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01x08 - Savage Night

Posted: 03/06/23 13:27
by bunniefuu
If you didn't know

Brainiac corrupted
the Voice of Rao,

then why even
attempt a coup?

Because Daron-Vex
offered to spare your life

in exchange
for my help.

- Stop.
- My new guardians.

The Red Shard,
loyal only to me.

Let me serve you.

Let's put your
newfound loyalty to the test.

I didn't really think
you would do it.

The Oracle foresees
the product of your union.

The child will be male.

When I visited you
in your cell

you said you loved me.
Do you really mean it?

I feared I was
the only one to escape.

You were.
I serve a being

who has power over death.

The Voice
is controlling you!

You will die here.

We got to stop her
before she sends

- the signal to Brainiac.
- It's too late.

She's been taken over
by Brainiac's technology.

My mama's not coming home,
is she?

I'm going to look
after you.

She will be given rank
and serve as a novice.

Sevi, what's wrong?

This creature
is deceiving you!

Remove her!

I will lead you
to a place of eternal life.

This son of a bitch
is Superman's greatest enemy.

History tells us Brainiac
takes Kandor City,

causing the planet to explode
in 200 years.

This whole time you knew
and you said nothing!

Seg, you cannot
trust this man!

Find your Zeta-Beam gadget
and never come back!

There's something here
I still need to do.

And what's that?

k*ll General Zod
and prevent Seg

from saving Kandor.

My name is Adam Strange,
and I've come here to warn you.

Someone from the future
is coming to destroy Krypton

because where I'm from,
your grandson

becomes the greatest hero
in the universe.

I'm running out of time.

Take this.

You have to save

Where did...

Oh, you assholes.

Oh, you tightwad assholes.

Assholes, seriously?

You steal our technology,
disappear with it for years,

and we're the assholes?

First of all...

It's called
a Zeta-Beam device now.

- Came up with that myself.
- No, you didn't.

You're welcome.

And secondly...

I didn't steal it.

I borrowed it.

That device
has the potential

to tear apart
the fabric of space and time,

destroying everything
that ever was and will be.

I was gonna bring it
right back.

But that's the thing
with time travel;

it's difficult to keep
track of time.

That's your explanation?

The long and short of it is,

on account of being
a superhero,

I caught wind
of this shithead alien

trying to change history

and stop Superman
from being born.

- Superman?
- Yeah, him.

You know, and I was in the
middle of warning his pop-pops

when you jackasses
yanked me here.

So if we're done here,

I'd like to get back to work.


If what you say is true,
somebody better qualified

will take care of the matter.


'Cause I didn't happen
upon anyone else,

qualified or not,

traveling through
space and time

to save
the freaking universe.

So you like it or not, Sardath,
I'm the best hope there is.

I was meant to have
that Zeta-Beam device.

I was meant to be a hero.

I was meant to save Superman.

And I will not let anyone

stand in the way
of my destiny.

Shh, shh!

What are you doing?
You scared the life out of me.

I'm sorry, okay?

Why are you still here?

You know why I'm here.
I have to preserve

the timeline Superman...

Please stop, stop, all right,
I'm not interested

in hearing
all about that again.

Whatever you think
your mission was, it is over.

If you only knew him...

Seg's grandson,
th... there's no one like him

in the universe.

He could have been a god.

And he chose humanity.

Guy's the best
of our worlds.

You've said
that speech before,

haven't you?

- No.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, what do you think...

Listen, Adam.
Even you have to understand

that Seg is not going
to sacrifice his world

any more than Superman
would sacrifice yours.

I know. Relax.

I'm not after Seg.


Have you met Zod?

He doesn't strike me
as the kind of person

that scares easily.

Well, that's good...

'cause I'm not planning
on scaring him.

Yeah, well, I got that, yeah.
That was my polite way

of saying that if you go near
the gigantic man,

he's gonna k*ll you
to death.

I'm not gonna talk to you

if you're just gonna be

You promise?


Wait, wait, wait! Wait!


All right, I'll do you a deal.

Okay, if you can control
your k*ller instinct,

I will get Seg to come
and meet with you, all right?

I can't promise that he's
gonna change his mind,

but I'm pretty sure
I can convince him

to at least hear you out.

How soon can you
get him here?

How soon do
a wrangled beast's testicles

go up into its cervix
when she's...

- Kem.
- Yep.

We're running low
on supplies.

We're going to
have to make them stretch.

Kem says the streets are
still crawling with Sagitari.

We may have to lie low
for a while longer.



I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

Isn't it?

It's me, Kem,

I was the one who was
looking after Ona.

Yes, I remember.

Where is she?

I know about the Voice.

I know that he is not
the person he says he is,

but I need to know
that Ona is safe.

She's safe.
He likes her.

Well, then, what is going on?
Why are you here?

Anda and I found out
about the Voice's change.

He tried to make us believe
he'd been reborn.

But then I saw
what was happening

in the Genesis Chamber.

And now every night
he plugs himself into it.

When he does...

It's like he's in
some kind of deep trance.

I think... I think
he's sucking its energy dry,

using the embryos
as batteries,

getting stronger by
draining the life from them.

What could Brainiac
possibly want

with the Genesis Chamber?


At our essence,
we are all just pure energy.

All those cells,
all those atoms

that make up our body...

When you break it all down,

it's just electricity.

And Brainiac's Sentry
has now tapped into

the greatest source
of electricity in Kandor,

the Genesis Chamber.

But they're not batteries,
they're embryos.

What happens to them?

What happens to our child?

He'll be lost.

Along with the rest
of our civilization.

The only way our species
reproduces now

is via the Genesis Chamber.

Without it...

we have no future.

Your Eminence.

- You look...
- Physical appearance...

is of no concern to me.

But, in the minds
of your people,

I have been reborn.


And you look, um...


Look at you.

Face to face
with a true superior.

And you still
lust for power.

And you shall have it.

When my work here is complete,
I shall leave Kandor.

And you will again
have the control

you so viciously desire.

Now, according to Sevi,
every time he does

whatever it is
that he does in the Chamber,

the Voice of Rao goes into
some sort of a weird trance.

Well, that's how we stop him.

When he's at
his most vulnerable.

Don't forget he still has
the Red Shard.

We have to get past them
to get to him.

True, but remember
he controls them with his mind.

My guess is,
while he's in that trance,

while he's absorbing energy,

his connection to them
would probably be limited.

So what are you thinking?

We know that Rhom
communicated with Brainiac

using some sort
of neural network.

If we can sever the connection
between the Voice of Rao

and the Red Shard
and then we take him out

while he's in that trance.

But to do that, we need
to find a way into the network.

I know a way in.


We can use his connection
to the Voice.

His body is still
in the Outlands.

There's a lot of ifs
in that scenario.

We need backup
as an insurance.

I'll recruit manpower
from Black Zero.

Whoa... whoa, hang on,
we didn't agree to that.

I'm not asking.


We'll get Dev.

You meet us here later.

You stay there!

Move to your designated sector.

Even now, your honor
is incorruptible.

If there were
any truth in that,

I wouldn't be
a fugitive.

- Seven, all clear.
- Copy, all clear.

Moving onto Sector 15.

Why are you a fugitive,

I betrayed our oath.

I put my daughter
above honor.

You chose family over duty?

You did the right thing.

A Zod swears an oath
to protect Kandor,

but only if its leaders
are worth protecting.

If they are not,
then they must be replaced

by those who are.

if you had chosen differently,

I never would have been born.

Ah, hey, Seg.

Do you mind
if I sit this one out?

what's the matter?

When Rhom died,
I promised Ona

I would look after her.

- Go. Go.
- Thank you.

Do what you can for her.

We'll take Nyssa.

No, we won't.

Her father works
for the Voice of Rao.

What if she
relays our plans?

I'm not having
this argument again.

She can be trusted.

She's also right here.

You know, if I were you,
I'd want to have me close,

keep your eyes on me.

But if you'd rather have me
running around wild and free...

I'm driving.


Brings back memories.

Crammed in a skimmer,

on the way to some crazy
Artisan's Guild party.

Maybe we should go some time?

You know,
after all this is over.

If there even is
an Artisan's Guild

after all this is over.

- Lyta.
- What?

You've seen what
it's like out there.

Guilds don't matter anymore.

Neither do Bindings.

Anyone know how to get
a bit more, um,

air out of these things?

How did you expect
your little coup to end up?

With you and your father
shining atop a hill?

Bringing Kandor
into a new golden age?


I expected it to be
me and Seg.

But things never really
turn out the way you expect,

do they?

This is it.
We're here.

Are you out of your mind?

If Jax-Ur doesn't like
what she has to say,

she's all yours.

Couldn't have asked
for better weather.

We're almost there.

Try to keep up, princess.

I think she means me.




Don't move
or I'll sh**t.

Dev, it's me.
Don't do this.

Help me.

Dev. Dev!

Talk to me!

Is he still alive?

But I don't know how long for.

Then we'd better hurry.

Come on, big guy.

What am I looking at?

this is Jayna-Zod, primary...

I know who it is.

She's an even bigger fugitive
than me right now.

Isn't that right?

How does it feel
to spend your whole life

serving the state,
only to have it

chew you up and spit you out?

Pretty shit, actually.

It didn't have to be
that way, you know.

Kandor could have been
a bastion of equality...

no guilds, no Rankless,
a city for the people

by the people.

And soon it will be.

When we begin again
at zero.

That's exactly
why we're here...

Do not speak!

You think I don't know
about your recent behavior?

You can't just come and go
as you please.

Nobody passes through
Black Zero.

You are either in
or you're the enemy.

You have no idea
who the real enemy is.

So let me tell you
about Brainiac.

He's stabilized.

But I had to numb
his motor functions.

So when he wakes up,
he'll only be semi-conscious.

But that's still him, right?

Under all that.

Well, at the moment,
it's impossible to know,

I'm afraid.

I can't believe this place
actually exists.

All those years my father
spent searching for this...

I started to wonder
if it was even real.

I have a hard time
believing any of this is real.

Not so long ago, I was just
a Rankless street rat,

hustling drunk guildsmen
for money.

Now, I'm...

Trying to save the world.


I'm not doing
that great a job of it so far.

You saved my life,

and if this idea
of yours works...

You may even save the life
of our child.

Hey, hey,
have you seen Ona yet?

- Just... if you see her,
- What the hell...

can you please
just let me know?

I'll be at the bar.


- Where's Seg?
- Yeah, not now.

You said that you
would bring Seg.

And all a man has
is his word.

Oh, would you shut up
for once in your life!


Not everything is about
your mission

to save some unborn, imaginary
child from the future.

There are real people,
in real danger

- right now.
- What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Ona,
all right?

She may not have
the blood of Els

running through her veins,
but she means the world to me

and I have to find her,
all right?

All right, let's go.

Come on!

But... I shouted a lot then.

So that's what Val-El
warned us about

all those cycles ago.

Nobody believed him
at the time,

- but he was right...
- I believed him.

Wish I'd listened to him more.

Black Zero will aid you
in your resistance,

but I want something
in return.

Your old master,

The man who stole everything
from me and robbed this city

of everything
it could have been.

If you help us,
Daron-Vex is all yours.

Black Zero is in.

They'll help us
take the Genesis Chamber.

They want something in return.

- What?
- Daron-Vex.

Why him?

Long story for another time.

I assume we have a deal?

It's not
my decision to make.

Do it.

If Black Zero
are going to help us

defeat Brainiac,
then they can have my father.


Through fire,
we are reborn.

Right there.

Through fire,
we are reborn.

Thank you.

Through fire,
we are reborn.

Through fire, we are reborn.

Uncle Kem!

What's wrong?

I need to talk to you
about the Voice, Ona.

He's not
who you think he is.

Is... this a test?

No. No, sweetheart,
it's not safe here.

Okay? You need to come with us.

It's natural to fear Rao,
but you must love him too.

And in loving him,
I now have back

what I lost with Mother.

Thank you, Uncle Kem.

Taking me to him
was the greatest thing

you could have done.


We got to go, right now.

Come on, Kem!

Just know, Ona,
that whatever happens, okay,

you're always welcome back.

Got to go.

What's that?
Up ahead?

All right, you know where
to find me, okay?

You tried.
Can't do much more than that.

Yeah, well, I can rest easy
now knowing that I tried.

You know what,
you should just go.

Seg is not interested in
hearing anything

you've got to say and you're
not gonna get close to Zod,

so you might as well just go
back to where you came from

because you are not
helping here.

But you know what?

Least you tried, huh?

You're not even
going to give me a chance?

Come on, man, I...
you got to at least

let me try.

This... this is Superman
we're talking about.

There's no one like him
in the universe.

Have you ever committed
to anything in your life?

I know you, Adam.

As soon as things get hard,

you'll be out of there
in a flash.

Please, Sardath...

You're right about who I was.

Now give me a chance
to be who I should be.


Can he do it?
I don't think so.

But I've never seen him care
about anything so much before.

Certainly not me.
I say we let him try.

Thank you.

I promise
I won't let you down.

It's way too late
for that, Adam.


Who is this?

I'm your savior.

- Take him away.
- Wait! Wait! Hey!

I know that you're a smart guy
full of smart plans.

But, buddy, you are dumber
than a box of dumb things

if you think
that you can outsmart

that creature you serve!


Uncuff him.

And leave.

That's right.

I know exactly
who you work for.

In fact, I know a lot more
about him than you do.

And if you think
that you're gonna get yourself

out of this mess...

Forget it.

You're in way over your head.

Unless you listen to me.

That thing that used to be

the Voice of Rao is a Sentry,

and however scared you were
of him,

multiply that by a gajillion
and double it,

and now
you're getting close

to how scared you should be
of his boss,


Now, I'm gonna guess

that he hasn't
filled you in yet

on his intentions,
so allow me.

Look out there.

He's gonna rip
that entire city

out of the ground
and add it to his collection.

Oh, but it gets better.

Brainiac doesn't want
his collection to change, ever.

Each day, same as the last...

for all of eternity.

At least I'd be alive.


If that's your idea of life,
have at it.

I'm not gonna get
in your way.

I want to help Brainiac.

Don't want to stop him.

I don't understand.

Then listen,
because I have information.

Information on
the only other people

that really know the truth
of what's going on.

And who
you're really serving.

People who are hell-bent
on stopping Brainiac,

and well, you already know
my stance on that.

I assume you want something

in exchange
for this information.

I want Seg-El delivered
to me safe and sound first.

I need to ensure
that he's out of Kandor

- before it's taken.
- Seg-El?

What does he
have to do with this?

Well, Daron,
I'd tell you,

but I don't want to.

It's "Dare-on."

Don't be scared.

You're not paralyzed.

We just need to keep you
in this state to make sure

the Voice doesn't
try and control you again.

Blink if you understand.


We might have a way
to free you.

But the procedure...

it might k*ll you, Dev.

But if it doesn't,
you will be free.

And you will have given us
the key

to stopping the Voice
and saving Kandor.

If you don't want to do it,
we can find another way,

but we are running
out of time.

Blink once for yes.
Twice for no.

Thank you, Dev.

Do you always drink
before battle?

Only on Krypton.

Back on Earth you can't even
get a buzz going.

But, there are other benefits.

Kal-El, the Superman
you keep hearing about.

He was no different
to any other Kryptonian.

He just happened
to make it off our planet

before it was destroyed.

Then landed on a planet
with a yellow sun.

That's what makes him super.


That and dumb luck.

But if Krypton
never was destroyed,

we all could have
the powers he has.

Imagine the good
that could do the universe.

How did you survive
Krypton's destruction?

I wasn't on Krypton
when it exploded.

Where were you?

The Phantom Zone.


sort of an extra dimension
or... abyss.

Defying the laws
of space or time.

Turns out it's perfect
for housing criminals.

You were imprisoned?

What did you do?

I attempted a coup.

Guess it runs in the family.

I grew up in Kryptonopolis,
and the council there

was as inept
as yours here in Kandor.

There was one person
on the council

that I truly respected.

Of course, he was the one
who foiled my plans

and sent me away.

His name was Jor-El.

- Seg, what's your status?
- We got Dev.

So now Val's hacking
into the network

between the Voice
and the Red Shard.

I'm on my way.

We'll get the team together
and meet you

at the Genesis Chamber.

May Rao's grace
be your shield.

They're being led
by Jayna-Zod,

but we have the forces ready
to snuff them out

once and for all.

Say the word
and it will be done.

Your Eminence,
my information is reliable.

I assure you,
we can crush this rebellion

before it even begins.

Are you even listening?

What was that?

- Move, move, move!
- Go! Go! Go!

Take cover!
Take cover! Get down!

You two go on ahead.

We'll keep them busy down here,
give you a chance

to get to the Voice!

Why are you still here?

I'm tired of running.

- What's happening?
- His body is going into shock!

Hacking into this
neural network

is not as easy as it sounds.

What, you mean
you can't do it?

I didn't say that.

Your Eminence.

You need to stop this

Seems like your plan
hasn't worked.

Please, listen to me!

The connection
between the Voice

and his guards
is still active.

Give 'em time.

Hurry, Val,
they're all counting on you!

Thank you,
I am very well aware of that.

because whatever it takes,

you need to find a way!

I'm an El.
We always find a way.

They've had long enough.
We need to do this now.

I'll concentrate on the guards;
you take the Voice.

Told you.

I've been waiting
14 cycles for that.

Looking for this?

You're free, Dev.

The Voice of Rao,
is he dead?

We don't know yet,

but what we do know
is your bravery

has helped save the lives
of Kandor's next generation.

Thank you, Dev.

Hello, Father.

How's your nose?

Seen better days.

Haven't we all?

You going to do it
this time?

k*ll you?

Of course not.

You haven't outlived
your usefulness.

Then what?

Why are you here?

I came to tell you

that I forgive you.

For what you did to...

for what you tried to do to me.

You're a survivor, Father.

It's all you've ever known.

All you ever taught me.

But I want to do more
than survive.

I want to be more
than just a survivor.

So did I.

Good-bye, Father.

Good-bye, Nyssa.


There he is,

my old friend Daron-Vex.

We have a lot
of catching up to do.

Take him.

We're not done yet.

The Voice of Rao
still hasn't been found.

That's because
he's in a thousand pieces

at the bottom
of the Genesis Chamber.

Nobody could survive that.

The deal was
the Voice of Rao

in exchange for Daron.

I only see one of them here.

Fine. You have Black Zero
until the body is found.

Then you and I
need to have a talk.

About who's going to fill
this sudden power vacuum

now that the mask
and the magistrate

are out of business.

I look forward to it.

Areas 11 and 28, clear.

All clear here.

Just a kid here,
no Sagitari.

Report back to Jax
with the status.

Copy that.

Do not be alarmed.

I am in no pain...

as I am not of this body.

I wear it merely
for appearances.

Will you be okay?

Of course.

is only temporary.

Everything is,

except me.

Shh, shh, shh.

There is nothing
to be afraid of, Ona.

Through fire,
we are reborn.

Come on, where the hell
are they?

- ...respond immediately.
- Move!

Units 2 and 3,
do you copy?

That can't be good.

- Through fire, we are reborn.
- Ona.

- Ona, wait!
- Through fire, we are reborn.

Through fire, we are reborn.

- Want a drink?
- No.

I need to speak to you
about Dru-Zod.

He survived
Krypton's destruction

because he wasn't actually
on Krypton when it happened.

He was in
an off-planet prison

for trying to overthrow
the government.

Apparently, it was an El
that put him there.

I don't think he's come back
to save Krypton, Seg.

I think he's come back
to rule it.



Oh, I'm so glad
that you decided to come back.

What's wrong?

Through fire, we are reborn.


What the...