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02x06 - My Mom

Posted: 03/06/23 10:08
by bunniefuu
Dude, hurry up!

Tie it down, we're gonna be late!

Go, Go, Go!

Take that street!

We're not gonna make it, we're not gonna make it!

I knew it.

I knew they'd be late.

This is gonna be close.

That's it.

Dude, we made it!

Dude, we made it!

Here's the lemon tree you asked us to pick up.

Right on time.

I think the guy sold us a lemon, know what I'm sayin'?


You know what?

I blame myself.

I should've known better than to trust you two morons with such a straightforward task.

You obviously need supervision.




Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, get down here!

I need you to watch over Mordecai and Rigby.

We'll be right there.

- What?


- No way!

You can't stick us with Muscle Man and Hi Five!

Those guys are turds!

They have the combined intelligence of bread


Come on, Benson.

Give us one more chance.

No more chances!

I'm sending you to the nursery to pick up another lemon tree.

If you screw up again, I'll have Muscle Man and Hi Five supervise the next job.

Then the next job, and the next.

Get it?



Um, yes, sir.

I'm sure.

Aw, man!

Ugh, this blows!

- You know what the worst is?

- The smell?

No, dude.

Those lame "my mom" jokes Muscle Man always tells.


Well, well, well!

Sounds like someone needs some supervision!

You know who else needs supervision?


Now get in the back so I can supervise you.

This song rocks.

You know who else rocks this hard?


I don't know how long I can take this.

I know dude but if we don't pull this off Aw, sick.

I love this tasty lick!

That's it!

I'm jumping!

No dude.

Don't worry.

There's the nursery.

This will all be over soon.


You just passed the nursery!

Pull your panties out of your butt, bro!

I know a shortcut!

But it was right there!

Who's supervising this mission!


ME, that's who!

So, shut your word

-hole, I'm listening to my jams!



Where are we?

Why are we stopping?

It's lunchtime!

This place has the best tacos in the city!

You know who else has the best tacos in the city?

Dude, Benson will blow a fuse if he finds out we were slacking off!

You know who else would blow a fuse if she found out we were slacking off?

We don't have time for this!

You know who else doesn't have time for this?

You know who else says "Ugh"?


Can we please get lunch after we pick up the tree?

No can do.

Hi Fives has gots to have his tacos!

Watch this!

Hey, Benson, we're gonna pull over and grab some lunch, that cool?

Go for it.

I know you guys will get it done.

Benson is never that cool with us!


Don't you guys check in?

Uh, no.

You gotta check in!

Benson's the boss.

He needs to know where you are at all times!


How come you never check in!


Muslce Man!

Hi Five Ghost!

I haven't seen you guys in ages.

Who are those losers?

Just some chumps I'm supervising.

I gotta make sure their doing it right.

I feel sorry for you guys.

You know who I feel sorry for?


Here's your round 'o tacos, for makin' me laugh!

Aw, what?

You actually thought that was funny?

I guess Muscle Man is really insulting himself.

It's getting late.

Shouldn't we be at the nursery by now?

Relax, Hi Fives on it.

He knows how to hot

-wire the cart, to make it go crazy


You know who taught Hi Fives to hot

-wire the cart to get away with slacking off at work and not get in trouble with his boss?

My uncle, John.

He's a mechanic.

That's cool.

You know who taught him!




Let's ride, babies!

The road's back there!

Don't tell me where the road is, baby!

Yo, Muscle Man!

You know how to break the law in all the right ways!

What was that?

This is awesome!

We're here.

What are you doing?

You're trying to throw you backs out?

You don't lift it like that.

That's what Bobby's for.

Hey, yo, Bobby!

Bobby here lifts like a champ.

Hey Bobby, you know who else lifts like a champ?



Dude, I think Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost are actually kinda cool!

Lift with the legs, Bobby!

The legs!

Like my mom!

'Yo killin' me, man!

Yeah, I don't know about that Well, I'm glad this is finally over.

- Come on, it wasn't



- Dude!

You just passed the park!

What's the hurry, grandma?

We have all day, let's have some fun!

Come on, dude, just give him a chance!

Dude, Muscle Man's pretty cool.

All except for those "my mom" jokes.

Dude, I'm gonna to say something.

No, don't!

Don't try to change Muscle Man, it's not cool!

Hey, guys!

I haven't had quality bro time like this in ages.

We should do this all the time.

I know I mess around a lot, but you guys are the best.

Hey, Mordecai, you know who else messes around a lot?


Dude, you're saying it wrong.


What was that, bro?

Dude, that joke doesn't make any sense.

Whenever you say stuff like that, you're making fun of your own mom.

It should be "your mom", not "my mom".

What do you mean?

Well, for example, you know who else has a gap in their teeth?


Or, you know who else is prematurely balding?


Rigby, help me out.

You know who else finds their clothes it the garbage?


You know who else lives in their car?


You know who else has fat ankles?


You know who else can't tell a


- Are you making fun of my mom?


You're making fun of my mom!

No one makes fun of my mom!

Yo, little brother!

My ears are ringing!

Is someone making fun of our mom?

Yeah, they are, bro!

- Oh no, bro!

- I know, bro!

That's it!

I'm coming up there!

You ladies are about to wish you were never born!


You're gonna get it!

Nobody makes fun of my mom!


Which one of you girls was talking about my mom?


Was it you, Tiny?

Or you, stringbean?

- We were just



- So it was both of you!

I think they hurt mom's feelings, bro!

You hurt our mom's feelings!

Pay her a compliment, tell her she's beautiful!


You're beautiful, Muscle Man's mom.

Now, kiss the photo and tell her you're sorry!



Fire up the grill, bro.

Eat this picture of our mom, or you'll be sorry!

Please, don't make us eat the picture!


You should have seen the look on your faces!

We got you good!


It was all a prank and you chumps fell for it!

That's not even a picture of my mom!

It's a picture of my buttcheek!

I just squished it up to look like a woman's face!

Aw, sick!

Are you still hungry?

Cause I got multiple prints!

That's right!

I dabble in photography!

Thanks for picking up this tree.

I knew I could trust you two.

As for you two, the next time I tell you to do something, do it right, or I'll have you supervise you again.

Got it?

You know who else is going to have to get supervised again for not doing it right?


Yeah, ladies!

I really hate Muscle Man.

You know who else really hates Muscle Man?