01x10 - Don

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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01x10 - Don

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm open, I'm open, dude!

Go long, dude!

Touchdown, sock faces!

Hey, you two!

Quit fooling around, we're having an emergency meeting.

Aw, what?

Outside, now!

Alright, everyone.

I got some bad news.

The park is being audited.

Pops tried to pay the park taxes with lollipops.

But I gave them more than enough!

We already went over this, Pops.

You pay taxes with money, not lollipops.

What's the big deal?

It's not like an audit is a bad thing.

It is a bad thing, Rigby.

If we don't take care of this, the government takes our stuff away!

Okay, we only have till 3 to stop the audit.

Does anyone know someone who can help us?


Anybody at all?

I know someone who can help.

If you say your mom, you're fired!



- It was worth it!


We know someone!

We do?


No way!



If you know somebody, you've got to tell me.

Rigby has a brother.

And he's an accountant.

Shut up!

Dude, what do you have against Don?




Watch me blow out the candles, guys!

Hey, Rigby!

Happy birthday, bro!





I told you to stay in the basement!


Sorry, Rigby.

I just wanted to give you some birthday sugar.

I don't want your freakin' sugar!

I'll give you some sugar, Don.

Yeah, me too!

Don't you dare!

I'm just getting some sugar, dude!

Besides, Don is cool.

You're the best, Don!


Don really made that party.

- Call your brother!

- No!

- Call your brother!

- No!

I hate him!


Mordecai, you call him.

You better not!

Dude, he could save the park!

Dude, he could ruin my life!

If he comes, I'm gonna tell him to leave!

No, you won't!

You be nice to your brother or you're FIRED!

Call him.

Dude, just be cool until he stops the audit.

You guys are making a big mistake!

Don't ruin this for us, Rigby.

Really nice car.

He looks just like Rigby!

Did somebody order an accountant?

Thank you so much for coming on such short notice.

I'm Benson.


Give me some sugar.

Nice to meet you.

- Hey, who's this guy?

- I'm Pops.


Give me some sugar.


Good to meet ya.

Look at this sugar shack.

Come here, guy!

I haven't seen you in forever.

Yeah, I know!

Oh, it's been forever.

Rigby give me some sugar, bro.

Don't you have taxis to do?

Why don't you get to it?

He was always greedy with the sugar.

I can't wait for you to get out of my life!

What, bro?

You keep your mouth shut!


So then I said, "you're not an accountant, you're an account


" I didn't realize accounting could be so fascinating.

I'm just lucky I get do what I love.

"Ohh, I'm just lucky I get to do what I love.

" Rigbone!


Shouldn't you be fixing the augit?

You mean the audit?

Don't correct me!

I know what it is!

Whoa, there.

I'm sensing some tension, bro.

I think it's time we all take a well

-deserved break.


Go long!

I got it!

Hello, "Mordo".

Enjoying your game?

Uh, sure, dude.

Can you pass the ball?

- Rigby!

- He's not even doing the dabit!

It's audit!

Rigby, why don't you just try being nice to your brother?

He's actually pretty cool.

You don't get it!

He Hey, Mordo!

We playing or what?


Uh, yeah, coming!

Ah, I just about got this.

With a few minutes to spare.


How about a little pre

-saving the park sugar?

You know, for almost being done saving the park?


What's going on with us?

You never give me some sugar.

Did I do something?


You were born!

That's heavy.

I gotta get out of here.


No, wait Don!

I'm sorry.

I just gotta get out of here.

Dude, what are you doing?

He was almost done!

Ah, he's not so cool.

I can finish this up myself.




What did you do?

I don't know!

This doesn't make any sense.

No, no, no!

Don, we brought you a cake.

It's almost three

- were you able to stop the audit?

Uh, almost done, Benson


How do I send this thing?

No dude, just call your brother back.


I hate him!

Don't Don't send it!


Must push send!


You are late.

Begin audit.

Oh, my Where's Don?




What happened?


Rigby blew it!

He wouldn't give Don sugar.


Go give him some sugar!





Rigby's not here right now.

Quit being so selfish!

The park's disappearing, you have to end this.

Don't tell me what to do!

You don't know what it's like to have a brother, so you don't know!

You're right.

I don't have a brother.

But I kinda know what it's like cos I have you, dude.

You're like my brother.



You're to me like Don is to you.

I think you're kinda awkward to look at, and you embarrass me all the time, and I wish I could trade you in for someone else.

But I don't.

Because you're like my brother.

With brothers you always gotta make do.

And I think you should make do, too.

Now will you please get Don to stop this audit?

Look, I'm glad you guys stopped by but I just can't finish the audit.

I'm sorry.

Don, please!

I need your help with the augit, bro.

Why is it so hard for you to give me sugar?

Why do you hate me?

He's mad about the birthday party.


It wasn't just the birthday party.

It's everything.

I'm always in your shadow.

You're so much better than me.

Everyone likes you better, and to top it all off, everyone thinks you're my older brother.

I'm the older brother!


Why do all my friends think you're so much cooler than me?

I I had no idea.

I'm sorry, bro!

I didn't mean to steal your friends!

I was just trying to be cool like you.


I've always looked up to you, bro.

I get my hair cut like you, I try to look like you, and I don't wear clothes, just like you!

Remember when you started walking around naked?

I thought you were so cool.

Yeah, dude.

That was pretty cool.


Let's go save your park!

Where's the computer?


What did you do, bro?

I tried to do the taxis!

Hold on

- this is gonna be close.

Alright, I got it!

I just have to do one more thing.

Do it!

Why isn't anything happening?

Because I still need some sugar, bro!



- Rigby!

Aw, Don!

Do you have to leave already?

Sorry, Mordo, but an accountant's work is never done.

Thanks for everything, Don.

Do come back soon!

Well, big brother, if you ever need some sugar, you know who to call.

Later, gators!


Shut up!
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