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02x03 - Appreciation Day

Posted: 03/06/23 10:06
by bunniefuu
The next person receiving an appreciation plaque is Skips!

It says here in the Book of Park Records that you went the whole year without taking a day off.

Oh man, that's like, 400 days! Thanks Skips, we appreciate it!

The next is Pops! Hooray!

For helping a baby bird back into its nest.

Oh dude, we're next! That plaque is gonna look sweet hanging on over my bed!

Yeah! Finally some recognition!

And last, but not least, two guys who really pulled it together this year.

Two guys that remind us to not just work hard, but to work hard at having a good time.

Two guys that we couldn't do without.

And these two guys are Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost.

Eat on that, Mordecai and Rigby!

C'mon Benson, what about us? Oh yeah.

Mordecai and Rigby.

Let's see, let's see.

Clean up this mess.

Wait Benson! What about our appreciation plaques?

In order to get a plaque, you have to do something that's appreciated.

And according to The Book of Park Records, all you guys do is mess up and slack off.

We do stuff for The Park all the time.

Yeah, there has got to be something good about us in that book!

This book is a record of everything that has ever happened in The Park.

It's been handed down from manager to manager since The Park's founding.

It's a sacred document, so keep your dirty hands off!

Can't you fund in a bit to make us look better?

No, I can only write the truth, and the truth is I don't appreciate you.

Aw, I can't believe this! Relax dude.

We just need to do some work so he'll see what awesome employees we are.

I bet if he sees us doing one job, he'll totally appreciate us.


We'll make him appreciate us so hard, we'll be the ones handing out the plaques! To.


Aww, this is hopeless! Benson is never gonna appreciate us!

Anyone who reads that book will think we're complete slackers.

What if we change it? We can re-write it so we look like the employees of the century!

Dude! Let's go change that book!

The coast is clear! The Book of Park Records.

Dude, open it up! I don't know man.

Maybe we shouldn't do this.

What if we aren't meant to see what's inside?

If we were not supposed to see what's inside, they shouldn't have taught us how to read!

- I found our names!

- Gimme that! Mordecai and
Rigby are lazy, good-for-nothing slackers?!

It's kind of true.

Their continued employment is one of life's greatest mysteries!

Can't be taught, untrustworthy, useless, destruction of park property!

Oh sure, that one time! A general waste of
time, energy, and space!

Anyone who reads this is gonna think we're complete tools! No they're not.

Let's change this stupid book.

Mordecai and Rigby are my two favorite employees.

Let me try! Every morning Mordecai and Rigby make blueberry pancakes, do the dishes, and wash the floor.

I save all my hardest jobs for them!

They're always sweating from all the hard work they do!

They're the most reliable guys I ever met!

I trust them with my own life! Wait, wait.
I got one.

Check it! There was this blizzard, and Skips broke his leg, but it didn't matter because Mordecai and Rigby took him to the hospital!

They totally took him to the hospital! Yeah, the
emergency part of the hospital!

Then they were suddenly att*cked by Snowballs the Ice Monster! It was like 20 feet tall with- Dude, it's Benson.

Dude, we gotta get out of here.

- Wait, I'm not done!

- Rigby! There it is! Aw man!

I didn't get to write the ending! Whatever dude.

It's not like anyone is gonna believe that stuff.

Just be glad we didn't get caught.

Are those pancakes? I smell pancakes.

Blueberry? Man, those smell good.

- Yeah.

Who's makin' 'em?

- What are you two slackers

- Wow Rigby, those smell great!

- Yeah, but

- Are they ready yet? I'm starving.

Ugh, sure.

Rigby, these are incredible!

Thanks! You made my morning!

Oh no! Oh no you didn't!

- Did you guys do the dishes too?!

- Ugh, yeah.

- And you washed the floor?!

- Yeah! Oh man I appreciate that, you know I do!

I need reliable guys like you to do some hard jobs for me today.

Are you in?

Yeah It's so hot.

I can't stop sweating.

Dude, is it just me, or does being appreciated blow?

Yeah man.

It's not worth it.

Mordecai! Rigby! Did you hear?

There's to be a blizzard this afternoon!

But it's the middle of Summer.
I know, but look!

I've already donned my snowshoes!

Pfft, snow? Sounds like more crazy Pops talk to me, right? Yeah.

This is crazy! Dude, I think it's the book!

- What?!

- Don't you get it?!

The pancakes, Benson liking us, the work, this blizzard! Skips!

Dude, how are we gonna find him?! I can't
see anything!

Just keep going! What was that? Skips! That's not good.

Help me get him into the cart!

Oh no!

We're dead!

Wait here! Mordecai!

Come back! Look out!

I don't remember writing that in the book.

You had to say Snowballs the Ice Monster?

He doesn't look that bad.

Fire? You made him breathe fire?!

Are you kidding? It's looking at us!

This is all your fault!

You were the one who wanted to change the book!

You wrote lies in the Book of Park

Maybe Yeah, well You're the one who made me stop writing!

That's gonna be a super sweet ending with bazooka and explosions, and a helicopter Rigby, the book! If everything
we write in the book comes true then all we need to do is

We gotta find Benson! Hey, just the guys I wanted to see.

- I've got your appreciation plaques.
- Not now! I'm gonna make everything go back to normal!

Wait! You're not gonna change everything back, right?

At least, leave some of the good stuff.

The book! No! Mordecai, hurry! Write something!

"then the monster breathed fire on itself and he melted.

" "and then the monster disappeared forever!"

Why isn't it working? Because he still has the cover!

Rigby! Mordecai, catch! "and the monster went away and everything went back to

" Rigby? Cool! I'll take that!

I don't know what's been going on here or why you two jokers have my book, so you had better clean this mess up starting now or YOU'RE BOTH FIRED! What
mess? Huh We did all the job you asked us to do.

Skips, let's get out of here.

What? Still no appreciation plaques?