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01x07 - Transformation

Posted: 03/06/23 13:25
by bunniefuu
General Zod is Superman's

greatest enemy.

Has traveled back through
time to get here.

I'm your son.

Brainiac takes Kandor City
causing the planet to explode.

Your friend here
didn't mention that.

This whole time you knew,
and you said nothing!

Seg, you cannot
trust this man!

I know I should've
told you before,

but, I mean, what was I
supposed to say?

"By the way, your world's
gonna explode."

I've learned of a hidden
w*apon that would give

- even Brainiac pause.
- It's called Doomsday.

The Cythonnites...
this Doomsday

is what they're sworn
to protect.

Find your Zeta-Beam gadget
and ride it back

to wherever you came from
and never come back!

Why do you want
to save Lyta Zod?

- Because I love her.
- Will you help her?

She's a traitor.

If we don't stop Lyta's
execution, we lose Jayna.

Pledge your support
to my father.

Help us overthrow
the Voice of Rao.

One word from you,
and she is saved.

This world will
only improve...

Under your leadership?

It is time to look
to the future.

There's only one left
to complete the team,

Commander Dev-Em.

Perhaps it's time you saw
who it is you vowed to serve.

Please, Primus, help!


You are being given
a precious gift.

Freedom from your concerns
and attachments.

You have now glimpsed
the infinite intelligence

and seen the deliverance
that I bring.

Are you ready to serve?

Are you ready to be
the instruments of my will?

We found him in a skimmer
heading for Argo City.

Praise be to Rao
that you are unharmed.

Leave us.

I will personally see to it
that the savages

that perpetrated this attack
are dealt with swiftly.

No mercy shall be shown.

We will make Black Zero
bleed for...

I find it curious that
the Chief Magistrate

would be out of the city as a
coup attempt was taking place.

You can't possibly believe
that I had anything

to do with this.

I was on a diplomatic mission.

There was nothing nefarious
about my absence.

- It was merely...
- Coincidence?

Your Eminence, please.
I would...

You are lying.

So easy to tell
with your species.

Intensified breathing,

elevated heart rate,

the pheromones
you generate,

all are windows into
your limited nature.

There is nothing
you can hide from me.

I had no part in this.

My allegiance belongs to you.

Look at me.

None are worthy to look
upon the Voice of Rao's face.

There is no Voice of Rao.

Only the agent
of Brainiac.

the rear perimeter now.

I'm getting a very
bad feeling about this.

That's the third patrol we've
seen in the last two blocks.

It's the last day
of Nova Cycle.

Why is there no one drunk
and running naked

through the streets?

How are you holding up?

I just need
to catch my breath.

Something must have happened
to warrant the extra security.

We gotta get him to
a Guild hospital right now.

He is a wanted t*rror1st.

We won't get past
the checkpoint.

Oh, shit.

Morning. Hi.

He... don't worry about him.

He's just another casualty
of the Nova celebrations,

if you know what I mean.

I'm gonna take him home.

S-home... that way.

I'll handle it myself.
It's all good.

You have 20 minutes
before the curfew begins.

Thanks, guys.
Thanks for keeping us safe.

You guys have a good one, now.

Come on, we're moving.
Where are we taking him?

Only place we can.

Are you here to destroy us?

Don't be foolish.

I'm here to save you.

- From what?
- Entropy.

I will lead this city
into a glorious new future.

Your way of life preserved
for all eternity.

Then you and I
share the same goals...

the same vision.

Let me serve you.

An interesting offer.

Let's put your newfound loyalty
to the test.

If I detect deception,

you die.

Who was behind
this coup attempt?

I was, it...

Along with Primus Zod.

We also had the support of five
members of the Supreme Council.

Why did you wish
your leader dead?

He was an ignorant zealot
who peddled false hopes

in a nonexistent god.

You don't believe
in this sun god of yours.


My parents...

worshiped the goddess of ice,


After the Cataclysm,
all religions except Raoism

were banned
but unofficially tolerated.

When the Voice of Rao
was anointed,

he initiated the Great Purge,
and those who did not convert

were k*lled and disappeared.

And my parents refused.

And I never saw them again.

All I know is...

their god couldn't save them
any more than Rao could save

his prophet from you.

What's the point of believing
in something that has no power?

So what do you believe in?


I took action because I could
see that I was the only one

in this city with the vision
and strength to lead.

And do you still hold
to that belief?


Perhaps you may be
useful after all.

Tell me...

how would you deal
with these traitors?

They must be
publicly ex*cuted.

All of them.
A message must be sent.

The people will expect it.

Let it be done.

I do have one more question.

Have you given me the names
of all the conspirators?


my daughter...

She was also involved.

Then she must be
ex*cuted too.


I ask you to allow me to...

Handle this matter.

Very well.

- What's going on?
- Nyssa-Vex,

you've been placed
under arrest and confined

- to your quarters.
- Under whose authority?

Chief Magistrate Daron-Vex.

And that is why you can't see
a Rondor Beast's testicles

when it walks.

- I mean...
- Kem!

Seg, where have you been,
and who is this guy?

Get everyone out of here.

- Now!
- Okay.

All right, everybody out!
Finish your drinks!

We're closed!
Let's go!


Come on, let's go.
Come on.

Go home to your families.
They miss you.

- Hey.
- Closing time.

Leave your drinks.
Pay me tomorrow.

You know, it's customary
to bring drunk people

out of the bar.

Yeah, bring him
to the store room.

Come on,
I'll get some fresh towels.

Come here.

He's getting worse.
He needs a medic.

- Okay, I'm on it.
- Hey, wh-what are you doing?

All communications
are being monitored.

- You should know that.
- Why?

What do you mean?

Seriously, you don't know?

There was a failed
coup attempt.

They're looking
for the conspirators.

The whole city's on lockdown.


They're saying that she
orchestrated the whole thing.

It's a lie.

My mother would never
betray the state.

I'm just telling you what
the official line is, okay?

They've rounded up everyone
else except for her,

and I think they're
looking for you too.

And there is one more thing.

The lovely man that you
made me boot out of here,

well, he works as a clerk
in the Tower of Justice.

Apparently Nyssa-Vex
has been arrested.

She's accused of being
part of the coup.

Seg, they're gonna
execute her.


Hello, Adam.

Is there something
I can help you with?

Jesus H. Christ.

Well, you can start by not
scaring the shit out of me

- every time you enter the room.
- My apologies.

That's the mechanism
that brought you here.

Yeah, I need your help
to fix it.

- It's urgent.
- Very well.

I'll need to run
a structural analysis.

Ah, ah, ah!

Hmm, you seem
quite proficient

with the operating systems.

Well, I haven't unlocked
the adult movies yet,

so your fortress
still holds some secrets.

Where's Seg?

No idea.

Oh, I'd... I'd offer you a drink,
but what'd be the point?

You're not a real boy.

I appreciate
the tactful reminder.

You seem quite distressed.

Is there anything
I can assist you with?

Oh, can you sh**t lasers
from your eyes

and bench press the Sun?

I'm afraid that's beyond
my capabilities.

Then just get
that damn thing working.

Why is it so important?

Because I gotta get the hell
out of here, all right?

And where are you going?


The tissue's
badly damaged.

His cells may not be able
to regenerate,

but I'll do what I can.

This will stabilize him
during the procedure.

We need to find my mother.

I'll get you
a change of clothes.


What is it?


They're gonna k*ll her.

She's not your

I can't just stand by
and do nothing.

If you go up to the Guilds,

you're putting your life
in unnecessary danger.

So I'm supposed
to let her die?

A Vex m*rder*d
your grandfather.

And a Zod
m*rder*d my parents.

Just tell me why you would
risk your life to save her.

Because when I asked,

she was willing to save yours.

Just be careful.

If I find my mother,
we meet back here.

Your mother's favorite song.

She always played it when you
had trouble getting to sleep.

I always admired
your courage, Nyssa.

As a child,

nothing frightened you
except failure.

That's why you
are my favorite.

Please understand
I tried to protect you.

But there is no other way.

Call for help, and you die.

A curfew's in effect
for this sector.

All unauthorized citizens
must return

to their residences

One by one,
search 'em out.

It's me.


What is going on?

Sorry, I didn't mean
to scare you.

What happened?

Did my mother really try
to k*ll the Voice of Rao?


- And I stood with her.
- Why?

Because I've always
trusted her.

- But something happened.
- What?

We went to k*ll a man
and found a monster.

An alien.
I-I don't know.

Blasters were useless.
We didn't have a chance.


You know who
this creature is?


Has my mother
tried to contact you?

I've been trying
to find her.

Come with me.

I might have an idea
where she is.

Tell anyone about this,

and you'll wish

the Genesis Chamber
never spat you out.

These should do the trick
for where we're going.


I'm glad you're with me.

What's wrong?

When I visited you
in your cell...

you said you loved me.

Do you really mean it?

We've known each other
since we were children.

- Of course I love you.
- That's not what I meant.

I thought I was going to die.

You were there for me.

You've always been there
for me. I...

I just wanted you to know
how much that means to me.

Thank you.

For what?

Caring enough to lie.

Come on.

Up until the moment
you pulled the trigger,

I didn't really think
you would do it.

- Nyssa, please, I... I can...
- Shut up!

You don't get to talk.

All my life, I have watched
you betray and destroy

everyone around you.

But I always held up hope
that I was different.

- You are.
- I actually fooled myself

into believing that in your own
way you might actually love me.

I do.
I do love you, Nyssa.

I gave up everything
to please you.

I sacrificed my friendships,

my morality,
even my own ambition!

You molded me to be your
perfect political ally.

I taught you the skills
you needed to survive in th...


You taught me how
to manipulate people,

then discard them when they've
outlived their usefulness.

I learned that lesson well.

It doesn't matter
if she's under arrest.

As her intended, I have
every right to speak with her.

Take it up with
the Lawmakers Guild.

If you touch me with
that thing one more time,

I'm gonna shove it
so far up your ass,

you're gonna taste it.

Yes, Magistrate?

You can go in.

You k*lled my grandfather
when he tried to warn you

about Brainiac.

And now you are
working for him.

- I had no choice.
- There's always a choice.

You just made the wrong one.

How's he gonna take the city?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Your new master is going
to rip Kandor from the ground

and enslave all of us.

I need to know how he's going
to do it so I can stop him.

I have no idea.

And even if it were true,

you're deluding yourself
if you think you have the power

to stop him.

Better to live under his rule
than to die.

You won't live to see it.

k*lling me won't get you
past the guards.

- I can help you.
- We'll take our chances.

Think this through, Nyssa!

Even if somehow you leave
this room alive,

you won't get out
of the Guilded Area.

The Sagitari know
you're a traitor.

You won't even make it
down the hallway.

- You need me.
- Not anymore.

I want him dead

just as much as you do.

But he's right.

We're gonna need him
to get out of here.

If those guards
hear blaster fire,

they're gonna be all over us.

Trust me.

His time will come.

Thank you.

Guards, guards, come quick...

I was an idiot
to think I could save him.

- Who?
- Big blue, the Boy Scout,

the Man of Steel.

God, he's got
a lot of nicknames.

You know why?

He's a hero.

Heroes get nicknames.

What was your nickname?

I don't have one.

You said you're a great
hero of your planet.

I lied.

Apparently, that's
my superpower... lying.

No, I'm a wannabe.

Can't fly,
have no super strength,

no power ring.

No, the only thing
I had going for me

was that Zeta-Beam device,
and now that's broken.

God, I suck.

So you making any progress
on this thing or what?

I gotta get out of here.

Why are you in such a hurry?

You know, you ask
a lot of questions.

You sure you're not a cop?

No, your grandson doesn't
want me here anymore.

But you came here to help us
save our world.

- Why would Seg...
- Because I... screwed up.


So I'm going back
to Earth to...

Send someone
with a g*dd*mn nickname.

Black Zero.
They're in there.

Search the room!

Hey, you can get us
out of here, right?

This way.

She was definitely here!

It's good to see you, Dev.

I feared I was
the only one to escape.

You were, Primus.

But I'm here
to correct that mistake.

What has he done to you?

He showed me the wonders
of the universe,

knowledge I never
knew existed,

things you can't
even imagine.

He's made me better,
given me purpose.

And what is that?

To serve something greater
than weak and flawed leaders.

I serve a being who
has power over death.

With him, there will be
no more pain,

no more suffering.

Imagine never having
to lose anyone ever again.

Come with me back to Kandor.

He will show you.

He will open your minds
the way he has mine.

And if we don't?

Then you will die here!

- Are you hurt?
- I'm fine.

You did what had to be done.

You've failed.

How... unsurprising.

I swear...

I had every intention
of carrying out your orders.

I know you did.

If I sensed even for a moment
that you were lying,

you'd already be dead.

You may keep your life...

for now.

Your Eminence...

there is one other matter
I would like to address.

The end of the Nova Cycle

What of it?

If appearances
are to be maintained,

you must extinguish
the Flame of Rebirth tonight.

The people will expect it,

along with the
customary benediction.

Failure to do so
would only raise questions.

Very well.

I will double
your security detail.

There's no need.

The Red Shard.
My new guardians.

And loyal only to me.

You and Seg knew about this
creature all along?

Why didn't you tell me?
I could have done something.

Because talk of aliens
condemned you to the ice.

And would you have
believed me even if I did?


I'm sorry, Lyta.

I should have had
more faith in you.

Yes, you should have.

There's one thing
I need to understand.

If you didn't know Brainiac
had corrupted the Voice of Rao,

then why even attempt a coup?

It betrays everything
you have taught me...

every single principle
House Zod stands for.

Because Daron-Vex
and his daughter...

offered to spare your life
in exchange for my help.

It was a choice between
my honor and my only child.

I chose you.

And I would do it again.

But all that matters now

is that we stop this creature.

We need to mount a resistance.

We need warriors.

There's someone
I need you to meet.


Sorry, you are gonna pay
for his services, right?

We'll talk about it later.

Your resiliency
is impressive.

I come from good stock.


Who's your father?

Are you sure
you want to know?

I never knew him.

Just that he was a soldier

and he was k*lled in
the battle for Kandor.

Mother, we need to find Seg.

Let's go.

So far so good.

We just need to get
back to the tavern.

Next time we steal uniforms
off of dead guys,

could you please make sure
I go for the larger one?

- Why?
- Those trousers are so tight,

I nearly castrated myself.

Rao forbid.

By the way,
where'd you learn to fight

like that?

A lover in
the Military Guild.

Combat instructor.

She wasn't so faithful,
but she did teach me

how to defend myself.

Okay, we should get moving.

What is it?


I'm not very good at this.

Thank you for putting
your life on the line for me.

- It was stupid, but...
- Wow, you're really not very

good at this, are you?

It's just not something
I expect for anyone

to do for me.

And it's not something
I think I deserve...

especially from you.

You really need
to lighten up.

Maybe you can teach me.

It's them!
Take them!

- Run!
- Go, go, go!

Sector has curfew in effect.

Unless authorized, please
return to your residence.

Why align yourself
with Black Zero?

Why not come
straight to us?

I needed access to weapons
and a fighting force.

It was the most efficient way.

Besides, I don't think you
would have exactly

welcomed me with open arms.

As Zods, we swear an oath
to protect our people.

You took actions that
resulted in the deaths

of innocent Kandorians.

I regret all lives lost.

But it was necessary
to maintain my cover.

I fight for more
than just a city.

I fight for all of Krypton.

And the lives of a few
is a small price to pay

to save an entire world.

As a Zod,
you should understand that.

Nyssa, no, no, no, no, no,

Come on, come on, come on.


Get on your knees.

Hands behind your head now.

I'm the one you want,

He's done nothing wrong.
Let him go.

No one's going anywhere.

On authority
of the Voice of Rao...

Why are you smiling?

'Cause you're about to get
punched in the face.

You'll never be more
attractive to me

than you are
in this moment.

We need to move.


- She doesn't belong here.
- Lyta's right.

She's an opportunist,
just like her father.

She'll betray us at the first
chance she gets.

You're wrong.
We can trust her.

Why should we trust her?

Because none
of our hands are clean!

And we are going
to need each other

if we're gonna defeat Brainiac.

If you can't trust her...

Then trust me.

So, what are we
going to do?

We need to raise an army.

We can go to Kryptonopolis,
establish a base there,

reach out to other city-states,
and return in force.

My sisters live there.

They can provide us with those
resources and connections

- we need.
- There's no time.

Brainiac's gonna take the city
in a matter of weeks.

We must stay and fight!

We will not stand a chance.

He controls the Sagitari.

If we attempt this ourselves,
we'll be slaughtered.

Then so be it.

If we are going to die,
then at least...

I'm just gonna
stop you there.

Um, I don't wanna die, so...

There's another way.

The Nova Cycle celebration.

That's how we get our army.

Not with that.
Our weapons have no

- effect on him.
- They might not harm him,

but they will piss him off...

when everyone was
gonna be watching.

If we can provoke him into
revealing his true nature,

if we can show the people
that the Voice of Rao

is an alien creature,

the entire city will rise

and stand against him.

We will have our army.

Well, I believe

I found the problem.

You're sh1tting me.

That's repulsive,
and I most certainly am not.

No, the device's photonic
discharge cells were damaged.

Well, can you fix it?

I already have.


- I can leave?
- If that's your choice.

But tell me something first.

If you're not a real hero,
as you claim to be,

Why'd you come here
in the first place?

Because I thought
I could become one.

I thought that if I could
just save Superman,

then the Justice League
would have to notice me

and maybe even people
would look up to me.

And maybe, just maybe,
when I look in that mirror,

I wouldn't see a loser
staring back at me.

That's all gone now.

Whatever happened between you
and Seg can be fixed.

He may be stubborn,

but he knows a true friend
when he finds one.

Ah, there's no fixing this.

Adam, Adam.

No matter what you
think about yourself,

being a hero is not about...

It's not about strength
or having

extraordinary capabilities.

It's about making the decision
to help others.

Now, regardless of the reason,

you chose to come here.

You can still set things right.


- You're right.
- Mm.

I can.

There's something here
I still need to do.

And what's that?

k*ll General Zod and prevent
Seg from saving Kandor.

I don't understand.

You won't have to.

- What are you doing?
- Erasing all record

of this conversation.

Hello, Adam.

Is there something
I can help you with?

Piss off, ghost.


We receive
the gift of light.

From Rao,
all blessings flow.

We receive
the gift of light.

His radiance gives us life.

We receive
the gift of light.

His magnificence fills our...

His Eminence will now
conclude the proceedings.

On a three count.

It is through fire
that we are reborn.

It cleanses and purifies.

- One...
- Taking away all misdeeds.

- Two...
- Making us worthy

of the mercy that Rao
has bestowed upon us.

This creature...

Don't sh**t.
Don't sh**t.

- Is deceiving you!
- This is heresy!

This thing is not
a prophet of Rao.

- Remove her!
- He's not even a man!

No. Let her be.

She's right.

I have transcended
into something more.

Your faith has been rewarded.

I have come to lift you
out of despair

and make your city whole.

From this moment forward,

the divide between
Guilded and Rankless

will be no more.

All will prosper and thrive.

And because of your devotion,
I will lead you to a place

of eternal life.

You will become immortal.

Now speak with one voice.

Who wants to live forever?