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02x11 - Panic in the Sky

Posted: 03/06/23 14:06
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously
on Justice League Unlimited:

What's the worst-case scenario?

If they've got enough
to tie you to this,

they'll head right
for your doorstep.

I wouldn't worry about the
Justice League quite yet.

They have problems of their own.

FEMALE VOICE: Binary fusion
generator initialization sequence

in progress.

FLASH: What did we hit?

Cadmus headquarters.

WALLER: This was
retaliation, sir. Pure and simple.

We capture the Question,
they bust him out,

and an hour later,
it's death from above.

I'm glad we could lend a hand.

MAN: If you care so much,

why did you sh**t
at us in the first place?

We didn't... Uh...

Your mission is to take
down the Justice League.

You're going to need help.



Hold still, Galatea.

You're invulnerable.

This can't possibly
be hurting you.

Boredom is my kryptonite.

Okay, actually,
kryptonite is my kryptonite,

but you know what I mean.

Although the way
I'm feeling lately,

I don't think even that
stuff can hurt me anymore.

Think again.

I've artificially aged your
body to its physical prime,

but your underlying DNA matrix
is still a clone of Supergirl's.

I'm better than she ever was.

Be careful with that.

It gives you remote
control over the Ultimen.

The new generation of
Ultimen are blank slates.

They don't think except
to follow your commands.

They have no initiative,
and they feel no pain.

When this light is on, the
Ultimen are in puppet mode.

They are little more than
an extension of your will.


It's time we got the
show on the road.

Report to the staging area.




Goodbye, Daddy.


Long-range communications
back on line at least.

How long before you
can restore full power?

Atom's still down in the
reactor room working on it.

He thinks he can
shave 20 minutes

off the system reboot.

RADIO]: Hello? Hello?

Is this thing on?

It is now. Go ahead, Flash.

The evacuation's going okay.

Lots of minor injuries,
but no casualties.

They were fortunate.

That's not how they see it.

They're pretty mad.

They think it's
our fault, J'onn.

Do what you can to
keep a lid on things.

I'll send additional help.

I wouldn't.

They're scared of us as it is.

If we can help it,

we should try not to look like
an invading army, you know?

Agreed. Keep me updated.

Continuing coverage live
from Covenant, New Mexico,

where a huge expl*si*n
has caused tremors

detected as far away as Japan,

although many agree that in
the instance before the expl*si*n,

they saw an energy
beam strike from the sky.

Turn it off.

Our sensors are still out.

This is the only
information available.

Diana, John, Shayera,

meet me in the main
conference room, now.

You too, J'onn.

What have we done?

We haven't done anything.

An outside force took control
of the binary fusion generator.

Whoever's behind
that is responsible

for the destruction
of Cadmus, not us.

Tell that to all those
people in New Mexico.

They're terrified of us,
so is the government.

We can't let that stop
us from doing our job.

We aren't here to be liked.

We're here to make
the world a safer place.

How are we doing so far today?

Come on, man.

I don't see the two goals
as mutually exclusive.

We should make a
gesture of cooperation.

That's not a bad idea.

We could dismantle the
binary fusion generator,

at least until our
innocence has been proven.

I've seen it on a
hundred worlds.

Space-based weapons always
destabilize planetary politics.

Okay, getting rid of
that thing is a start,

but it's not going to be enough.

We have to regain their trust.

Then there's only
one thing to do.

MAN: I need some
light over here.

SUPERMAN: May I have
your attention, please?

I have an announcement to make.

Until it's been proven
that we aren't responsible

for the tragedy in New Mexico,

the founding members are
turning ourselves in to U.S. custody.

WOMAN: What?
MAN: Absolutely not.

MAN 2: That's insane.
WOMAN 2: Especially now.

MAN 3: No, don't do it.

Cooperate fully
with the investigation.

Give them whatever they ask for.

But, Clar...


Hold the fort, Kara.

We're counting on you.

All of you.

You want me to what?

Turn yourself over
into U.S. custody,

along with the rest of us.

Yeah, that makes sense, okay.

Meet us at the
coordinates I'm sending first.

We should all go over together.

This is the single dumbest
plan I've ever heard.

If you're feeling guilty,
clear your own name.

Don't stand on the sidelines

waiting for somebody
else to do it.

We've already
voted. Five in favor.


You have to come with us, Bruce.

I don't have to do anything.

I'm a part-timer, remember?

Actually, he took it a lot
better than I'd expected.



As promised, we're surrendering
ourselves to your authority.

Where's Batman?

Running late.

The Batmobile? It lost a wheel.

The Joker got away.

That's what I heard.

MAN: Those won't be necessary.

It's standard procedure.

This isn't a standard
situation, son.

I don't think it would
have held them anyway.

SUPERGIRL: This bites.

They shouldn't
have to go to prison.

They're the good guys.

It's the right thing to do.

How do you figure?

We've got no
business scaring people

any more than we already have.

This will help take
some of the pressure off.

Nobody really
believes we did this.

I'm not so sure that's true.

But as soon as the
Watchtower's back on line,

we've got 60 guys
champing at the bit

to find out who's
really behind it all.

I'm worried about them, Steel.

I'm worried about my cousin.

Don't be.

Everybody in the
League is good at their job.

But those seven,

they're the best ever.

Not because they're
the most powerful...

They aren't, not all of 'em.

And it's not just because
they were the first.

It's because they're special.

They've proven
it time and again.

They make the hard
choices. They set the example.

They do what's right,
not what's easiest.

And they always come out on top.

They're gonna be okay, Kara.

We all are.

You guys see that?


Something coming
up from planet-side.

Uh, Javelins maybe?

Not Javelins.

They almost look like...




I'm counting two dozen
Damocles-class missiles.

That's LexCorp technology.


Battle stations,
prepare for impact!



WOMAN: Come on,
let's get outta here!




Ultimen, keep the
League off of me.

Sanitize the Watchtower.

We've got business, Waller.



You told me once
that you were a patriot.

Well, it's time to step up.

You have to know
that the Justice League

would never have
fired that w*apon at you.

Sure you would.

It was retaliation
for kidnapping

your man, the Question.

And yet you weren't home.

We've had you under
surveillance for months.

You don't think we saw
you evacuate your offices?

A warning shot then.

Don't be dense.

Someone took over our
fusion cannon by remote control.

There are maybe
three people on Earth

smart enough to pull that off.

Two of them were
already on the Watchtower,

and that leaves...


That's where you're
trying to lead me, right?

You're too smart to trust him.

Who says I do?

He provides off-the-books
funding for Cadmus.

As far as I'm concerned,
that's all he's good for.

Then you must know
he's got his own agenda.

He wants to be president.

That's agenda
enough for anybody.

Almost anybody.

If I were you, I'd start
looking at him, hard.







Something's wrong
in the reactor room.

I'll be right back.

Take care of it. We'll
handle these guys.







Steel. Everything
okay down here?





Put him down!


I was pretty much
done with him anyway.

What do you think you're doing?

Oh, I'm about to set
the reactor to overload

and blow the Watchtower to bits.

But what I'm hoping

is that you'll be dumb
enough to try and stop me.




Uh-oh. What's wrong, hero?

Not strong enough?

Maybe that's because
I'm the real hero here.

Your Justice League is a bunch
of dangerous loose cannons,

and I'm going to shut you down.

Who do you think you're kidding?

You don't care about
what the League does.

Admit it. You just
wanna beat me.

I've already beaten you,

but I'm going to make it last.

You know what?

No matter how bad you beat me,

I'm real, not a clone.

Shut up.

Deep down, you know the truth.

You're not a person.

You're just a w*apon,

grown out of one of
Hamilton's petri dishes.

Shut up!

He played me.

I knew he was a snake,
and I still let him bite me.

He's recently had copies of
a lot of our new technology

shipped to LexCorp.

That's what he's
stolen, professor.

Could he have taken control of
the Watchtower weapons system

with that stuff?

Theoretically, yes,
but that's the least of it.

Good Lord, I think I know
what he's planning to do.





The mission is scrubbed.
Do you hear me?

Stand down and await
further instructions.

I'm not reading
you. Can you repeat?

Don't do this, Galatea.
The mission's over.

Call off the Ultimen.
Do you hear me? Call...

Wrong number.





Power reboot in 18 seconds.




When I get rid of
you, I'll be the only...




Somebody blow a fuse down there?

I'll say.


Now you're perfect.

A perfect superpowerful
immortal body,

a suitable place for me to
spend the rest of eternity.


Years of plotting,
hundreds of millions spent

on Cadmus R&D projects,

and none of it bore fruit.

Now, it's a lonely employee
of LexCorp, Dr. Ivo,

creator of Amazo,

who we have to thank
for my impending godhood.

BATMAN: That was
the last piece I needed.

Got it all figured
out, have you?

When you and
Atom worked together

to stop the first Amazo,

he showed you the blueprints.

And I suspect you have
a photographic memory.

I'm too modest to boast.

The real purpose of Cadmus
was to give you superpowers.

And to ruin
Superman's reputation.

Imagine how sweet it will
be when I save the world

from the menace of
the Justice League.

Now when I k*ll Superman,

they'll build
statues in my honor.

Maybe next time.

That was uncalled for.


WALLER: Hey, Lex.

That android is Cadmus property.

You're gonna have
to find somewhere else

to keep your brain.

A nanodisassembler beam.

Your design, I believe.

Arrogant cow!

It'll take weeks to build
myself another android body.

You ain't got weeks, baldy.

You're under arrest
for trying to use

the Justice League's space g*n
to m*rder everyone at Cadmus.



Did you really think you could
take me down all by yourself?

Actually, yeah.

But on the off chance I
might have been wrong...



It's over, Lex.

Not until I...




hoped to remain him

until I could

install myself into the android.

you forced my hand.

