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02x01 - The Cat and the Canary

Posted: 03/06/23 13:59
by bunniefuu
All right, move it.

Let's get this
stuff out of here.

Wildcat, it's Black Canary.

I'm at the warehouse.
Where are you?

Sorry, baby. Ooh! I got hung up.

This is getting old,
Ted. Need a hand?

Nah. Just sit tight. I'll
be there in 10 minutes.

Would those be real
minutes or Wildcat minutes?

Hey, come on.

Over there.

And there's that
merciless left jab...

Larry, we interrupting
your private life?

Pay-per-view webcast.
It's almost over.

Put it down and get to work.

Dude, the last one with
this guy only went one round.

I'm not missing it. It
cost me an arm and a leg.

I'm gonna cost you an
arm and a leg if you don't...


Things are about to
get ugly here, folks.

Kind of late for a charity
drop-off, isn't it, boys?

What a spectacle! You're
seeing a living legend in action.

It's almost too awful to watch.

Move it!

We may have a
knockout in record time!

I don't think this
one's getting up again.

And that means we have a winner.

Still the undefeated champ:


Most people, after they've
sold a company for $3 billion,

would just kick back and relax.

I'm not most people.

Besides, after taxes and the
lawyers are through with you,

you're lucky if you
see a billion and a half.

My heart bleeds.

Black Canary.

Green Arrow.

I've noticed you around.

I know.

You happy punching the bag

or you want to go a
few rounds with me?

I am talking about sparring.

That'd be nice too.

You're telegraphing.

You got to center yourself.

Center myself. Got it.

You're good.

You should see
me when I'm trying.

I'd like that.

In fact, I could use
your help on something,

but the league can't know.

I'll explain once
we're on the surface.

I don't know. Sounds fishy.

I promise, it's
for a good cause.

How about a wager?

If I can get out of
this hold, you help me.


I'll drive.

You can hold on
to me if you want.

So tell me about Wildcat.

What's so secret you couldn't
talk about it in the watchtower?

He's doing meta-brawls,

illegal, no-holds-barred
cage fighting.

Mostly superpowered criminals

or guys with chemical

Only rule: they fight
till one guy stays down.

Why's he doing it?

He loves to fight.

Before he was Wildcat,

he was the world
heavyweight boxing champ.

I remember, but doesn't he get
enough fighting in the league?

I think the league's
part of the problem.

It's like he's going through
some kind of midlife crisis.

I'm worried something's
gonna happen to him.



need a word.

Anything for my star.

I've come to a decision.
I'm not gonna fight anymore.

What brought this on?

It's interfering with my work,

and I've been letting
my friends down.

Hmm. You mean
the Justice League?

That's right.

The timing's a shame.

Atomic Skull's in town,
and he wanted a shot at you.

But don't worry.
I'll tell him you quit.

Knock it off. I know
what you're doing,

and it's not gonna work. I've
already made up my mind.

Well, you're a good man, Cat.

You care about the right things.

I can't fault you for
being loyal to the league.

I just have a hard
time understanding it.

What's so hard about it?

Well, you must have
to swallow a lot of pride,

being one of the only
normal humans in the group.

No superpowers, not even a
pile of gadgets like Batman's.

You want out of this, fine.

But if you want to stay
where people respect you,

where you're the
king, then don't go.

Hey, no problem.

If you can't swing it, there's
a lot of fish in the ocean.

Know what I'm saying, babe?

I need a thousand dollars.

For what?

We can't just go to
some big sports arena

for this kind of thing.
The location's a secret.

For a grand, this guy gives
us the info and the ticket in.

Well, at least now I understand

why you brought me along.

You didn't need Green
Arrow. You just needed green.

It isn't like that.

No? Then tell
me, what's it like?

I thought I could trust you.

Man, good guy to have on a date.

Thousand, was it?

Actually, that was
just for one ticket.

If you're both goin', it's two.

Fifty K on Atomic Skull.

All that cash against Wildcat?

Keeps it interesting.
You never know.

Twenty says the
Cat crushes the Skull.

This way.


What is this?

We want to help you, Ted.

We want to get you out of here.

Why? Does it look
like I have a problem?

You do if you don't see
what you've become here.

You're entertainment
for these people,

the rooster in a cock fight.

Fighting is what
I do, all right?

It's all I was ever good
at, and I'm still good at it.

I'm Wildcat, the guy who fights.

That's what I am.

You're so much more than that.

Anyway, I can
leave anytime I want.

I don't need help.

Then leave. Right now.

Uh-uh. I'm fighting
Atomic Skull tonight,

and you know he
deserves a beating.

Ted, come on.

Hey, I was the
greatest, all right?

I fought 'em all,
and I beat 'em all.

And now look at me.

Most of the time they keep
me up in that stupid spaceship,


They call me to do
real work less and less.

Don't you think I see
where this is going?

I mean, I don't sh**t
beams from my eyes, I...

I can't turn myself invisible,

I don't even have a
supersonic birdcall.

So that's it?

You're angry at
people with powers,

and down here you
get to beat on them?

Am I getting too close now?

Hey, settle down!

How's this your business, huh?

Stay out of it, Ollie.

That's it. I'm done.

What are you putting me
in the middle of this for?

You guys obviously have
your own stuff to work out.

What stuff?

I'm trying to help a friend.

That sure looked like you
were more than friends.

Did you think...? Ted
is like a father to me.

He trained me,

trained a lot of
us in the league

and kept an eye on us
when we were starting out.

I owe him. Now I guess
training isn't enough anymore.

You want to get
him out of this quietly

'cause you don't want him
thrown out of the league?

Or worse.

All right. But I saw
the look in his eye.

He's not gonna budge.

Then I hope I can
count on you for plan B.

Uh, there's no place to change.

Right here'll do.

You drop something?

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to meta-brawl.

Place your bets
and take your seats.

Get ready for the
historic match-up...

the clash of titans...

between Atomic Skull...

and Wildcat!

Show's over, folks.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

Let us out of here!

Think we can take 'em?


Hold it.

Just what do you
think you're doing?

If the only way to
get you out of here

is to take this place
down, then so be it.

You better decide
whose side you're on.

Sorry about
getting you into this.

Forget the apology.

Just do that sonic
scream of yours.

I can't. At this range,
it would k*ll them.

I have a better idea.

How would you like to see

two league members
fight each other?

Me and Wildcat in
the cage right now.

That make you some money?

Oh, definitely.

Then here's the deal.

If I win, you ban Wildcat
from cage fighting forever.

And if I lose, I'll never
bother you again.

Forget it.

Can't do that, Cat. It's
much too good an idea.

Everything's okay,
folks. In fact, it's fabulous.

Because after a
brief intermission,

Wildcat is going to
fight Black Canary.

That's right, two good
guys fighting each other.

And one of them's her.

So place your bets.

Give our new contender
a dressing room

and keep them both
in it until showtime.

I'm not doing it.

I only fight guys
who have it coming.

That's all I've ever done.

Or so you've told yourself.

The truth is you love the fight.

Well, I'm not gonna
love beating up

one of my own
students. That ain't right.

If you trained her, she
can take care of herself.

She knew what
she was getting into.

And if you don't do this,

I'll never let you fight
in that cage again.

And I expect you to
win no matter what.

Don't take a fall. Don't
even go easy on her.

You're still my star attraction,

and I need you undefeated.

Ruin that, and I'll
put you out to pasture

as quickly as the league.

Are we clear?


Well, you bought us some
time, but it still looks like

we're gonna have to
fight our way out of here.

Changed your mind
about using the scream?

You don't understand.

If we leave here
without Wildcat,

or worse, if I use my
power to force him out,

he'll just come back.

We have to settle this the
only way he understands.

You're not really
gonna fight him?

I have to. And beat him.

It's the only way
to make him stop.

I thought that was just
you pretending again.

What's that supposed to mean?

Like all that flirting you
did up at the watchtower,

the way you acted interested,
to get me to come with you.

Who said that was pretending?

Oh, no. I know your game now.

It's not always a game.

No? Come here. Look
me in the eye and say so.


Don't worry.

You'll still get
your main event.

Ladies and gentlemen,

prepare yourselves for
the world's first cage fight

between two heroes,

right here at meta-brawl.

However, there's been
a change in the program.

Instead of Black Canary,

Wildcat will be
fighting Green Arrow!

There's no way.
I'm not fighting him.

Canary could have held
her own, but not this guy.

You'll fight who
I tell you to fight.

End of story.

What's the matter, Cat? Afraid?

He's not a fighter.

I know what it is.

Maybe you'd rather
fight a woman.

That idiot.


What do you think you're doing?

Teaching the teacher a lesson.

Wildcat, stop it!

He asked for it!

So when are you
gonna start, has-been?

I don't have any powers.

And you're still too
old to knock me out.

You had enough, smart guy? Huh?

Get up. I'm not done.

What have you done?

I'll tell you what he's done.

He's taken the fights
to a whole new level.

Think of the word
that'll spread from this.

Anything's possible here.

Next time you fight,
we'll clear millions.


No, I'm out.

And this time, I mean it.

You know, that was an
incredibly stupid thing to do,

not to mention arrogant,
pigheaded, macho,


very, very sweet.

I'm sorry.

I'm not.

It's a stunner.

Puts you in metabolic
stasis for a few minutes.

You wanted him to see what it
would feel like to k*ll someone.

Think it worked?

It worked.

Who are you kidding?

You won't be happy
stuck on that ship.

I give you a month,

and you'll be back
here crying for me

to give you another chance.

Mark my words,
Wildcat, I know your kind,

and you will fight again.

Of course he
will. Just not here.

I'm sorry for what
I put you through.

But don't worry.

Seeing a dead
body from my hands,

it knocked me back to my senses.

I believe you,

but I'd like some
assurance it's gonna stick.

Excuse me?

Things like this sometimes
you can't stop all by yourself,

no matter how much you want to.

Believe me,

fighting's nowhere near
as tough as this is gonna be.

How's he doing?

He'll make it. How about you?

You recovering okay?

I've had worse.

I wouldn't brag about that.

Care to join me
for a cup of coffee?


Good. You're buying.