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01x01 - Bust Through the Heavens with Your Drill!

Posted: 03/05/23 09:51
by bunniefuu
Screening shield, class 8!

Mirror armor plating is detaching!

Hit taken in block 3865!



But our thruster flame sticks out like a sore thumb now!

Stand fast, men.

Let's teach them something.

Teach them exactly who they are facing.

Enemy fleet size is off the charts!

So, all the lights in the heavens are our enemy, eh?

They're worthy opponents.

I'll take the fabric of space

-time itself and wring them out of existence!

Prepare to fire Maelstrom Cannon!

Target the Great Dimensional Waterfall!

Gurren Lagann, spin on!

Who the hell do you think I am?

Gurren Lagann Episode 1: Bust Through the Heavens With Your Drill!

Digging tunnels.

Day after day, that's my job.

The more we dig, the more the village can expand.

When the village chief is happy, he feeds us pig

-mole steaks.

Is that why I dig?

For the steaks?

No, not exactly.

I also do it so I can dig up treasure.

C'mon, now!

Keep on digging!

Hey, why can't you dig like him?!

Don't you want those steaks?!

Ew, it's Simon the Digger.

What's the fun of getting covered in dirt day after day?

He's carrying something weird, too.

He's so gross And he smells.

He's looking this way!

If we're not careful, he might drill a hole in us, too!

Walk with your head held high, Simon.


Don't call me Kamina, call me "Bro"!

Um, I don't have any siblings, so that's kind of It's not about blood!

We're soul brothers, siblings of the spirit!

Don't worry about what those fugly chicks say.

This looks good on you, kid.

Drills are your soul!

Come with me.


Sorry for the delay!

Is everything ready?!


What are you doing?

Listen up, Simon.

That drill doesn't belong to the chief.

That drill is who you are!

Yours is the drill that will break through the vault of heaven!


I have it all figured out!

Don't ask for a reason!

Meaning that you can't explain.

Okay, you bozos!

Are we ready?!


We're the invincible Team Gurren!

Nobody can stand in our way!


We're sick of being cooped up in this little town!

It's the youth who are gonna break out!

Youth of this town, aim for the surface!


Step aside!

Make way!

Team Gurren is coming through!

-What now?

Listen up, Simon!

We're gonna use your drill to bust through the ceiling!

Bust through that, and the next stop is the surface!

We're gonna make a break for the surface!

This is insane!

You can do it!

When did you Charge!

Keep going straight ahead!

Fly, piggies!


You again!

Step aside, Chief!

You little moron!

Would you people PLEASE come to your senses?

This "surface" of yours doesn't exist!

Like hell it doesn't!

I've seen it!

Up on the surface, there's no walls!

No ceiling!

Instead, all you see around you is a bright, blue sky!

A liar's son is a liar, too, I see.


Your old man did nothing but spout crap like that, too.

And what did it get him?


Buried under a pile of rocks somewhere!

You're wrong!

My dad made it to the surface!

I was there with him!

Then what are you doing down here, smart guy?

Um, well Get this through your thick skulls!

This village is all we have!

For untold generations, we've been warned to never unseal the canopy.

People who don't understand that rule don't get to eat!

Into the stockade with you!

Without food!

We're so sorry, sir!

You weasels!

Sorry about that, Bro!

But no dinner is a high price to pay C'mon, Bro, swallow your pride and apologize, too.

You don't get to call me Bro.

I don't ever wanna be called Bro by the likes of you three!


The bonds of loyalty don't run too deep in this Team Gurren of yours, I see.

Simon, you come, too.

I know that Kamina roped you into helping him.

You have an important job here in Jeeha Village digging tunnels to expand the village.

You don't have to stay with that idiot, so come along.

But I Go ahead.

Don't sweat it.

Go on.

-lt's an earthquake!

Everybody take cover!


Let's get out of here!


No way.

But I don't run from anything!

If we don't run, we're gonna get crushed here!

Oh, right.

I forgot what happened to you.

Don't worry, it's already settling down.

Are you people gonna keep living in fear of earthquakes day after day?!

Up on the surface, there ain't no ceiling!

Would you give it a rest?!

I didn't look after you orphaned kids out of the goodness of my heart!

It's because I'm the chief!

I have a duty to look out for the welfare of this village and its citizens!

But if you can't do as I tell you, there's no place for you here!

What are you doing in here, too?

That's a good boy.

I guess I have myself some emergency rations now.

My parents died in an earthquake.

It happened when I was seven.

No matter how many holes I dig, the ceiling is eventually gonna fall in and crush me, the chief, and everybody in the village, and we're all gonna die.

That's a given.

That's a fact of life.

Or is it?

Lights out!

Lights out!

Put out the lights!

It's now nighttime hours!

Go to sleep, everyone!

Don't waste precious electricity!

Grow up big and plump Grow up big and plump Grow into a big, juicy steak for me What the hell?



What's up?

Come with me!

There's something you've got to see!


Uh, that would be a jailbreak.

If the chief finds out, there'll be hell to pay, Simon.

I was so preoccupied that didn't even occur to me.

Well, if we get back by morning, he'll be none the wiser.

So, what's so important that I have to bust out of jail to see it?

It's a face!

It's this awesome, humungous face!

You've got some nerve, Kamina, breaking out of jail!

Simon, is this the humongous face you were talkin' about?

Don't you underestimate me, youngster!

I'm the chief, so that means I also stand guard!

Simon, that goes for you, too!

I know all about those extra tunnels you've been digging in secret!

Leave him alone.

He hasn't done anything.

I'm the guilty party here.

Oh, I'm perfectly aware of how guilty you are!

So, Simon.

This thing you wanted to show me Is THIS it?

Gurren Lagann Gurren Lagann Look up!

That's the surface!

What did I tell you?
There's a surface, all right!

This big mug fell from the surface!

It fell from above!

Ain't that right, Mr. Chief?

- It's a monster!

- Run, it's a monster!

What are you waiting for, Chief?

I thought you said it was your duty to protect the village.

Gosh, it's hard to tell which of us is the liar now, ain't it?

Bro, this way!


You've got guts, plowing into my village with this big ugly mug of yours, you know that?



But that ends here!

I won't stand for any more of your shenanigans!


Who the hell are you?

It talked!

I'm gonna tell you, so dig the wax outta those huge ears and listen close!

The bad reputation of Team Gurren echoes far and wide in Jeeha Village!

When they talk about its badass leader, that man of indomitable spirit, that paragon of masculinity, they're talking about ME, the mighty Kamina!


- What a dunce.

- Total dumbass.
The mighty Kamina will not countenance any further lawlessness in his village!

What can a puny human like you do to stop me?

All right, you two!

Get back!

Something else from the surface?

Yeah, it's a girl this time.

I only knocked it on its backside.

It'll get up again soon.

Hey, baby, how ya doin'?

You sluggin' it out with that thing?

Let me give you a hand.


You came from the surface, right?

Pretty much.

That's awesome.

So, that's a w*apon they use on the surface, huh?

Not exactly.

But something like that.

Damn, you got a fine body!

Surface chicks are a breed apart!

Do I need to tell you again to run?

Do you have a death wish?

Thanks, Simon!

Nice save!

Hurry, this way!

- Where am I?

- Jeeha Village.

Oh, this is the pit next door.

Next door?

I'm from Littner Village, the pit next to this one.

What the hell?

You said you're from the surface, but you were raised in a pit?

I came down from the surface just now, but I originally hail from Littner.

Geez, you're a pit chick?

Move it, thunder thighs!

What's with the change in attitude?

This way.

Where, exactly, are we going?

- The face.

- The face?
A humongous face!

Do you mean a Gunmen?

What the hell is a "Gunmen"?

That is.

Give me a minute.

From here, I can target its power conduits.

If I can take those out, it'll stop him in his tracks.


Hey, you with the big mug!

We're about to take you down with one shot, so say your prayers!

What did you do that for?

A man looks his opponent in the eye when he lets him have it!

I'm a woman, thank you very much!

A woman has no place meddling in a fight between two men!

I'm the one who's doing all the fighting here!

You've got spunk, lady!

I like your style!

This is it?

The face you wanted to show me?


This is TWO awesome things you've dug up now, kid.

I wonder if this is a friend of the Gunmen up there?

It's smaller than the thing up there, but I like this thing's face.

But look at this.

People ride in it?

But that's impossible Can you pilot it?

Bro, let's use this to take out that thing up there!

That big face!

Let's waste it.

With this, huh?

Yeah, Bro!

You can use this to Huh?

It looks like it's running!


C'mon, Bro!

You do it, Simon.

You're the one who dug this up.

That makes it yours.

But l What, you think the great Kamina could steal stuff from his blood brother?


Come on, I can't do this!


Reject common sense to make the impossible possible!

That's the way Team Gurren rolls, right?

But Just pilot the damn thing!

Do it.

If anyone can do it, it's you.


-But Listen, Simon.

Don't believe in yourself.

Believe in ME!

Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!

What's that supposed to mean?

I'll see what I can do.

It worked!

You did it, Simon!

Yeah, Bro!

Here we go!

Why, that's Kamina and Simon?

You weren't expecting THIS, were ya, you Gunmen S.O.B?

Even if heaven itself tolerates your brutality, the mighty Lagann doesn't!

What's "Lagann"?

This fella's name.

I just came up with it.


Why are you dodging?

Quit running!

But it's gonna k*ll us!

A man never walks away from a fight!

We're on top of its head?!


Stay away!

-Reject common sense to make the impossible possible!

That's the way Team Gurren rolls!

I'm coming, Bro!


That was pretty slick!

C'mon, jump!

Make it jump!

Hey, quit wasting time!


-Nice work with the canopy, Simon!

It's a little cramped, though Looks like we took it down.

I guess this thing's head is hard as a rock.

I have you now!

We're done for It's so cramped!

Don't moan over a little thing like this!

Damn it I need power If only I had more power!

- A drill?

- It just sorta popped out.

That's your kind of w*apon!

It's a perfect match!


I think I'll be able to do the job with this!

All right, then!

Smash us into that big mug!

Give it a taste of the power of Team Gurren's mighty drill!


Get going, Simon!

Bust through the heavens with your drill!

Farewell, Jeeha Village!

We're off to the surface!

Off to the surface I saw as a kid!

This is the surface?

It's so beautiful It's Yoko.

That's my name.

I never introduced myself, did I?

Come to think of it I'm Kamina, and this is Simon.

Nice to meet you.

Um, what's this furry thing that's hiding out in my cleavage?

Behave yourself, Boota!

Whoa, breast meat hiding among the breast meat Is it just me, or are we falling?

Hey, the thrusters turned off!

Do something, Simon!

I was caught up in the moment earlier, I don't know how!

- It's no use!

- You're sure quick to give up.

We're falling!

Hold on tight!

Talk about a rough reception You can say that again I

-I'm sorry!

Out of the frying pan, into the fire, looks like To Be Continued Next Time If you're doing it, then so am I!

If I don't do it, will you?

If you don't do it, I will!

I'm doing it, so you do it, too, damn it!

Next time on Gurren Lagann!

"I Said I'm Gonna Pilot That Thing!!

" I Said I'm Gonna Pilot That Thing!!