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01x08 - The Return

Posted: 03/05/23 19:42
by bunniefuu
GUARDIAN: We regret
to say that your request

to leave Earth and
begin a tour of duty on Oa

has been denied.

This is important.

You can't just...

No debates, John Stewart.

We've made our decision.

With all due respect...

Wouldn't it be a simple matter

for John and Kyle
Rayner to trade duties...

for just a short time?

You know, I am
getting a little homesick.

Sure be nice to see Earth again.

The Green Lantern Corps
is a military institution

dedicated to the
protection of the galaxy.

We will not alter our decisions,

disrupt our plans,

simply because of
your personal problems.

It's our business to
know these things.

You're going to have
to work through it, John.


What is it?

GUARDIAN: There's an
unidentified object approaching Oa

at a somewhat astonishing speed.

We're on it.


Nothing's gonna
get through this baby.


Activate planetary
defenses. Magnify image.

Professor Ivo's android.

Holy mother of...


Oa. It's gone.

Just like that.

We've got another problem.


The android's heading for Earth.

We'll set up three
layers of defense.

One on the ground,

one in the upper atmosphere,

one in space.

That's me.

I want to hammer that thing

before it gets
anywhere near here.

Move out.

What is it?

When the android left Earth,

he said he'd evolved to a level

where none of us
could offer him anything.

So why is he coming back?


new book, Into the Light,

certainly projects the image
of a man who's reformed.

But many people are
skeptical, Mr. Luthor,

for good reason.

I understand their
skepticism, Saroya.

But the fact is I'm not
the man I was before.

This device may
prevent the spread

of my kryptonite-induced
cancer for another 30 years,

or another 30 days.

For all I know, it might
only be another 30 minutes.

However fate plays her hand.

I want my remaining
time to have meaning.

To make a positive
difference in the world.

So you're a new man.

No grudges, no vendettas.

Even against the Justice League?

Ho-ho, far from it. I
owe them everything.

They trusted me when
no one else would.

I'd like to think that we
might be friends some...

What the devil?




Let go!

Keep fighting me,
Lex, and I just might.

What is this about?

There's an old friend of yours

coming back to town.

Ivo's android.

Wherever you're taking
me won't be safe enough.

But I have just the place.

A barbershop?

Gotta hand it to you, Luthor.

Nobody would think
to look for you here.

So, after you get your
nose hairs trimmed,

then what?

Just watch.




Guess we just pick one.




Thinks of everything,
doesn't he?


MAN: What's the matter, Lex?



The Atom.

You came with the
other two, no doubt.

You sound so disappointed.

The most powerful creature
in the universe wants my head,

and the League sends its least
powerful member to protect me.

Come on, Lex.

You're smarter than that.

You know I'm an expert
on nanotechnology.

Yes, yes.

The very same technology
Ivo used to create the android.

Which means I'm just the man

to find the chink in
the android's armor.

And how are you
going to find that chink

without the
android's blueprints?

The League confiscated them.

And now they've
unconfiscated them.


VOICE: You cannot
keep me from my goal.


I'm not impressed.

Why have you come
back? What do you want?

ANDROID: Why do you ask questions
you already know the answer to?


Of course.

We're not gonna give him up.

He's your enemy.

You owe him nothing.

Turn back now.

I have evolved far beyond
what I was when we last met.

You do not want to challenge me.

Line 'em up!



The android.

Why does he hate you so much?

I once took advantage
of his naiveté.

He's not naive anymore.

And I've stopped taking
advantage of the innocent.

Let's hope you'll
be more convincing

if you have to tell him that.

J'ONN J'ONZZ: Gentlemen.

Bad news?

Not the laser. Use
the proton g*n!

And completely
fry the circuitry.

That's what circuit
breakers are for.

Sure, if you're not in a hurry.

Are you?

Don't question me,
you incompetent idiot!

We'll beat him, Lex.


We will.

Where are you?


LUTHOR: Rewire this circuit...

and reroute the Drexler limiters

and connect the Heisenberg
compensators in series.


J'ONN J'ONZZ: He's coming in.

Not for long.




Your bravery is admirable,

but annoying.


Second line of defense is down?

Prepare yourselves.

You'll need that
cannon very soon.

Then stop interrupting us!

You come to offer help?

Not help.


When will you learn?








Lock and load.

An intriguing idea.

Modifying the cannon so that
it could alter my programming.

And it might have
worked a month ago,

when I was still nanotech...

but I have transcended
that limitation.


You're alive.

Which is more than
I can say for Oa.

What's the plan?

We're gonna use every bit of
power we have left in our rings.

Take one last
shot at the android.

A blast like that could
destroy half the planet.

Half a planet's
better than none.

It's the only way?


Those words are always used

to justify destruction.

We can only guess how much
power the android has amassed

as it's worked its
way across the galaxy.

It has to be stopped,
Fate. Here and now.

Not just for the
sake of this world,

but for all worlds.

Then for the sake of all worlds,

I will continue to
seek a better way.




You lied to me, Luthor.


Manipulated me.

Used me

to serve your own
despicable ends.

What are you waiting for?

Just do it.

Good idea.

A subatomic universe.

Figured the android
can't k*ll what he can't see.

ANDROID: Oh, but I can see you.

Did you really think I
couldn't follow you here?

No universe, however
large, however small,

is denied to me.

What do you want from me?

You have everything
humans desire.

Wealth, power.

Yet you crave more,

and you'll do
anything to get it.


What is your ultimate purpose?

What you're really asking is

what is yours?


Wait. Please.

The android's nature
has proved benign before.

I believe it will again.

Benign? You call
destroying Oa benign?

Not even you can stand
against the Green Lantern Corps.

What the devil's going on?

Lex Luthor is saving the world.

The truth is,

for all my struggles to
make my mark in life,

for all I've accomplished,

in just a few short generations,
my name will be forgotten.

Even the greatest of us

can't compete
with time and death.

Then why do you go on?

Why does anyone?

Why don't I just destroy you
and everything else right now?

All it would take is a
single thought and...


If you do that, you
won't see the end of it.

The end of what?

The evolutionary process.

You, of all beings,

should know
something about that.

Yes. Yes, I'm evolving.

That's why Professor
Ivo made me.

These past months, I have
amassed so much knowledge,

and yet...

I remain confused, empty.

What am I evolving
into? What is my purpose?

I must know!

Tell me!

There's no way to tell.

And that's why I
stay in the game.

My purpose, if you will, is
to see where it's all going.

And you, you'll live forever.

You'll be able to see it all.

Is that my purpose?

Simply to be a witness?

We create our
own purpose in life.

Now go create yours.

[CHUCKLING] You know,

when I heard you were coming,

I was actually afraid of you.


But now, when I see
your fear, your uncertainty,

I just pity you.

Should have quit
while you were ahead.

Oh! Aah!



Get out of the way.

It's over.

Isn't it?


He murders an entire
world, and it's over?

Just like that?

I don't think so.

I did not destroy Oa.

I simply moved it to
another dimension.

It was in my way.

Then could you move it back?


I can help you
on your journey...

in your search for meaning.

Help me? Why?

Because that is my purpose.

I accept your offer.

Told you we'd beat him.

What do you mean, "we"?


We have another guest, Inza.

Would you prepare
a place for him?

Of course. Welcome.

Are you all right?

Fine. Although
there was a moment

when I actually
thought John Stewart

was going to attack me.

Oh, I don't know about that.

His bark's a lot
worse than his bite.
