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01x06 - Fearful Symmetry

Posted: 03/05/23 19:39
by bunniefuu



What's with the running, doc?

We both know how
this is gonna turn out.

I didn't tell anyone!

I swear!

Good. Then you're
the only loose end.

[g*n COCKS]
















You can scream now, if you want.







I've never fully understood
the mechanics of dreams.

I don't have them myself.

Well, this one's doing
a number on my ceiling,

and Pa Kent's getting
tired of patching it.

I will say this.

What I saw was far more linear

than ordinary dream logic.

But it didn't seem
like a memory either.

It was inconclusive.

You mean...

I might actually have
done these things?

I'm sorry. I just don't know.


President Chojeb on one.

I'm going to put you
on the inactive roster

for a few days.

Let me know what you find.

What's the big deal?
You had some nightmares.

These weren't just dreams.

They felt like they
really happened.

I don't know, I've had some
dreams that felt mighty real.

There was this
one the other night...

The point is, I
couldn't live with myself

if I really did what I saw.

Now, are you gonna
help me or not?

Of course, kid.

But vague memories of a probe

like one of those
alien abduction things,

maybe you've just been
hanging out in Kansas too long.

QUESTION: Wouldn't be so sure.

Especially when she's the alien.


Got all the signs of
repressed memory.

People dream what their
minds don't want to remember.

Easier to convince
themselves it's all bunk.

Repressed memories of what?


You've been to Star Labs,

treated for injuries there.

Yeah, a few years ago,

when Superman was
brainwashed and att*cked the Earth.

I got hurt, and he took
me to Star for help.

I was in a coma for part of it.

Meaning there's a gap in
time you can't account for.

That's when.

Okay, enough.

Don't listen to this guy.

conspiracies with him.

Not conspiracies.



QUESTION: Reaching
back to ancient Egypt,

there's been a single
cabal of powerful individuals

directing the course
of human history.

But the common man prefers
to believe they don't exist,

which aids their success.

Global warming?

Military upheavals
in the Third World?

Actors elected to public office?

spread of coffee bars.

Germs outpacing antibiotics.

And boy bands?

Come on. Who would
gain from all this?

Who indeed.

What does any of this
have to do with my dreams?

If I'm right, you're part of it.

You're going to need my help.

I'm going with you.

Hold your horses.

No one asked for more help.

This whole trip might just prove

the kid shouldn't eat
nachos before bed.

Peanut butter sandwiches.

How did you...?

What, do you go
through my trash?

[SCOFFS] Please.

I go through everyone's trash.

HAMILTON: This is where we treated
you when you were in your coma.

You were on life
support the whole time.

I promise, you weren't running
around on violent missions.

then, Professor Hamilton,

Maybe you can explain why
her memories led her here?

I think I can explain it.

You mentioned some
sort of t*rture device.


With robotic arms and a
long probe in the center.

Cut to the chase.

You say you've seen
something like it?

In fact, I have.


That's it.

not a t*rture device.

It's a surgical robot.

That's a
kryptonite-tipped lance.

It was the only way to
operate on you, Supergirl.

That robot saved your life.

As for the rest of your dream,

we humans are used
to being vulnerable.

But to you, surgery must
have seemed terribly invasive.

And powerless
to defend yourself,

it's possible your
mind constructed

a scenario of fighting back.

that answered everything.

A little too well.

Does everything have a
sinister motive in your world?

Yours too. You
just don't know it.





[COCKS g*n]





What was that about?

What do you think?

We're asking questions
someone doesn't want answered.

Oh, learn a new tune already.

I'm starting to
think he's right.

That robot came after me.

The rest of this
was just distraction.

QUESTION: Standard
Z8 combat trainer.

Like the ones we use.

The League buys 'em in bulk.


So who do we buy them from?

The Army, I think.

Oh! Wait a minute...

Another fun fact:

The man who
commissioned the Z8 project?

The same man who
put you in the hospital.

General Hardcastle?

He's retired now, isn't he?

Gone and hoping to be forgotten.



MAN: Figured someone
would come for me some day.

Only, I thought they'd
be from the other side.

This w*apon fires a
projectile of kryptonite pellets

suspended in a
liquid silicon core.

Causes maximum
scatter on impact.

Only gets one shot,

but trust me,
alien, it'll do the job.

We're not here to hurt you.

We just have some questions.

Sorry if I don't
take your word for it.

As I recall, your
kind can be fickle.

Okay, now what, smart guy?

Use up your magic b*llet on me,

and you're left with one
very ticked off Supergirl.


Now, be a good host

and tell us a story.

The Army shut me out
after Superman invaded.

The feeling upstairs was, I
failed when it counted most,

so how could I lead again?

I got the message and
took early retirement.

Problem is, I know too much.

One of these days, they'll
decide to shut me up.

Who will? What do you know?

The military and big business

have been in
cahoots for decades.

Top-secret stuff.

Experiments on
metahumans, mutants, aliens,

searching for new technologies,

both for national
security and profit.

That Volcana woman?
She was one of ours.

Same with those freaks the
Joker made up like playing cards.

Any of it have to
do with Supergirl?

It has to do with all of them.

Your little club up
in that spaceship?

There's a file on
every one of you.

But I don't know anything
about these dreams of yours.

If it is connected
to these people,

I've been out of the
loop too long to know.

And how do we
find "these people"?

You don't.

They find you.


Sorry, kid.

Dead end I guess.

Not necessarily.

Need some time to process this.

Martian, pick us up.



I told you everything I...



And no.

Friends call me Tea.

Are you a friend, general?


Guess that's a no.


It's okay.

You fell asleep.

Excuse me, if I bore you.

Hey, lay off.

SUPERGIRL: Hardcastle's gone.

I just know.

Question. Go ahead.

Look at your monitor.

I'm patching
through a live feed.

A scientist named
Gilbert Holstrom

has been reported missing.

He's from a biotech
company called Nuvo-Gen.

It's the man from Kara's dream.

He really exists.

Or... did, anyway.

And only one
network had the story.

Now that's the first lead
in this whole business

I can wrap my head around.

We go to Nuvo-Gen,

we find out who this guy is.


First, we find the
source of the report.

What for?

Don't you know who
owns the Eagle network?

The real owners?


Look, why don't we split up?

Kara and I will go to Nuvo-Gen.

You go wherever you want.


Hey, Lasser!

Saw that piece on Eagle today.

Now, that's reporting.

Thanks. You get home safe.


The thing is, that Nuvo-Gen's
a real hush-hush joint,

and, uh, Holstrom
didn't have no family

to file a missing persons.

So between you and me,

how'd you hear about that story?

Good old-fashioned
legwork, Jerry.

You should try it sometime.

Commodore Hotel.

Something wrong?

Gotta write up my fare report.

So, what do you think of that
corporate prepackaged pop

kids like these days?

Hate it.



♪ Uh-oh ♪

♪ Fell in love again ♪
♪ In love again ♪

♪ What am I gonna
Tell my friends? ♪

Hey! I just said...

♪ Tell all my friends ♪


It just happened ♪

You walked in my door ♪

♪ Now I don't wanna be... ♪

How you doin'?

Ollie, fillin' in.

What happened to Frank?

I heard some contest
guy showed up at his door.

Free trip to Aruba.


Why him and not me?

Tell me about it.

You have a good one.

Good cold one's more like it.

Free trip to Aruba?

Had to send Frank somewhere.

Shame how he dropped
his keycard though.

LASSER: I never
heard of Nuvo-Gen or...

Or Holstrom until last night.

This girl I've been seeing,
sh-she slipped it to me.

Said I... I could run with it.

The girl.

Tell me more.

She's just a girl.

Blond hair, blue eyes,

real farmer's-daughter type.

And a handshake like a vise?

Yeah, really
strong. How'd you...?

How long you been seeing her?

About a week.

She have bad dreams?

More like tossing and turning.

Can't sleep at night.


Holstrom was getting
drowned in e-mails

from their legal department.

Sounds like they were scared

he was gonna blow the
whistle on something.

Doesn't say what.

I don't believe it.

That crazy old
Hardcastle was right.

These guys claim they're
splicing heartier tomatoes,

but really they've
been experimenting

with metahuman DNA.

Not just any DNA. My DNA.


This folder was marked
"Metropolis training exercises."

It's me.

little more... mature than you.

But I see your point.

They cloned me.

We must have some
sort of psychic link.

That's why I'm seeing
things I didn't do.



What is this place?

It's a hologram chamber.

Hard-light constructs.

Must be a training program.

TEA: My training program.



So, what do you think?

It's important that
you like yourself.

And I'm you,

just accelerated
a few extra years.

Plus better trained.

And I have to say, a
heck of a lot smarter.

You lured us here.

After your lackeys couldn't
get rid of me at Star,

you decided to
deal with me yourself

on your home turf.

It's like you're
reading my mind.

Which is actually the problem

and why you have to die.








QUESTION: ♪ Fell in love again ♪

♪ What am I gonna
Tell my friends? ♪

♪ It just happened ♪

♪ You walked in my door ♪

♪ And now I don't wanna be ♪

♪ Alone no more ♪


♪ Oops, I done it ♪

♪ Told you how I feel ♪

♪ I just hope this time ♪

♪ That our love is real ♪





Anything break?

Just my stride.


Nap's over.

Come on.


Next time, get your own dreams.

Who do you work for?


At the top, even
I don't know that.

But I do know I
can't work in secret

if you keep seeing what I do.

So... sayonara, sister.

not the only reason, is it?

You were setting up this bait

even before Supergirl
started asking questions.

It's because the link
works both ways, doesn't it?

While she was seeing
what you were doing,

you were feeling her conscience.

That's why you
couldn't sleep at night.

And I bet it got in
the way of your work.

It bites having
someone in your head,

doesn't it?

You don't know what
you're talking about.


Prove it.

k*ll me.








I can do this!



It's too late!

We searched what
was left of the place,

but we never found the clone.

Maybe there was nothing to find.

Or that's what they
want us to think.

I'm just glad you're
okay, Supergirl.

Professor, to make
this clone of me,

they'd have needed a DNA sample.

Is there any chance
it came from your lab?

No, we always destroy
genetic material after surgery.

It's standard procedure.

Okay. Thanks, professor.

my best to Superman.

Will do. Bye.

I still don't get

why someone cloned
you in the first place.

QUESTION: This all started
because Superman went renegade.

They want a superhuman
alien on their side

if it ever happens again.

Whoever they are.



You rest.

We'll have you
fixed up in no time...

