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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 03/06/23 13:19
by bunniefuu

My future grandson.

This is the story
of the House of El.

[dramatic music]

Our ending has yet
to be written.

But this is how we began.

Ours is a story of sacrifice

and triumph.

How the House of El

led a revolution
against tyranny.

The story of your family
isn't how we died.

But how we lived.

[thunder claps, wind howls]

[soft dramatic music]


Two hundred years
before your birth,

the House of El almost ended.

And I was almost
the last of our line.

[dramatic music]

It began the day
my grandfather

was tried for treason.

That day saw the rise

of a terrible new power
in Krypton.

An end to all
we had previously known.

Val of House El.

I offer you a final chance

to pledge your loyalty
to His Eminence,

the Voice of Rao.

Don't hold your breath.

[crowd murmurs]

Listen to me.

The old counsel is no more.

They've already sworn
their allegiance.

All but you.

You're our greatest
scientific mind, Val.

Think of all you've

Are you willing
to throw it all away?

I've taken measures
to safeguard my work.

I had to.

You can deny it all you like.

But the truth is,

we are not alone
in the universe.

Krypton is vulnerable.

And praying to him won't be
enough to save it.

Val of House El.

For rebelling against the
lawful authority of the state,

you leave me no choice but
to find you guilty of sedition.

You are hereby
sentenced to death.

[indistinct chatter]

The name El will be struck from
the Registry of Citizens.

Your family will be stripped
of all rights and privileges.

You are now to be
considered Rankless.

Without guild.

Without name.

Without honor.

You chose the wrong side.

[doors whirring]

[tense music]


[wind howling]

Remember, Seg.

Keep believing
in a better tomorrow.


I love you!

[soft dramatic music]

[cape rustles]





[punch landing]

Where's the money, Seg?

[all grunting]

Fifty thousand Solars.

- What're you waiting for?
- [groans]

I vaguely recall 30.




Come on now.
Up you go.

Thank you.

All right.

50 it is.

Only 'cause you seem
like nice guys.

Why so surprised?

Didn't think we'd find you?

You look like you'd have
trouble finding your own ass

with both hands
tied behind your back.

And my guess is you're
the smart one.

[all grunting]

[punch landing]

Oh, that was fair.

And I deserved that.

So I should apologize.

Please tell your wife
and your sister

I'm gonna be late tonight.




[punches landing]

If that's the best you got...


Maybe I won't be
as late as I thought.

Always got something clever
to say, haven't you?

Well, if you're so clever,
tell me this.

How come you're on the stupid
end of this blaster?


Easy, mate.

My stupid end's bigger.

Seg, you'd better pay them now.

Just pay them.

Ah, easy.


Bye-bye, now.



Yeah, all right.
Calm down, calm down.

For all you degenerate gamblers
who bet our boy

could last more
than one minute and 37 seconds,

a hearty congratulations.

The rest of you, pay up.

Come on, it's pay day.
Let's go.



[suspenseful music]

[indistinct chatter]

One minute, 37 seconds.
That was impressive.


That didn't go through.
Come on.

Could you remind me why
I'm the one who has to go

and provoke the very large,

very corrupt
government officials?

I guess that's just the way
that this one goes, isn't it?

- Mmm-hmm.
- Plus you've got

superior stamina and,
uh, a very punchable face.

Mmm, well, yours
is looking more punchable

by the minute, mate.

How'd we do?

Uh, 218 minus 50 for damages.

Yeah, not a bad night's work.

And good clean fun.

Maybe it's good clean
fun for you.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna bounce,

Uh, can I use
the, uh, back way?

- Uh, any particular reason?
- Nope.

Other than the friendly
government officials

that just went out front.

Free drinks for the next hour!


Sorry, mate.

It's just the way
this one works, I guess.

But Seg...
Hey, Seg...

No, Seg, you can't leave.

This is com... this is coming
out of your share!



Seg, where've you been?

Hi, dad.

Whoa, hey, wait.
What happened?

You okay?

Yeah, had a great night.

Look, 150 in profit.

Pretty good, right?

Please tell me you and Kem

didn't pull that scam again
last night.

All right, fine.
I won't.

If you keep carrying
on like this,

Dad, we can talk about this
in the morning, please.

It is morning, Seg.

You can't keep doing this.

If you're caught after curfew...

They'll put me in the lunar
work camps, I know, I know.

Look, we need that money.

Well, I can take extra shift.

- At the Guild?
- Yeah.


The same people
who ex*cuted Grandpa.

Forced us to live down here.

Sounds like a plan.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, I should get going.

[door opens, closes]

- Seg...
- I know.

I'm sorry.
It was stupid.

- Does that hurt?
- Mmm.

Yeah, a lot.

Good, maybe it'll remind you

to start using
that brain of yours.

There's always a chance.

Oh, your dad's
forgotten his meds.

Mom, don't worry.
I'll get them.

Don't worry.
No, you're still drunk.

That's how I do my best work.

You look terrible,
and you smell even worse.

I'll get cleaned up first.

Wouldn't want to put more shame
on the family, would I?

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]


[grunting and shouting]

[grunting and shouting]

Do not mistake passion
for strength.

The ability to divorce oneself
of emotion during battle

is what separates the living
from the dead.

Sagittari Zod.

Weapons or hand-to-hand?

Dev-Em, choose
for your intended.


[suspenseful music]



Ask for mercy.


Ask for mercy!




Black Zero!

Beasts of the Outlands.

Factions within
other city-states.

All of them seek
to annihilate us.

We are Sagittari.

The tip of the spear
that guards this city.

We never ask for mercy.

- [screams]
- And we never give it!

Do you understand,

Yes, Mother.


You call yourselves
freedom fighters,

but you wage w*r on the people
of Kandor City.

You claim to fight
for equality,

but bring only bloodshed
and chaos.

That ends today.

You have all been found guilty
of high treason

for aiding and abetting

the t*rror1st organization
Black Zero.

- Seg, we should not be here.
- I know,

but he needs the optics,
and he's in chambers.

What do you want me to do?
Just hurry up.

Hey, there's no Rankless
in this sector.

No, I understand.

I just need to pass something
onto my father.

- Leave now or be arrested.
- Okay, we are leaving.

Excellent job manning
your post, by the way.

Your Reverence.

If you would give the condemned
their final benediction.

[soft dramatic music]


He's got a b*mb!

Death to the Voice of Rao!


- Seg!
- Behind me, Your Magistrate!

[punches landing]


Damn filth!


You did a brave thing, Seg.

We are in your debt.

You hate me.

I took the life
of a man you loved,

took your family's rank,

erased its future...

Before it could
even be written.

[soft dramatic music]

You turn 23 soon, don't you?

If you were Ranked,

you'd become a Guildsman.

Perhaps even granted permission
to Bind with someone.

But I'm not Ranked, sir.

Not yet.

Under certain circumstances,

the Council can re-instate
family Rank.


I have conferred
with a genetic council.

They have deemed
you best suited

to join the Science Guild.

You are to be assigned
a new surname.

My name.


Nyssa here has yet
to be paired with someone.

As my youngest daughter,
you'll be Binding with her.

He's a wonderful choice,

Welcome to the family, Seg.

Well, that's not how
I thought today would go.

No, I was pretty sure

that you'd get a Guild rank
and a wife before lunch.

Don't forget foiling
a t*rror1st,

'cause I did that, too.

We, yes, we did do that.

But you know what?

I'm gonna let you take
the credit on that one.

It's not like
I wanna be a Vex.

What's not to want?

You've got better food,
better air,

better ice.

You're gonna be
one of them again.

But not as an El.

And you've as much of a right
to be Ranked as me.

Oh, shut up, Seg.

Look, once you get Vexxed up,

if I ever, ever see you
down here again,

I'm gonna shred you myself.

On your knees!

Why's he down here?

Clear the sector, citizen.

I said move along.

- Leave it, Seg.
- Hey!


Seg, just leave it.

He worked the Outlands
for more than 50 cycles.

His mind's not right anymore.

Clear the sector, Rankless.

You and the burnout.


[laser blasts]

You wanna explain this,

I was clearing the sector
of potential threat

when this piece of shit
att*cked me.

He's an old man.

- Now, now, just a simple...
- Get back!

- Understanding.
- I've got this, Dev.

Face down, Rankless.
Hands behind your back.





I'll book him.
You handle the other moron.

What the hell
were you thinking, Seg?

Are you gonna uncuff me
or what?

I like you this way.

The whole city's on alert,

and you mix it up with
a Voice security detail.

More like an out of control
goon squad.

What happened to your people
having some discipline?

They were handpicked
by the Voice himself,

chosen for their devotion.

Great, people are crazy
on both sides now.

Turn around.

- [grunts]
- What's that supposed to mean?

I'll tell you later.

What happened to your hand?

Mother and I spent
some quality time

in the training room.

Tomorrow night.
Don't be late.

[dramatic music]


Don't even think about it.

Okay, I don't wanna fight.

Who are you?
And what are you wearing?

Is that a guild?
Is that a guild?

No, it's not a guild.

This is the Detroit Tigers,

Just... Would you just shut up
and listen to me?

Okay, I've traveled across
a lot of time and space

to come find you.

What I'm about to tell you
is gonna sound, um...

Completely insane.

But, um, please,
just go with it.


My name is Adam Strange, and...

Will you just let me finish?

I come from a planet
called Earth.

A time centuries from now.

And I've come here to warn you.

Someone from the future
is coming to destroy Krypton.

- Okay, right.
- Whoa!

Why would they do that?

Because where I'm from,

your grandson becomes the
greatest hero in the universe.

Like, ever.

Unless somebody changes things
to make sure

that he's never born...

You all right?

I'm running out of time.

Take this.


You have to find the fortress.

You have to save Superman.



Where did...

Well, it's a...
İt's a variation,

but it's definitely
our family glyph all right.

What exactly did
this Strange guy say again?

Something about
my future grandson.

Another planet.

Detroit, I think he called it.


Something about a fortress.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, I shall take care
of this for you.


What's the big deal with it?

Well, the symbol,
it's, uh...

It's outlawed.
You know that.

It's much too dangerous
for you to be carrying around.

Especially now that you're
going to be Ranked.

You mean we.

We're about to be Ranked.

No, son,
this is not how it works.

No, the offer is for you only.

We... We won't be joining you.

You think I'm gonna
go live up there

and leave you down here?

I... I'm sorry,
that's not happening.

Seg, this is a chance
at a new life.

Come on,
you should probably go.

You're due in the
Genesis Chamber soon.


All right, but we're not
done discussing this.

[dramatic music]

Love you.


[door closes]

We have to tell him.

No, he's not ready.

If Val was right,

it doesn't matter
if he's ready or not.

Strange to think our
ancestors used to carry

children in their wombs.

Just seems so inefficient.

After you.



The Oracle foresees
the product of your union.

The child will be male.

His name: Cor-Vex.

He will be of sound health
and good character.

Bio-scans designate
he will be best suited

for the Lawmakers Guild.

He will live 173 cycles

in noble servitude
to His Reverence.

Such a rush
of maternal warmth.



He seemed handsome enough.
There's that at least.

Doesn't it bother you?

Knowing exactly how his life's
gonna play out?

I'm the fifth
of five daughters, Seg.

It's a miracle the Council
are allowing me

to bind with anyone.

I'll take what I can get.

Even a Rankless boy
with a chip on his shoulder.

Your father chooses me,
and you accept without a word.

Please tell me you
aren't that naive.

You are the grandson
of a traitor.

If my father binds you to us,
he is taming you.

Proving that even a dreaded El
can be co-opted

and brought into the fold.
I'm just a game piece.

Everyone in Kandor
is a game piece to my father.

Including me.

Besides, you're not
completely repellent.


There's a lot I could teach
you about life up here.

My father only thinks

he was the one
who chose you.

[soft dramatic music]

So, what's she like?


She's interesting.

She's funnier than you'd think,
once she loosens up.

I'm happy for you.

Council's scheduled
my Binding to Dev.

Two weeks from now.

Before the Council
controlled everything,

the binding ritual
was a choice.

Shut up.


[soft music]

I just want this.


- Right now.
- [moans]

[indistinct overhead

Curfew is in effect.

Oi, Rankless!

What are you doing out
after curfew?

Uh, hey, guys.

Look, I was working late.

Um, I lost track of time.

I'm headed home right now, so...

We're on a terror alert.

You lose track of that, too?

Uh, mate, look,
it's not a big deal.

- Against the wall.
- Can we just... Do we have to...

What's this?

[all grunting]

[g*n cocking]

[laser blasting]


[suspenseful music]

[laser blasts]


[heavy breathing]

Where is he?

He's not down here!

He must have gone
the other way!

[engine humming]

- Seg, get in!
- Mom?

Come on, let's go!
Get in!

[dramatic music]

[laser blasts]

Mom, what's going on?

Don't start.

You're playing a dangerous game
with Lyta-Zod.

If her mother finds out...

You've been following me.

You were told to leave
that Sunstone behind.

You do know what this is.

And I'm sorry.

That's why I'm here.

It's time you learned
the truth.

And you had to steal
a skimmer for that?

I prefer borrowed.

We need it to get
where we're going.

[engine roars]

Welcome to your grandfather's
Fortress of Solitude.

[engine humming]

[dramatic music]

Go on.
Try it.



[wind whistling]

[soft dramatic music]

He was right.

The guy who gave me
the Sunstone.

Adam, he...
This place is real.

I don't know how he knew
about it, but...

Yes, it's real all right.

Why'd you never tell me
about this place before?

To protect you.

If your father had his way,
you still wouldn't know.

But I figured it was time
you learned the truth.

This fortress.

It's why they k*lled
grandfather, isn't it?

Val was determined to prove

we weren't alone
in the universe.

After the council
shut down his work,

he would come here
to continue in secret.

He found something
he wasn't supposed to.

Some kind of alien presence

he believed
was consuming other worlds

and would someday
come for Krypton.

He tried to warn the Council,
and they silenced him for it.

Your father and I believed him.
There was nothing we could do.

With Val dead,
we didn't even know

how to get into this place.

Your grandfather
was no traitor.

He was a hero.

He was trying
to protect Krypton.

He believed in it so much,
he was willing to die for it.

We have to finish his work.



Military scout ships.

They must have tracked
the skimmer.

Come on, let's go.

[engine roaring]

[suspenseful music]

I wiped the skimmer's nav-data

so at least they won't be able
to find the Fortress.

True, but sooner or later,

they're gonna figure out
who took it.

Looks like sooner.

Seg, we've gotta go.
Come on, quick.

You can't let the Sunstone
fall into the wrong hands.

- Surround it! Around the back!
- Keep it safe.

Mom, I'm not leaving you.

You'll need it
to finish Val's work.

That's all that matters now.

Do you hear?

Now, go.

Now you.
Get in.

I'm not coming.

- Ready!
- Mom, stop.

No, Mom!


Keep your hands
where I can see them.

[ominous music]

Clear that corner.

Take the entire place apart.

A skimmer was
stolen last night.

Your son was seen
within the same proximity.

We need to speak with him.

If he ever comes home again,

I'll be sure to tell him
you stopped by.

You understand we don't need
to take you in alive.


Tell me where he is.

You're wasting your time.

My son didn't steal
the skimmer.

I did.

I serve Black Zero.
Take her!

[indistinct chatter]

Seg, you shouldn't be here.

Let's just tell
them the truth

and give them the Sunstone.

Maybe they'll spare you.

This is bigger than me.

This is about
our entire civilization.

[doors whirring]

[soft dramatic music]

Get him out.

He was never here.

[door closes]

Tell me he played no part
in this treachery.

You know our children love
each other, don't you?

That's why you're
protecting him.

I will not allow
my daughter's life

to be ruined
by your son's mistakes.

Death is not the only thing the
Council can thr*aten you with.

And certainly not the worst.

I know what they can do.

Then tell them everything you
know about Black Zero.

Seg will live.

And I promise you a good death.

Like the one they gave Val?

[dramatic music]

Primus Zod,

the accused claims
she acted alone.

Would you enlighten us?

Our scanners clearly

two bio-signatures
in the stolen skimmer.

Your scanners are wrong.

Yet upon your capture,

you claimed allegiance
to Black Zero.

I told them what
they wanted to hear.

To get in front of
the people of Kandor.

To tell them the truth.

We are not alone!
Don't believe their lies!

Val-El was right!

The only one who lies here
today is you.

14 cycles ago,
we condemned your father-in-law

to the ice.

And now you maintain
his claims!

Tell the truth.

You stole that skimmer
in an effort to locate.

Val-El's hidden fortress.

Did you not?

Did you not?


Well, did you find it?

Who was with you
in that skimmer?

Who was your accomplice,


Tell me the truth!

- I have to stop this.
- No, son, you cannot...

- I have to stop this.
- You cannot do this.

The punishment
for high treason

is unequivocal for the sake of
your husband and for your son.

I love you.
It was me!

No, Ter!

I was Charys' accomplice!

Take him!

[g*ns cocking]

[laser blasts]



Please, no.

Please, no!

Mother, no!
[laser blasts]


I don't care what it takes.

Find it.
If this fortress does exist,

what makes it so important?
Weapons, technology.

I will not allow
Val-El's legacy

to fall into the hands
of Black Zero.

Black Zero?

Ter was covering
for his son.

Charys confessed
for the same reason.

We could have questioned
them further

if they'd been taken alive.

I upheld the law.

There were other options.

But like a blunt instrument,

you chose to terminate
them both.

If I didn't know you better,

I'd think it was
an act of mercy.

They knew exactly
what you'd do to them

if they surrendered.

Or did you forget
the resolve of House El?

You should have considered that

before offering him
to your daughter.

You gave Seg a Rank
in the Science Guild.

And you believe you
can control him?

I'm just a blunt instrument,

But I'd rethink it.

Your Reverence.

I didn't see you there.

[door opens]

[soft dramatic music]

I'm so sorry.

If I could undo
what my mother did...

She k*lled my parents, Lyta.

They were all I had.

You still got me, Seg.

Well, you said it yourself.

This had to end.

We were never gonna find a way
to be together.

Especially now.

[dramatic music]

Where are you going?

- Thank you.
- No worries.

Where have you been?
I didn't know...

Kem, I have to get
out of here, mate.

I need to be alone.

Can you help me?

What do you need?

[engine roaring]

[door whirs]

Thank God, it worked.

Sunstone opened this place up.

What are you doing here?

Well, I was looking for you.

Wasn't sure if you found this
place or not, but...

[punch lands]

You got my parents k*lled.

What are you talking about?

You gave me that Sunstone.

You told me to find this place,
and I did.

And now my parents are dead!

They died to protect me!


They died to protect
whatever all of this is.

And it doesn't matter.

Does it?

If you really believe that,

then why are you here?



I don't know why I'm here.

I thought that maybe if I could
finish my grandfather's work

then maybe my parents
didn't die for nothing.

But what I do know for sure
is that because of you...

My entire family's gone.

You only think that you're
the end of the line.


This belongs to your grandson.


Emphasis on the El.


Why's it doing that?

It's like an hourglass.

Once this cape is gone,
our time's up.

And Superman will have been
wiped from existence.

This isn't just about
your grandson, Seg.

This thing that's coming.

It's not just gonna
stop at Krypton.

It is coming for everything.

What are you talking about?

[exhales sharply]

It moves...

from planet to planet

conquering civilizations.

Destroying billions of lives.

It's known as the
Collector of Worlds.

But it's true name...

Is Brainiac.

Now, I'm sorry about
your folks, Seg.

I really am.

And it seems your parents
gave their lives

because they knew this threat
needed to be stopped.

And they believed
that you could stop it.

Now, maybe you're up for it,

maybe you're not.

But the only question
that matters is:

Are you willing to try?

[dramatic music]