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01x10 - The Phantom Zone

Posted: 03/06/23 13:30
by bunniefuu
Everything that Adam said

about the Els,

about who we are,

who we're meant to be,

he believed I could
save the universe.

Through fire, we are reborn.

I couldn't even save him.

It's chaos out there.

The whole city's gonna
descend into anarchy.

Who's gonna fill
this sudden power vacuum?


I don't think he's come back
to save Krypton.

I think he's come back
to rule it.

House of Zod, House of El,

you're my son.

Doomsday is already
far beyond your reach.

I just never thought
that you'd help them do it.

We will take the creature
to your city.

And risk the lives
of everyone in Kandor?

You have sealed
Krypton's fate!

Please don't do this.

You're gonna have
to make a choice.

Get away from me!

Black Zero
will shatter the guilds,

strip the ranked
of their power,

and we will return
Kandor to its people.

The product of your union:


We have a child.
I believe in you.

Brainiac is taking power
from the generator

that powers the city's
protective dome.

He's already here.

We have to go.

How will you defeat
an alien conqueror?


Your world is mine.

Yes, I think it's time.

Brainiac! He's here!

We'll never find Seg
in all this.

Try his comms again.

Seg! Come in!



What do we do?

I don't know.

With that dome down,
we're not gonna last for long.

Neither will they.

We've got to find some sort
of way to get people indoors.

Figure out how to...

What happened?

The Voice, he...
he was in pieces, then he...

All of the sudden,
the dome just came down,

and Brainiac was there.

Wait, where's Jayna?

She went off somewhere
in the catacombs.

What did you do to her?

I didn't do anything to her.

It's true.

He didn't.

Look, if you're here
to try and force me

to tell you where Doomsday is,
then you're wasting your time.

The Cythonnites double-crossed
me; they hid it somewhere.

That's not why we're here.

We need you to take us
to the Fortress.

We're gonna bring back
your grandfather.

We are not alone
in the universe!

Krypton is vulnerable!

And praying to him
won't be enough to save it.

Val of House El,

for rebelling against the
lawful authority of the state,

you leave me no choice but
to find you guilty of sedition.

You are hereby
sentenced to death!

Remember, Seg,

keep believing
in a better tomorrow.


I love you!


No! Grandpa!


Where did he go?

Into the Phantom Zone,

a dimension that exists

outside the normal
space-time continuum.

How do you know that?

Because I was trapped
in there with him.

You mean you were sentenced
for leading a coup.


Because the Council
that convicted me

was as corrupt as the one
that condemned Val-El.

That doesn't make sense.

If Val went into the Phantom
Zone 14 cycles ago,

and you were thrown in there
at some point in the future,

how did you two even meet?

Once inside the Phantom Zone,

time and space have no meaning.

Val told me that with her
father and the Voice of Rao

believing that he was dead,

it gave him opportunity
to seek out Brainiac,

observe the way
the creature operated

in order to help Krypton
prepare its defenses.

Then why didn't he come back?

Because he didn't have this.

It was his only way out.

So you stole it?

You betrayed him.

Only one of us could get out
with this.

So, yes,

I betrayed him,

but not his mission.

Who better to stop Brainiac,

A frail old man

or a general?

Such a mission required a Zod,

not an El.

Turned out I was both.

With Doomsday lost, we need
more than just strength.

We will need
your grandfather's

unsurpassed intellect.

I believe Val-El is our last,
best hope.

You left my grandfather
stranded in that place

with no way out,
but now that we need him,

you suddenly have a way
to free him.

If you hadn't kept this place
a secret from me,

I could've done it anytime,

if there had been a need.

I assume you can activate it.

So what's the catch?

Someone has to go in
and get him.

I'll go.

You would get lost
in there forever.

I know my way around.
I'll find him.

Or now that you've failed
to stop Brainiac,

this is your means of escape.

No one who's ever
been in there

would consider
going back an escape.

How long will it take
to find him?

For me,

maybe hours, days,
a few weeks.

For you,

nearly instantaneous.

the Phantom Projector.

Grandfather, it's me.

It's Seg.

You think I wouldn't
recognize my own grandson?

The whole time
I was trapped in there,

I was never far away.

I figured out
how to access the past,

the present, even the future.

I caught glimpses
of you growing up.

You were a beacon of light

in that infinite darkness.

And I am proud of the man
you have become.

And you.

We will settle
our differences

once we've defeated Brainiac.

Grandfather, he's here.

We're hoping you know
a way to stop him.

I'm afraid your hopes
are misplaced.

There is no way
to stop Brainiac.

It's the end of days,
isn't it?

It's the beginning
of Day Zero.

People of Kandor,

do not fear.

I am here to save you.

Today is the beginning

of your eternal life.

You must have foreseen

some means of saving Kandor.


In fact, Brainiac has already
set his sights on Cygnus 4019,

the next world he plans
to add to his collection.

For all the futures
you witnessed,

did you ever see one

in which you would escape
the Phantom Zone?


So then we can change things.

No, you can't.

From inside the Phantom Zone,

I have seen a multitude
of possible futures.

And they all end the same way:

with Brainiac's victory.

I assure you,

Kandor will be taken.

And anyone still there...

will be trapped in there
with Doomsday.

We have to evacuate the city.

Why? So the survivors
can live long enough

to watch Krypton explode
beneath their feet?

Once the city is gone,

the destabilization
of the planet's core

makes the destruction
of Krypton inevitable.

- Eventually, maybe.
- Definitely!

Okay, fine, definitely,
but at least we can get

as many people out
of the city before then.

We'll deal with
the immediate problem

then we can figure out
how to save Krypton.

You know what future's
not gonna happen?

One where I give up
without a fight.

I'm going back to Kandor

and I'm going to take
the fight to Brainiac,

whatever the outcome.

No, you're not.

I don't need your permission.

But you do need that skimmer.

Please, Lyta,
you have to understand

why that's too much
of a risk,

A risk I'm willing to take.

No, you wouldn't.

Not if you knew the truth
of what it means

to be a part
of Brainiac's collection.

What do you mean?

The Collector of Worlds
offers eternal life.

He claims magnanimity,

seeing himself as
a conservationist of sorts.

But what that really means
is that

in order to perfectly
preserve his cities,

those inside remain
rooted to the spot,


brains functioning,

fully cognizant.

He likes to study
their psyches

for curiosity's sake.

And that is how they remain:

trapped in paralysis,


for all eternity.

We'll contact
the other city states.

We'll get them to send

as many transports
as they possibly can.


I'm sure they'll waste
no time flying

towards that giant skull
floating in the sky.

I'm not giving up.

I'm not either.

You know there are
other ways into Kandor.

The Cythonnites
have a tunnel that runs

from the Outlands
into the city.

You gonna tell me
where it is?


I'm gonna show you.

Why would you risk
going back into Kandor?

Do you want to come or not?

Doomsday could still be
the answer.

We find the Cythonnites
who took him,

and we force them to tell us
where they hid it.

Of the many futures
I have seen,

the one in which Doomsday
is used against Brainiac

is, by far, the worst.

Then you lied to me.

You promised me there would
always be a better tomorrow.

And as hard as it was,

I believed you.

Mom and Dad, they believed you.

They gave their lives
for your better tomorrow.

Those were the empty words
of an naive old man.

The only tomorrows I have seen

are unimaginably worse,

as your friends
will soon discover.

Where'd they go?

My mother was never one
to back down from a fight.

I'm getting the hell
out of here.

You don't have to tell me
twice. Rao can piss off.

I'm getting on the next
skimmer out of here.

What's happening?

What are your orders?

You tell us.

Or find some high-ranking
officer, if there's any left,

and ask them.

All I know is,
I'm out of here.

I'll pretend
I didn't hear that.

Commander Gar,

you and Commander Bok
get your pilots ready to fly.

We need to mount
a counterstrike

while we still can.

Commander Bok fled
the city this morning.

And if you were smart,
you'd do the same.



You want to flee.

Want to give up,


ask for mercy.

We are the tip of the spear

that protects Kandor City!

We do not give up,

we do not surrender,

and we do not ask for mercy.

Nor do we give it.

Grab as many supplies

and weapons as you can carry.

Brainiac is taking the city.

Looks like we don't
have much time.

And we don't have a way out

Reports say skimmers trying
to leave from the guilds

are destroyed as soon as they
reach the city's border.

Then we leave by foot,

take our chances crossing
the Outlands.

Head for Kryptonopolis.

We'll never make it.

No, not all of us.

But there's a chance
some of us will.

We have to,

because we're taking the Codex
with us.

You would risk
your life for that? Why?

Without the Codex,
there is no point evacuating.

It's the only way
our people live on.

Then let's move.

Oracle, I need you
to release my child, Cor-Vex.

Have the cryo-creche's life
support function ready

for immediate transportation.

Please confirm
your identity.

Identity confirmed.

Your request is being

Please stand by.

You had best hurry up
if you value

whatever programming
has you believing

in your own sentience.

Congratulations, your
request has been fast-tracked.

A Medusoid has been dispatched

for immediate delivery.

That's more like it.

Lyta, come in.

Can you hear me?

Nyssa, do you read me?


Look, we find Lyta and Nyssa,

then we start getting people
out through this tunnel.

We'll save as many as we can.

Or we do a deal with Brainiac
and get him to spare the city.

In exchange for what?

Brainiac plunders
the universe

for one thing: knowledge.

We have something he could
never get his hands on.

Knowledge of the future.

- We offer him Val.
- What?

He has seen not
just one future,

but many possible futures.

Surely Brainiac would spare
Kandor in exchange for that.



You're not willing to
sacrifice the life of one man

to save millions?

What if one of those millions
of lives was your own, hmm?

The reason it took
so long for me

to figure out that
you were my father,

was that my mother never
told me very much about you.

She was too grief-stricken.

All she ever said was
that you were lost

in the bottling of Kandor.


Seems somebody helped herself
to a little going-away present.

Don't take
another step closer.

Or what?

No. You will not harm him.

I just want to get my child
to safety.

How long did you stand
by your father's side?

Scheming and plotting,

as you both set about creating

the city that Kandor
has become.

And now, as it faces its
reckoning, you want to flee?

You're right.

For too many cycles,
I helped my father

divide our people.

And I'm prepared
to pay the price for that.

But my child is innocent.

Please, give him the chance
to be free.


There's nothing free about
our society or anyone in it.

Even the life of that
gestating fetus

has already been predetermined.

His name is Cor-Vex.

You think the Genesis Chamber
decides who we are,

but we can be more,

if we choose.

You still have no idea
about the society

you helped your
father create,

and your true place within it.

Wraith Wing will approach
the Force Dome Generator

in a Needle-Fly formation.

This will keep him busy
while Teklon Wing

hit it with ESD bombs.

The pulse should give us
at least eight seconds.

That's when we detonate
the charges Tantho Squad

will set on the support struts.

And we bring the whole platform
down on top of him.

Any questions?

This alien menace may have
conquered thousands

of worlds before ours,

but his reign of terror
ends on Krypton,

for he has never
encountered the Sagitari.

May Rao's grace be your shield.

And light the way
to victory!

Everyone head down to
Section Nine, lower level,

there's a passage that'll
take you to safety. Go!

Keep moving, come on,
keep moving!

Keep moving. Come on!

Keep moving. Stay together.

Wraith Wing, do you copy?

Teklon Wing, come in.

Zaral Wing, come in.

We did the right thing.

Did we?

How many men and women did
we just condemn to death?


it was punishable by death

to even acknowledge
the possibility

of an alien presence.

How were we supposed to know
how to defend against one?

If your mother were here,

she would have given
the exact same order.

You know why she isn't here?

Because I failed her.

Like I failed everybody else.

What do you mean?

Do you know the reason
why she led the coup

against the Voice of Rao?

To save me.

Even though it went against
everything she believed in,

she chose me, and when I had
a choice to save her...

Lyta, come in!

Seg, where are you?

I'm in the Rankless,

we're trying to get people out,
and that includes you.

Seg, I'm sorry.
I did what I thought was...

Doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.

I'm glad that you're alive.

There's a lot of Sagitari
who aren't.

I... I sent them to their deaths.

And you saved
countless lives.

In keeping
Brainiac distracted,

we've been able to get people
out of the city undetected.


Okay, I'll, um...

I'll dispatch the remaining
Sagitari units

to help the stragglers
through the tunnels,

and I will meet you
back at the Fortress.

I'm counting on it.

Is Nyssa with you?


Where is she?

We don't have time for this.

Take the Codex.

Meet me at
the rendezvous point.

I will be there.

Be careful.

Do you remember where you were

the day your mother died?


Do you remember how she died?

Why are you asking me this?

It was a skimmer accident.

She was on her way to Bokos
and got caught in the blizzard.

And died out there.

All alone.

Except she wasn't alone.

You were in that skimmer too.

At least,
your original self was.

That's impossible.

Oracle, passcode:

Hantha, Flame-bird,
Rokan, Oregus,


Initiate Vara Protocol.

What is this?

Who are they?

When that skimmer crashed,

your mother died instantly.

As for your predecessor,

broken spine,

fractured skull,

countless internal injuries,

but just enough neural activity

for consciousness fusion.


You're lying.

My childhood,

I remember it.

My sisters,
I remember us playing.

I remember us fighting.
I remember my father...


Part of your
somatic reconditioning.

This can't be real.

I can promise you it is.

Because I created it

My work was supposed
to cure disease,

end suffering,

extend life.

But that wasn't enough
for the elite Houses.

They wanted immortality.

And your father
allowed them to manipulate

my Codex technology

so that when a body
was used up,

it could be cast away
like an empty shell.

Its consciousness transferred

into a clone.

My whole life has been a lie.


Yes, it has been.

But it doesn't
have to be anymore.

Come on! Keep going!
Keep going!

Nyssa! Nyssa, are you there?
Keep going!

Nyssa-Vex, have you seen

Come on, come on,
keep going.

Lyta's heading back
to the Fortress.


Make sure she's safe.

Where are you going?

I'm going to save Krypton!

I will not let you
trade Val to Brainiac.

I don't think
you can stop me.

Val is your flesh
and blood too.

You would sacrifice him
to that thing?

And you would
sacrifice everyone else?

You don't even know
if he'd take the deal!

He might just k*ll you.

Is that what
you're really afraid of,


I didn't think so.

If Brainiac
gets hold of Val,

imagine what he could do
with that information.

Imagine how many more worlds
he could conquer!

The entire universe
will pay the price for this.

If he spares Krypton,

so be it.


While the others attempt
to flee in terror,

you come here willingly

and unarmed.

When you've existed
as long as I have,

there are so few surprises
left in the universe.

Then I have another for you.

I have come to offer you

In exchange for sparing
this city and this planet,

there is a man,

he has found a way
to glimpse the future.

I can give him to you.

It amuses me

how often desperation

inspires creativity.

You will do anything
to ensure your survival,

say anything.

Your Sentries have already
identified your next target:

Cygnus 4019.

You must be celebrating
at the prospect

of adding that lethal
technology to your collection.

And you would trust me to
abide by the terms of the deal

when I could simply

take the information

and your city.

I imagine for a 12th level

you would find
that dishonorable.

Can the same be said of you?

Your offer is sincere.

You can have the universe,

as long as I have Krypton!

For such a selfish species,

the lengths you'll go to
protect that which you love


Please, Grandpa,
we don't have much time.

We've got to get you
out of here.

Once Brainiac
knows my existence,

there will be no hiding.

But we have to try!

There is only one way
to prevent him

from gaining the knowledge
I possess,

- and that is my death.
- No!

I watched you die once before,

and I'm not gonna
do that again.

It's the only way!

It's not! We can send you
back into the Phantom Zone!

I assure you, death will be
a far kinder fate.

I just got you back.

I know.

And I know how much pain
I've caused you,

but I'm going to
have to do it again,

because if Brainiac finds me,

the entire universe
will suffer Kandor's fate.

This way!

Dev, we need to hurry.


We need to h...

We can jump in a skimmer.

It'll give us time
to figure out our next move.

I'm afraid it's too late
for that.

Don't take another step.

It's okay.

I'll do it.

I will!

I don't believe you.

You had as much chance
of convincing me

you would k*ll
your own grandfather

as convincing me
that what I see here...

Is anything more
than a hologram.

Oh, I wasn't trying
to convince you of anything.

I just needed your big, green,
12th intellect ass

up on that platform.

No! No! No!

Hang on!

I've got you!



Start believing
in a better tomorrow again!


Val, you can't!

I will not condemn
my grandson

to that place of

But you risk bringing
Brainiac back with him!


No! Stop!

My father's sacrifice

will never be forgotten.

The future of our city,

and indeed, our entire planet,

is now assured.

Brainiac is no more!

We are safe!

We have faced the greatest
existential threat imaginable.

And we have prevailed!

We will never find ourselves

in a position of such
vulnerability again.

Today marks the beginning

of a new era.

The Rankless will now
be given purpose

and conscripted
into our Sagitari.

Our military might

will never again
be questioned.

Kandor will no longer
need to fear

the scourge of terrorism.

There will be no insurgency,

no uprising,

for we all share
a common goal,

to unite Krypton!

Today, we look to the stars

as we rebuild.

Our planet will be the jewel

in the crown of
an intergalactic empire.

We will seek out

beyond our system.

And we will conquer them!

If they submit peacefully,

they will fall
under my protection

and shall never know
fear again!

But if they do not,

then like the recalcitrant

of Krypton's other city states
we see before us,

eventually, they will all

kneel before Zod!