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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 03/05/23 09:10
by bunniefuu


I'm Gong Hye-won
from the Special Investigation Team.

It's a phone number. - - .

The phone's turned off.
Tell me where the last call was made.

Whose number is this?

My team leader,
Superintendent Do Jeong-woo's. Hurry.

The last call was made in Changwol-dong.

No such incidents were reported here.

Could you please check one more time?

How many times do I have to tell you?

We're in a mess right now.

-Wait. Sir. Come on.
-You jerk!

-Calm down.


-You dug your own grave.
-I'm calling my guy, too.

I'll call him.

I'm sure it's nothing.
He hangs up on me all the time.

I don't think Superintendent Do
is on a slippery slope.

He seems dangerous.

Did I say he was on a slippery slope
because I worry about him for no reason?

She followed you? Why would she do that?


Who could possibly ask her to follow me?
And why?

The culprit who's scared
because I'm onto something?

Or a team leader
who feels threatened by a new girl

because she's smarter than him.

I see. Are you suspecting me again?

That's right.
I'll say that I suspected you.

I think the person who followed me
just now was a woman.

I'm sure she's hurt.

I could feel her muscle tearing up
when I threw her over.

I bet she needs to see a doctor.

Don't mind me.

This is just my habit.

What are you doing?

You're sensitive enough
to feel the muscles.

I don't think you got a fair chance.
I wasn't flexing my arm as it was sudden.

Feel my arm again.
Come on. I'm flexing it.

Hey, it's me.

Check if any women came into the ER

from Changwol-dong
with a muscle rupture or fracture.

She's about centimeters tall.
And she's wearing a black outfit.

Okay. Thanks.

Why are you staring at my family photo?

I'm very interested in you.

Don't try to distract me.

What are you trying to find out
by pretending to be interested in me?

You think your looks can work on me?

It's not that I haven't heard that before,
but you're a bit blunt.

If you think I can use my looks,
that means…

I was joking.

By the way,
why are you so suspicious of me?

Because I speculated that
Choi would've left after sleep treatment?

There are people out there who could
never commit a crime in their lives.

And as for criminals,
there are different degrees.

Some can only be just petty criminals.

Theft, fraud, robbery, and m*rder.

But here's a thing about you.

I can't guess your degree.

Well, it's at the highest degree.

You can do anything.

Or you might do nothing.

Why do you think so?

Because that's how I am.

I can't help but think
that you and I are very alike.

Why is that?

Is it


or night?

That makes me wonder.

Is it day or night?

What did you…

just say to me?

How do you know that?

Are you curious?

I hear that in my dream.

No, it's not a dream. It's like…

How do you know that?

You said you and I are alike.

I'm from White Night Village.

There are memories about my life
that I don't remember.

In June of , I was found
in front of a US army base

by a US colonel, Anthony Leighton,
who only had a month left

until he was ordered to leave Korea.

Help me.

I didn't remember anything.

They asked around where I was found
for a month, but no one came to get me.

My father decided to adopt me
and take me to the States.

I couldn't get my memories back

despite investing a lot of time
and money to do so.

Based on the memories I managed to regain,

my doctor diagnosed that it was most
likely PTSD, so the treatment was halted.

I could do that because I was young
and was capable of starting anew.

I didn't need
to recall those unhappy memories.

But I couldn't completely
free myself from those memories.


You asked me why I came to Korea, right?

It's because I knew
that I had seen a monster.

It was the monster that saved me.

It's because I knew
that I had seen a monster.

It was the monster that saved me.

I'm sorry. My hand slipped.

Oh, come on!

Looking at a broken mirror
brings bad luck for seven years.

I'm hurt, too.

If I'm unlucky for the next seven years,
it's all your fault.

I didn't know you were superstitious.


"Faith that is deemed unscientific."

But the question is… What separates
something from science to non-science?

In ,
the mathematician Laplace said that

if someone could determine the location
and momentum of every atom,

using physics, they could explain
everything that happened in the past,

what is happening in the present,
and what will happen in the future.

The areas which most people
deem unscientific are considered

to be within a realm of science
to the people who realize this.

That's why I'm going
to take a scientific approach.

I showed you all my cards.

What cards?

Like what you went through as a kid?

Or why you came to Korea?

Oh, right. You told me
that you saw a monster.

I also dreamt about monsters a lot
when I was a kid.

You are the culprit behind the murders.

Do you really think I'm a m*rder*r?

Answer the question.

I just want to know if it's day or night.
That's all.


-Don't you have anything to tell me?


We were going to meet.

You're supposed to call back
after hanging up on me.

-We learn that in kindergarten.
-I never went to one.

Right, you never did.

If you did, you would've learned that

you don't walk away
in the middle of a conversation.

What happened?

I was supposed to teach you a lesson,
but someone beat me to it.

It's nothing serious.

Good morning, Lieutenant Gong.

Are you two coming to work together?

It's washing away my fatigue.

Yes. That sort of happened.

I'll tell you later.

Don't tell people about my private life.

Let's just forget about last night.

"Last night"?

I agree. It's a private matter.

-But I can't forget it.
-A private matter?

Just pretend last night was a dream.

It's time to get back to reality.

Come on, you. Okay?

"Last night"?

Can we disregard rank for a minute?

-For just three seconds.

-Just three seconds.

-No. Why?
-Disregard rank for three seconds! Now!


Are you okay?

Is my nose bleeding?



It's my job to check on it.

As I told you yesterday, it's urgent…

You know, on TV, those cops can

easily get evidence and forensic results.

And people like us crack codes for you.

So you think it'll be easy in real life.

Seriously. Your team is so ignorant.

You think we can solve everything
with a flick of the wrist. I knew it.

You know, that's what people say.

Don't mind me.

-You're still not done?

Well, that's out of my control…


I should check on the laptop.

What are you doing?

I owe you an apology.

You were very wise to judge people
solely by their appearances.

No one cares if you have a big heart.

You can't see someone's heart.
What you see is what you get.

That's right. Yes.
What you see is what you get.

Keep judging and ignoring people
based on their looks.

Starting today, I'll do the same.

Let me know as soon as
you hack into the laptop.



Okay. Hold on.

This is Deputy Chief Hwang Byeong-cheol
of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

I have partial amnesia just like you.

But I seem to remember a bit more
than you do.

All I know is that something terrible
happened there.

I just wanted to check.

I've been suspicious of you
from the beginning.

Me? Why?

You showed up out of the blue
and figured out the case too well,

as if you knew everything from the get-go.

No, that's because I'm smart.
I'm just a little faster than others.


So am I.

You said you were wondering
if it was day or night.

What's that about?

It keeps popping into my head.
I'm just curious.

Same here.

I think it has something
to do with the memories I lost.

In fact, I became a police officer

because I thought I could find out
more about this. But--


I couldn't find anything.

I guess this has to do
with those in high places

which is beyond people like us.

And perhaps…

we might be better off
not knowing anything.

What are you talking about?

Stop suspecting me.

Three people from White Night Village
happened to be involved in this incident.

But you want me to stop?

I even found out that
Son Min-ho wanted me here.

Someone who showed up out of the blue

is only here
because the next victim wanted her here.

Isn't this the most suspicious?

Entertain this hypothetical.

Let's say someone k*lled several people
for some reason.

And then she uses her status,

like her career at the FBI as an adviser,
and inserts herself into the case.

She pretends to be innocent
and to try to solve the case.

But she suspects the police officer
in charge and ruins everything.

That's much more plausible.

Everything he said made sense.

I suspected him because
he figured out the case too quickly.

And he also suspected me because
I figured out the case too quickly.

But more importantly, White Night Village
is not an integral part of this case.

Any relevant victims…

No. The only target from the village
is Son Min-ho.

But why do I get the feeling
that's not all?

Why do I feel like the case has everything
to do with White Night Village?


This is a new warning letter.

By using the stems and branches,

I deciphered "the day the Blue Rooster
embraces the White Monkey."

Blue Rooster means September.
White Monkey is the th.

When I translated the gems
with the binary system, I got : a.m.

When I checked the code,
I got Samwonho-dong, Yangu-si.

To sum it up, on September ,
at : a.m.,

there will be an incident
in Samwonho-dong, Yangu-si.

And Son Min-ho lives
at Samwonho-dong, Yangu-si.

The house is under Nam Woo-cheon's name,
and he's Son's legal adviser.

So Son Min-ho will be the next victim.

From "the burning Grim Reaper,"
we can assume that there may be a fire.

Then we should keep
an eye out around the house.

I'll ask the fire department
for assistance.

If possible,
controlling the area at that time…

There's no need for that.

-That'll be more dangerous.
-A firefighter must be the culprit, then.


What happened to your hand?

Gosh. I knew you'd get hurt.
You can be so reckless.

The area around the house
is private property.

I'm sure incidents didn't happen
only in public places.

That's odd.

More oddly, just a few days
after the police took over the case,

he hired a consultant from abroad.

And you are here now.

Korea can be a funny place.

Gosh, that's intense.

Anyway, you can't go
into someone's private property.

This is a big property,
but we can't enter.

Then we should just sit back
and do nothing?

I get paid with taxpayers' money,
but we should ignore it even if a man dies

because those people in high places
will never blame us for that, right?


Protect him from outside discreetly.

Just so you know,

don't even think
about complicating things.

It's just a precaution. Just keep watch.

It wasn't easy to get his consent
to have you near the house.

Gosh, I should thank Reporter Lee Ji-uk.

If things hadn't gotten so out of hand,
we wouldn't have gotten permission. Right?

Just do as I say.

Yes, ma'am.

Here. Finish this, too.


They still haven't retrieved
what the bank robbers took?

I'll keep asking.

They're only quick to take money from us.

Seriously. I can't trust anyone.

What about that Modu or Mode guy?
You know, that internet whiz.

I'm still talking to him,
but he's no pushover.

Please don't worry.

Nothing is going my way.
How can I not worry?

What's the point of watching him
from so far away?

We can't even access
their security cameras.

Didn't you hear
how serious Mr. Hwang sounded?

We're lucky to get this close.

And as for the security cameras,
we should try to do our job without help.

We still have some time left
until the incident.

Go to the Mental Health Research Lab.

It'd be better if you went to the States.

I see. You got what you wanted.
Is that it?

Yes, I got what I wanted that night.


I can't even access the security cameras.

I'm a man, you know.
It's bringing out my competitive side.

-Lieutenant Yoon.

-Where are you going?
-I don't think I should be here right now.

Well, no. I was wrong.
This is where I belong. Right.

You know what?
You can go and use the bathroom.

Okay, I'll be back.

Lieutenant Jang, we're done.
Get out of here. Out. Hurry.

What can I do to make you leave my side
and go to the Mental Health Research Lab?

Don't avoid my questions, then.
You can answer them honestly.

Do these incidents that are happening now

have nothing to do with the fact
that we are both from White Night Village?

Only the culprit would know that.

You'll keep trying to sound me out
unless I give you something.

So I'll be honest with you.
I had my suspicions about you.

At times like this,
I must suspect the newcomer.

As this is my turf,
I just decided not to take action.

And I'm sure you're hiding something.

-What am I hiding?

Something doesn't add up that
I don't even know where to start.

If you really suspect me
and think that I'm the culprit,

report me with evidence to the higher-ups.

You must've had that kind of authority
when you got the offer.

Why won't you leave me alone?
Why do you keep bothering only me?

I think you have the answer to that.

Do Jeong-woo, that jerk.

I have my suspicions, but there's no
other evidence than the security footage.

I keep digging into him,
but nothing comes up.



Oh, my. Oh, no!

Are you okay?

Look at this punk.

You'll regret it.

-I'll make you regret it--
-No, you won't.

Gosh, what is this now?


Should I make them fight
and rip each other apart?

-I can't hear them.
-You can't?

They're whispering. They're arguing now.

Why aren't you going in?

-Hey, wait.


-Inside, Mr. Do and Dr. Leighton--
-They're having a lovers' quarrel.

I knew it. The way they were looking at
each other didn't look professional.

-Come on.

You knew it, too?

Only I didn't know?

Gosh, Mr. Do is something else.

He can still seduce a woman,
dressed like that.

It's okay.



Hold on.


I'm sure the tragedy would have been
traumatizing enough to turn a child

into a psychopath.

Here's another possibility.

A child who survived

couldn't subdue the urge to k*ll,
and began to take action.

Is that child me or you?

Do you think I'd do such a thing?


don't think
you're the type who would k*ll people.

Let's talk about amnesia.
That's a problem with the brain.

If one of us is a psychopath…


I'll go to the Mental Health Research Lab.

This is not over yet.

Hey, open the door.

How about accessing the security cameras?

I need to be creative with it.

I'll get going.

We can directly access the cameras

by hacking into a computer
with an internally stored firewall code.

Then we can access the cameras
no matter how tight security is.

The problem is there's only one computer
that comes in and out of the house.

And that's the laptop
Son's lawyer carries around at all times.

Nam Woo-cheon, years old.

He always follows the same schedule.

He goes to Son Min-ho's house at : a.m.

After that, he works
until : p.m. in his office,

and then he goes straight home to rest.

He doesn't smoke or drink.
He doesn't seem to have any hobbies.

He only does things that make money.

And he'll do anything to make money.


Jeong-woo, why did you go to
the building in Jangyi-dong?

Why, Jeong-woo?

Mr. Lee, you've got mail.



All of the deceased
had been visiting this building.

What is this?

Wait a minute.

If Do Jeong-woo isn't the culprit…





What do you want?

Look into her.

Find out everything about her.

-As soon as you get it, text it to me.

I have to get ready for tonight.


Mr. Park Gi-bong is here.

Send him in.


Hello, Mr. Nam.

I easily feel suffocated, so I asked you
to meet me in this conference room.

Why is he talking with an accent?

I don't think that's the wisest cover.

Have a seat.

I talked to one of your paralegals
and summarized what I needed.

I need an attorney
to take care of my investments.

It will be about billion won.

That's just for the first round.

You don't have that kind of money.

What are you doing here?

First of all,
you're not from Jeolla Province.

The watch on your wrist is fake.

You managed to get expensive shoes,
but you walked all the way here.

I'm really good at judging
whether people have money or not.

But what I'm sensing from you

is your impatience
to look like a rich man.

Who are you? What are you doing here?

You'll work here for the next two months.

Mr. Nam Woo-cheon will decide
in a meeting with the other partners

to see which one of you will work with him
as a junior partner.

Oh, no!

I'm sorry, but I lost my name tag.
Could you please check it one more time?

-Hold on.

What is this? Hey!

What? I found this here.

-Can I go in now? Okay.


It's password-protected.

Let's talk at the police station.

No. You can't let him leave yet.

I wanted to meet you.

You wanted to meet me? Why?

His date of birth is March , .

-That's not it.
-His student number is .

That's not it, either.

-His military number is .

His wedding anniversary
is November , .


October , .
That's his divorce anniversary.




What are you doing?

I'm at work.

-You can't do this here.


You're my type, too.

Do you need some money?

Looking for a sponsor?

My gosh. That jerk.

-All right. Hold on.

Didn't I see you at the bar?

No, you didn't. You're my role model.

I have so much respect for you, and…

I'm sorry for misreading the situation.

Pretend that you didn't hear
about my sexual orientation.

Not yet, Ji-wan.


I don't think I can.


I know it's hard to admit it at first.

Come back to me
when you've made up your mind.

Son Min-ho's birthday.

What is his date of birth? Look that up.

December , .

I'm in.


We got it.


Assemblyman Im has been waiting for you.


We believe that the therapy
was conducted in the office we raided.

What do you think?

It certainly looks like
a therapist's office.

But as you know, it's almost impossible
to induce su1c1de by hypnotizing people.

I see.

The lucid dreaming therapy?

-Lucid dreaming?
-Our field is subject to trends, too.

Lately, people are
interested in our brain.

And they're especially intrigued
by dreams.



Right here. This research paper
will be a good reference.


The human body is more
functional than you think.

With the right stimulus,
you can get the result that you expected.

For example, when we fall asleep,

we have our first dream
after an hour and a half.

But people suffering from depression

start dreaming
in less than half that amount of time.

Adjusting this cycle can substantially
help improve depression.

I think I read that in a thesis.

Lucid dreaming therapy
takes it one step further.

Threats, demonstrations, and hypotheses.

For example,

we can make a student dream
about taking an exam over and over again.

That way, he won't feel as nervous
on the day of the test.

In other words, you make your patients
have the same dream repeatedly,

so they aren't affected by it anymore.


What about people
who enjoy extreme sports?

Some people jump off from cliffs
over a hundred meters high.

Some people dive deeper into the ocean
while relying on just a t*nk.

-That's possible because…
-Through repetition.

They do the same thing over and over again

to see how far they can go.

But lucid dreaming isn't always
the most effective treatment.

The moment you assume
you're having a lucid dream

can cause a big problem if it turns out
it's your reality, not your dream.

It sounds like a sci-fi movie.

But if someone can blur the line
between reality and dreams,

I'd like to meet that person.

That would be amazing.

Where are you going?

I'll be right back after I meet Lee Ji-uk.

He says there's something I need to know.
And he once gave us good intel.

I can't ignore him.

I'll be back.

We should get going, too.

Let's stay focused until : a.m.

You're here.

-Can I order something expensive?

It's your treat, anyway.

If I buy you a meal, it'd be a bribe.

-I'm sure you can drink.
-I'm working. No drinks for me.

What? You dropped your honorifics, too.

Yes. No honorifics for me.

But you can drink, right?

I can curse, too.

I knew it. You're better
than your team leader.

I'm about to tell you
something important about him,

so leave now if you won't listen.

All right.


We're now able to see
the inside of Son Min-ho's house.


We have about five hours to go,
so let's get ready to stay up until then.

That's iffy.
That's when people get sleepy.

Get some sleep.

It'd be the worst
if we all fall asleep then.

In that case, I'll get some sleep.

I saw with my own eyes that
you're fine without sleeping for a night.

Why sleep? You're full of energy.

I'm tired.

I'll call them
that I'm staying up tonight.

Did your parents come for a visit?
You live alone.

I do?

What's up with the mood?

It looks like none of us is going
to take a nap. Let's eat something.

I'll go get some food.

We're missing it.

We're missing something.

What are we missing?

He ate a lot of these.

It's just a lollipop.
Why eat so much of it?

You should look at your screens.

Hey, look.

We already hacked
into their security system.

Instead of looking
at the screens together,

let's divide into two teams, so one of
the teams can try to get into his house.

Staying close to the house seems
like a smart idea.

Talk to Mr. Do when he returns.

I want to be left alone with Mr. Do.

You're such an American.

Gosh. The forecast
didn't say it'd rain today.

Excuse me. Do you have umbrellas?


When things are tough all around,

we must stay focused and strong
like the kids say these days.

Is Mr. Son so scared that
he decided not to show up today?

He can be too cautious.

It's excessive.

His excessively cautious side
can hold him down.

The public sentiment isn't on our side.

Mr. Son was supposed to give us
a status update.

Just like in that village…

I'm sure Mr. Jang will help us improve
the public sentiment, you know.

Well, there are other search engines.

Well, you can't go a day in Korea
without opening up Modu.

And that's my point.

So you've been a great help to us.

I never thought that the internet
could be such a vital role in our world.

Who would've thought?

When I heard computers would move
the world, I thought they were crazy.

It's about what we can do
with our fingers, not the internet.

And this is what you can do.

-It's a question of what it points to.

There's nothing like the internet
to provoke air-headed people.

But the thing is, people will look at
where the finger is pointing at first,

but once they realize there's nothing,
they'll soon turn around. Won't they?

No. There doesn't have to be anything.

Normal people will not dare look away.

Even if they see nothing,
they assume something is there

and they're the only ones
who can't see it.

Trying to figure out others' opinions
is human nature.

Kids these days look at comments first
when something happens.

What do other people think?

-And they think that's their own opinion.
-That startled me.

So this is what I say at work.

The first few comments
will mean everything.

Some people do form their own opinions,
but people like that are rare.

They're an uncontrollable variable.

-Let me warn you.
-I'm drunk.

I don't know what you have on Mr. Do
that I can't hear sober.

But I know that he's a bit crazy
and strange.

This better be good! Or else.

Damn it. They don't even have
my favorite beer.

I did this to them.


did this to them."

I'm all alone on an empty street.

The sun is shining brightly.

But the watch that can't be wrong
says it's midnight.

That makes me wonder.

Is it day or night?

What's wrong?

Dr. Leighton, are you okay?


did this to them."

It's not working.

Everything he says is true.

A man k*lled himself by jumping
into a pool where his feet could reach?

That means the most ordinary thing
like a plate of water could k*ll us.

You won't drown?

No, try it.

I tried, but it didn't work.

He knows everything.

I'm starting to get annoyed.

If you got something for me, give it.
Or get lost.

Five, four, three, two…

-You told me to get lost.
-I'm in the middle of an investigation.

Give me this important intel
about the case.

And give me the information
you have on Mr. Do.

Hey, I like you.

I don't like you.

-Just give me the information.
-Next time.


But I promise to give it only to you.

Because I think it'll be fun.


You bastard.

-I'm on my way.
-You said you were very drunk earlier.

Do you drink on the job now?

He said I had to drink if I wanted
the intel, so I pretended to be drunk.

-Your acting improved a lot.
-Didn't I look very energetic and sober?

That's what Lee Ji-uk said.

So where are you now?

I'm on my way there.

Okay. That's good.

"That's good"? How is that good?

Is that all he wanted?

He doesn't care if I got the intel or not.

Hey. You're up.

It stopped raining.

Eat something.

You have to eat well and sleep well.
Or you'll have nightmares.

You've been working a lot.

What are you looking at so intently?

It's not like we can get in anyway.

Well, it won't hurt to check all corners.

So no questions for me?

You should've let them eat something
before leaving. They must be hungry.

That's not a question.

Has this ever happened in the States?


There were times
when I remembered too much,

but it got worse after coming to Korea.


I think it's because of you.

You keep provoking me.

And you put me on edge

when you know I have OCD.

And I've been thinking.

I still think you're hiding something.

It must have taken a lot of effort
to forget a monster.

Is there any reason

to bring that monster out again?

Can I use the restroom?

It will take about three minutes.

Mr. Do, I got you.

What do you mean?

You like me, right?

You called me because you were worried
that I was drunk with Lee Ji-uk.

We have minutes left
until the forewarned time.

It took three minutes and three seconds.

How are things at the house?

It's quiet.

Nothing's happening.

-Should we come back?
-No. Not yet.

I'll head over there.

It won't happen on the dot.

It could happen
ten minutes before or after.





Nothing out of the ordinary yet…

What was that?


-Hurry up.

Put the camera here and unplug it.

Go up now. Set it up there.
Put this here. Hurry.

Be careful with that when you move it.

Call and the nearest
police stations. Okay?


This is an exclusive report from XVN.

A fire broke out in a house
at Samwonho-dong,

Yangu-si, Gyeonggi Province.

A man in his s named Son Min-ho
is the tenant.

He was a key figure
in the shocking incident

at White Night Village in the early s.

The White Night Village project was backed
by the government at the time.

Seonlinsu and Seonlindan were once called
the panacea and were sold like hotcakes.

And the project showed
endless potential for growth.

But the project had collapsed overnight
which came as a great shock.

But in the process of…

How could he put together
a segment this quickly?

No one was ever held
accountable for this incident.

The figure in the leadership role
was Son Min-ho.

We were able to get to the scene

because we were certain,
based on the warning letter,

that he was the next target
of the serial m*rder case,

as Son was not punished
for the incident from years ago.

Did the police have the same idea?

I am anticipating
how the police will handle this.

Ji-uk, the firefighters, paramedics,
and the police officers

are stuck down there
because of the parked cars.

They can't come up.

-Move back.
-You can't be here.

-Move back.
-Call them to move the car.

This is driving me crazy. Damn it!

You can't go mess with
the governmental authority. Goodness.

-Take a camera and go down.

Go film how they're making
a fool of themselves.

-You can't stay here without me.
-Go! I'll take care of this.

Damn it!

-He's here.
-Find Lieutenant Gong.

Lieutenant Gong.

But where are the fire trucks…

The fire trucks can't get up here.
Just find her.

Someone is upstairs. Over there!

-Over there!

Mr. Son?

Mr. Son.

Mr. Son.

Mr. Son.

Oh, no.


Mr. Son.

Mr. Son. Wake up. Please. Wake up, sir.

Dr. Leighton.

Find Lieutenant Gong Hye-won. Okay?

-Are you crazy?
-He's going in!

Start filming.

Lieutenant Gong. Find Lieutenant Gong.

Right. Someone ran into the burning fire.

It all happened so fast,
so no one could have stopped him.


Why aren't the fire trucks here?

What about the people?

Mr. Do.

The extent of the damage is
getting bigger than we can imagine.

There is a need for prompt on-site

but the fire trucks still haven't arrived,
so there's no--

-What's going on?

Where are the police? And the fire trucks?

Shouldn't you look for an ambulance first?

Mr. Do. Where is he?

Do Jeong-woo?
He went in there a while ago.

All alone.

My heart stopped
before I could realize what had happened.

I know Do Jeong-woo is crazy, but he
wouldn't jump into a fire without a plan!

The police believe it was arson.

Any personal information on the suspect?

He has no self-preservation instincts.

Instead of committing su1c1de,
he started a fire.

The person who set this up
to get their revenge…

-Dissociative identity disorder.
-Dissociative identity disorder.

She has multiple personalities.

Is it possible a person
I thought I knew all along

is actually a completely different person?

-Do you trust him that much?
-You can never fully know someone.

Superintendent Do knew everything.