me

into fixing what I've changed...

before I die.


I'm dying very soon.


I'm sorry.

Would you stay with me?

I'm scared.


WALLER: He sat with
her until her time came.

That's the Bruce Wayne I
came to know over the years.

You think he showed mercy?


But more likely he'd
somehow already deduced

that Ace wasn't really
gonna hurt anyone.

He always was two
steps ahead of everybody.

That's right.

Even when it looks
like it's your call, it isn't.

Think about it.

Bruce wanted a successor,

another Batman.

He planned it all
from the beginning.

I never had a chance.

Honey, Bruce didn't
overwrite your DNA with his.

I did.



Because the world
needs a Batman.

Not that I always
thought so, mind you.

Before you were born,
Bruce and I were enemies.

His Justice League was easily

the most powerful
force on earth.

As you know, I was in charge

of Project Cadmus.

Over the years, I came
to respect Batman,

even trust him.

Guess the law of averages

means somebody would have to.

Did you know I was
the government liaison

with the Justice
League for a while?

I've met some extraordinary
people in that job.

But none of them were
the equal of Batman.


Who could be?

Not my point.

I saw him save the
day dozens of times,

with nothing but his
wits, body and will.

But I saw something
else as the years passed.

He was getting older, slower.

Soon he'd have to
retire, or, more likely,

someone would finally
manage to k*ll him.

The thought of a world without
Batman was unacceptable.

So I decided to make a new one.

I used my old Cadmus connections

to gather the
technology necessary

for Project Batman Beyond.

Bruce's DNA was
easy enough to obtain.

He left it all over town.

Not remotely what I meant.

Then I found a young
Neo-Gotham couple

with psychological profiles

nearly identical to
those of Bruce's parents.

Your father thought he
was getting a flu shot.

Actually, it was a
nanotech solution

programmed to rewrite
his reproductive material

into the exact copy
of Bruce Wayne's.

A little over a year later,

your mother gave birth to you,

a child sharing half
her genetic material

and half Bruce's.

But when you're making a Batman,

genetics is only
part of the story.

The rest is tragedy.

WALLER: Stop me if
you've heard it before.

You're 8 years old.

Your parents have just taken you

to a rousing adventure film.

A grand time is had by all.

But unknown to you,

a mysterious figure
hides in the shadows.

My plan was simple.

The k*ller would leap out

at you and k*ll your family.

The trauma would put you

on the path to becoming Batman.

One problem.

My assassin wouldn't
pull the trigger.

I argued with her,

but deep down, I
knew she was right.

People say Batman's obsessive,

that he'd do anything
to achieve his goals,

but he'd never resort to m*rder.

So if I was to honor
all he stood for,

neither could I.

And yet my dad wound
up m*rder*d... anyway.

Don't you get it?

No matter what
you did or didn't do,

I was gonna end up
being Bruce's carbon copy.

It was fate.

You know, the Lord's
been a great comfort to me

all these years.

Try not to look so surprised.

Yeah, I've got a lot to
answer for when I meet him,

but I'd like to believe

that for all the
harm I've caused,

I've also done some good.

Maybe the angels
need a sharp sword too.

Like the Good Book says,

he moves in mysterious ways.

His plan is a mystery,

but here's what isn't.

He gave us free will.

We choose our own fate...

for good or ill.

I've known Bruce
Wayne for over 50 years,

and I've been
keeping an eye on you

your whole life.

You're not Bruce's clone.

You're his son.

There are
similarities, mind you,

but more than a
few differences too.

You don't quite have his
magnificent brain, for instance.

You do have his heart, though.

And for all that
fierce exterior,

I've never met anyone
who cared as deeply

about his fellow
man as Bruce Wayne,

except maybe you.

You want to have a little
better life than the old man's?

Take care of the
people who love you

or don't.

It's your choice.



DANA: Hello?

Hi. Terry?

What time is it?

It's just after 3.

Oh, baby, I have to be up at 5.

What's wrong?

I just wanted to know
if we were still on

for this weekend.


Why, something come up again?


I just wanna ask you somethin'.

So ask.

No, not until I see you.


So Friday night?

[SIGHS] Fine.

Good night.

Love you.

[YAWNING] Love you too.

You're in my chair.

Yeah, guess I am.

Where the devil have you been?

I had some stuff
to take care of.

Enigma's overrated,

especially at 3 a.m.

You could've called.

I made you some
soup, but it's cold.


Didn't mean to worry you.


I was worried about Gotham.

If Batman's not around...

I've got it covered.


Kent called.

Nothing apocalyptic.

He just wants your opinion
on a case he's working.

Said you could meet
him at the Metro Tower.


Better suit up.

You should eat something first,

keep up your strength.

When I get back.

You're a stubborn piece of work,

you know that?

Just like my old man.


Did you see that?
