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02x03 - The Doomsday Sanction

Posted: 03/06/23 14:01
by bunniefuu
In the Caribbean,

the San Baquero volcano
went active during the night,

sending a cloud of
ash miles into the air.

Geologists predict a
devastating eruption

sometime within the week.

Sources report the Justice
League has offered to help

the Baqueran authorities
with the evacuation.

Yeah, have the car
ready in 20 minutes

and get all the division heads

in for the meeting
an hour early.

Closer to home, the
political world is still reeling

from Lex Luthor's
surprise announcement

of his candidacy for
President of the United States.

Overnight polling
among likely voters

shows Luthor to be
within striking distance

of both major party candidates.

Get dressed.

It's time we talked.

Amanda Waller,
born in East St. Louis.

Rhodes scholar, Ph.D.
in political science,

served in Intelligence
under three administrations.

Disappeared from
public life four years ago.

Am I supposed to be impressed?

Maybe I should rattle
off your résumé now.

You know, I could blow the
whistle on you anytime I want.

Fine. Why don't we step
into the light together?

I'm sure the American
people will be just as interested

in your activities as mine.

Secret weapons, illegal
cloning experiments,

bypassing Congress.

What do you want?

I want to know what
you think you're doing.

Did Superman ever mention
that to get Luthor's pardon

he had to tell us about your
parallel-universe adventure?

All about it.

We started to wonder
what would happen

if you took the same action
that the Justice Lords did,

so I had my people run
some computer simulations.

If the Justice League
ever went rogue,

what do you think
would be the result?

That's moot.

Humor me.

In every single scenario
you beat us... badly.

But that was before Cadmus.

Now we have the technology
to defend ourselves.

Whatever you think you're doing,

if you present a
threat to the world,

the Justice League
will take you down.

If we present a threat?

You've got a spaceship
floating over our heads

with a laser w*apon
pointing down.

In another dimension, seven of
you overthrew the government

and assassinated the president.

We're the good guys

protecting our country
from a very real threat:


How long is this gonna take?

I thought we had an
island to evacuate.

First team's already down there.

We'll join them as
soon as we're done.

I want to hear what you learned.

Project Cadmus is in the
business of developing weapons,

specifically to fight us.

They're worried we've
grown too powerful,

and they want to even the odds.


They were behind that
business with the Ultimen

and the Supergirl clone.

Galatea will be
fully recovered soon

and ready to
return to active duty.

And the doomsday w*apon?

Considering the damage
done to its frontal lobe,

the cellular regeneration
has been remarkable.

Its EEG's are still flat.

Nonetheless, we're
monitoring it closely.

Keep me updated.

Tala, have you developed
a plan to retrieve the armor?

We've come up with
some promising scenarios,

but they're going to require
certain additional resources.

Fine. See me after.

What are they so worried about?

We'd never try to
take over like that.

The Justice Lords
did in their dimension.

What's to stop us?


Those guys went overboard
because their Flash died.

So as long as you all
focus on keeping me alive,

that'll never happen here.

Let's put a pin in that theory
to explore another time.

I've seen the federal budget.

There's no funding
for a Project Cadmus.

Where's the money coming from?

We're all thinking
the same thing.


The obvious suspect.

He funded General
Hardcastle's rogue operations.

But if he's bankrolling Cadmus,

he's doing an excellent
job of covering his tracks.

I've got The Question
looking into it, and...

Not that kook.

I admit he's wound
a bit too tightly,

but if anyone can
find a hidden link

from Luthor to
Cadmus, he's the man.

In the meantime,

I'll be following the
trail from Waller's end.

And Dr. Milo, splicing together
human and animal DNA,

how's that going?

I know what you're thinking,

but my experiments are
actually quite close to paying off.

Dr. Langston's research
has proven very useful.

I just need a little more time,

and I promise I'll have
something concrete to show you.

Concrete? Like, say, the
super-powered wart hog

that tore up your lab last week?

Professor Hamilton's already
showed me the remains.

That... That was
just a prototype.

Dr. Milo, I'm not known
for my sense of humor,

but I know a sick
joke when I see one.

In light of the continuing
lack of results from your work,

I'm pulling your funding.

In accordance with the
Technological Clearances Act,

we'll set you up in a
new non-vital capacity

and confiscate your
classified research.

As you're well aware,

any public discussion
of Cadmus or its work

will result in your
immediate sanction.

And rest assured, doctor,
our people will be keeping...

You can go now.

I know you're faking.

The lobotomized portion of your
brain has completely regrown.

Do you remember
anything from before?

That's all right.

I'll show you.

You've been used, and
you deserve to know.

You see, you were
created from a sample

of Superman's genetic material.

But your DNA was altered
to make you his superior.

And then you were
trained to hate him.

You were
conditioned, humiliated,

repeatedly injured...

but not by Superman.

By Amanda Waller and
Professor Emil Hamilton.

When you became uncontrollable,
they tried to dispose of you.

They put you in a rocket
and shot you into space.

But you were too strong.

Your struggles threw
the rocket off course...

and it came back to Earth.

When you landed,

you fought a different Superman,

one from a parallel universe.

He lobotomized you.


Yes. Good. But
he isn't your enemy.

Your hatred of him
was manufactured.

At every turn, Waller and
Hamilton abused and betrayed you

just as they betrayed me.

Don't we both
deserve retribution?

Yes. Release me.

And you'll solve
both our problems?


What are you...?

Your problem's solved.

Now for Superman.


What's going on?

Ma'am, Doomsday's escaped.


I'll have his hide for this.

Doomsday beat you to it, ma'am.

Our radios are barely working.

I'm spending half my time
running messages around.

It's the electromagnetic
interference from the volcano.

Superman, how's
it going in there?

Can you read me
any better than before?

You're dropping in and out.
It depends on where I am.

I'm trying to ease the
pressure on the volcano.

If I can dig some
tunnels off the main core,

maybe I can stop the
eruption before it starts.

When will you be able
to tell if it's working?

Hard to say. I could
just as easily set it off,

so I have to go slow.

Just get everyone clear
as soon as you can.


I'm here to k*ll you.

Is this a bad time?

I remember those eyes.

Let's see you do that again.

I know who you are,

but I'm not the
one who hurt you.

Superman is Superman,

and I will k*ll you.


It's what I am. I
don't care why.

GPS puts the stolen
pod on San Baquero.

Doomsday went right
back after Superman.

I love a
well-conditioned soldier.

And what will your soldier
do after he's k*lled Superman?

We can't leave him loose.

For all we know, he'll try to
k*ll everyone on the planet.

He has to be stopped
before he leaves that island.

But how am I supposed to...?

I don't care! Get it done!

This is Eiling.

Authorization: firewall.

Target locked. Package is ready.

Deliver the package.

Superman, give me an update.

Something's come up.

Just keep doing
what you're doing.

Where are you? I'll come help.

No. Stay with the evacuation.
This isn't important.

Getting those
people to safety is.

Move it out.

Another transport just
landed on the mainland.

They're over half done.

I don't believe it.

It's a nuclear m*ssile headed
straight for San Baquero.

And from the spectrograph,

its warhead's lined
with kryptonite.

Can we hit it from up here?

No. It's moving too
fast. But who fired it?

Yes, Mr. President?

Call off the m*ssile.

How did you get this number...?

The m*ssile headed
for San Baquero.

If anyone dies on
that island today,

I'm coming for you.

You do what you
have to, and so will I.


She didn't know.

Captain Atom's on
his way from California.

His top speed's under Mach
2. He'll never get there in time.

Oh...! Hey!

Clear the hangar! Now!

Initiating emergency drop

in three, two, one.

You're going too fast.

If I let the Earth's
gravity accelerate me,

I should reach
intercept in two minutes.

If you don't burn up on entry.

What were you thinking?

You're gonna k*ll Superman
and everyone else on the island.

We have to sanction Doomsday.

We were gonna get to Superman
somewhere down the line,

and we've been trying
to stop drug traffic

from San Baquero for years.

The way I see it:
three birds, one stone.

Call it off.

Anti-abort safeties
have already engaged.

I couldn't stop it
now if I wanted to.

Wonder Woman, can you hear me?

There's a m*ssile with
a kryptonite warhead

heading for your
position. Say again.

Repeat, there's a kryptonite
m*ssile heading your way.

Can you read me?

Flash, get everyone
as far away as you can.

I'm going back for Superman.

But... Do it now!

The m*ssile's armed
with magnetic repulsers.

The only way past that
is with the javelin itself.

You could give the
hull an opposing charge.



Batman, come in.

Ah, ah, ah.

Can't beat me the
same way twice.

Then I guess I'll
need a bigger fire.

Did Cadmus create you?


I can't read his mind.

His brain's been
altered to resist me.

You don't owe anything to them.

They manipulated you
and then tried to k*ll you.

So I keep hearing.

From who?

All you need to know
is that I will get free,

and I will k*ll you.

If that's your final word.

I only use this
as a last resort.

It's gonna send you
to another dimension.

You won't be hurt, but you also
won't hurt anyone else again.

You'll wish you'd k*lled me.

You'll do anything
to avoid monitor duty.

Sent him off to the
Phantom Zone, didn't you?

He left us no choice.

Spoken like a true Justice Lord.

What? Come on.

Passing judgment like gods?

With our super-powered army
and our orbiting death-ray?

Cadmus is right to be scared.

The human race
wouldn't stand a chance.

We'd never go there.

It isn't in our nature, and
nothing can change that.

Nothing? What if Luthor
does become president,

like he did in their world?

What would stop you from
doing what that Superman did?

There's always that
kryptonite you carry around.

You don't get to joke!

Not today.

I just took a b*llet for you.

I'm sorry, Bruce. You're right.

But you don't have to worry
about the Justice League.

Trust me.

You know me.

Yeah. I do.

Get some rest.