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02x07 - Clash

Posted: 03/06/23 14:05
by bunniefuu
Go! Go! Go!



J'onn, we're in trouble!

you asking for help?

Yes. You never ask for help.

Just get us some reinforcements.


Superman, you're needed.

I'm in the middle of
something. Can it wait?

Unfortunately, no.

It's the Parasite.

Give me half a
minute and I'll be right...

Good work.

It was nothing really.

Hey, I think he's blushing.

Don't be modest, kid.

I don't even think Superman
could have done a better...

Wait... We were
just talkin' about you.

And you are? Oh, that's right.

You were on a space
mission when we recruited him.

I'm Captain Marvel,
sir, and it is an honor.

You're my biggest fan.

Excuse me?

I... I mean, I'm
your biggest fan.

Sorry, sir. It's, uh...

It's a little overwhelming
meeting you.

It's a pleasure, Captain,

a real pleasure.

Captain Marvel!

Captain Marvel! Captain
Marvel, over here!

Just one question.

Gosh, take it easy, folks.

One at a time, okay?

Lois Lane, Captain,
Daily Planet.

How does it feel to be
part of the Justice League?

How does it feel?

Like I've waited my
whole life for this.

I mean, being on the same team

with Superman, Batman,
Wonder Woman...

I still can't believe
they actually let me join.

What is it you value so
much about the league?


I guess it's all
the good they do.

Not just helping
people, which is great...

I mean, that's the
reason we're all here

in the first place, right?

But they really
make a difference.

They change the world.

How so?

Well, just look at Lex Luthor.

He used to be a
supervillain, for Pete's sake,

and now he's one
of the good guys.

I think it's terrific
that he's running

for president, don't you?


Are you moving to
Metropolis from Fawcett City?

No, ma'am.

I help where I'm needed,

but I'm a Fawcett boy at heart.

I have one more question.

Just one question.

Sorry, folks, but
I really gotta go.

But before you go...

Wait, wait! One more!

There he is. All right!


By 1939, President
Roosevelt's key adversary

in Europe was a
dictator named...

Billy Batson!

Yes, ma'am?

You're late again.

Yes, ma'am. Isn't
it time you learned

to take some responsibility
for yourself, Billy?

Isn't it time you
grew up a little?

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, guys.

How you doin'?

Captain Atom, hi!

Vigilante, how's
it goin', buddy?

Shining Knight!
Wow, look at you!

That's new armor, isn't it?

Something wrong? Come with me.

Have you read the papers today?

Just the comics.

"Snorkel the
Squirrel" was hilarious.

He's looking for
his nuts, right?

And then Berkley... That's
this wacky bear. He...

Holy moly.

When you joined this team,

you became something
more than just a hero.

I know that, sir, but...

You became a symbol,

a symbol that
represents all of us.

Yes, sir.

We don't play favorites,

we don't sell
deodorant on television,

and we don't get
involved in politics.

Yes, sir.

And we certainly don't endorse

supervillains for
the presidency.

Now... Now, wait a minute.

I never said that I
was endorsing Luthor.

Just that I think it's great
that someone like him

can change into a good guy.

Life just isn't that simple.

Well, maybe it is sometimes.

Maybe people can change!

Can't they?

You are not to make any
more public statements

without running them
past the league first.

Is that understood?

Yes, sir.

America is a nation
of second chances.

And no one embodies that concept

more than tonight's guest,

once viewed as, shall we say,

a less-than-admirable
member of our society.

Much less, I'm afraid.

Lex Luthor has
transformed himself

into a respected and
admired presidential candidate,

and we're delighted
to welcome him

to The O'Bannon Agenda.

Thank you, Phil.

But I'm not here
tonight as a campaigner.

I'm here to talk about
something far bigger

than mere politics.

And that would be?

My newest project: Lexor City.

A fully functional
urban paradise

built for low-income Americans

in search of that second chance
you were just talking about.

Let's be straight here, Lex.

There are people out there
right now rollin' their eyes.

They're sayin' that Lex
Luthor hasn't changed,

that he can't be trusted.

Heh. Can't say I blame them.

But people can change.

Take Hawkgirl, for instance.

You take her.

Ha, ha. Now, Phil...

Hey, what you watchin'?


My point is,

yes, she betrayed
the Justice League,

yes, as a consequence
of her actions,

the Thanagarians almost
destroyed our planet,

but seeing as how the
league has welcomed her

back into the fold,

they've apparently forgiven her

and offered her a second chance.

They have taken a lot
of heat for that decision.

Maybe they're being naive.

Some might say dangerously so.

Or maybe they just
want to give her a chance

to redeem herself.

According to Captain Marvel,

they're giving me the
same benefit of the doubt.

And believe me, I intend
to make the most of it.

Lexor City is my way of
accepting their goodwill

and passing it on.

I hear there's a huge
open-house event tomorrow night

with all proceeds
going to charity.

That's right, Phil.

And I'm hoping
Superman will attend.

I know how much
he loves charities.

Hey, that's great, isn't it?

Let's talk about your
presidential campaign, Lex.

A Daily Planet
poll of likely voters

shows you're only
two points behind...



You were a little
hard on the boy scout,

don't you think?

I thought I was the boy scout.

I did too,

till I met Captain Marvel.

What did these guys want anyway?

To take over the world?

Or rob banks.

I forget.

But back to Captain Marvel,

why are you...? Why is
everyone defending him?

We like him.

He's... sunny.

Superman? Yes?

This is Emil Hamilton.

J'onn was kind enough
to patch me through.

What is it, professor?

There's something here
I think you should see.

If it's just a simple robbery,

why call us?

It was anything but simple.

They ignored valuables:

priceless gems,
high-technology artifacts.

In fact, the only
thing they took

was the contents of this safe.

Nearly 4 pounds of
weapons-grade kryptonite.


The lock was nano-picked.

LexCorp technology.
Then Luthor...

Which anyone could
have gotten their hands on.

Or, for that matter,
planted here

to incriminate Luthor.

You know it was him.

I'm not entirely convinced.

This is pretty sloppy for Lex.

He's the most arrogant
human being on the planet.

He wants us to know.

Maybe. Maybe?

I'll go to the Watchtower.

See if the Atom can
find something I missed.

Since when do you miss anything?

Since when do you
jump to conclusions

without evidence?

Go to that charity
event tonight.

You'll help raise some money,

and keep an eye on
our elusive Mr. Luthor.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Lexor City.

In just a few short weeks,

these children, whose lives
have been bleak and troubled,

whose parents have been
waging a losing w*r against poverty,

will be moving here
to our city of tomorrow.

Now, go on, you little scamps,

have yourselves a ball.

It's the most ambitious
project I've ever been a part of.

A fully functional city to
house those most in need.

Just think of it,
ladies and gentlemen,

30,000 people who never again

have to worry about a
roof over their heads,

about a safe, clean
environment for their children.

Thirty-thousand people...

I'm sorry.

But this...

This is truly the
greatest day of my life.

I never knew you had such
a sentimental streak, Lex.

Oh, there's so much about
me you don't know, Superman.

I'd like to thank
the Man of Steel

for putting aside
our differences

and lending his
prestigious presence

to this very special night.

Anything for a good cause.

To Superman,

our hero.

Our hero!

All right!

Excuse me, Lex.

I'll be back in just a moment.

Don't eat too much.

The device is in place.

T minus six minutes.


Make sure my
escape route is secure.

Clear the area immediately!

Everybody out! Now!

Let's go! Move it!

Hurry up!


No time, Lois.

Get as far away as you can.


Wait! You don't understand.

Out of my way, Lex.

I don't know what's
down there, but...

Hey, guys, guys.
Let's take it easy, okay?

Captain Marvel, thank
heaven you're here.

He just won't listen. He's...

You don't have
x-ray vision. I do.

There's some sort of
device buried beneath us,

and I'm shutting it down.

No! If you touch
it, it could go off.

Go off?

So you admit you put
a b*mb under this city?

Not a b*mb.

An experimental fusion engine.

It'll supply nearly free energy

to everyone who lives here.


Then why the lead shielding?

It's for your protection.

The engine creates energy
through controlled fusion

of kryptonite molecules.


And why didn't you tell me this?


Maybe I was afraid
you wouldn't believe me.

Let's call the Atom or Steel
to check the device over,

see if what Luthor says is true.

At least someone around
here is keeping a cool head.

There's no time for this!

You can't just...

That's it. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Captain, please!

There has to be another way!







Fight's over, son.


It, uh,

seems to be exactly
what Luthor said it was.


I'm sorry. I-I... I didn't...

If anyone should
apologize, Superman, it's me.

I shouldn't have tried to
make the free power a surprise.

Given the circumstances,

I should have known better.

Of course, the Justice
League will pay for the damage.

Oh, no.

I won't allow it.

This one's on me.

Look, Captain,

I wanna... No more lectures.

I called this meeting, and
I'm gonna have my say.

But... My whole life,

I've looked up to the league.

You were my heroes,
every one of you.

And you...

You were more than a hero.

I idolized you. I
wanted to be you.

Whenever I was out there
facing down the bad guys,

I'd think: "What
would Superman do?"

Now I know.

I believe in fair play.

I believe in taking
people at their word

and giving them the
benefit of the doubt.

Back home, I've come
up against my share

of pretty nasty bad guys,

but I never had to act the
way they did to win a fight.

I always found another way.


I guess I'm saying
I... I like being a hero.

A symbol.

And that's why I'm

quitting the Justice League.

You don't act like
heroes anymore.

He's right.

They set you up, Clark.

Does it really
make a difference?

After all, I... They?


The plan worked
better than I'd hoped.

All I wanted was for Superman
to destroy the energy source.

But battling Captain Marvel?

Demolishing Lexor City
while those media morons

filmed every horrific moment?

It was more than I ever
could have hoped for.

Everything's going
according to plan.

And we're just getting started.