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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 03/05/23 09:10
by bunniefuu


It's arson.

I know the fire trucks got here late,
but given the speed…

It was inflammable.

We believe it was gasoline.

The first one is blank. Okay?

"The first one is blank."

That was the first conversation
we ever had.

Join my team already.

I just wanted to see you smile.

It took me a long time to realize
that he was the one who made me feel

the fear of being left alone in the world.

I'm at the scene where a fire broke out
in Yangu-si this morning.

As the fire trucks arrived late
due to illegally parked vehicles

and the police failed
to control the crime scene,

a truly horrific disaster took place.

-So far, five people have died…
-So who's at the scene now?

Gong Hye-won is there.

That little girl is in charge
of a huge case like this?

She has the most field experience
out of the remaining team members.

I can't reach Dr. Leighton,
and Jeong-woo is…

Even so, she's way too young.
She won't be able to control the site.

I got it from the architect.

It's an actual blueprint
that's not filed at the district office.

I see an illegally built corner.

Look at the space right here.

It should be around there.

Go inside from there.

It's no use.

That's for a vault.

Ventilation is not installed in vaults.

Gold or money doesn't need air.

-I'll be the judge of that.
-A victim was on the second floor.

And we must go through
the first floor to get there.

I'll be the judge of that.

Even if we somehow manage to get in there,
they would've already--

I'll be the judge of that too.

There's an order in examining the fire!

One wrong move can erase
the burn patterns completely!

Hey, Lieutenant Gong!

Is there anything else?

If there is, I'll destroy that too.


I'm worried that Gong Hye-won may come
across as too bossy at the site.

Do Jeong-woo spoiled her.

Dr. Leighton is the problem.

I told them to look for her.

Why do you think she disappeared?
I don't get why she vanished.

Are you really sure
she didn't go into the fire?

Lee Ji-uk started reporting at the site
as the fire broke out.

Jeong-woo was the crazy one.

No one could go inside
until the firefighters got there.

That jerk, Lee Ji-uk, is useful
when we don't need his help.


Come in.

They found an underground vault
at the site and are opening it now.

-A vault?
-It appears it was illegally built.

But it's big enough for a person and more.

I can't stay here.
I must get to the site now.

Your presence is not required.

My guy is in there.
In that burning pit of fire.

I know Do Jeong-woo is crazy, but he
wouldn't jump into a fire without a plan!


If you go there, people will find out
that Do Jeong-woo is a cop.

People will start asking why
the police were watching the house.

Well, you can see
the crime scene from here as well.


There's live coverage
of opening the vault.

It's very thorough.

What we're seeing now is

the police's attempt to rescue survivors
who are presumed to be inside the house.

Inside the room
where the vault was likely placed…

Come on. That jerk, Lee Ji-uk.

I am very worried
if there will be any survivors at all.

Once again, I didn't see
any ventilation devices in the blueprint.

Even if they were in there,
they would've lasted only a few hours.

Don't say anything.



We don't know what happened inside.

Let the professionals work.


It's open!

Are you okay?

There's a survivor!

Call the paramedics!

Are you okay?


Take a deep breath.

Since it's been nine hours…

As we speak, someone is coming out
of the underground vault.

From the screen, I see one survivor.
Are there two survivors?

The survivors are coming out.

It seems at least four survivors
are being rescued now.

This is a miracle.

Thank goodness. Thank God.

The other two survivors seem to be
in relatively good health.

We'll let you know more as soon
as further information is confirmed.

By the way,
why am I watching that jerk's show?

What's my team doing?

-I wish the survivors a speedy recovery.
-Aren't they better than this?

Get out.


Yes. Of course. I knew it.


Even Death can't take him away.

Gosh. That punk, Do Jeong-woo.

You're such a pain in my ass.
I was worried for nothing.

That rascal.

This is an emotional moment.

The survivors who endured
the disaster overnight

are now being taken to the hospital.

There has been no official announcement
at this time.

Our news team will always
be your eyes and feet.

We will do our best to report
the news quickly and accurately.

As you can see, the police have complete
control over the scene of the accident.

We won't get any details of the accident

until the police make
an official announcement.

Don't move. Lie back down.


Don't move.

I told you to be gentle with her.

Be careful.

You don't know what she can do.
Keep her tied up.

You're lucky you're intoxicated now.

Dr. Leighton.
Find Lieutenant Gong Hye-won. Okay?

There are memories about my life
that I don't remember.

I can't help but think
that you and I are very alike.

You can do anything.

Or you might do nothing.

I am from White Night Village.

She disappeared?

You didn't know, either?

When I ran into the fire,
she was cursing at me.

After that, I don't know what happened.

What the heck happened to her?

My gosh. What the hell is going on?
This is so annoying.

Doesn't that hurt?

It hurts.

Blow on it.

Oh, my.

Mr. Lee, you scored a big one again.

A good Samaritan jumped into the fire.
You got a feel-good story about humanity.

Oh, my. I'm so touched. Seriously.

There could be a drama about that.
Or make a movie about it.

They're full of shit.

It's confirmed. I'm going down.

It's the guy in Room , right?


He's so cool.

It's just like that old saying.
"Good-looking people are good-natured."

He's my ideal type.

Excuse me. Where are you going?

Why should I answer that?

I'm sorry, but this is off-limits.

Says who? Why? Who gave you the right?

-You should go.
-No, I can't do that.

-Hey. Let go.
-Please leave.

My gosh. Look at these punks.

You jerks!

Who do you think you are to stop me
from entering public spaces?

Who do you work for?

How dare you? Let go of me.

Are you cops or prosecutors?

-Hey, you just wait--
-Hey, guys!

I know him.

-Let go.
-You're here for me. Come here.

You have no idea who I am.


My goodness. You have an entire room
to yourself and bodyguards.

You're living such a luxurious life.

Help me with this.

I mean, I went through a lot. You know?

I ran into the pit of fire…


they probably want to isolate me

because the police
haven't made a decision yet.

From what I can see, they already have.

You know more about the police than I do.

That's why

you should hire a good informant.

What is that?

Are you giving me information?

I don't know who this is,
but one thing's for sure.

This is no ordinary nut job.

All right. this is the information
I got two days ago.

And this is the scrap paper
I took from your office just now.

If you wanted scrap paper,
you should've told me.

I could've gotten you some.

Come on.

Look at the paper, not the content.

Okay. Do you see it?

I see it.

They were printed by the same printer.

You know what that means?
Someone in your team cracked the code…

and sent it to me.

Are my eyes going bad?

Why did I tear up at that moment?

That's understandable
when I thought he was dead.

But he's alive.

Gosh, I'm not the emotional one.

I'm usually very indifferent. But why…

What is this?

What is it?

Why are you doing that?

When you've had the same job for long,
there are times you don't fight back.

If you didn't fight back,
there would've been no survivors.

Thank you.

I didn't do it because I knew something.

I was just lucky.

There's no luck in fires.

People lie, but fire doesn't.

Given the size of the vault,

even if there were people inside,
the chance of survival was zero.

And there were four people.
This is a miracle.

But they were alive.

That's why it's a miracle.

Fire experts wouldn't risk
compromising the burn patterns.

We wouldn't have expected there to be
any survivors and failed to save lives.

I just believed it. No questions asked.

I believed my team leader wouldn't put
himself in a situation where he could die.

At my age, you'll realize even
your intuition is a form of calculation.

It couldn't have been.

-Do you trust them?
-No. I just know it.

I didn't think it came
from your team, either.

They worship you.

But there's one more person in your team.

That former FBI agent and psychologist
or something from the States.

Well, I'm well aware
that you're a great journalist.

But aren't you being too imaginative?

Why would such a smart doctor
crack the code for a Korean reporter?

Because she's the culprit.

You're saying Dr. Leighton is the culprit?

Want to see something even weirder?

Here you go.

Someone from your team sent me
the warning letters.

And someone from your team
cracked the code and sent it to me.

Isn't this enough to make you question?

Do you really think
she's the type to k*ll people?

I did some research on
when she got her American citizenship.

It just so happened to be right after
the White Night Village incident.

So I've been thinking.

What if one of the children from
that village had moved to the States?

It's hard for other people to see through
a lie that she doesn't know she's telling.

Dissociative identity disorder.
She has multiple personalities.

She says she treated it. But who knows?

This thing doesn't get cured so easily.

I'm all alone on an empty street.

The sun is shining brightly.

But the watch that can't be wrong
says it's midnight.

That makes me wonder.

Is it day…

or night?

Now, let's put them together.

She's one of the survivors
from White Night Village.

The person who set this up
to get their revenge…

It's Jamie Leighton. No.

To be precise,
it was her other personality.

One of her personalities
belongs to a culprit.

The other one, a crime consultant.

What do you think?
Doesn't this make perfect sense?

First-time arsonists don't know
how to handle fire, so they get burned.

It's obvious. They usually hurt
their main hand and the palms.

The spread of fire is more expl*sive
than you can imagine.

According to the security footage,
Nam Woo-cheon left the house around p.m.

But he was found at the house
which means he snuck back in.

According to Do Jeong-woo,

Son Min-ho and the maid
were on the second floor.

And Nam Woo-cheon was on the first floor.

Seeing how the house burnt down…

The fire definitely started
on the first floor.

Fire either flows toward the influx
of oxygen or goes up.

If it started on the second floor,
it wouldn't have burnt down that easily.

Nam Woo-cheon is the culprit.
What's the problem?

The whole country is watching.

We'd have to make a culprit
if we don't have one.

It's clear who the culprit is.
But why aren't you making a move?

The problem is the fire went right through
his upper body and his arms to his face.

Do you know what that means?

What does it mean?

He didn't defend himself.

Even if it was his first time
and he was clueless about fires,

we all have self-preservation instincts.

That's called instinct.
Or should I say reflexes?

Even if people have weak reflexes,

when there's a fire, as long as
they're alive, they would try to stop it…

like this before feeling the hot air.

But Nam Woo-cheon didn't do that.

No. He tried, but it was too late.

It appears that he tried
defending himself after getting burned.

But this doesn't make any sense.

That means he didn't think it'd be hot
when he set it on fire.

So you're saying Nam Woo-cheon
didn't set the house on fire?

That's impossible.

I'll begin the briefing on the fire that
took place around a.m. on September

in Samwonho-dong, Yangu-si.

As of now, all the related agencies
such as the police,

the fire inspection agency, forensics,
the fire department,

electricity and gas agencies
are examining the scene now.

The police believe it was arson and
have secured the suspect, Nam Woo-cheon.

Any personal information on the suspect?

As soon as he regains consciousness,

a further investigation about his motive
and method will be conducted.

Until we do so,

please refrain from speculating
that this is a part of the serial murders.

Is it related to
the White Night Village incident?

What's important is that we were
able to minimize the casualties

thanks to the bravery of a police officer.

In a situation
where his life might be in danger,

the officer who ran into the scene
without any protection is

Superintendent Do Jeong-woo.

Due to road conditions, the fire trucks
couldn't get in and he ran to the fire.

His quick thinking resulted in
rescuing many survivors

and evacuating them
to an underground vault.

Superintendent Do Jeong-woo also solved
the serial bank robberies last August.

Dissociative identity disorder.

Dr. Leighton is the culprit?

I didn't say that.

Why wouldn't you? It makes sense.

Mr. Do, is it possible

with dissociative identity disorder,
you can't even remember what you did?

I mean, this isn't some TV show.

They're two completely
different personalities.

Our brain is complicated,
but the way it works is simple.

It's possible to turn it on and off.

I couldn't do that.

-It's because yours is always off.
-No, it's not.

Even if she has DID,

if she was giving information
to Lee Ji-uk,

and even if she sent out
the warning letters,

that doesn't prove that she's the culprit.

Her motive is vague, and most importantly,
we can't pinpoint her MO.

Yes. That's what I'm saying.

His brain is working fine.

-Did you hear that?

I know we just met her
only a few days ago,

but she vanished into thin air.
Shouldn't we at least worry about her?

I'm very worried.

You don't think she's hurt, do you? Right?

Anyway, Nam Woo-cheon has something
in common with the victims.

He helped Son do bad things
and earned money in return.

Apparently, he has
no self-preservation instincts.

Instead of committing su1c1de,
he started a fire.

I mean, whether it was su1c1de or arson,

how could someone make him do that?

Is that possible for Dr. Leighton?


If Dr. Leighton were the culprit,
she disappeared at the worst time.

And she was the leader of BAU at the FBI.

Mr. Do, isn't there something like that?

You know, something
that has to do with our mind?

It can control our minds and so on.

Do you know what I mean? Like black magic.

So, you know,

it's like magic.

She could do magic, you know? I mean…

There's something
wrong with the children's amygdala.

We have to stop.

The kid with the lowest IQ is .

You call that a problem?

Children are k*lling themselves
because they can't handle it.

When you see a dog or a cat,

you feel like you can communicate, right?
Like they're us.

That's probably how these kids feel
when they see us.

What's your IQ? ? ?

Don't think of them as children.
They're already monsters.

Everyone is going crazy.

They're stabbing themselves
and jumping off the roof.

They're all dying while smiling.

What do we do? Oh, no.

What on earth is going on?

Get that.

Let go of me.

Will he make it?

Not sure. Even if he does,
he probably can't testify.

Mr. Do. You like me, right?

You called me because you were worried
that I was drunk with Lee Ji-uk.

By the way, I won't allow him.

Date someone else.

Find someone you can rely on.

Don't like me. I'm not interested in you.

What are you talking about?

Didn't you hear me?
Must I spell it out for you?

Did I tell you that I like you?
I don't remember saying that.

Some things don't need to be said.

So you rejected me
when I haven't even confessed to you?

You should transfer to another team.
I'll find you another team.

Are you…

I saved you from a burning house,
and you're transferring me?

You want me to transfer?

I'm telling you this
because I think it's best for you.

That's weird.

Don't normal people realize their feelings
after a near-death experience?

Did the fire burn off
the little manners you had left?

How can you think about kicking me out
as soon as you get rescued?

Do you know…

how worried I was?

Did I say I had a crush on you?

I don't have a crush on you.

Even if I did… that doesn't mean I do!

Even if I had the tiniest feeling for you,

I didn't ask you
to like me back or anything.

It just happened. Who are you to tell me

I should date someone else and transfer?


Are you done talking?

Why does crap come out of your mouth?

If you transfer me to another team,

I'll risk everything I have
and report you to the IA.

There's so much I have on you!

You can't walk around like this.

You may feel fine, but the toxic gasses
could still be affecting you.

Excuse me.

Call Dr. Baek.

Sir, are you not feeling well?

-When is the doctor coming?
-He will be here soon.

Are you all right?

Are you in a lot of pain?

-Inject him with milligrams of morphine.

We just gave you some sedatives.
You'll be feeling okay soon.

Get ready to intubate.

Sir, are you all right?

-Doctor, his vitals are getting too high.

Sir, please calm down.

Prepare to intubate with .
to secure the airway.

-Get me that.

Activate a code blue
and get me a defibrillator.

Give him one milligram of epinephrine.



He's just leaving?

Damn it!

Who taught you to drive?
Are you trying to get into an accident?

Isn't next to the hospital convenient?

There are so many doctors
within meters. Why are you worried?

Gosh. I'm already in a shitty mood.

Stop trying to pick a fight.

Don't you want to know?

Follow me.

Where are all the guards?

It looked like a scene from a movie.

Who knows?

Don't you think it was too much?

I liked it. It made him look important.

I'm all about looking cool.

I'll be back.

I heard you gave Mr. Do
some information on Dr. Leighton.

I thought you were suspicious of her.

Gosh, he already told you that?

He's the king of driving a rift.


Ask Mr. Do yourself.

Don't give this to me.

You want me to show this to Do Jeong-woo?
Are you serious?

If it's not Photoshopped, he's the culprit
or at least an accomplice.

Are you sure he's innocent?
Do you trust him that much? Do you?

I don't think Superintendent Do
is on a slippery slope.

He seems dangerous.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

You can never fully know someone.


Who are you?

Are you okay?

Don't touch the wound.

We'll stop the bleeding
before your doctor gets here.

Hurry up!

Are you all right?

-Did you call a doctor?
-Yes, he'll be here soon.

Don't move.

Oh, no.



I'm here for an inspection.

Why is it so dark here?

It's like a hotel. It's spotless.

There's nothing here.

What is this?



In the case of the personality test,
to understand how subjects think,

the same type of question is repeated
in different expressions.

For normal people,

their answers vary slightly
even if the questions are the same.

During a -minute test, people tend to

contradict themselves
on three to five questions on average.

However, Do Jeong-woo…



You can only get a perfect score
on a personality test

if you memorize the answers.

He only gave them the answers they wanted.

So what?

Which one of them is the culprit?

It could be one of them or none of them.

Or perhaps, it could be both.

That doesn't give us anything, then.


You have many flaws,
but your worst flaw is that you're dense.


So that's it? I'm just dumb?

Ji-uk! Hey! You jerk!

My gosh. What is he talking about?

It could be one of them, none of them,

or both of them. What?

Gosh, I'm so… Yes, I must be dense.

We don't know. Life is full of mystery.

Life can be full of mystery,
but forensic science shouldn't be.

It is true that based on
the location of the s*ab wound,

there was no significant organ damage.

And it could be self-inflicted.

However, we can all s*ab our body

except for the middle of our backs
if we had the guts to do it.

Of course.
There are a few ways to approach this.

Son Min-ho is about centimeters tall,
and his arm length is  centimeters.

And the length of the knife is .

If he were to hold the knife like this
and s*ab himself,

he can only s*ab himself
at a specific angle.

That's why

it's easy for a competent medical examiner
to spot self-inflicted wounds.

So you're saying you could've only
found out if Son Min-ho was dead.

Am I right?


If I got to look at him,
I would've found out right away.

You know, surgeons are busy saving lives.

You can learn a lot by looking
at the shape of the organ damage.

But doctors don't pay attention.

Too bad. There's no way to find out now.

There is.


Even the fire and the lack of oxygen
didn't make him give up.

Don't tell me asking him
was your way of finding out.

I didn't know you were here.

I was just about to go to you. Let's go.

I'm here. So you guys can talk.

-Are you--
-Sounds good.

Have a seat.

I'm glad that my lifesaver came to see me.

I watched it on TV
that you saved my life twice.

Yes, that's why I'm here.

I don't know if I saved you once or twice.

Did you s*ab yourself?

Why would I do that?

It would've been great
if people didn't find out.

But people will become tenacious now that
the past incident is in the limelight.

I'm sure it didn't take long
for people to say that you deserved it

from feeling bad at first.

At times like this, the best way
to deal with this is to change the flow.

You make this swindler
who defrauded the entire country

look like a victim whose life
is being threatened just like this.

That's the best approach

because people are very sympathetic.

Do Jeong-woo.

It's a simple question.
But he can't answer it.

The older I get,
the more I value my health.

I'm not strong enough
to do such a scary thing.

Listen. His bodyguards
who have been watching him all day long

suddenly disappeared.

The intruder who supposedly escaped
through the window vanished into thin air.

A professional, who disappeared
from this five-story building

without a trace, failed to take your life.

I don't buy it.

I see your point.

From my point of view,

I don't find it odd at all
when young people are furious at me.

I know it looks like I scammed people.

Believe it or not, I started out
thinking I was doing good deeds.

But I was wrong.

Ever since that incident,
I've been regretting my actions.

I was young back then.

I believe people don't change.

I'd feel the same way.

Making people believe you is difficult
even if you are being sincere.

And then I ran into Mr. Lee.


I tried to get here early, but I'm late.



I have an offer for you.
You have nothing to lose.

Since I'm here, I should try
to get anything I can.

Is that okay with you? You promised
to give me an exclusive interview,

but you didn't give me anything.

To clear the misunderstanding,
he will publish my side of the story.

Like the column in old newspapers.
What was it called?

A web portal? An internet broadcast?

What a wonderful world we live in.

If this happened back then,
I'd feel so wronged.

Now, I have a chance to
explain to people who I am.

But I really need your help.

Well, there must be at least one hero.

Do this for us. Okay?

Sounds like you're already a hero.

Let's hear the most pressing moment
of the day from the maid,

one of the survivors
who went through this disaster.

To be honest,
I didn't think I could rely on the police.

I didn't care about them.

But Superintendent Do was different.

He's a true hero.

Mr. Son.

Mr. Son.

Be careful.

Officer! Where are you going?


Didn't you worry about
the lack of ventilation in the vault?

I had no time to think about that.

I didn't even know that there was a vault.

How was it to breathe in there?

Experts say the vault was closed,
so oxygen must have been scarce.

They are right.

It was hard to breathe.

Why is it so stuffy…

I can't…

Officer, what are you doing?

Don't do it. Don't…

It has come to light that survivors
of the fire who took shelter in the vault

used hydrogen peroxide found at the house
to produce oxygen in order to breathe.

Ms. Kang, how is this possible?

In our blood,
there's an enzyme called catalase

which breaks down hydrogen peroxide
to create water.

And oxygen is also a byproduct.

So the cop who was locked
in the vault used his blood

to create oxygen
in order to save the victims, right?

It sounds like something out of a movie.

Yes, that's right.

I know it sounds like a movie,
but that's what happened.

You asked me
if you saved me once or twice.

I would have died once at the scene
of the fire and once again in that vault.

So you saved me at least twice.

Does that answer your question?

So you're saying you couldn't have
died from getting stabbed, correct?

Mr. Son, Mr. Lee, and his bodyguards
will move to a safe house today.

We announced
that Nam Woo-cheon is the culprit,

but based on the file from the therapist's
office, he's not the real culprit.

And Mr. Son is likely to be the target.

We must protect him.

So does it mean the police
can get involved from now on?

No, just you.

You'll be the only cop
who can stay by Mr. Son's side.

Hold on. He's injured, too. And he needs--

It's okay. I should do what she says.
She's my boss.

I'll go. Fine.

It's about the bank robbery case.

I heard you've been tracking them
for a long time.

Couldn't you have warned us beforehand?

I still haven't gotten some items back.
But I'm glad I got some of it back.

All I knew was that it was
a series of bank robberies.

I didn't think just one person
owned everything that was stolen.

But luckily,

we retrieved some of it.

I'll get going.

Thank you.

Must it be him?

I know that he's a difficult guy.

But he's the one who saved my life.

I'm saying he's trustworthy.

And he's the perfect man
to draw attention from the public.

I don't agree.

My gosh.

Even the police turned him into a hero
to uphold your reputation.

What do you mean, you don't agree?

Are you sure
Nam Woo-cheon was the arsonist?

Yes, given the circumstances.

Well, I see. The dead can't talk.

He had no reason
to do something like that.

Do you trust him?


I don't trust people.

The surgery went well.

Nowadays, with cutting-edge machines
like CyberKnife,

you won't be in pain
and can recover quickly.

Wonderful, isn't it?

Your post-op looks good.
You should be able to move in a few hours.

You're home already?

You were on TV.

Oh, my. Fancy pants.

Do Jeong-woo is your team leader, right?

You said you don't have dangerous cases.

And fire isn't dangerous? Seriously.

It's not dangerous.
I just clean up the scene.

What? Dad.

It's only six o'clock. Why are you home?

Have you finally had enough
of your research after years?

Thirty eight.

You're really tired of it now?

As if. He'll go back after dinner.

I don't know why he came home
just to have dinner. I was taken aback.

Since when do you eat dinner at home?

You just cooked him ramyeon.
What's the fuss?

-Why aren't you eating?
-She's going out for dinner.

Exactly. If you just called me,
we would've had dinner together.

Do I look like I'm waiting around for you?

It's been years. I told you to talk
to me before anything, but you never do.

It's been years.


Dad, have you ever had a hard time
figuring someone out?

Hey. Your dad isn't the type
to be bothered by people.

Whoever it is, people probably
got frustrated with your dad.

You're right.

-Are you dating?
-No, it's not that.

I got dumped even before I could tell him.

If he dumped you,
moving on is the best you can do.

Why do you care?

If I don't want to get dumped again,
I should learn from it.

I just…

Is it possible
a person I thought I knew all along

is actually a completely different person?

I thought he was a really good person.

Is it possible that he's not?

Can someone hide who he really is
for such a long time?

I just want to know if it's day or night.
That's all.

Is that child me or you?

Then we should just sit back
and do nothing?

Dr. Leighton.

Find Lieutenant Gong Hye-won. Okay?

-Are you crazy?
-He's going in!

The surgery went well.

Your post-op looks good.
You should be able to move in a few hours.

Is everything okay at the lab?

Every day is different.

So I don't get sick of it.

Dad, will you ever be on TV or something?

You can invent something big
or make a big discovery.

People like me don't invent things.

That's not why I brought it up.

I'm asking how you felt
when you saw me on TV.

I was proud of you.

Your mom complains,
but she watches it every time you're on.


I was just mentioned in Mr. Do's story.

It wasn't something
to be proud of, either.

Dad, you should buy a car.
It's about time.

Do you want me to buy you a compact car?

Are you making a lot of money?

I was on TV. Don't you believe me?

I do.

I'll believe it when you hand me the keys.

When did I become
such an untrustworthy daughter?

We can never truly understand
the minds of people.

What? You're really making me sad.

That's my answer to your question earlier.

You can't truly know someone.

So believe what you want to believe.

People's hearts can't be fixed.

It's not like your heart does
exactly what you tell it to do.

Based on every decision we make,
everything keeps changing.

When people say that
everything in life changes,

I don't think
it only applies to good things.

Even bad things change.

If you believe in someone,
that can turn a bad man into a good man.

If you believe in someone,
that can turn a bad man into a good man.

Just as I believe.

-What is it?
-Mr. Do.

They found Dr. Leighton.

A truck driver found her in the middle of
the road and took her to a police station.

I'm on my way there.

Okay, I got it.

Have some of this.

Thank you.

-I'm sorry.

It's okay. I'll clean it up. Hold on.


Hydrogen peroxide.

And blood.

Surviving by using hydrogen peroxide
and his own blood

-How did he come up with that?
-…to produce oxygen was incredible.

What would have happened
if Superintendent Do hadn't found

the secret vault only the landlord
and the architect knew about?

Running into an impenetrable fire
with smoke and flames…

A secret vault?

…and finding a secret vault
was truly a miracle.

What are you looking at so intently?

Well, it won't hurt to check all corners.

I am…

from White Night Village.

Dr. Leighton.

Where's Superintendent Do?

Are you okay?

-Where is he?
-He's on Son Min-ho's security detail.

I don't know where he is.

He's the only cop on his security detail.

Dr. Leighton.

What are you doing, Dr. Leighton?

You were gone for three days.
Where were you all this time?

-It's Superintendent Do Jeong-woo.

-What do you mean?
-He's the culprit.

He k*lled Kim Yeong-jun, Park Gyu-tae,
Baek Seung-jae, and Choi Yong-seok,

and made Nam Woo-cheon start a fire.

Superintendent Do was behind everything.

You're not yourself, Dr. Leighton.
Are you okay?

White Night Village.

That's right.
Superintendent Do was there, too.

I don't know how or why he did it,
but I know I'm right.

Why was the hydrogen peroxide
in the vault?

What? What do you…

Why was that in the vault?
That belongs in the kitchen.

I heard Mr. Do brought it in.

Breathing itself must've been hard
due to the fire and smoke.

He's never been inside the house,

but he brought that from the kitchen
into the vault?


Even the maid who worked there

for a long time
didn't even know about the vault.

How did Mr. Do know?

He already knew

about the vault and location which only
the landlord and the architect had known

and the fact that the vault
had no ventilation.

On top of that, he knew that he needed
hydrogen peroxide to survive there.

Superintendent Do knew everything.

I don't have time to explain.

Let me call the safe house right now.

What are you talking about?

It wouldn't be safe
if anyone could reach it.

Of course, only in case of a crisis--

Superintendent Do Jeong-woo…

is the only one that can
connect us to the safe house.



-What are you mumbling about? Hello?
-Why… Why on earth…

This was it.

This was why.

Before he ran into Son Min-ho's house,
I saw him looking at his watch.

He was trying to think in his head

when and how he would go inside.

He showed me all of the answers,

but I missed them and didn't suspect him.

Dr. Leighton, what are you talking about?
Dr. Leighton!

Not once did he say he didn't do it.

You are the culprit.

Do you really think I'm a m*rder*r?

A child who survived
couldn't subdue the urge to k*ll

and began to take action.

Do you think I'd do such a thing?


I must be the culprit.

Share the location
of the safe house immediately.

Right. Yes.

He can be scary,
but he'd never commit a crime.

I should believe him.

If someone asked me
how far I believed him,

my answer would have been,
"Even if the sky falls."


the sky really did fall down.

Get away from him!

It's been revealed that
a cop was responsible

for the serial murders
that shocked our nation.

What happened in White Night Village?

Why did they all die?

I definitely gave them a choice.

It wasn't a dream. It was real.

What aren't you telling me?

That monster was me.

Mr. Do might be a mess,
but he wouldn't k*ll anyone.

You must get that cop no matter what.

Do Jeong-woo, who are you?

There's more to this case.